InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Naraku's Prisoner ❯ Mating ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not now nor have I ever owned Inu-Yasha or anything that has to do with Inu-Yasha copyrighted stuff. I would love too and it would make a fabulous birthday gift :: hint hint wink wink ::
Naraku's Prisoner
Chapter 8: Mating
By Ethril Dragon
“You won't be forcing me Naraku,” She whispered, her words were said from the depths of her heart.
Naraku gasped and captured her lips again in a searing kiss. He released one of her hands to pull her sleeping yukata farther off of her shoulders. Naraku growled in a pleased way as the entirety of her breasts were revealed to him and he captured one nipple, sucking and licking it hungrily.
Kagome gasped and arched into his mouth, her hand going to his hair in surprise. She had been expecting something to happen, but not this. Kagome could feel his hand exploring her body, he was showing her a new perspective of what sex could be like. “Naraku!” She gasped, his name whispered across her lips as his hand parted her yukata further. The heat from his body, still covered by his own clothes, pressed against her gently.
Naraku moaned as he started kissing her chest and then moved lower, kiss-by-kiss. When he had first taken her, he hadn't taken the time to really enjoy her body. But now, now that she was willing, he could take all the time he wanted. She arched against his mouth as he released her other hand and nipped gently at her flat stomach. `It won't be flat for long,' he thought as he gently and carefully pushed her legs open.
Kagome couldn't believe he was being slow with her, not with how he had treated her last time. She gasped as she felt his fangs gently dig into her stomach. He didn't pierce her skin, but it had felt strangely pleasurable. Her newly freed hand went to join the other to entangle her fingers in his long hair. When she felt him push her legs apart gently, she hesitated. Since that day she hadn't done anything and he hadn't done anything to her in return. Part of her was afraid it would hurt just as much as when he had raped her. She bit her lip and looked at Naraku fearfully.
“I won't hurt you Kagome,” He whispered as he lowered himself over her, one hand on her stomach to hold her down and the other on her right inner thigh. “Trust me,” he added as he flicked his tongue out to taste her. He grinned as she gasped and attempted to arch against his hand. He chuckled and his eyes rolled in his head as he took another taste of her. She was heavenly. Her musky scent surrounded his senses as he drove his tongue into her core, where he could taste her sweet honey.
Her body fought to arch against Naraku's hand as she felt his tongue circle her clit and then dive into her core. Her eyes were wide and her fingers convulsed in his hair as feelings she had never felt before invaded her body and mind.
Naraku kept slow, enjoying the taste of Kagome. Now was his chance to explore her body and to enjoy her. He would give her so much pleasure she would never doubt his love for her.
As he felt Kagome's first small release, Naraku sat up on his knees. Before him lay a panting, flushed, and pleasured Kagome. Her cheeks were dark red, her chest heaving from breathing so hard. One hand had fallen to her stomach and the other onto her chest when he had sat up. Her eyes were half closed and she looked at him in pleasured contentment. Nowhere did he see hesitation or confusion, anger or nervousness. She had accepted what would happen and was giving herself willing to him. Naraku locked eyes with hers as he carefully started to remove his clothes. Her eyes never left his, even as he stood to remove his hakamas. He knelt again between her legs once more and sat perfectly still, allowing Kagome to look at him as much as he looked at her.
Slowly, her eyes left his and trailed down his body, her blush deepening as she looked at the well toned muscles. Very few scars flawed his skin, his chest was lightly dusted with dark hairs. Her eyes went no farther then his stomach, her still mostly innocent mind avoiding the most sexual part of his body.
Naraku chuckled softly as her eyes hesitated. He should have known she wouldn't look, he knew it would take awhile for her to get used to the idea his hard, aroused erection. He slowly and carefully leaned over her, his arms propping him up over her so he wasn't physically touching her. He wouldn't take her yet, he wanted to explore her body.
Silently and slowly, he recaptured her lips in a gentle and yet possessive kiss. He didn't explore her mouth with his tongue, no, he simple kissed her. He felt her hands wrap around his back.
Kagome understood the sudden slowness Naraku was showing her. She was grateful for the carefulness he was giving her. She returned his simple and yet loving kiss, her eyes closing slowly.
The two explored each other, slowly but passionately. In this way they found sensual points on each other. When she ran her nails across the spider mark on Naraku's back, Kagome found he would gasp and arch against her in surprise. The harder she dug into his back, the more he would pant and moan. She would nip at his neck, similar to how he had previously done so, causing him to growl in pleasure. He was much taller then her, and his body covered hers. He wasn't fat, though she was surprised to discover his body was softer then his muscles portrayed.
As their bodies moved against each other, a gentle pressure was applied to Kagome's lower stomach causing her to groan in pleasure. Naraku moved one hand to press down more and Kagome's head feel back and she panted softly. Her breasts weren't as sensitive as he had first hoped, but he knew they would be after child birth.
Both lost track of time as they learned about each others bodies. The pleasure both felt when skin met skin was enough to keep the two from even wondering about the outside world.
Inwardly, Kagome was surprised that Naraku was being so gentle and slow with her, but she didn't think much about it. Once during the time they spent kissing she compared Naraku to Inu-Yasha. She found the dog lacking in many ways. In a split moment, her heart was healed as she realized she could have never fully loved Inu-Yasha in the way she had fallen in love with Naraku.
Cries of pleasure filled the room as Naraku started nipping and sucking on Kagome's left shoulder. He fondled her breasts and very gently lowered the tip of his penis to her entrance. He bit down gently and pushed slowly into her, only a tiny bit.
Naraku felt Kagome go still, her breathing still hard. He lifted his head and met her gaze. The two looked at each other for an unknown amount of time, unspoken words traveling between the loving gazes. Without breaking his gaze from her beautiful eyes, he thrust into her slowly and gently. Unlike last time, she was physically ready for him to take her. He went slow, watching for any sign of pain in those trusting blue eyes.
Only when he was completely inside of her did he speak.
“Kagome. Before we continue, I must ask you something,” his words were soft, and Kagome swore she heard fear as well as hesitation.
Kagome nodded slightly indicating he could continue. Whatever it was he had to ask her, had to have been important since he was asking now of all times.
Naraku took a deep breath before continuing. “I want you Kagome. Not just now, but forever. What is left of my heart breaks at the thought of never having you as my mate. If we continue, I'll loose myself to my desire to make you my mate. I don't want to take you without your willingness,” His words were hushed, as if he was afraid if he spoke any louder they would be stolen away.
Kagome's eyes widened slightly and she looked deeply into the violet eyes of the man she had fallen in love with. She could see the crimson starting to creep into the edges of the violet. He was asking her one last time before he mated with her. What man, or demon, would actually take the time to ask her to make sure? She felt tears in her eyes as everything he had done for her, even the times he hadn't actually harmed her in battle, the times when she realized he had been protecting her in a subtle way from battle, filled her mind and heart.
“I would be honored Naraku, to be your mate,” her words were hushed as well, so as not to ruin the moment. The emotion in the air was almost fragile as her words reached Naraku's ears. He watched as a single tear rolled down her cheek and he leaned down to lick it away. He felt as if he would cry in sheer happiness at the sound of her words.
“When I take you as mine Kagome, I'll bite on your shoulder, leaving my mark. Your teeth aren't sharp enough to break skin, so I'll have to cut my shoulder for you to bite,” he said as he rested his cheek against hers, his warm breath caressing the skin of her ear.
Kagome shivered and nodded. She wasn't keen on tasting any more blood, but Naraku said it in a way that made her sure it was necessary.
With her nod, Naraku started moving slowly against her. He pulled out of her only half way before thrusting slowly back in. With each thrust, his demon side took over his body. `Go slow,' his human side whispered, `be gentle.' His demon side, though in control, agreed with the human side and was careful with the small human woman he was about to make his mate.
Instinct took over at one point and as Naraku was pulling out, Kagome arched her hips and met his next thrust into her. The arching of her hips caused Naraku to thrust deeper and harder then he had planned. Kagome gasped and dug her nails into the spider mark on his back, causing him to thrust harder and faster into her.
Naraku wrapped his arms around her as their bodies moved faster against each other, both Naraku and Kagome becoming desperate to fall over the edge together.
The building pressure was becoming too much for Naraku, his fangs elongated and he placed them right against Kagome's shoulder. They barely pressed against the skin, causing two small drops of blood to appear. His eyes widened and he thrust faster then before, using his demonic speed, into Kagome.
He heard her cry out as she came, the clenching of her muscles causing Naraku to come as well. He bit into her shoulder, his fangs parting her skin smoothly.
The pleasure of her orgasm dulled the pain in her shoulder. Kagome panted and dug her nails into Naraku's back again and again as she felt him flex inside of her, stretching her tightened muscles. She felt Naraku shift slightly and a claw appeared against his shoulder. She watched in a detached way as that single claw dug into the pale skin of Naraku's shoulder.
“Bite,” he whispered hoarsely against her bleeding shoulder. If she didn't bite fast then she could loose too much blood.
Starting to grow tired, she leaned forward and dug her blunt teeth into the wound. She choked slightly as the taste of his blood filled her mouth. Expecting to only feel the wound on her shoulder heal, like what had happened last time, she gasped in surprise when a strange sensation filled her body.
Not only did she feel her shoulder heal, but her body felt revived. She didn't analyze exactly what she was feeling, but suddenly the world became a little brighter. The softness of Naraku's skin against hers enhanced almost to the point of making her orgasm again. She panted and clutched Naraku close as her senses were suddenly overwhelmed by what was happening. She shivered and her eyes closed tight.
Naraku knew what would happen when they had exchanged blood and bite marks, but he also thought Kagome would know as well having traveled with a demon slayer, a monk, and two demons. He was not expecting to feel Kagome hold onto him tightly and squeeze her eyes shut. He held her gently, rocking her softly against him as her body slowly stopped shivering. “Kagome, are you alright?”
Kagome's eyes slowly opened. The world had dimmed a little and she wasn't as overwhelmed by the increased senses. “What just happened?”
Naraku frowned. Had no one ever taught her about demons other then how to kill them? “We mated. Since you are human, my demon blood has enhanced some of your senses as well as increased your life span,” Naraku said carefully. “You're not a demon, but you as long as we're mated you'll have demon like abilities.”
Kagome looked at him carefully, her eyes scanning his questioningly. She wasn't worried about the enhanced abilities, those would always be useful. But one thing bothered her. “How much has my life span increased?”
Naraku sighed and his body sagged slightly as he lifted his body from hers. Both groaned softly as he pulled his flaccid penis from her. He panted softly as he sat up and reached over for to the kimono for Kagome. “For as long as I live, you will live. If I were to die, then you would revert to your normal life span,” Naraku said, his eyes avoiding hers for some reason.
Kagome thought about this for a long time. She unconsciously pulled the kimono over her shoulders and held it closed. As she was thinking Naraku was getting dressed. `In a way it's a good thing. Now I can raise Shippo properly. “Will I be stronger?”
Naraku nodded slightly. “Not by much, but you could fight off a lower demon effectively now without your miko powers.”
“So. I'll have stronger senses, I'll live longer, and I'll be physically stronger,” She said, listing off everything Naraku had told her. “How long do you think you'll live?” She asked, her head tilting slightly at the question.
Naraku chuckled softly. “I have another few centuries of life left, as long as I'm not killed in battle.”
`So not only will I live longer, but I'll probably be able to live long enough to see my family again,' she thought. She blinked in shock. Her mind had already concluded she wouldn't return to her time to stay. She would probably go back once to tell her family good bye, but after that she would stay here with Naraku.
So deep in thought she was, she didn't feel Naraku help her stand, nor did she feel Naraku help her dress.
Naraku watched his new mate worriedly, her expression never changing from contemplative. Was she regretting her choice so early? He had thought the demonic enhancements would make her happy, especially the long life. She had adopted a young fox demon, and now she could raise him and watch him live his life instead of dying before him.
Abruptly Kagome's stomach rumbled, pulling her from her thoughts and creating a blush across her cheeks.
Naraku smiled slightly and lead the way from her room and towards the dinning hall, where they would eat…and talk.
“I have something I want to give you Kagome,” Naraku said as they finished lunch. Kagome blushed and pushed her hair out of her face. Part of her still couldn't believe she had mated with Naraku only a few days ago. If she had been told by her future self she would mate with Naraku, she probably wouldn't have believed it. `He's not the monster I was lead to believe,' she thought contently as she stood at the same time as her mate. `In the time I've spent with him, I've learned more then I could have ever imagined.'
*Flash Back*
“Kagura, where's Naraku?” Kagome asked the wind sorceress as she wandered the halls. She had just finished Shippo's writing lessons and had been hoping to spend some time with Naraku before lunch. Shippo sure seemed happy that she and Naraku were mated.
Kagura, who had just rounded a corner when Kagome caught sight of her smiled and waved her fan. “He's in his study, looking over some reports several of the villages have sent in.” Kagura motioned her fan in the general direction. “Go down that hallway and take a left. It's a big door, you can't miss it.”
Kagome nodded and thanked Kagura before following the directions given. Soon, she was standing outside a pair of rather elegant and large doors. Hesitantly, she knocked on them and waited for a reply.
“Enter Kagome.”
Kagome pushed the door open and peaked in. At a large desk, sat Naraku. Surrounding Naraku were piles of neatly organized scrolls. Kagome nervously entered and looked around as she pushed the door shut with her back. It wasn't a large study, but the walls were lined with different works of art and what looked like books.
“What would you like Kagome?” Naraku asked as he looked up from a scroll he had been reading.
“I was just wondering what you were doing?” Kagome asked as she walked lightly over to Naraku to take a look at the scroll he had just set down. From what she could see upside down, it was a request for extra supplies from a town near the border of Naraku's lands.
“I'm reviewing reports from various towns and villages in my land. The eastern border has been hit badly because of the fighting. I've already authorized emergency supplies be sent consisting of grain, animals, building material, and extra blankets. Lower demons are taking them at the moment,” Naraku said as he reached over and signed the scroll.
“Is it a demon village?” Kagome asked as she looked at an already signed scroll reporting on the recent harvest.
“No, it's a human village,” Naraku said as he looked up to see Kagome's reaction.
Kagome looked over the scrolls. “Naraku…”
“My lands are mostly at peace Kagome. Demons and Humans work and live together under my leadership. I don't discriminate between races or species,” Naraku said as he stood and circled his desk to stand beside her. “I believe one day humans might just out strength demons. It's best if the two get along now.”
Kagome nodded, but didn't say anything. She couldn't really, not without risking changing the future. But she was glad to find out that Naraku cared about his lands and people.
*End Flash Back*
Kagome followed Naraku as he lead the way from the palace and towards his garden. “What is the surprise?” She asked with a big grin.
Naraku shook his head and sent a slight grin over his shoulder at her. “It's not much of a surprise if I tell you in advance now is it?”
Kagome laughed and nodded in agreement. “Not even a little clue?” she pouted and reached out to hold his hand.
Naraku grasped her hand lovingly. It was a custom she had taught him, since most couples didn't do such a thing. He liked it, since it allowed him to be in physical contact without seeming indecent. “It's a gift,” he said cryptically.
Kagome shook her head and squeezed her hand. “I already know that.”
“You'll just have to wait and see. Not much farther,” He said as they continued into the center of the garden. They rounded the corner and Naraku lead Kagome over to the bench next to the pond. “Stay here,” he said as she sat down, carefully crossing her hands in her lap to keep the kimono completely closed.
Naraku was grinning as he walked over to the pound. Ignoring the koi, and Kagome's startled gasp, he reached into the center of the water. The koi swam around his hand, but otherwise ignored him. When he stood back up, he had something relatively small in his hand.
Kagome craned her neck to try and get a better look as Naraku turned and walked back to her. He stood behind her and asked her to stand. “This is what I wanted to give you,” He whispered as he handed her the gold comb.
“Naraku! It's beautiful!” Kagome exclaimed as Naraku swept Kagome's hair up and then slid the comb in place. `It's just like the one from my…my dream. Except it isn't broken,' she thought as realization swept over her. The mystery man that had always been behind her, holding her, it had to have been Naraku. The comb linked everything into place even though she had only seen it once in her dreams. `But that would mean I'm…' She couldn't be pregnant, not yet. They had only had sex once, and since she knew she wasn't pregnant since…the first day Naraku had brought her here, then she'd have to wait to find out otherwise. The comb wasn't broken, it was possible she wouldn't be pregnant for a little while.
Before her mind could start going in confusing circles, she felt Naraku's arms circle her from behind. She leaned into his arms, almost too naturally. `Yes…just like my dreams,' she thought surprised that she wasn't as astonished as she should have been. It must be that in her heart she had always known it was Naraku she had dreamt about, though her mind had fought and denied it. She thought back to the first time she had actually seen him. She had felt something then, but had marked it down as hatred. Now though, she remembered every time she had seen him she had felt something tug in her heart and mind.
“It was my mothers, and it was her mothers before her,” Naraku said as he nuzzled his mark on Kagome's shoulder. It looked even more beautiful on her then he could have guessed. He looked down into the pond, his arms wrapped comfortably around his new mate. His demon purred in contentment as he felt Kagome lean against him. Never before had he felt so happy, or at least not since his childhood. He sighed, he could stay like this forever, but that was not to be.
“Naraku! My Lord we're under attack!” one of his soldiers yelled from outside the garden. Naraku straightened and clutched Kagome tightly before letting her go. He knew this day would come, though he wished it could have been later. He told his garden to allow the soldier in. In a moment, the crane demon was at his side panting heavily and a gash on his head. Kagome gasped, but Naraku pushed her behind him.
“Report,” he said sternly. His warm and content expression gone, his eyes hard.
“It is Inu-Yasha my Lord. The Inu-Hanyo attacks!”
“Where is he?” Naraku asked with a coldness Kagome hadn't heard since before he had kidnapped her.
“Just outside the barrier. He took the guards by surprise. The monk is attempting to take down the barrier, it won't hold for long,” the crane said as the wound slowly closed. He must have come straight to Naraku the moment the attack happened.
Instantly, Naraku was heading for the exit of the garden. “Send someone to get Shippo and Kohaku here. Summon Kagura to my study, I have something I need to give her,” Naraku said as he walked swiftly through the barrier before Kagome could follow. Before she could step through, he reinforced it and told it not to let her pass.
Kagome was about to exit when she suddenly felt a pressure hold her back. “Naraku?” She called out as he turned to face her. Something a kin to worry flashed through his eyes.
“I can't risk your life Kagome. Not now. Kohaku will bring Shippo here and protect you from any fighting that might take place.” With that Naraku turned his back on Kagome and headed for the palace, he needed to give Kagura her heart as he had promised.
“Naraku!” Kagome yelled his name and pounded on the barrier. Her fists collided with the barrier with soft, silent bangs. She started to cry even as Kohaku arrived with Shippo.
“Momma, what's going on?” Shippo asked as Kagome picked up her son, her tears falling freely.
Kagome wanted to tell Shippo everything was going to be alright, but she had a horrible feeling that it wasn't. `I have to get to Naraku!' she thought desperately.
In only a few minutes, the sound of fighting reached the small groups ears. What looked like Inu-Yasha's windtunnel flashed. Kagome was starting to become desperate. The longer the fight took place, the more she felt something horrible was going to happen.
Suddenly, her heart gave a sudden wrench and she knew that something had happened to Naraku. Kagome handed Shippo over to Kohaku.
“I have to go to Naraku. Kohaku I need you to take care of Shippo alright?” Kagome asked with a weak smile and a tremor in her voice.
Kohaku nodded mutely and held onto Shippo even as the small kit struggled for release to get to his mother. Kagome pushed against the barrier, but it wouldn't budge. `Please! Let me pass, I have to get to my mate!' she thought desperately as she pushed again. Suddenly, the barrier wavered. She pushed again and this time she was able to push through.
Shippo jumped free of Kohaku's arms, but when he ran to follow his mother, he ran into the barrier around the garden. When he had seen his mother push through, the strange comb she had been wearing pulsed red. “Momma, come back!” he called out even as Kagome started running towards the front of the palace.
`Please let Naraku be alright,' she begged whatever gods were watching over her.
A/N: alright, here is the next chapter. I know you've been waiting awhile, but I hope this makes up for it.
My birthday is in a couple months, it would be great if I received lots and lots of comments.
Preview for next chapter:
“Kagome!” Sango suddenly yelled as her friend suddenly appeared from around a corner. She grabbed her boomerang and raced over to her younger friend. “You're alright!”
Kagome nodded and looked around. “Where's Naraku?” She asked with fear.
Sango, thinking Kagome was afraid of Naraku, and not for Naraku, grinned in a way Kagome had never seen her grin.
“Fighting Inu-Yasha. It won't be long now Kagome, we won't let that monster hurt you ever again.” Kagome grew pale and pushed past the demon slayer and towards the fighting noise was coming from.
Sango followed, thinking Kagome only wanted to see Naraku die.
The closer they got, the more intense the frightening feeling became. She had to get to her mate and fast, or else she would loose him. They rounded another corner and Kagome stopped and gasped in surprise. Before her were Inu-Yasha and Naraku. Naraku was missing his arm and his armor was almost completely destroyed. Kagura was holding off Miroku and Kikyo was lying dead on the ground.
“You'll pay for what you did to Kagome!” Inu-Yasha yelled at Naraku, who was attempting to regenerate his arm.
“And what did I do to her exactly?” Naraku asked, his voice as steady and calm as it always sounded when he was in battle. Before, Kagome had thought the sound was malevolent, now she knew it was a mask to keep the pain down.
“You took her away!” Inu-Yasha said as he raised Tetsusaiga for another attack. Before Inu-Yasha could release another windscar, Naraku knocked him back with one of his poisonous tentacles.
“She wasn't harmed pup. Why don't you go home before I kill you?” Naraku said as he sent another tentacle towards Inu-Yasha. Inu-Yasha jumped back, avoiding being stabbed again. His eyes were starting to turn blood red and Kagome could see Inu-Yasha lifting his sword to charge at Naraku.
Fear enveloped Kagome and she yelled for them to stop. This distracted Inu-Yasha, and instead of finishing Naraku with a killing blow, he simply stabbed Naraku in the stomach. Naraku stabbed Inu-Yasha in the shoulder, sending him tumbling away several yards.
“Kagome what are you doing here?”