InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mysophobia ❯ Puppy and Kitten ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha

Chapter 3: Puppy and Kitten

It’s been a month since Inuyasha agreed to leave Kagome alone. He hasn’t talked to her at all or approached her since then and Inuyasha was attempting to put the young girl out of his mind, so he agreed to go out with some slutty girl in the school named Kikyou. An easy lay is what he had in mind when he agreed to go out to a club with her but he had one problem, no matter where he went he could swear he saw Kagome out of the corner of his eye. When he took Kikyou home on his motorcycle, it just got out of the shop, he was invited inside for some obvious after date activities but he was stopped by a nagging voice in the back of his head. ‘You’ve only stopped pursuing kitten for two weeks and youre already going to sleep around with stupid wenches like this?’ The thought was crazy seeing as he had only talked to Kagome once, they weren’t in a relationship, but sleeping with Kikyou felt like cheating and so Inuyasha denied her and left her rudly standing infront of her house.

Inuyasha sighed tiredly and leaned back in his chair deciding to try and get a few winks seeing as he was in one of his elective classes, Science Fiction/Fantasy. Inuyasha frowned suddenly smelling the distinct smell of disinfectant spray; he opened his eyes to see Kagome holding up a note to the teacher. The teacher read it and pointed to an empty seat on Inuyasha’s right. Kagome took the seat after wiping it down with a rag and 409. Inuyasha straightened in his seat removing his feet from the top of his desk.

Kagome looked at him and smiled shyly. “Inuyasha? I didn’t know you had this class…”

Inuyasha gave her a fanged grin. They finally got to talk again. “What ever happened to “Puppy?” asked Inuyasha.

Kagome smile grew behind the surgical mask. “Actually that had slipped my mind but if you INSIST that I call you that who am I to deny you that simple pleasure?” Inuyasha laughed and Kagome joined him that is until the teacher’s loud shout boomed through the room.

“SILENCE!” The teacher spared the two a glare and began to start the lesson. Kagome took out a spiral notebook wrapped in plastic and Inuyasha watched her open it and remove a single page of the book from the plastic folds. She reached into her book bag which Inuyasha noticed to also be wrapped in plastic. She pulled out a pencil which she fumbled with because of her gloves and when it began to fall towards the ground Kagome eeped realizing it would hit the filthy tile floors. Inuyasha used his quick reflexes and caught it. Inuyasha gave it back to her and after she wiped it off with a rag she wrote something on a page she ripped from the book and set it on Inuyasha’s desk.

Inuyasha blinked in surprise and opened the note.

“Thanks! Phew! That was close if you hadn’t caught it I would never be able to use it again.” Inuyasha raised an eyebrow and felt a grin tug at his lips. Her antics were so amusing he couldn’t help but smile. Inuyasha took out his pencil and wrote something on the paper.

Kagome saw the note on her desk and her eyes widened. Inuyasha whipped his head around at the sound of something spraying to see Kagome spray a thin layer of disinfectant on the note. She then opened it with the tips of her fingers and read it. “LOL It was no problem…anything to help you with your problem.” Kagome’s face softened and she pocketed the note. After an hour of note taking on the types of themes in science fiction literature the teacher stopped talking and changed the subject.

“Which leads us to our first project. You will all pair up and form little book study groups, you and your partner will read a book outside of class together and discuss what you read; you will then present what you talked about to the class. You get to pick your own book as long as it is Science Fiction. Now…Everyone pick a partner!”

Inuyasha knew his best friend Miroku would hate him if he got kitten as his partner so he began to look around for a hot girl to ask but was surprised when he heard Kagome say his name. “Inuyasha? Um…can you be my partner?” Inuyasha stood and looked at Kagome who also stood and smiled at him nervously.

“Wont your cousin be mad?”

“No…you two are better friends now and it’s only a project…besides…” Kagome trailed off.


“I…I want you to help me stop this!” Kagome yelled in a rush. Inuyasha stared down at the girl in surprise. “I don’t want to be mysophobic anymore…please…?” Inuyasha smirked.

“Alright! So…about the project…” at that moment the bell rang. “Oh well…how about I come to your house after school?”

Kagome was reeling she didn’t expect him to agree let alone go off suddenly with plans for the project. “Uh…sure, Ill give you my address…”

“Nah! I got your phone number from Miroku, you two do live together right?” Kagome nodded. “Then Ill just google your address…no problem! Well gotta go to gym bye kitten!”

“Bye puppy…” Kagome whispered under her breathe.

Inuyasha ringed the door bell of the house situated deep into the shrine grounds. Inuyasha was greeted by a confused Miroku. “Inuyasha? What are you doing here?” asked Miroku. Inuyasha was hesitant to answer knowing that he might slam the door in his face but when he saw Kagome padding down the stairs he got a confident smirk.

“Im here to work on a project with kitten.” Inuyasha said smugly. Miroku got a slight scowl and looked over his shoulder at Kagome in a protective way.

“It’s true Miroku so let him in…” Kagome said.

“You two don’t have any classes together.” Said Miroku.

“Yes we do, we had chemistry together since he came to our school and I was just moved into his Science Fiction/Fantasy class.” Kagome said with her arms crossed. Inuyasha thought her irritated body language was amusing.

Miroku turned his back on Inuyasha to face Kagome. “You were moved to a different class? Why?”

“The Health half of PE is over so I can’t stay for the actual sports part you know that!” Kagome said in frustration. Miroku opened his mouth to argue but Kagome waved Inuyasha in and the two left a stunned Miroku in the entrance way. Kagome and Inuyasha went up stairs and Inuyasha looked around, he spotted a room at the end of the hallway with a trashcan on one side of the door and a box on the other. Kagome walked towards it removes the strange paper footies over her shoes and threw them away she put on a new pair and opened her door with a clothe she pulled out of a closet next to her room.

Her room was very disturbing, the walls were covered in newspaper which were covered by plastic sheets. Her bed was the only surface not covered in plastic and it had at least a hundred blankets laying on it making it twice as tall as it should be. Kagome shuffled across the plastic mats on her floor and looked back at Inuyasha expectantly. Inuyasha was about to walk in when…

“NO! Put on the paper shoes!” Kagome squeaked. Inuyasha looked at her like she had lost it and shook his head.

“No way am I wearing those! Let’s call this the first step in your recovery.” Inuyasha said and stepped into the room. Kagome began to breathe heavily as she stared down at his shoes touching her floor. Kagome shakily sat down on her bed and was surprised when Inuyasha joined her. Kagome scooted away from him and Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “Alright the project…” Inuyasha took off his backpack ignoring Kagome’s nervous glance at it. He pulled out three books. “These are the only Science Fiction books I have…” Kagome picked them up after putting another pair of latex gloves over the ones she already was wearing. Kagome read the covers and frowned.

“These are okay and all but none of them were on the list of suggested books.”

“Yeah I know…hopefully you have an idea…” Inuyasha looked around and spotted a large book shelf against a wall that was filled with all different sized books with plastic covers on them. Inuyasha stood abruptly and went to the shelf and began to scan the titles. Kagome sat on the bed and shifted nervously she had never had a boy in her room before besides family members. Something was bothering Kagome and she got up and left the room leaving Inuyasha who stood reading the back of a certain book. She went downstairs and into the kitchen to see a grumpy looking Miroku sitting at the kitchen island eating a sandwich. Miroku looked up at her surprised by the worried look on her face.

“Miro…you remember about a month ago when you and Sango yelled at Inuyasha?” Kagome asked. When Miroku nodded slowly Kagome looked down at her feet shyly. “W-why did you two say he was dangerous?”

Miroku cleared his throat and looked up at Kagome seriously. “Inuyasha has grown to be a very close friend of mine…but…When I met him I saw how he handled women and I didn’t think he was good enough for you. No matter how judgmental it might have been at the time I still stick by that judgment and since then he has only proved to be a player. He is dangerous and not even Inuyasha knows how dangerous his interference would be to you. I can’t stop you but if he insists on trying to cure you of your disorder things might get worse.”

Kagome frowned and glared up at Miroku defiantly. “Oh yeah! Well I’ve only heard of him having one girl friend and that was Kikyou and that didn’t even last one date! That doesn’t seem like a player to me!”

“That might be the only instance of him dating at school but he has many female friends at night clubs! I know! I’ve seen them Kagome!” Miroku clenched his fists and Kagome crossed her arms.

“Even if that is true…how would he helping me get better make it worse?”

“There are a lot of things you don’t understand and shouldn’t know about Kagome…” Kagome opened her mouth to retaliate but she noticed Miroku’s eyes shift. She looked over her shoulder to see Inuyasha there with a serious look on his face.

“Am I interrupting something here?” Kagome shook her head and stomped by the hanyou and upstairs to her room. Inuyasha looked to Miroku and frowned.

“Inuyasha…I approve of you working on this project with Kagome and I don’t mind you two hanging out anymore but…be careful.” Inuyasha stared after Miroku confused as hell and then shrugged, brushing it off as Miroku trying to be melodramatic. Inuyasha went back upstairs and found Kagome looking through a book with a smile on her face. Then something occurred to him she had removed the surgical mask. Inuyasha sat down next to her, eyeing her newly exposed face. He hadn’t gotten a good look at it the first time he saw her and this was a strange treat. Inuyasha’s eyes slid down her small delicate nose, the smooth milky look of her cheeks, her petite chin and then her two rosy lips.

Inuyasha felt his cheeks heat up a little and diverted his eyes to the book. “What’s that?” asked Inuyasha.

Kagome held up the book with a big smile. “Brave New World! Have you read it?” when Inuyasha shook his head Kagome laughed happily. “It’s great! We should totally read this, I KNOW you would like it!” Inuyasha took the book and flipped through it.

“Alright, doesn’t really matter to me, so will I have to buy a copy?”

“No, I was thinking we could take turns reading to each other so that we can stop and talk about it and stuff.” Kagome suggested.

“Sounds good. So! We got a lot of work done so lets take a break.”

Kagome sweat dropped. “We only just picked the book…”

Inuyasha shrugged. “And that was a lot of work! Now let’s work on curing you…” Kagome watched in wonder as Inuyasha dug through his backpack and pulled out a toothbrush. Kagome felt her throat tighten in shock. He couldn’t mean…. “Here kitten we’re gonna switch toothbrushes!” Kagome gasped and backed a good three feet from him on the bed.

“ARE YOU CRAZY! No way!” Kagome screamed.

“I only used it once…” Inuyasha shrugged. Inuyasha suddenly left the room and after a rustling and doors opening and shutting Inuyasha returned with a green toothbrush in his hands that was vacuum sealed in a zip lock bag. “I assume this is yours…”

“Puppy!” Kagome whined trying to make a grab for the brush but in the process tripped over a wrinkle in the plastic on the floor and fell into his chest. She screamed in fright and smacked him. Kagome sat on her bum on the floor and looked up at Inuyasha to see him frozen in place with a red mark on his face. “I’m sorry!” Kagome yelled guiltily. Inuyasha burst out laughing and pocketed the toothbrush.

When Inuyasha’s laughter died a little he smirked down at the confused girl. “Just think of it as me indirectly kissing you!” Inuyasha gave her his toothbrush and Kagome blushed furiously and looked up at the hanyou who winked down at her.

A/N: Hey everyone! WOW! I was REALLY impressed with all the reviews I got from the readers! You all don’t know how happy I am to get to read so many reviews! you keep reviewing and Ill keep writing! Luv Danielle