InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Naraku's Prisoner ❯ Pure Hatred and False Words ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Nope….still don't own Inu-Yasha….
Naraku's Prisoner
Chapter two: Pure Hatred and False Words
By Ethril Dragon
Kagome sighed as she stood up. She had stayed up the whole night, just holding the sleeping Shippo and rocking him. She yawned and blinked several times to clear her vision of weariness. She had just started to take a few steps towards camp when Inu-Yasha broke through the underbrush and tree limbs that blocked his path. He was in a pure rage, Kagome could tell it was strictly focused on one thing, her.
“Kagome! How dare you leave camp when you're injured! Do you want to get kidnapped or killed wench? What kind of bitch takes that chance when she is injured?” he answered his own question. “A stupid one that's who.” He was seething. His body shook to try and control his rage. He had stayed the whole night with Kikyo because she was the only that did not show anger or fear or hatred towards him. She only wanted him and nothing else about him. Not his strength, not his sword (I hope most of you are old enough to understand this joke!), not his power, just him. She didn't even ask anything of him, except for him to go to hell with her, that was part of a promise he made long ago. When he had arrived back at camp, his demon form returned to him with the rising of the sun, he had discovered Kagome and Shippo gone and Sango and Miroku asleep next to each other for comfort. He had yelled at them, demanding to know where Kagome was. She was his shard detector and he couldn't loose her. She was also his and should have done everything he told her to do, but she didn't. Because she was Kikyo's reincarnation, Kagome belonged to him in his mind. He felt possessive of her, not because he wanted her for a mate, but because she literally owned her life to him. He had lost count of all the times he had had to save her from death.
Kagome felt her face heat up with rage as Sango and Miroku ran up through the underbrush. “I wasn't that far from camp you stupid baka! I could have called out and some one would have come! We were fine!” By this time Shippo was awake and clinging to his mother shivering, he didn't like the feel of anger and hatred in the air surrounding his mother and the idiot hanyo.
Shippo sniffed back tears and then froze. He sniffed again and looked right at Inu-yasha. “You were with Kikyo again.” He stated simply. His eyes widened as he sniffed again. “Her smell is all over you!”
Kagome felt her breath sucked in suddenly from shock and anger. She had known he would go to her, but it still hurt to have the knowledge out in the air.
Inu-Yasha shook with rage as he took a menacing step forward. “Shut your mouth runt.”
Sango was angry by now and was only controlling herself because Miroku had her by the arm. “You shut yours you traitorous bastard of a half-demon. How could you go to that dead creature?” She snapped, wishing she had grabbed her bone boomerang just so she could hit the stupid, inconsiderate half-demon over the head.
Inu-Yasha glanced at her, his eyes bleeding red slowly. His anger peaked. “Ok, I was with Kikyo, so what? It's none of your damn business. None of yours! I love her more then anything else. I will go to hell with her when our mission is done here and I don't care what any of you think. I'll visit with her when I want.”
Kagome froze for a moment, her anger freezing for a moment as his words sank in. Her dismay and sadness took its place. “How could you love her Inu-Yasha? After all that she has done to us?” her voice faded softly as she said the next part. “How could you love something dead when someone living and close to you loves you? How could you love her…when I love you?” she said these words with love, trying to calm him and bring him to his senses. Everyone else had figured out her feelings except him…why did he have to be so dense?
Inu-Yasha's anger didn't cool off. He turned to Kagome, his anger still thick in the air. “How could anyone ever love a stubborn, ugly, recreation like you?” his words were cold.
Everyone froze at the words. Shippo snuggled close to his mother, whimpering because of everything that was being said. He said nothing because of his own fear. He clutched at his mothers shirt as she shook with a new hatred. `Why are they all like this? I thought they were all friends with momma,' he wondered.
`He…he didn't just say that.' Thought Kagome as she stared blankly at the growling half-demon she had once loved. She felt her heart as it was emotionally ripped apart because of his words. The words rang through her as her love for him was replaced by a fierce hatred. How could he say that? When I have just confessed that I love him? She thought as her face became grim and cold. Her voice was eerily calm as she said the next thing. “Inu-Yasha….SIT” she yelled the word over and over until Inu-Yasha was well underground. She moved to the camp and grabbed up her things she had never unpacked. When she slung her bag onto her back, she picked Shippo back up and turned as Sango and Miroku came up to her. “I'm leaving.” She stated and walked towards the path. Sango looked at Miroku and Miroku looked at Sango. What could they do? They had to protect Kagome. Inu-Yasha was right about one thing, Kagome couldn't protect herself, in her anger something bad might happen. But they couldn't leave the now very injured Inu-Yasha either. He had said some terrible, unforgivable things, but he was still part of their group, and had been a friend. Sango frowned suddenly. “Why is it we are not as angry with Inu-Yasha as Kagome is?” she asked flatly.
Miroku to noticed it. “I…do not know.” It was then, when it was too late, that they realized someone had manipulated their two friends. They heard a scream just as Inu-Yasha came into the camp sulkily.
Inu-Yasha couldn't believe he had said those horrible things. He didn't mean them, well just a little, but he truly didn't mean them. When he heard the scream he raced into the path and saw Naraku holding a limp Kagome and unconscious Shippo. Sango and Miroku were close behind him.
“Well, well, well, look what I have found, a lost young woman and her little son, without protection, what a surprise.” He purred out, trying to irritate Inu-Yasha. He felt a stab of guilt from the hanyo and he tugged at it as he started to fade into a growing mist. “What a priceless creature I have captured.” His voice faded as his form disappeared entirely.
Inu-Yasha raced into the mist, intent on killing Naraku. But he was to slow and now his guilt threatened to over whelm him. Kagome had left and walked right into Naraku's hands because he had said some horrible things to her. She had confessed her love and he had broken her heart. He felt his guilt well up further as he let out an anguished cry.
Sango and Miroku were still mad at Inu-Yasha, but they understood that he couldn't have been himself last night and this morning. They to felt guilt well up inside them as they moved forwards quickly to start searching for their friends who were more like family to them. “Kirara and I will search from the sky Inu-Yasha. Miroku will start searching and probing to try and find the demonic barriers.” Sango declared as Kirara changed swiftly into her large fire demon cat form.
Inu-Yasha looked up from where he had fallen to his knees, his fist on the ground. His eyes were clouded with guilt and shame. He couldn't even meet the eyes of his companions as he nodded and got up to start his search. He had to find Kagome to tell her he was sorry and didn't mean his words…and that he loved her to.
Kagome moaned softly as the pulsing pain in her ankle woke her. It had swelled up again and needed to be cooled off. She felt like the skin was burning itself off as the swelling grew and stretched the skin. She whimpered in pain and then stopped when she opened her eyes and felt a soft futon under her. She sat up abruptly as she realized she was in a well-decorated, beautiful sleeping chamber. She shivered and looked around for her son Shippo. She grew frantic until she saw him sleeping on his own little futon on the other side of the room. She slowly tried to stand, but her ankle wouldn't let her and she sank back to the floor with a stifled sob and a whimper. She feared that her ankle may be worse off then she had first thought…or maybe something had happened and it had been damaged again? She thought back to what had happened last time she had been conscious.
~Flash Back~
Kagome burst from the trees into the path, a shivering Shippo in her arms. “Where are we going mommy?” he asked softly, afraid of making her angry with him like she had been towards Inu-Yasha.
By this time Kagome had calmed and when she looked down at her son her smile was genuine and her voice was calm. “Home, for now Shippo. I need to get my ankle looked at and I want to put space between me and Inu-Yasha for awhile.”
Shippo nodded, his form relaxing and his smile pure innocence. “Alright mommy.”
Kagome took a few steps and then tripped slightly as her ankle became weak under the weight of her belongings. She didn't fall though; a pair of strong arms caught her and held her. She heard Shippo eep in fear as he squirmed to cling to Kagome hard. She looked up and gasped in fear when she saw who was holding her.
Naraku grinned back as he felt her fear as well as her sons fear. His grin grew slightly and then faded as he felt her fear turn into a possessive protectiveness for her little son. `She is a very strong mother.' He had to admit to himself. He swiftly knocked her out with a simple sleeping spell just after she screamed to get the attention of her friends, unfortunately she fell awkwardly against him, her ankle twisting horribly under her. He noticed this and changed his hold on her.
Shippo was whimpering and shivering as he attempted to get courage to fight for his mother. “Le-let us go or-or else!” He stammered, summoning a little blue flame as he squirmed free of his mothers loosened grip. Before he could do anything though, he to was put to sleep with the same spell that Naraku had used on his mother.
Naraku held mother and son in his arms and something stirred in him. Onigumo's voice was heard in him for a second. This…this is what I wanted. The voice died down again just as Inu-Yasha and his other two companions came into the rather large path.
`Let the fun begin.' Thought Naraku as he grinned with pure evil and malice.
~End flash Back~
Naraku watched as the miko sat bolt upright when she awoke. Fear shown in her eyes and he acknowledge the beauty in her expression. He waited until she had calmed and had stopped trying to stand before he spoke. “Welcome back to the realm of the living…if you can call it that.” He said with a cold creepy voice.
Kagome stiffened and looked around, until focusing on a shadow that emerged from the shadows.
“Naraku!” she hissed his name out and shivered again as she realized she was in his castle, hidden from everyone she cared about and one hanyo she hated.
Yay chapter 2! If you are reading this, then:
There were some reviews so I posted
I was bored and decided to post this chapter
Or that I wanted to keep writing and wanted to get reviews.
No lemon or rape or anything like that in this chapter…I'm saving that for later.
Anyway, last chapter I mentioned Kagome's Visions/dreams? Remember them for later…
Preview of next chapter:
Naraku pulled at Kagome's skirt as she squirmed and shivered. She would agree to his deal if she wished for herself and her son to live. As her silence grew his anger did as well. He finally slashed her skirt and let it fall from her waist to the floor. He took her silence as a sign that she agreed to the deal, even if she didn't like it. He didn't want to force her the first time, but she had to be taught now that he would not take no from her. “Do we have a deal miko?” he asked smoothly.
Kagome opened her mouth to speak and then glanced to where Kagura was holding a flailing Shippo by the tail…