InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mystic Thoughts ❯ Forgetting ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any of its characters. I do own Sakura.
Title: Forgetting
Written For: Lauren
Sakura was five when her father died. At first she could only remember his laugh, but over time that began to fade. She hadn't cried when he died, but had fallen into an unbreakable silence that no one could get her out of.
On the day of his funeral she ran. She ran until the tears stopped coming, and her heart began to burn. When she returned to her mother, she was talking again. Her mother was worried and happy at the same time. Things may get back to normal now.
She always ran. She could let go and just feel the wind and pain that came when she ran to hard. No one thought of it as nothing more than her getting exercise. And soon Sakura had to look at her father's picture for memories.
The wind ripped through her hair and she smiled.
“What are ya smilin' about?” a curious hanyou asked, looking at her over his shoulder.
She smiled wider and shook her head, as her grip on his shoulders tightened.
“Can you go faster?” she whispered in soft excitement. He snorted.
“Course I can.”
And as they sped into a blur, she closed her eyes and continued to smile. When she ran she could forget.
Author Note: I wrote this for one of my friends, and don't really expect it to be that good. It was written as the spur of the moment thing.