InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mysophobia ❯ Talking with Kagome ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha
Chapter 2: Talking with Kagome

Later on that day Inuyasha was walking towards the gates of the school about to walk home when he noticed something very strange there was a mob of his peers standing in a circle and laughing at something. Inuyasha heard a feminine scream and decided an investigation was in order, not that he cared about some wench or anything…

Inuyasha pushed his way through the crowd which wasn’t too hard seeing as most of them were a little intimidated by the hanyou. Inuyasha frowned when he spotted what everyone was laughing about. There on the ground was Kagome huddled into a little ball and sobbing, every once in awhile a stupid jock would paw at her making her scream in terror. Inuyasha looked around at the mocking and malicious laughter roaring from the crowd and felt anger boil up inside. How could they treat someone like this! Inuyasha shoved the nearest freshman out of the way roughly and stepped over Kagome protectively. One jock moved to push him aside and Inuyasha didn’t hesitate and punching the bastard’s lights out. Immediately the crowd backed away, very scared and when Inuyasha began to growl they all scattered.

Inuyasha was so into the moment he was surprised to hear a whimper below him; he looked down at Kagome who peaked up at him between her slender fingers. He stepped away from the prone girl and was about to move to help her up when he realized that might not be a good idea and instead just backed up a few more paces. Kagome shakily stood up and immediately began to violently brush the dirt off of her clothes. Inuyasha watched wide eyed as she visibly shakes in fear. Kagome looked up at him her sapphire eyes lined with tears and a little puffy.

“Thank you…” she said in a soft voice. Her weak voice caused a stabbing pain in Inuyasha’s chest that he chose to completely ignore.

“Feh! No need to thank me those ass holes needed to be put in their place.” Inuyasha scoffed. He watched as Kagome suddenly pulled out a traveling sized disinfectant spray and began to spray herself until there was a huge cloud of the fumes around her. Inuyasha pinched his nose and stared at Kagome like she had lost her mind. Kagome then pulled out another face mask and pair of gloves and changed them quickly, like she were being timed or something. She threw the apparently dirty gloves in the nearest trash can and looked back at Inuyasha who was watching her with slight amusement.

“hello, my name is Kagome Higurashi, youre the new student right?” Kagome said with a smile, though you could barely tell through the mask.

Inuyasha nodded slowly. “Yeah…I’m Inuyasha Takahashi…”

Kagome’s eyes strayed up to the two doggy ears on top of his head and felt an unbelievable urge to touch them but her fear restrained her to the point that she was sweating a little and her heart was beating fast. She was scared of this strange new feeling. Inuyasha noticed her apparently causeless effect and when he realized what she was thinking he smirked.

“Wanna touch them?” Inuyasha teased ducking his head so his ears were in better reach. Kagome’s eyes widened and she shook her head fervently. Inuyasha chuckled and stepped closer to her so they were about a foot apart. “I’m friends with your cousin Miroku by the way, you on your way home?” asked Inuyasha. Kagome nodded shyly and looked down at her feet. “Which way are ya going?” asked Inuyasha a little irritated that she wasn’t saying anything. Kagome pointed to the right and Inuyasha grinned. “What a coincidence that is where I am headed can I walk with you?” asked Inuyasha. Kagome nodded and began to stride towards the exit and then down the right sidewalk. Inuyasha jogged to catch up with her and they walked in silence for a little until something that had been bothering Kagome had to be said.

“Are you a demon?” asked Kagome.

Inuyasha blinked and glanced at the small girl by his side. “I’m half dog demon half human why?”

Kagome shrugged. “Just curious…your name sounds familiar.” Kagome said randomly, Inuyasha noticed the strange change in subject but ignored it.

“Yeah…my dad owns TetTen corporation.” Said Inuyasha nonchalantly.

Kagome’s face contorted into thought. “No…that isn’t where I’ve heard your name…” Kagome’s eyes widened and she suddenly jumped three feet away from Inuyasha and pointed a gloved finger at him. “YOU! I remember now! Tokyo Asylum second floor room AB34! Takahashi!” Kagome began to laugh joyously while Inuyasha stared at her shocked by her outburst. Kagome’s laughter was very happy sounding. “I’m so glad I remembered it was really bugging me…” Kagome began to walk along as if nothing happened and Inuyasha followed her slowly. ‘What a strange wench…wait she knew what room number I was in! Was she at the asylum too?’

“Hey wench! Were you at that asylum while I was there?” Inuyasha asked raising an eyebrow. Kagome stopped and turned around to glare at him but when she noticed how closely he was following her she jumped a foot or two back.

“Don’t call me that dog boy, and yeah I was there I was on the third floor…” Kagome said with a shrug. Inuyasha frowned the third floor rang a few bells but he was only at that asylum for a few months so he couldn’t place the significance of the third floor at the moment.

“What were you there for?” asked Inuyasha not really caring if it was an inappropriate question or not. Kagome looked at him on her right and grinned.

“Why were YOU there, dog boy?” asked Kagome.

Inuyasha’s left ear twitched and a scowl came across his face. “Don’t call me that unless you want me to call you wench.”

“Fine…” Kagome paused and tried to hide a grin. “Can I call you puppy then?” she asked innocently.

Inuyasha smirked and Kagome was thrown off by this reaction. “Only if I can call you kitten.” Kagome sputtered and glared at him.

“And WHY would you want to call me that!” she squeaked feeling a blush stain her cheeks.

“Cause it suits you…” when all he got was a confused expression Inuyasha’s smile grew. “You are a neat freak…scared of water…” Inuyasha indicated a nearby mud puddle and Kagome gasped and moved a good six feet from the puddle. “And you are cute as hell.” Inuyasha gave her a fanged grin and Kagome’s blush came back full force. Inuyasha mentally smirked. ‘This girl flatters easily, most likely never had a guy talk to her like this. All I have to do is get her past this phobia and she’ll be all mine.’

Inuyasha was brought out of his perverted thoughts by Kagome’s pretty voice. “Fine, I can deal with being called kitten if I can call you puppy.” It was Inuyasha’s turn to sputter but when he saw the cute smile she gave him her just gave a grumpy “Feh!” in approval. “So…why WERE you at the asylum?” asked Kagome innocently.

Inuyasha grumbled and revealed his left arm under his shirt sleeves. There were five deep scars up his fore arm, Kagome gasped softly and Inuyasha noticed that she restrained herself from grabbing his arm. “I was suicidal during that time; I haven’t cut myself in awhile now.”

Kagome eyed the scars with a sad expression. “Those must have been deep cuts to scar a youkai.”

Inuyasha shrugged and unrolled his sleeve. “So what about you kitten? Why were you there?”

“Cause of my mysophobia and because I needed to be protected from the lo techs…” Inuyasha frowned and looked at her confused, he of course knew about the mysophobia but the lo techs? “The lo techs were mean people, they used radio waves to send signals to my brain that made it go wacky.” Inuyasha frowned and asked a couple more questions about the lo techs but she wouldn’t answer. Inuyasha just ended up shrugging it off thinking she was messing with him, no one would let someone truly crazy walk around in the open.

“INUYASHA! Kagome!” Miroku called running over with a frown on his face. Behind him was a girl Miroku’s age with long brown hair in a high ponytail. She also looked angry.

“Hello Sango!” Kagome said cheerfully not noticing the sour moods that Miroku and Sango were in. Sango suddenly stepped between Kagome and Inuyasha and the hanyou noticed how mindful she was about not touching Kagome.

“Inuyasha, I told you to stay away from my cousin.” Miroku said in a deadly calm voice. Inuyasha gave him a bored look and decided to annoy his friend and looked at Kagome and winked at her. Kagome blushed furiously and ducked her head and Sango began to audibly growl. “Inuyasha stop this, I still want to be your friend but…” Miroku’s bangs shadowed his eyes as he looked down at the ground.

“Miro-kun, we were just talking, he saved me from some bullies and he asked if he could walk home with me, that’s it!” Kagome said with a smile. Inuyasha was about to affirm what she said but was cut off by Sango.

“Kagome! This guy is dangerous, you need to stay away from him!” Sango said scolding over her shoulder. Inuyasha began to growl not liking the way this conversation was going.

“Oi! I don’t even know you wench! Listen Miroku, I want to help her get cured that’s all! Don’t listen to her kitten.” The minute the nickname left his lips he knew he shouldn’t have used it because now Sango and Miroku looked ready to kill him.

“Inuyasha, I hope we can still be friends after I say this but it has to be said. If you continue to pursue my little cousin I will put up a restraining order.” Said Miroku.

“Feh! My family is loaded we’ll find a way around some wimpy restraining order…” scoffed Inuyasha.

“My family is also quite wealthy Inuyasha, maybe you’ve heard of our company Wind Tunnel corp.? Don’t go against my wishes again my friend. C’mon Kagome…” Kagome hesitantly walked off with Sango and Miroku and Inuyasha was left there staring after them. Kagome looked over her shoulder at him and gave him a sympathetic look. Kagome gave him a smile and waved to him and Inuyasha lazily waved back with a small almost invisible smile on his face. ‘Ill back off for now but something makes me think this isn’t over…’

A/N: PLEASE REVIEW! I Love reading reviews! Chow yall!