InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Naraku's Prisoner ❯ Author's Notes ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authors Notes: Ok…I have two versions of the next chapter. In one version Inu-Yasha dies in the other he lives. In both there is a big battle. Naraku and Kagome announce their mates. What I want to know is what you guys want. Should Inu-Yasha die or should he live? The future of the plot depends on what you guys want.
In one, possibly two chapters this story will be done. I've figured out what I'm doing for the sequel, but that all depends on whether Inu-Yasha is still around. Put you're vote in a review. Live or die?
Excerpts from the live and dead versions of the next chapter. The future plot depends on this one choice. The outcome is pretty much the same, but how it happens depends on if Inu-Yasha lives.:
Inu lives:
Kagome bit her lip, torn between agreeing with Naraku and feeling sorry towards Inu-Yasha. Kagome placed her hand on Naraku's chest and sent a silent plea for him to put her down. He did slowly, his eyes glaring at Inu-Yasha the entire time. Kagome kissed her mate on his cheek before kneeling next to Inu-Yasha.
“I'm sorry Kagome. I…I didn't mean to attack you,” Inu-Yasha whispered, his body quivering slightly. His shoulders shook and he kept his head down, his back towards Naraku and Kagome. He felt like his spirit had been torn apart and his heart ripped to shreds. It just wasn't fair that He'd lost the one woman that had actually loved him for who he was. “It's just…how could you choose him?” his question was soft and full of the pain of rejection.
“Inu-Yasha?” Her voice was hesitant and gentle. She reached out to gently touch his shoulder.
Inu-Yasha tensed and pulled away from Kagome's hand. “Go away Kagome. I can't trust myself around you,” his voice was harsh and he sounded tired.
Kagome sucked in her breath, but did not remove her hand. “Inu-Yasha…please understand,” she started to say.
“Understand what? That you mated with the demon that has tried to kill you?” He yelled, jumping up and away from her, his eyes still averted from her. “Understand that you chose him over me?” he breathed heavily for a moment, his body shaking.
“I'm sorry about your pain Inu-Yasha. I wish I could take that pain away,” She said softly and slowly. “During my time here though…I saw a side of Naraku none of us had known existed. He cared about me and loved me.” She hesitated and touched Inu-Yasha's cheek softly. “Inu-Yasha?”
As if pulled from a trance, Inu-Yasha finally turned his head to look at the raven haired beauty. It almost looked like he was going to cry. He looked away again before wrapping his arms around Kagome. “I'm sorry I was angry at you so many times Kagome. I'm sorry I put you through so much pain. I wish I could go back and make everything right again.” His body still shook and his arms tightened around Kagome,.
Kagome looked at him sadly and stayed silent. She wasn't going to tell him that she believed she had loved Naraku even before she had met him. She wouldn't do that to her friend. “We can't change what happened…but we can be friends again.”
Inu-Yasha looked at her hopefully. He couldn't have her as a mate, but he wasn't going to give up his friendship with her. He didn't know how he would come to terms with Kagome being mated to Naraku though.
Inu dies:
Kagome's eyes narrowed and she took a step back. “What are you talking about?”
He didn't answer her. “There's only one real solution,” He said more to himself. “Yes. To keep him from making the mistakes I did, there is only one real choice.” The mist started swirling at a fast pace, forcing Kagome to grab her kimono to keep it wrapped around her. She closed her eyes and she thought she felt a hand on her cheek.
“Just like my Kimiko,” she heard one last time before the wind settled down. Almost as soon as the mist cleared she felt a pair of arms surround her.
“Naraku! Who was that?” She asked. She tried to turn but the arms around her strengthened and she tensed. These weren't Naraku's arms. She was about to turn her head, but one of the hands moved and clapped over her lips. Her eyes went wider in fright and she tried to scream against the hand.
“I won't let you go Kagome. You're mine, not his,” a hoarse angry voice said from behind her. She felt sharp fangs graze her ear and she shivered in fear.
Kagome started to struggle, even as the arm around her tightened and she was pulled back.
“Momma!” Shippo yelled, running towards them. Kagome hadn't realized how far she had wandered from the others. The ground shook slowly and it dawned on her what Inu-Yasha was about to do. She watched as her son ran on his hands and feet towards her, panic in his eyes.
`He's going to drag me to hell! He'll keep his promise to Kikyo, but he'll take me with him!' she started struggling harder and more violently. She tried to bite his hand, but he pulled her head back and her jaw down. `Naraku!' her mind yelled in desperation.
The fangs grazed her ear again and tears rolled down her cheeks. `Oh god, I don't want to die! I don't want to leave Naraku!'
“Get your hands off MY MATE!” She heard him yell and she almost sobbed in relief. Almost as soon as he yelled it, she felt Inu-Yasha being yanked away from her. His claws caught her sides and shallow gashes were made. Once again Naraku's comforting arms were around her and he jumped back from where he had grabbed her.
When they landed, the ground was shaking worse and Naraku went to one knee still holding onto her.
Kagome looked back, and gasped in surprise and sadness. There was Inu-Yasha, his back bent in pain. “Why would you choose him?” she could barely hear him say. Her heart went out to him as the pain rolled off him in waves. The fissure opened up beneath his feet and, without looking back, he stepped into it. He disappeared in an instant. Kagome cried out with mixed emotions and weakly struggled in Naraku's arms. He reached up and turned her eyes away from the death of Inu-Yasha.
Ok, so with those two examples, do you still want him to live?