InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Will ❯ Ouji-Sama ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome was no match for the angry half demon. “G-Gomenasai… Ouji-sama…” She couldn't keep her eyes open. Her back was pressed firmly against a sturdy wall, and her feet were not reaching the floor. He did not let her go; rather, he held her neck tighter as she tried an apology. A small noise came from her lips. She tried lifting her hand to his face, to show him the jewel, but to no avail. Her vision was beginning to blur when he let her go.
“Shikon No Tama, bitch,” were the only words he offered. It was funny how quickly his demeanor had changed at the mention of Kikyou's name.
Kagome held the jewel within her grasp tighter. She could only speak softly from her position on the floor. “Inu-Yasha- Ouji-sama… She asked me to give it to you so that you could wish to go to hell for her…” She coughed, “She said you owed it to her…” She saw him advance towards her. The look on his face was pained, and no longer angry.
“Who are you!?” He was right beside her now, and she still lay curled on the floor as best she could. “How do you know all of this?!”
“Ouji-sama… Kikyou-sama was my sister… She…she died a while ago. I've been searching for you… She told me about you, Inu-Yasha - Ouji-sama.” She stopped when he kneeled down to her level. He took her by the shoulder and tried to put her on her back, so he could get another look at her face.
She was out cold.
It felt as if the night was just a few minutes, because when Kagome woke again, the sunshine was filtering through the window in front of the bed she was laying on. She had trouble opening her eyes at first, but she soon was full awake. `Where… am…” She shot up. She couldn't help but dart her eyes around the room nervously. She sat on a clean bed, quite out of place with the rest of the room.
All of the furniture was a dark oak, covered with dust. It had been ages since anyone had been in this room, yet she was wrapped up in a clean, silk sheet. She could smell nothing dank or dusty in the bed. She was confused. Had the young Ouji bathed her…?
Realizing that she was still sitting up on her hands, she looked down. She'd felt a slight breeze on skin that ought not be exposed. Staring back at her was her own chest. She let out a squeak and dove back under the sheets, a light pink dusting over her cheeks.
The boy had… undressed her… The thought brought her face to a darker shade of blush. She heard the door open from her position under the bedding. And she acquired an even darker shade to her face.
The step pattern was one of a woman's. It was too light, too graceful to be a man. She peeked the top of her pink face out from the silk. There, before the dresser, stood a young woman, not much older than herself, humming a foreign tune. She jumped when she saw the curious girl's eyes from under the bed.
“Ah! Miss. Kagome, is it?” When she spoke, her voice was tinted with a heavy accent. She hadn't heard it before.
She nodded in response to the girl's question. She couldn't help but notice the way the young woman stood. She had long, russet hair that was pulled into a messy knot on her back.
“Inu-Yasha called me, he did. Said he'd had a girl wander into this place, he did.” She turned back to her chores. She had a wet cloth in her hand and was quickly tidying the surfaces around her. “He doesn't know that I cleaned you and such, but I think he's avoiding you like the plague anyways. Oh how rude of me, huh?” Kagome was sitting up again, careful to keep the cloth covering her, for simple modesty. “I'm Sango. Hinamata Sango.” She smiled a smile that reached her eyes quickly. This woman was stunning, she realized.
Kagome was silent. She knew that she must look like Hell. Her sunken eyes and pale, thinning cheeks lent to her homeless appearance. She looked at the bed she was on. It was simple elegance, like the rest of the room. “Sango-sama…?” She watched the young woman blush.
“Mou! Just Sango, you're embarrassing me.”
“Sango…” She winced as she said the name. It had been a long time since someone had treated her this way. “Where have my clothes gone…?” Her voice was quiet and she quickly began blushing again.
“They were beyond repair. Gomenasai… I sorta' threw them out. I took out all of the seemingly important things, I did. See?” She opened the wooden drawer to show her. Among the items were her swatches of red clothing, and the Shikon No Tama.
“Thank you, Sango-sa…” She cut herself off. “Sango,” they shared a smile. It took a minute for the older girl to remember what she was supposed to be doing, but when she did, she quickly returned to the task at hand.
“Mou. Kagome. I heard that you knew Kikyou, hm?” Sango's back straightened a bit, and her voice was hushed as she finished the rest of her comment, “Always had a stick up her ass if ya ask me. Dun see what Inu-Yasha saw in her.” Kagome had to stifle her giggles.
Kagome smiled a bit. “She was my older sister.” Sango whipped around quickly, an apologetic look graced her features. Kagome waved it off. “Always thought that, too.” Kagome grimaced. “She… She wanted me to deliver something to Ouji-sama… And I've failed at that…”
“Ouji-sama?” Sango's curious gaze befell upon Kagome. She nodded hurriedly.
“Inu-Yasha-ouji-sama.” Sango's burst of laughter left Kagome both blushing and positively confused.
This chapter seems so short….*Sigh* 2:30…….. A.M. I might finish another chapter tonight and have it up tomorrow night. I'd really appreciate betas. It would be very interesting to hear a bit of input. If anyone's interested My e-mail is
“So whisper it once, tell me again,
C'mon, whisper it twice,
I cant stand to see my whole life flash before my eyes
When I'm with you there's no point in breathing,
No point in breathing”
-The Format
Tie The Rope
Just what I happened to be listening to.