InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Naraku's Prisoner ❯ A Terrible Deal ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I still don't own them…:: sits on a box that is labeled “Inu-Yasha characters” :: Even though I have captured them and stuffed them in this box I still don't own them.
Warning: There is rape in this chapter. This is the first time I have EVER written a rape scene so if it is horrible I am sorry. But there is my warning.
Naraku's Prisoner
Chapter 3: A Terrible Deal
By Ethril Dragon
Kagome continued to shiver as Naraku moved towards her. All she could do was scoot towards the edge of the futon because she just couldn't get her abused ankle to cooperate. She whimpered as she backed into the wall and Naraku sank down next to her on the futon. “What do you want with me?” she whispered as she looked around for any way of escape. She was thinking and thinking fast on how she would get to her son, and then escape with her very injured ankle. For all she knew, it was broken now.
Naraku reached out and laid a gentle hand on her ankle, sending shivers of pain across her body. She hissed in pain and tried to pull away but was forced to hold still due to her back already against the wall. She tried to pull her leg away, but his hand tightened momentarily on her abused ankle. “This won't do much good for what I want.” He said as he lifted his hand from her ankle. He bit into his wrist and then swiftly covered her mouth with it.
In Kagome's surprise, she had opened her mouth and before she could close it she could taste the sweet salty taste of Naraku's blood in her mouth. She choked for a few minutes, but Naraku forced her to swallow his blood.
When he finally pulled back his wrist, the bite marks were nearly healed over and Kagome's ankle throbbed less. The swelling had gone down as well. “There, now that is much better I would bet.” He smiled menacingly towards Kagome.
Kagome wiped her mouth and felt bile in the back of her throat. That had been disgusting. She had never tasted blood before and the sensation had left a bad taste in her mouth, but she had to admit her ankle did feel much better. “What do you want with me?” She asked again, now that he had sat back and had replaced his hand on her ankle.
Naraku thought about what words he would use for a few minutes. He could just outright tell her the truth. That both his demon and human sides wanted her for his mate, that he was attracted to her fierce determination, her loyalty, the love she showed her adopted son, and because of her goddess like beauty. He was impressed by the strength of her heart as she had endured the pain the idiot hanyo had put her through each day as he went off to be with the dead priestess he had once loved for similar reasons, but the reasons had been more lustful then and not intelligent. He could also tell her how it pained him to see her with that imbecile hanyo and how he hurt her.
Or he could tell her a simple lie and wait till the time was right to give her the truth.
He went with the easiest thing for her to accept, the lie. `I have told very few lies in my life, but for this occasion I must.'
“I brought you here because I wanted to break up your little group. They all cling to you and you are the one that holds everyone together. I thought that by removing you, their plans to destroy me would be ruined and that I may continue on with my plans.” He said. It was as simple as that. It was a good little white lie that the young miko would fall for. It was also the original reason for why he abducted her.
Kagome accepted this and she felt fear well up in her chest. “What about Shippo? Why did you bring him here as well? He is just a little kit.”
Naraku had to think up another lie. He could tell her it was because he wasn't a cold-hearted fiend as they all thought he was. He could tell her that he felt sorry that the kits father had died because of something he, Naraku had done. His heart didn't melt that much though. He had not been the one to perform the finishing blow on the kids parents. Again, he went with a lie he knew the miko would accept. `I'm lying a lot today it seems.' He thought in amusement.
“You were holding him and would not let go. So I was forced to bring him here.” He shrugged with as much indifference as he could muster, which turned out to be a lot more then he had thought. He also wanted the kit here to keep the miko company while the miko stayed here. That way she was less likely to try and escape. He figured that she would be so protective over the kit that she might consider the possibility of Shippo being used as a hostage. Naraku was considering it to deal with Lord Sesshomaru for a time, but he had already calculated the results as worthless.
Kagome squinted at Naraku…she sensed there was something else he wasn't telling her. “There's more to it I think. What else do you want?” She knew he was keeping something from her. `It would be like him to have multiple reasons for kidnapping. He's that evil,' she thought furiously.
Naraku grinned mischievously. This girl was smarter then she looked. Luckily he had a plan that would bring her closer to him. “I have a deal of sorts to make with you.” He started to say. His voice was at an eerie low and he could see the goose bumps as they rose up on Kagome's fair skin. By this time Kagome's ankle had nearly completely healed and there was only very slight swelling. “Wh-why would you make a deal with me? Why not just take what you want.” She said with a shaky voice. She knew something bad was going to happen, she could sense it, but she didn't know what. If she could keep him talking she would have more time to formulate a plan for escape.
Naraku stood up slowly. “Stand up.” He ordered her. She stood up stiffly but hurriedly. She didn't want to anger this hanyo; that would be a deadly and unwise thing for her to do at this time. `Keep him busy,' she thought. “Good, good. Now…” he reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her out a few feet from the wall. “Stand there and be still.” He ordered as he slowly circled her body.
Kagome was shivering, she could feel Naraku's eyes trailing her body as she stood there, doing as she told to make sure nothing bad happened. She felt her heart beat increase as Naraku faced her again. “Now, about my plan.” He paused for effect. “I want you to do exactly as I say while you reside in my castle. Everything, no matter what it will be.”
Kagome nodded, she figured as much. “What…what would you have me do?” Her voice was weak and very soft. “Be a servant?”
“No, not a servant,” Naraku chuckled evilly. “There's more fun in my deal then that. I'd have you do whatever comes to me. When I don't have things for you to do, you could relax and…enjoy your stay. Also, if I want, I can do whatever I wish to you.” His eyes trailed her body again. “Of course, if you choose not to agree, your son will be killed instantly.” He snapped his fingers and Kagura stood in the doorway.
Kagome gasped horrified and focused her gaze on the waking Shippo.
“Momma? Where are we?” he looked around groggily and then eeped in fright as he spotted Naraku. Kagura moved swiftly and picked the kit up by the tail. Shippo flailed and swung at the wind sorceress.
Naraku watched this but did not say anything. He knew Kagura was simply trying to help make his point. “Do we have a deal?” His words were slow and hinted at what could be done to the young Kit. He wouldn't actually do anything to him, possibly just lock him away from his mother until she agreed to his deal.
Kagome gulped. She couldn't say no, her son's life was in the balance. “When…when you mean you can do whatever you wish to me…do you mean…” her voice trailed off as she paled. Naraku was nodding slowly. His eyes trailed her body again and Kagome had to fight herself not to take a step back.
Naraku's hand slowly reached out to tug at Kagome's skirt. “I've been lonely for some time now. Will you except this deal?” he purred out as the skirt ripped gently under his claws. `The first part of my new plan is coming along nicely. Now all she has to do is submit,' he thought quickly.
Kagome shivered hard. She didn't like where this was going. What was he planning? She was older now, and understood a lot more then she would have in the past. But she was still a virgin, both her mind and body misunderstanding exactly what Naraku wanted.
Naraku pulled at Kagome's skirt as she squirmed and shivered. She would agree to his deal if she wished for herself and her son to live. As her silence grew so did his anger. He finally slashed her skirt and let it fall from her waist to the floor. He took her silence as a sign that she agreed to the deal, even if she didn't like it. He craved for her and wanted her here and now. He had brought her to his sleeping chambers for this very reason. He had wanted to be kind to her during their first time, but he knew that would be impossible. The miko was strong, and he knew she would not accept him easily. “Do we have a deal miko?” he asked smoothly. He had to make her submit to him, show her the darker side of him before showing her who he really was. By doing so she would focus on the kinder side more readily then if he was kind to her from the start.
Kagome opened her mouth to speak and then glanced to where Kagura was holding a flailing Shippo by the tail. Her head hung as she looked at the ground where her skirt was lying. “We have a deal.” She mumbled. Her mind raced as she imagined all the horrid things he would make her do. Her mind couldn't seem to settle on the actual idea of Naraku taking her virginity.
Naraku nodded and waved Kagura out of the room, taking Shippo with her. Kagome took a step forward to stop Kagura from taking her son, but Naraku grabbed her wrist forcefully. “Your son will be fine. Now…the first thing you will do is hand over the jewel shards.” He waited for her to comply.
Kagome hesitated. “I…I can't do that.” She whispered, fearing what Naraku would do to her.
Naraku hissed and shoved her onto the futon. “What did you say?” even though he was kinder then others gave him credit, he had a raging temper that would flare up quickly. When denied of what he wanted, or when someone that was under his command refused an order his temper flared easiest. Sometimes he used his temper to his advantage, especially when he had first been gaining power. Now though, he was trying to be more diplomatic and politic towards his people and lands.
“I can't give you the jewel shards.” She whispered again.
Naraku slapped Kagome then, not hard enough to leave a permanent mark, just hard enough to make a point. “Never say no to me. Remember that and we'll have no further issues. Now, give me the jewel shards!” he ordered angrily. Then his voice went icy cold. “You don't want something bad to happen to your son, now do you?”
Kagome slowly reached up to her breast where the jewel shards hung under her shirt. She pulled them out from under her shirt and held them there for a minute. `I can't let him hurt Shippo.' She thought as she slipped them off and slowly handed them to Naraku.
Naraku swiftly took them and they became tainted by his touch, the creamy white surface turning dark purple. He grinned coldly as he tucked them away into a pocket. “Very good.” His voice purred with praise.
Kagome had started to move away, but Naraku stepped close to her causing her to sit down on the futon. He pressed her against the futon gently with his chest, his arms resting on either side of her. “Who gave you permission to move?” he asked silkily, his voice purring softly.
Kagome shivered suddenly, she had a bad feeling that something horrible and irreversible was about to happen.
Naraku tugged at her shirt for a minute, cutting into it slowly with his claws. “What interesting garb you always wear. You won't be allowed to wear such things here. No, I won't allow others the privilege to see you so under dressed.” He sliced down, cutting Kagome's shirt completely in half. He licked his lips slightly at the sight of the rounded breasts that peaked out from her undergarment. It took him only a second to cut that tiny piece of fabric off her to release her breasts.
Kagome hurriedly tried to cover herself, she was shivering and whimpering, trying to sit up and scoot away. She was too stunned to say anything. She didn't get far, Naraku pinned her to the futon by straddling her waist. He grabbed her wrists and wrenched them over her head. “Now, now pet, I'm not done looking.” He purred out. He leaned down and flicked out a tongue over one of Kagome's nipples.
Kagome paled and her breathing quickened in fright. It just dawned on her what Naraku was going to do to her. She struggled, unable to do anything now that Naraku was pinning her to the futon. “Do-don't do this! Pl-please!” she begged, trying to pull her wrists out of Naraku's grasp.
Naraku growled angrily. “I'll do what I want…or have you forgotten our deal already?” he gripped her wrists tighter so that she stopped trying to pull them free. She would have bruises there, but he had to make a point. She now belonged to him, she had agreed to it. Females were not to argue or fight with the dominate male. And with his blood still in her system, the bruises would fade in a couple days.
He pulled at his obi and untied it. He then used one hand to tie it around Kagome's wrists. Once they were tied he waved a hand over the wall and a ring appeared there. He tied one end of the sash around the ring to keep Kagome's arms over her head. By this time she was struggling harder.
Kagome felt tears in her eyes. The only piece of clothing that was left covering her body was her underwear. She tried to use her knees to get Naraku off her, but she couldn't. He wouldn't budge. Once he was done tying her hands, her fear increased more. Now he could use both his hands to have his mutilate and manipulate her and she couldn't fight back at all. “No!” she cried out as Naraku's hand slid down her side. She tried to summon her miko energy, but she was too frightened to concentrate correctly.
Naraku growled in irritation. She had told him no. He had originally planned to give her pleasure, by just playing with her. Now though, he knew he had to take her without giving her pleasure first. He slid his hand lower until his fingers were right over the thin strap that held her underwear on. With hands on either side, he cut the cloth and then pulled it off. He moved backwards to admire the girl that was lying, totally unclothed in front on him.
Kagome whimpered and moved her legs to conceal her womanhood, to keep her dignity as long as possible. She shivered and cried heavily, hysteria bubbling up through her. “No…nonono, please Naraku, don't! I'll do anything else!” she begged him. Her voice was soft and shaking in complete fear.
Naraku felt his anger rise through him again. When would this girl learn to stop saying no to him? He nearly ripped his clothes off in anger. He would teach her a lesson in obedience. Yes he loved her, lusted after her, but she would be his and she would do everything he told her to do until she fully accepted him. She would submit to him like a proper female should. Even if it meant breaking her, she would learn the proper way a female should act for her mate.
He wrenched her legs open, receiving a cry of pain from the girl. “You will learn to obey Me.” He hissed out angrily. He positioned himself swiftly before she could continue to beg him to stop. He thrust himself into her hard and fast, ignoring the fact that she was a virgin and that what he was doing would hurt her more then it normally would have. His eyes rolled slightly at the feel of her tight vaginal walls surrounding him.
Kagome cried out in pain. This was not how she had imagined what her first time would be like. She felt her scalding tears flow down her cheek as he pulled out and thrust back into her just as hard. She cried out again and felt a scream build up inside of her. She held it back by biting her tongue. She didn't want Naraku to get any angrier then he already was. She tossed her head from side to side as he pounded into her, ignoring her crying and whimpering and her sobs of pain. She had closed her eyes to try and close off as much of what was happening as possible.
Naraku continued to go faster and harder into the girl. He growled low as he heard the sobs and the whimpering. Onigumo didn't want this! He could feel his human side trying to fight against this, but he pushed it back. He would teach this girl obedience even if it was the death of him. Luckily he didn't have to worry about her priestess powers here. The barrier he placed around his palace also stopped all pure energy from coming in or working inside his barrier. He dug his claws into her hips as he pulled her against him. He would stop in a minute when she stopped struggling. “Stop struggling wench.” He hissed out angrily.
Kagome stopped moving and bit her lip hard to silence her sobs and whimpers. She was still crying, but she couldn't stop that. It felt like Naraku was ripping her apart from the inside, like he was destroying her. She felt her body go numb from the pain, the pain even started to recede at some point. She let her body go limp even though her mind and heart told her to struggle and fight back.
Naraku nodded to himself, she was learning. He pulled out of her forcefully, still not even trying to be gentle. He stood and grabbed his clothes. He got dressed and then slashed Kagome's wrists free. “Never refuse me again. We have a deal and you will keep it. You will come to dinner in a few hours. Kagura and Kanna will come to help you clean up and they will help you dress. Your son will also be at dinner. I expect you to be presentable and in your best behavior.” Before she could say anything, he turned and left.
Kagome curled up and only let her sobs and cries loose when she heard the door shut behind him. Her life had gone from bad to worse in one day and all she wanted to do was curl up in a corner and die. `So much for my dreams of a happy life.' Her mind whispered to her. But for some reason, her heart wasn't giving up on life yet, it still told her that somewhere out there, the mysterious man from her dreams and visions was out there and that she would find him some day. Her tears slowly stopped and her sobs quieted as her mind wrapped itself around that one piece of hope and light. She knew she couldn't turn to Inu-Yasha after what just happened, she still felt a horrible rage towards him for ripping apart her feelings and dismissing her love like it was nothing.
She sat up slowly and painfully. She saw blood around her legs and she knew she had to clean up. She looked around and only then did she notice her bag off in the corner where Shippo had been sleeping. She crawled over to it and pulled out a pair of underwear and a bra. She sniffled as she took a painkiller. Life sucked at the moment and she couldn't think of a single way to get out of it.
Yes there was rape, I'm not sure how good I did so I hope people won't mind if it turned out badly. Understand that Naraku was at odds with himself. He didn't want to rape her, but he felt he had to, to teach Kagome to obey and submit to him.
Preview of Next chapter:

Kagome stood there, still in pain as Kagura and Kanna pushed the dinning room doors open. She gasped softly at the sight of all the food that was spread out over the large table. There were only 3 seats, so when she entered Kanna and Kagura closed the doors behind her. She spun around like a frightened animal and stood there in shock. Kanna and Kagura had been distantly kind to her during the day and now she didn't want to be left alone.
“Won't you come and sit down?” a silky cold voice asked from the table.
“Yeah mama, come sit down!” Shippo said with happiness and a little fear. Nothing bad had happened to him, and while they had been waiting. Naraku had been trying to talk to him about little things. It had surprised and shocked him at first, but he had slowly opened up. Naraku had been talking to him quietly, asking simple questions about his likes and dislikes.
Kagome slowly turned around to see Naraku and Shippo sitting at the table. Shippo, in his innocence, wasn't as afraid of Naraku as he should have been. Kagome slowly walked to the table and then awkwardly sat down in the chair. She was still in pain from what Naraku had done to her earlier.
“Please, eat what you would like.” Said Naraku pleasantly, waiting for his, forced, guests to start eating.