InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Wonderland Reality ❯ Big and Small ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Wonderland Reality
Big and Small
When Kagome finally exited the gloomy forest her feet ached and she felt as if she were about to collapse. The long tenacious walk was worth it because of the sight before her.
Before Kagome was the green toad running into a house, frantic as ever. With renewed energy, Kagome ran up to the house and had to bang on the door for the toad to have a chance to hear through his squawking.
His squawking behind the door approached. And the door flung open revealing the little toad. At the sight of her the already impossibly wide eyes managed to widen even more.
“What are you doing here human?” The little toad spat, choking out the word human.
Kagome huffed but stood her ground, “I just wanted to talk to you.” The toad stifled a laugh before responding.
“I don't have time for a human like you. I have to find my hat!” The little green toad ran off and up some stairs, forgetting to close the door.
Kagome hesitantly stepped into the little house and looked around. To her horror there were multitudes of shrunken heads, probably to replace the two on the staff eventually. Unable to remain near the grisly site, Kagome ran up the stairs calling to the little toad, “I could help!”
All around her the sight was worse than down stairs, here there were mountains of shrunken heads. Kagome was gasping for breath with wide eyes at the sight around her. Somewhere, behind some mountains of heads, she heard the sputter of the demon before he realized what time it really was. He yelled at her with a voice full of disdain saying the hat was black.
Kagome refused to touch the heads and tried to stay away from the shriveled shrunken heads as much as she could. She was so horrified and disgusted with the heads around her that she didn't even notice the toad yelling he found it and running down stairs wearing a little black hat that was smaller than his head a good three times.
She wandered through the upper level of the seemingly innocent house to find a plate of cookies that seemed horribly out of place amongst the shriveled shrunken heads. In a way it was like a rush of fresh air while being horribly disturbing.
Her stomach rumbled, signaling Kagome's hunger. It made the cookies all the more tempting. Surely not all the food in this place would make her shrink or grow; at least that's what her logical side said. However, a tiny part of her said it's better to be safe than sorry and not eat anything. But, no one listens to that side most of the time.
So, of course, Kagome picked up a cookie from the pink plate and bit into it. This time she realized that she was growing and didn't stop until her she was the size of the house, having broken the floor. Realization sunk in, she was touching all of those heads! Kagome groaned, disgusted but unable to do anything else about it.
Her arms had broken windows a foot was out of the door and another through yet another window. She could see with one eye because it too was by a window. The little toad was screeching and screeching and ran away. Kagome looked around her to try to find a way out of the situation.
The toad came back with a two-headed dragon, he was squawking at it in his annoying voice. She knew something was going to happen if she didn't shrink soon. Kagome saw the toad become impatient with the dragon and whirled around to face her. With his staff in his grubby little hands, one of the head's mouths opened and fire came out of it. It was then that she saw little mushrooms, well they were little to her, and she picked one up ignoring the toad's squawking protests.
The heat of the fire was really getting to her, beginning to suffocate her and she had to get out of there. Soon, her hair would catch on fire and she couldn't begin to imagine how horrible that would be.
Some how she managed to get her arm around the house to where she could stick her tongue out and get the mushroom to eat it. Even with the flames beginning to lick her bare flesh she did this and immediately shrunk to a tiny size just outside of the house.
Kagome plummeted to the ground with wide eyes; no sound escaped her throat as her life flashed before her eyes. The ground neared and neared and neared, the longer her impending doom awaited the more ragged her breath became until it became caught in it. Eventually, she just closed her eyes and waited for death to come.
When she finally opened her eyes, Kagome stared up at leaves, she assumed they had broken her fall or she was dead. After she lifted a hand she pinched her arm, twisting the flesh a bit knowing that if she were dead she wouldn't feel the sharp pain. She yelped, and was reassured that she was indeed alive, some how.
Kagome sat up with a stiff back and forced herself to stand up and walk into what looked like a forest to her but was nothing more than a garden.
Around plant stems and leaves and grass she went, not totally sure which way she was going.
“Aw what a cute little flower bud,” a voice said suddenly. In shock, Kagome jumped around and looked around frantically.
“Who's there?” She asked terrified, she saw no one.
“Why the flowers my dear,” a different, almost melodic voice answered.
“What,” her words died in her throat as she saw the flowers around her have faces and were beaming at her.
Some pansies near her asked in a child-like voice, “Who are you?”
“Ka-Kagome,” was her shocked reply.
“Well darling, you seem awfully tired,” was the melodic reply, coming from a beautiful red rose. One of her large leaves swept down and lifted Kagome's much smaller form up.
“Perhaps a song will make you feel better.”
Before she could reply, Kagome was the audience of the flower's song. It was elaborate and beautiful, actually she had no idea if it was elaborate or not music was ever her strong point.
((I'm too lazy to type in the song, and I don't know the words))
An orchid at the end of the song asked in a snobby voice, “What kind of flower are you?”
“Pardon me?” Kagome forced herself to use her manners with them as she was set down.
The pansies poked her skirt with their leaves and said with child-like innocence, “You have such funny petals. What kind of flower are you?”
“I don't believe she is a flower at all, I believe she is a weed.” The orchid answered, the last word said with such repulse that it disgusted Kagome too.
“I am not,” she defended hotly; “I'm a human!”
But, none of the flowers would hear any of it; they were pushing her out of the garden saying they wouldn't ever want a weed in their garden.
She called back in fury, “If I were my normal size I'd pick you all!” With that she `hmphed' away, not knowing where she was going, not that it mattered she was tiny.