InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Wonderland Reality ❯ Down the Rabbit Hole ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Wonderland Reality
Down the Rabbit Hole
“Kagome, Kagome! Are you even listening,” her teacher asked sitting by a large tree.
“Yes, but it's so boring,” Kagome said emphasizing `so', sitting on a branch weaving a flower wreath, her cat Kirara sat in front of her and meowed.
“You're turning 17 next July, so you must learn this if you are to be a suitable wife,” the teacher scolded.
“You're turning 17, you need to grow up, accept responsibility, be a good wife, become a mother,” Kagome mocked scratching her kitten's ear. “I'm sick of hearing all that, I don't want to get married, nor am I ready, I don't want to marry some old fart that's blind as a bat,” she said scrunching her nose up at the thought.
“That doesn't happen nearly as often as it used to, dear. And you're learning everything you are in order to get you ready. And you'll hear that until you are wed.” Her teacher responded, “Besides I know many girls who were betrothed at birth and are happily married, your friend Sango she was wed when she was 15. As far as age goes my dear, you are one of the older ones to be married.”
Kagome sighed, “I don't want to marry someone I don't know, I mean all my parents have to do is find a bachelor and their parents, or the bachelor himself, agree and boom I'm betrothed and they don't even have to tell me that they're have, or that they're planning the wedding.”
“I've heard that you're parents are negotiating with a family as we speak and have been for quite some time,” Kagome's head jerked up and she lost her balance and fell out of the tree. Continuing, her teacher said, “I heard the man that they're after is slightly older than you, and extremely handsome. You'll meet him if you two are betrothed.”
Kirara jumped down holding the unfinished wreath in her mouth and placed it on the ground next to Kagome, “What! I don't care if I meet him eventually, I want to love the person I marry, and I want to choose who it is, not have it chosen for me.”
Her teacher glanced at her pupil and sighed, “In your world perhaps, call it Wonderland if you will. Now may we continue and you pay attention perhaps, thank you.” Not once looking for a response she continued reading out of the history book, attempting to teach her zealous student full of dreams and a naivety most people in their day and age lacked.
`Wonderland,' Kagome thought, `oh, what a wonderland it'd be. What ever wasn't would be: desert before the meal, no lessons only fun, fun, and more fun.'
Picking up Kirara she walked to a flower field and said to her kitten, “In my world, you'd talk, walk, dress, and do as humans do Kirara.”
The kitten looked at her as if she were mad as she continued, “I'd choose who I'd marry, and when as well.”
Settling by a brook she dangled her hand in the water, memorized by the ripples. All of a sudden her cat started to meow frantically, Kagome looked at her cat and glanced at the direction Kirara was looking and returned her gaze to the water. Nonchalantly she said, “It's just a toad with a stick with two shrunken heads wearing an odd little brown robe.” Her words sunk into her brain all too quickly as she wondered, “shrunken heads, now why in the world would he have a staff with shrunken heads.'
Getting up she yelled, “Excuse me Mr. Toad, where are you going?”
The toad looked at her and then one of the shrunken head's mouths opened and a gold watch came out of it, it looked at the watch and, “Ach! I'm late no time to deal with you human, I'm late for a very important date!” With that the little toad ran off, jumping from one rock to the next across the brook.
“Where do you suppose he's going, maybe a tea party?” Kagome asked Kirara. “Mr. Toad, wait for me!” she called running after him.
The toad didn't turn around as she followed, having longer legs starting to catch up. The strange little green toad ran into a hole, very similar to a rabbit hole. Running up to the hole Kagome went on all fours and peered into the hole as Kirara caught up, “It's so dark,” Kagome said as she began to worm her way in the hole, “we really shouldn't be doing this, it's rude to go somewhere uninvited…” she never finished as she slipped and tumbled forward. As she fell she called out to Kirara, “Buh bye Kirara!”
She fell and as she fell she was doing summersaults in the air, then her dress puffed out like an umbrella allowing her to fall slowly and gently, reaching out Kagome found what felt to be a lamp. She flicked the switch and the whole area came to life. Around her were tables, mirrors where her reflection was upside down, she saw a book and picked it up before she floated past it. Opening it she began to read, much to her delight there were pictures in them, when she landed in a chair she was caught off guard and let go of the book which stayed frozen in the air as Kagome and the rocking chair went further and further down. She rocked back and realized that she rocked farther back than her intention and she fell forward on the rebound. Falling quickly for a moment before stopping upside down seeing the green toad she quickly disentangled herself from what seemed to be a fire place.
Not paying it any mind Kagome tried to follow the toad through winding halls filled with many a door. She would've thought she lost him, assuming it was male, if it weren't for the fact that she just saw a door close. Hurrying toward it she wriggled through it and saw another door close, she did, however, realize that this was a very large room for such a small door. Running toward it she turned the knob surprised when she heard it exclaim in pain, she fell back, blinking in wonder as the door knob's eyes mouth began to move and appear.
“Ow, that was quite the good turn don't you think?” the door knob laughed at its own joke, while Kagome just sat back on her ass in disbelief, staring at the thought-to-be inanimate object.
Shifting so she was on her knees she coughed a little interrupting the knob's laughing fit, “Excuse me, sir? Have you seen a little green toad? I'm looking for him.”
Blinking the knob said, “See for yourself,” with that he opened his mouth wide, and Kagome peered into the key hole. Through the door she saw the little green toad running as fast as his short legs could carry him. Again in almost frantic she begged the door to let her through.
It merely responded, “I'm locked and you're too big. Something on the table might help though. One will make you bigger and the other will make you smaller.”
She scrambled up from her kneeling position over to the table. On it she found two drinks. She picked up one and took a sip of it, then she discovered it tasted like custard. It wasn't until she looked down that she realized she was getting bigger.
Overwhelmed, Kagome had to bend over so she didn't hit her head on the ceiling. Suddenly she began to cry say through her over sized tears how unfair everything was. She some how picked up the tiny bottle that was smaller than her pinky finger at least ten times over.
Kagome poured the tiny contents into her mouth while remembering not to swallow the bottle. She was still crying and didn't notice she was small again until she fell, and landed in the bottle she just drank out of in a sea of her tears. The pressure of her tears finally got to the door knob and it burst open, creating a tidal wave of tears.
She screamed and screamed her heart out, expecting this to be her dieing day. She couldn't comprehend fully why she'd stopped and by some crows none-the-less. Kagome managed to climb out of the bottle a little and saw to her astonishment that they were circling another bird.
“Have you seen a little green toad?” Kagome asked bracing herself over the edge of the bottle.
The pipe smoking bird pointed a clawed toe in a direction to her right. Kagome pulled herself out of the bottle and fell to the ground; she got up and ran in the direction the bird had pointed. Apparently, the birds were not happy she left the circle revolving around the pipe smoking bird, Kagome could hear them squawking behind her in fury.
Now, she was in a dark forest and entirely lost. She had been on a path and then it suddenly ended. Everything looked the same to her, except for the clearing she just came upon.
The clearing was the only bright spot she'd seen while her stay here in the forest and there was a large log of a fallen tree in the middle of it. She stepped into the middle of it and looked around debating which direction to go next.
Suddenly, two pudgy demons stood in front of her and she screamed in surprise. She had jumped back and fell over the log and was now looking up at the two demons.
An eerie smile graced their pudgy faces as they bent over, grabbed her arms, and hoisted her up. Kagome was now sitting in wonder atop the log as the two demons assembled in front of her a few feet away.
Gathering herself, Kagome asked “have either of you seen a little green toad?”
Much to her dismay they didn't answer her question, they started an odd little story instead. It was something about a walrus, a carpenter, and a bunch of oysters. In it the walrus convinced all the little oysters to go on a walk with him while his carpenter friend built a restaurant. Once the walking party arrived at the restaurant the carpenter was making a meal to put the oysters in, and when he returned the walrus had eaten them all. In his fury the carpenter spent the rest of his days chasing the walrus trying to kill his ex-friend.
Kagome decided it would be best to get out of there before they started another story, so back into the dark forest she went.