InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mysophobia ❯ All in the Family ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha

Chapter 4: All in the Family

“UGH! I can’t believe this!” Kagome yelled in frustration. Miroku about jumped out of his skin at her random outburst. Kagome looked very much angry as they approached the shrine steps and Miroku was hesitant to ask what was wrong, fearing he did something.

“Uh Kagome-chan, what’s wrong?” asked Miroku nervously.

Kagome reached into the pocket of her black jeans and pulled out a piece of paper. “This is what’s wrong! I got this note from the front office, it says that Gym is a required part of PE and if I don’t take it I can’t graduate!” Miroku took the note and read it a slow smile spreading on his face.

“Which means you’ll be moved out of that class you have with Inuyasha right? Too bad, no more project bringing him over all the time…” Miroku said in false sadness. Kagome glared at him briefly then grinned.

“No I’ll still have that class, turns out these new guys just came to our school and most of them have that block for PE so it is filled, they are moving me out of Art III and into PE for fourth block.” Kagome said sticking her tongue out at Miroku when she finished.

Miroku sighed sadly. “Inuyasha told me he has PE fourth block dang it, that’s three out of seven classes together…” Miroku stomped ahead of Kagome up the stairs and at this news from her cousin she silently cheered. Maybe PE wouldn’t be so bad with Inuyasha there!

Kagome and Miroku got into the house and went their separate ways. Kagome went up stairs and into the bathroom to wash off any germs she might have picked up between her morning shower and the walk home. Kagome was removing all of her protective clothing after she thoroughly sprayed the bathroom clean when she spotted the toothbrush Inuyasha left with her a week ago. Kagome blushed slightly and ducked her head. She hadn’t got up the courage to use it and instead went through at least 10 jugs of Listerine. Kagome turned on the water knob to hot and as steam filled the bathroom she stepped in. The only time she was ever naked was now she didn’t even go into her room to change. Kagome sighed as she scrubbed her skin thoroughly. She hadn’t been making much progress if anything things have been getting worse. Ever since the first book project meeting with Inuyasha where she removed her face mask just to spite Miroku she never got up the guts to make another attempt at making a step towards recovery, but Inuyasha wasn’t rushing her though.

Kagome’s eyes went half lidded a little…
…Inuyasha…he’s been so nice to me…We’ve only really known each other for a week but…it seems like we’re the best of friends, like REAL friends. Sango and Miroku we’re the only FRIENDS I had for the longest time I guess I forgot what it was like to feel wanted. Sango and Miroku are nice enough but they always seem to be so…careful around me like if they try to become closer friends with me I might break but Inuyasha definitely isn’t like that…he is so…forward.

Kagome blushed furiously and was about to reach over and turn off the shower since she had finished washing her hair and body but there was a sudden pounding on the door. Kagome jumped ten feet in the air with a scream.

“Kagome? You in there? I thought we had reading to do today…” Inuyasha called through the door. Kagome gasped in realization and turned off the water. “Hey…now that I think about it what do you wear when you take a shower or bath?” Inuyasha’s amused tone was evident to Kagome and she felt her face heat up. “No answer? Then you must be wearing nothing, let puppy in kitten!” Inuyasha teased.

“No way you pervert!” Kagome squeaked and once she was all dressed she opened the door. Inuyasha smirked and eyed her up and down appreciating the water’s affects on her clothing. Kagome glared up at Inuyasha who leaned over and sniffed, he snarled up his nose and jerked back.

“Your breath stinks bitch.” Inuyasha growled. Kagome’s eyes widened and she quickly jumped back into the bathroom and slammed the door. Outside Inuyasha grinned mischievously. ‘I’m such a good actor; I should get an award.’ Inuyasha thought proudly. Inuyasha leaned against the door to hear the running faucet but he didn’t hear any brushing which made him frown.

Inside Kagome knew Inuyasha was listening at the door and she glanced down at his toothbrush. ‘H-He said he only u-used it once!’ she thought desperately as she picked it up and ran it under the water for a little. She then put some toothpaste on it and brought it to her mouth. She grinded her teeth in frustration as every time she brought the brush towards her teeth her arm seemed to refuse to move. Kagome tried desperately but when she began to perspire with the effort she gave up and dropped it. “I can’t do it Inuyasha!” Kagome yelled through the door.

Inuyasha’s ears flipped back and he frowned. Kagome could feel his disappointment even as he walked away and she determinedly picked up the brush. “I can do it…” She brought it up and as it came to her mouth her arm began to not cooperate again. “Indirect kiss…indirect kiss…” Kagome mumbled under her breathe in a mantra until finally she was about to connect the toothbrush with her teeth, she brushed furiously for two a minute then she spat out the paste. She rinsed off the toothbrush with a victory smile on her face. She put on her face mask and jogged to her room to find Inuyasha flipping through Brave New World.

“I did it Inuyasha!” Kagome cheered. Inuyasha looked up surprised and smirked.

“Really? That’s good! What changed after I left though?” asked Inuyasha.

Kagome blushed and looked down at her feet. “I guess I was just nervous with you on the other side of the door is all.” Kagome gasped and realized she hadn’t put on the paper shoes. Inuyasha noticed this as well and halted her before she left the room.

“Don’t got put them, if you were able to forget to put them on then you don’t really need them.” Inuyasha said and pointed to the bed. Kagome looked at the box in the hallway longingly and then went to sit next to Inuyasha. “Alright kitten; it’s your turn to read.” Inuyasha gave her the book and Kagome situated herself comfortable against the wall. Inuyasha laid out on her bed like a lazy dog and waited for her to start reading. Kagome began to read in her soft tinkling voice and Inuyasha closed his eyes relaxing at the soothing sound. Kagome noticed Inuyasha falling asleep and a little irritated she poked his chest. Inuyasha jerked awake in surprise and stared at Kagome. “You…you touched me!” Kagome’s eyes widened.

“Hey! I can bring myself to touch people as long as I’m wearing gloves! I’m not THAT much of a freak!” Kagome said irritated.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “Whatever…why’d you poke me anyway?” he grouched.

“You were falling asleep! Is my voice that droning that you fall asleep after like two minutes!” demanded Kagome her face getting red in embarrassment.

Inuyasha pointed to a clock with an indigent face. “It’s been an hour you psycho wench! Your voice isn’t droning so stop freaking out!” Kagome glanced at the clock and blinked in surprise.

“Oh…oops! Sorry puppy!” Kagome apologized in a not so convincing way.

Inuyasha’s eye twitched. “That’s it! You freak out on me and all I get is an “oops! Sorry puppy!”” Inuyasha did a terrible impersonation of Kagome at the end with batting eyelashes and everything.

Kagome glared. “I didn’t say it like that dog boy!”





Inuyasha blinked. “Is all you can think of dog insults?”

“You should talk! “Bitch!”” Kagome made her voice way low and crossed her eyes. Inuyasha began to growl and was about to retaliate when there were two roaring laughter’s filling the room. Inuyasha and Kagome looked at the door to see Sango and Miroku laughing uncontrollably.

“And you were worried that they would be getting along too well!” Sango said looking at Miroku with tears in her eyes. Miroku nodded unable to say anything he was laughing so hard. Kagome and Inuyasha rolled their eyes and glared at their friends.
“What do you losers want?” griped Inuyasha

Sango grinned wickedly. “I want some girl time with Kagome! You gotta go with Miroku and have some guy fun!” Sango laughed.

Miroku snarled up his nose. “That sounded so wrong Sango my love but I wouldn’t mind watching this “girl time”” Miroku grinned and waggled his eyebrows at Sango who reflexively slapped him.

Inuyasha snorted and crossed his arms. “It’s my turn with kitten so you can just go fk off Sango!” Inuyasha growled.

Sango glared and marched over to Inuyasha she latched onto his ear and dragged him out of the room like school boy in trouble. Inuyasha yipped and whimpered in pain at the rough handling of his sensitive ears. A/N: Poor Inuyasha! Ill rub them for you! rubs Inuyasha’s ears Inuyasha:purr) Kagome watched all this happen worriedly and when Sango slammed the door on the two boys Kagome gave Sango a weak smile.

“You know, you could have hurt him…” Kagome said softly.

Sango rolled her eyes. “I didn’t hurt your lover boy!” Sango plopped down on the bed near a blushing Kagome. “So…how are things going?”

“Good, I’m making some progress actually!” Kagome said proudly. Sango got a slightly pained expression but it was quickly replaced by a smile.

“That’s good…what do you think of Inuyasha?” asked Sango with a grin.

Kagome felt her face heat up AGAIN. “He’s a really good friend…”


“What do you want me to say! We’re just friends!”

“That blush says otherwise.” Sango teased. Kagome grinned at her.

“And what about you and my cousin hmm?”

“What about him! He’s a lecher!” Sango squeaked.

“Ah! Like you don’t like his antics!” Kagome said sarcastically. Sango glared halfheartedly.

“You’ve changed a lot since you met Inuyasha…you’re more…out going.”

“Inuyasha treats me like everyone else and I feel good around him…” Kagome shrugged.

“How’s your brother doing?”

Downstairs in the kitchen Inuyasha dropped his chopsticks abruptly and stared at Miroku with a frown. His ramen actually FORGOTTEN! (A/N: O.O)

Miroku stared at Inuyasha with his intense blue eyes. “Kagome’s dad is in an asylum, that’s why you’ve never seen him around.”

“Oh…why is he there?” asked Inuyasha.

Miroku looked down at his bowl of ramen. “Her father has a lot of mental problems, as does his sister, Kagome’s aunt.” When Inuyasha nodded for him to go on Miroku sighed again. “It’s kinda depressing to talk about but you should know…Kagome’s father has mysophobia like Kagome, though phobias haven’t been found to be genetic disorders they can be impressed onto children but Kagome’s had it since she was four years old which is strange. Her father also has a behavior disorder and Kagome’s little brother Souta has the same exact disorder.”

“What is this behavior disorder?” asked Inuyasha.

“Souta and Kagome’s father do everything in groups of three.”

“Huh!” Inuyasha gasped very confused.

“For example…Souta will open and shut a door three times before entering, he’ll take three steps pause then three more steps when he walks and he also has been prone to repeat things three times. He can’t help it.” Said Miroku. “Her father is also prone to depression and suicide which is why he is in the asylum. Kagome’s aunt is in there because she has a severe case of schizophrenia.” Said Miroku looking at Inuyasha pointedly. Inuyasha was staring down at his ramen so he didn’t catch the hint Miroku was trying to throw him.

“Why do I never see her brother?” asked Inuyasha.

“Oh right, you’ve only been around for a week. Souta has been on a college campus nearby in the afternoons helping with testing on his disorder. He should be back today, you’ll like him he’s a nice kid.” Suddenly there was the door bell ringing, then again, then again. “That’ll be him!” Miroku hopped off the stool and went to the door. Miroku opened the door for the young boy that looked a lot like Kagome but was much tanner than her and of course a boy.

Souta walked in and immediately Inuyasha noticed the effects his disorder had on him. Souta took three steps paused and took three more until he finally reached Inuyasha. “Hello. Hello. Hello.” Souta repeated. Inuyasha noticed Souta’s hand out and Inuyasha smiled, this kid thinks he’s an adult. Inuyasha shook his hand and noticed that after three shakes Souta pulled away.

“Souta right?” Inuyasha asked, already knowing it was him.

“Yes. Yes. Yes.” Souta said in a rush. For people with Souta’s condition it is more common for them to repeat small sentences three times rather than long ones though they do have a tendency to only talk for three seconds at a time when they talk for long periods. “Who are you?”

“Inuyasha, friends with Miroku, Kagome, and Sango.” Said Inuyasha. Souta looked up at Inuyasha surprise and blinked three times.

“Kagome? Kagome? Kagome?” Souta repeated confused.

“Don’t worry about it Souta. Let’s go play on your X-box!” Miroku said happily. Souta nodded eagerly and looked at Inuyasha.

“Wanna play with us!” asked Souta excitedly thinking Inuyasha looked really cool in his goth attire. Inuyasha shrugged and followed the Miroku and the boy into another room. Inuyasha watched Souta turn the game on and off three times before turning it on to play and Inuyasha couldn’t help but think to himself. ‘Why do I get the feeling I’ll never be bored at the Higurashi shrine?’

A/N: Hey! I was sick today so I got to stay home and work on this! cheer Tell me what you think people and next chapter will be Gym Class where Kagome has to wear the dress out clothes that she does in the show! Wonder what Inuyasha will do when he sees her like that waggles eyebrows REVIEW!