InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Naraku's Expiriment ❯ Vengeance ( Chapter 23 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 23 ~ Wishing Vengeance
“What do you want, Kikyo?” Inuyasha asked warily. He knew this woman was no longer alive, just an evil being that had been configured from clay and bones…but she bore such resemblance to his past love that it made his heart ache.
If only Kagome could understand, he thought.
That spoiled princess will never understand the pain you are going through. She probably ran home again.
As always, whenever he thought of Kikyo, his heart was ripped in two.
“It has been so long, now, hasn't it, Inuyasha?” Kikyo said. “Fifty years ago, when we were but children. Those were the good old times, right?”
His heart gave a lurch at the smile she gave him. No…the bitch…she's just clay…
“Answer the question,” he said. Damn. It came out more like a plea than a command. He never could seem to retain any of his usual `bad ass' attitude as Kagome called it when he was in Kikyo's presence.
“I wish to know the location of the jewel shards, Inuyasha. Perchance that little girl bearing my face has them. She was not meant to be protector, Inuyasha. I am the rightful guardian.”
But you blew that when you gave it to Naraku, he thought insanely. He's got almost all of them, and you know that, bitch.
You're talking about Kikyo!
That's not Kikyo. If there's anything left of Kikyo, it's Kagome…and you let her get away!
He sighed unhappily, “No, she doesn't have them.”
“Then WHO does?” she asked, raising her voice slightly. She always did have quite a temper. “Are you saying you just let them slip away, or are you hoarding them in your foolhardy attempts to became a mighty dog demon?”
“A hanyou girl has them…look, why are you even talking to me? You don't even like me anymore, do ya?” he said, last bit spoken as a challenge.
Kikyo ignored him. “A shard in the hands of a demon? What kind of demon could have possibly possessed my `dear' sister to come to that decision?”
Inuyasha started to walk away.
Upon seeing that she was losing her audience's attention Kikyo said, “Inuyasha, help me find the shards. You can become human. We can make up all the lost moments together.”
He stopped walking, and for a moment, Kikyo was sure that she had won. Then she heard him say softly, “I've got to make up some lost moments with someone more important. You're dead, Kikyo, in case you haven't noticed.”
She froze, fixing him with a malevolent stare that was all too similar to Naraku's. “It's that little bitch, isn't it? The stealer of my soul. Inuyasha, do not make more mistakes. Do you wish to see more villages go up in flames as a result of your selfishness and betrayal? Do not forget that it is because of you that I met my rather untimely death.”
He blinked, resisting the urge to bury his claws in the face he had mooned over in his teen years.
She continued, choosing not to notice his rage. “I am more alive now than I have ever been before. I can see clearly now.”
Inuyasha looked at her. “Goodbye,” he said quietly.
Kikyo could not believe her ears. “Goodbye?” Had he forgotten all the pain and suffering she had had to endure because of him? Well she had not forgotten. “And I never will,” she muttered, reaching for one of her purity arrows. She'd seal the little bastard to a tree for another fifty years. Still, that probably wouldn't help. He'd be an old and graying demon before he realized something was wrong. But it would teach him a lesson…
She started to aim and stopped. Somehow, while she was deep in her thoughts, the Hanyou had turned tail and left her alone in the field. “Fine then, Inuyasha,” she said. “Until we meet again.”
Kikyo tucked the arrow back into the carrier on her back and started to walk. Her dead souls came out from the trees and followed along with her. She hadn't noticed them any more than as a rush of new energy flowing through her veins. Her thoughts were still upon Inuyasha and the jewel shards.
It simply wouldn't do, having him sealed to a tree. At least not yet. Not when there were people who had to pay. No. First, she would make sure each of them…all of them…were sent on their merry way to hell. Then she would find the demoness who dared take over her occupation and separate her soul from her body. Only then would she finally be able to rest in peace.
The thought made her smile.