InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Will ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It had seemed like forever since he had entered this home; his home. The once clean wooden floors were now covered in water spots and dust. He held back a sneeze that he felt coming.
It was apparent that nothing inside the enormous home had been touched, as he had feared. Ancient and scrolls still sat on the ancient tea table, as they had the morning his mother had passed. She had been strange the night before, and had brought the young Hanyou into her chambers. Her words refused to leave him to this day.
“Inu-Yasha…” He knew she was sick, and forgave her instantly for the long pauses between her words. It pained him to see his mother this way… “Son… Tomorrow, you may feel as if you would rather die… But I will not allow that. If you try something, Inu-Yasha… I swear you will never have an easy rest in your life. You have much more to live for than this…” Her frail hand made a gesture to the room, before it soundly collapsed on the bed beside her.
He could no longer hear her strained breath. All that met his twitching dog ears was silence; the kind of silence that makes even a grown man cry…
“Hahaoya! Hahaoya!” Tears stung at his eyes at her unresponsiveness. “HAHAOYA!” He let himself cry on his mother for the rest of the night.
It happened that his brother had found him there the next morning. Inu-Yasha's eyes had still been red and puffy, so Sesshou-Maru was quick to take him away from the scene.
Inu-Yasha shook his head to rid himself of the thoughts. That had been a whole life ago… he wanted to force himself to let it go, and yet he could not. All of the memories still hurt like a fresh wound. Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice the tiny framed young woman sleeping quaintly on the floor just before he'd reached his old bedroom until he stepped on her. She squeaked and he jumped back, drawing his sword.
She sat up quickly, startled. Inu-Yasha was first to speak, “Name yourself!” He watched as she shrank away from him, trying to fuse her body with the shadows.
“K-Kagome…” Her voice was faint like the distant cool breeze in the middle of summer. He instantly softened to her. His long hair fell over his shoulder as he sheathed his sword and kneeled in front of her. “I-I-I'm terribly sorry… to be here like t-this.” He nodded, a curious expression donning his face.
Her chocolate eyes were so deep, and beautiful. He found himself unable to keep his eyes from her thin complexion. He took a gentle hold of her chin. “Girl, do you know why you should not be here…?” After his mother's death, the village has pronounced the place haunted by the dead woman's ghost.
“N-no… I'm not from this village.” His face once again twisted into honest curiosity.
“Oh…” He stood. “Come, you've much explaining before the night ends.” She stood after him and followed him to the gathering room.
Kagome had been enjoying a dream about her mother before the young Ouji of the mansion had stepped on her… She awoke quickly, and immediately noticed the most mesmerizing pair of eyes staring straight into hers. She found it hard to speak, and when she did, she knew she'd sounded mouse-like.
She was uneasy, though, when a clawed hand took hold of her chin almost… sweetly? No, she must have been imagining things again. That's what happened when you were a few days (Or was it weeks? Hell if she could remember) without food. She only noticed his silver hair when he stood in front of her, summoning her into the commons room.
As he walked, she noticed that he was surveying the almost vacant house. She winced. It would be a miracle if she survived to tell of this story.
While she was in her quandary, they'd reached the large square room. It had to be at least fifty mat spaces both ways. She was shocked. He spoke up fist, once more. “Where are you from then?” She looked at him, then at the dusty floor they had disturbed.
“Gomenasai, Ouji-sama… I am from much further north.” She hesitated. The sight of him before the grand window had her catching her breath. She pulled the tattered shawl closer to her trembling frame. “There is a small town there. A woman from that town banished me…” She was reluctant to tell more, as she stared holes into the floor. Tears were bordering her eyes. “Ouji-sama… you won't… I mean I am a human… and I tried to…” She shook her head as he turned towards her, the same quizzical look on his dimly lit face. He was walking closer to her again.
She took a deep breath as he drew himself close enough for her to touch. She refrained however, as he timid nature begged her eyes back to the floor for the umpteenth time in that few minutes. “How did you get in here?” He was flitting his eyes around the house and then back to the young girl standing right before him.
He wasn't going to deny that underneath all the grime she'd been covered in, she was probably very attractive.
“I-I just walked in…” What kind of question was that…? She thought to herself. The question must have shown on her face, because he tried to explain.
“You walked passed the barrier?” He seemed genuinely surprised.
Her mouth formed an `Oh.' “That's what that was…?” She'd felt the harsh pull through her body when she entered, but it had been so covered by her lack of sleep that she'd hardly cared to give it a second thought. “Ouji-sama… I was a miko.” She reached a hand in her pocket and pulled the stone from her pocket. “I've been up here for at least a day, hoping you might come back.”
She held out the small stone for him to see. His voice caught in his throat. “Shikon no Tama?!” He didn't reach for it, as much as he'd wanted to. If this girl was the guardian, he knew she would be forced to protect it.
“Kikyou- sama… asked me to give this to you. Right before… she died…” Her eyes strained to meet his, and she regretted it as soon as she did. He put a clawed hand to her throat and tried to choke her life from her.
--- Mou! It's been so long! Well I'm trying ^ ^ I hope I'll be able to do my others sometime in the near future too.