InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Naraku's Prisoner ❯ The Battle ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Dislcaimer: Meh…lazy…read previous chapters.
A/N: Alright…decision made, Inu-Yasha shall live. Buuuut he's going on a long journey. Heck I might even write a short story on his journeys after I finish the sequel. Or maybe during.
Naraku's Prisoner
Chapter 9: The Battle
By Ethril Dragon
Kagome hiked up her kimono as she ran towards the entrance to the palace. It didn't take her long to reach the entrance. She stood panting for a moment before blinking and taking in her surroundings more clearly. She gasped and started to take a step back when the sight of death and destruction reached her eyes. Before her, the demon and human guards of Naraku's castle were laying in pools of blood. Servants she had come to know as friends were trying to save those that were still alive. She could see what weapons had done this, Hiraikotsu, the wind tunnel, and the Tetsusaiga. Kagome knew the marks from these weapons, she had seen them multiple times.
“My lade it isn't safe!” One of the serving girls said as she grasped the sleeve of Kagome's kimono. Kagome's eyes left the fallen bodies and focused on the young butterfly demoness.
“I'll be fine,” Kagome said softly as she pulled away. “Where's Naraku?” she asked as she felt the ground shake suddenly. It wasn't enough to knock her to her feet, but she stumbled momentarily. The servant girl reached out to steady her.
“Lord Naraku is fighting off the hanyo and his companions,” The girl said, her wings fluttering slightly. Again Kagome pulled away.
`I have to get to him. He's hurt, I know it,' Kagome thought as she moved forward. With each step she took she felt more sure that Naraku needed her.
What she didn't know was that with every step she took, the red jewel on the comb started to glow more and more strongly, causing the living demons nearby to shield their eyes and demons that were near death to suddenly become healed.
Her steps became hurried as she heard Inu-Yasha's voice yell something incoherent. She couldn't hear anyone else, just his yells. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a white feather drifting on the wind and suddenly a few of the fallen demons became animated.
“You shouldn't be out here Kagome!” Kagura said as she floated the feather next to her friend. “You are supposed to be safe and protected behind Naraku's barrier,” Kagura tried to halt Kagome's progress with her feather.
Kagome ducked under the feather and continued forward. “I have to get to Naraku. I have too,” She said over her shoulder to Kagura.
Kagura sighed and lifted into the air, manipulating the deceased demons around Kagome to help protect her.
The corpse demons went in front of Kagome as she headed closer towards the edge of the castle, closer to the entrance. Several of the demon corpses rounded the corner, only to be knocked down by Hiraikotsu. Kagome gave a silent prayer to the fallen demons as their bodies were unable to rise again.
“Kagome!” Sango suddenly yelled as Kagome suddenly appeared from around a corner. She grabbed her boomerang and raced over to her younger friend. “You're alright!”
Kagome nodded and looked around. “Where's Naraku?” She asked with fear. The feeling of impending doom was getting stronger and her heart felt as if it was being squeezed tightly.
Sango, thinking Kagome was afraid of Naraku, and not for Naraku, grinned in a way Kagome had never seen her grin.
“Fighting Inu-Yasha. It won't be long now Kagome, we won't let that monster hurt you ever again.” Kagome grew pale and pushed past the demon slayer and towards the fighting, where the noise was coming from.
Sango followed, thinking Kagome only wanted to see Naraku die.
The closer they got, the more intense the frightening feeling became. She had to get to her mate and fast, or else she would loose him. They rounded another corner and Kagome stopped and gasped in surprise. Before her were Inu-Yasha and Naraku. Naraku was missing his arm and his armor was almost completely destroyed. Kagura was holding off Miroku and Kikyo was lying dead on the ground.
“You'll pay for what you did to Kagome!” Inu-Yasha yelled at Naraku, who was attempting to regenerate his arm.
“And what did I do to her exactly?” Naraku asked, his voice as steady and calm as it always sounded when he was in battle. Before, Kagome had thought the sound was malevolent, now she knew it was a mask to keep the pain down.
“You took her away!” Inu-Yasha said as he raised Tetsusaiga for another attack. Before Inu-Yasha could release another windscar, Naraku knocked him back with one of his poisonous tentacles.
“She wasn't harmed pup. Why don't you go home before I kill you?” Naraku said as he sent another tentacle towards Inu-Yasha. Inu-Yasha jumped back, avoiding being stabbed again. His eyes were starting to turn blood red and Kagome could see Inu-Yasha lifting his sword to charge at Naraku.
Fear enveloped Kagome and she yelled for them to stop. This distracted Inu-Yasha, and instead of finishing Naraku with a killing blow, he simply stabbed Naraku in the stomach. Naraku stabbed Inu-Yasha in the shoulder, sending him tumbling away several yards.
“Kagome what are you doing here?” Naraku whispered as he jumped away from Inu-Yasha. His words were hushed, fearful, though his facial expression was still calm and serious.
Inu-Yasha hesitated and looked back at Kagome, his eyes only seeing a frightened and upset Kagome. His anger became worse as he only registered her fear, and not what was causing the fear. His eyes snapped to Naraku and he began to stalk the spider demon slowly. “You. Hurt. Her,” He said slowly. “I'll kill you,” with each word his voice got louder and a pulsing surrounded his body. It wouldn't be long until he lost full control of his demon side even with the Tetsusaiga in his hands.
Kagome, recognizing the danger, started running with all her strength towards Naraku. She distantly heard people yelling at her to stop, but she didn't listen. She didn't pay attention to who it was that yelled and tried to stop her. Her eyes and mind were only on Naraku. She vaguely saw Inu-Yasha raise his sword. She heard him yell his attack just as she reached Naraku.
Time slowed for a second as she waited for Inu-Yasha's attack to hit them. She felt Naraku's remaining arm go around her waist and she felt her feet leave the ground. Naraku had barely been able to jump out of the way of the wind scar. As his and her feet touched the ground, silence welcomed them. Kagome hesitantly turned her head to look at her friends.
Their expressions hurt her. Surprise, confusion, and then anger filled their faces. Or more specifically, anger filled Inu-Yasha's face. She clutched at Naraku's armor as she looked over at Inu-Yasha. He was shaking, with shock or anger she couldn't tell. His bangs were hiding his eyes from her. His fists, she could see, were tightly clenched.
“Kagome…what?” Sango's words were soft, but everyone could hear them in the silence after the battle.
“Kagome is my mate,” Naraku stated calmly, his arm tightening around her. Kagome hid her face against Naraku's chest. She couldn't take her friends expressions any longer.
“How could you?” Inu-Yasha whispered and then said it again with a yell.
Kagome flinched and Naraku growled.
“You broke her heart dog. You loved another and didn't show her the respect she deserved. I gave her what she wanted, what her heart wanted,” Naraku said through bared fangs.
Inu-Yasha growled angrily. “How could you ever give her anything? You're nothing but an evil vile creature that kills everything. You're probably controlling her somehow.”
”SIT!” Kagome yelled suddenly, sending Inu-Yasha face first into the dirt. She turned slightly in Naraku's arm to look at the man she had once loved. “Naraku's not what we all thought he was. He's kind, sweet, caring, strong, brave, and intelligent. And I love him!” Her voice never hesitated, her words never faltered. She proclaimed her love for her one time enemy too the world.
Inu-Yasha went still, Miroku and Sango looked at each other in confusion. When the spell wore off, the inu-hanyo very slowly pushed himself up. His hand released his sword suddenly and it clattered to the ground. He was silent as crimson seeped into his eyes at a fast pace. Kagome gasped and felt as Naraku tried to push her away from him.
Kagome felt Kagura assist Naraku, and she felt herself being pulled onto Kagura's feather. She struggled, but to no avail as the feather rose.
That was when Inu-Yasha attacked. Not at Naraku though, but at her. He jumped into the air and aimed a swipe of his claws at Kagome, only to be knocked away by Naraku.
“Get her out of here!” Naraku yelled as he sent a tentacle straight at Inu-Yasha.
Miroku and Sango didn't really know what to do at this point. So they retreated for the moment. They were torn between helping Inu-Yasha, and trusting Kagome and her decision. They knew Kagome rarely made wrong decisions, and could tell she was in no way being controlled by Naraku, not like in the past.
Inu-Yasha's anger was focused completely on Kagome. His demon side felt betrayed, feeling as if its future mate had betrayed him for the enemy. He came close in his second attack, but missed as the feather veered away suddenly. In desperation he grabbed the feather and his claws shredded it as Naraku attacked again. He was flung away from the destroyed feather as he quickly descended.
Kagura controlled the feather as best she could, but Inu-Yasha's claws had done horrible damage too it. “You have to run Kagome! We'll hold him back!” Kagura said as she opened her fan. Kagome shook her head slightly, in shock by the fact that her once friend was attacking her. She had not thought her mating to Naraku would cause Inu-Yasha to go into a blood frenzy like this. “Run!” Kagura yelled as Inu-Yasha launched himself towards her again.
Inu-Yasha dodged Naraku, ignored the wounds Naraku caused as he flung him off his course. His only purpose was to kill the traitorous bitch that had left him. As Naraku came at him again, he roared and dug his claws into Naraku's stomach.
Blood splattered from Naraku's mouth as he was sent flying. His body hit the ground and rolled a few feet before lying still.
Kagome felt ill and her legs were suddenly week. Her eyes went wide as she stumbled backwards in fear as Inu-Yasha raced towards her. Kagura attempted to stop the hanyo, only to be clawed at and fall away unconscious, possibly dead.
Kagome's knees buckled and her heart pounded as she fell to her knees. Her heart wrenched and she looked at her mate one last time as Inu-Yasha's claws descended on her. In her heart she could feel Naraku's life force leave his body. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she gave a silent wish, a plea, to any god that could hear her, to save her mate. She closed her eyes as Inu-Yasha's claws reached her head. She winced as she anticipated the claws digging into her skull, but instead she felt them hit the comb Naraku had given her. Instead of breaking and his hand continuing on, the comb flashed and halted Inu-Yasha's movement.
Inu-Yasha's eyes went wide and he jumped back, only to attack again. The comb protected her again, but with as much force Inu-Yasha was putting behind his attack, the gem of the comb gave off a tiny cracking sound. As the crack spread a burst of light exuded from the comb. Inu-Yasha was thrown away and his demon side was locked away for the moment, his eyes turning gold once more.
Kagome opened her eyes slowly and felt a small breeze pick up and play with strands of her hair. She blinked and looked at the fallen form of her mate.
Ignoring Inu-Yasha as he moaned and sat up, Miroku and Sango running up to try and keep Inu-Yasha from attacking again, Kagome went straight to Naraku.
Disbelievingly, Kagome slowly fell to her knees next to the fallen form of her love. Her hand shook as she slowly reached out to push a strand of hair out of his face. His skin was still a little warm, but when she felt for a pulse, none could be found. A sob broke loose from her and she leaned over Naraku, pulling his head into her lap. They had only been mates for a short amount of time, but it had felt like a life time.
“Naraku…Naraku please don't leave me,” She whispered futility, knowing his soul was already gone. She closed her eyes and sobbed, her tears falling onto Naraku's cheeks as she cried for her love. She had dreamt of him, wished for him, searched for him, and now she had lost him.
“You haven't lost him. Not yet,” A deep and soft voice told her. She looked up sharply and looked around. Miroku and Sango were still keeping Inu-Yasha were he was and she couldn't seen anyone else near by.
“I can save him. But he will be changed.” She looked around again, searching for the man behind the voice.
“If you can save him, please do so!” She pleaded with the voice. As the words left her lips a light mist swirled and the form of a black haired demon lord became visible. Though she could see him, his form waved with each gust of the breeze. She sucked in her breath as the demon lord bent over the body of Naraku and looked him over.
He reached out and gently touched Naraku's heart. The mist that was the demon lord's body wavered and swirled, seemingly entering Naraku's body. Kagome held her breath as the last of the mist entered Naraku's body. `Please…please save him,' she begged the spirit of the demon lord. She had no idea what he was doing; her only thought was that it could save her mate.
Naraku's body suddenly jerked and he sucked in a deep breath. Kagome cried out, but had to shield her eyes when suddenly Naraku was engulfed with a bright light. She tried to look at him through cracked eyelids, but it was impossible. The light was too blinding.
She couldn't see what was happening to Naraku, but she could feel it through her heart. Her heart felt full again and her body started to feel warm, the enhanced senses returning with Naraku's life.
When the light finally faded, a pair of arms encircled her. She felt lips touch her hair and she looked up into the crimson eyes of her mate. Kagome cried in happiness as Naraku leaned down to capture her lips in a passionate kiss. Her arms wrapped around his neck on their own accord and her eyes slid closed as she melted into his kiss.
She vaguely heard a few people talking, but she didn't care anymore. She had the love of her life back in her arms, alive. When they finally pulled apart she got a good look at her revived mate. Her eyes went wide as she saw what the demon lord's spirit had said. Naraku was changed. Greatly changed. “Naraku…you're…”
“A full demon. I don't know how, but I am,” He said as he leaned his forehead against hers.
“The spirit of the demon lord brought you back…” Kagome said slowly.
“It seems the spirit of the demon lord fused his life force with Naraku's to save him,” Miroku said as he hesitantly walked up to the kneeling pair. Sango stood behind him, her eyes warily watching Naraku.
Everyone was silent for a few minutes, at least until Kagura reentered the scene carrying Kohaku and little Shippo. After that Sango was holding her little brother, Naraku was hesitantly speaking with Miroku, and Kagome was being held tightly in Naraku's arms. It seemed the spider demon did not want to let go of his mate quite yet.
Kagome looked past everyone, at the sitting and dejected form of Inu-Yasha. She winced and looked at him sadly. She could guess how he felt, having been rejected herself. Now he had lost both her and Kikyo.
“We'd better go speak with him,” Naraku told Kagome, though he said his words loud enough for Sango, Miroku, Kohaku, and Kagura to hear. With his arms still around Kagome, he lifted her up bridal style and carried her over to Inu-Yasha. “What do you have to say for yourself Mutt? You nearly killed Kagome, caused her more emotional pain then you ever have, and now you have hurt her with your silence. Give me a reason to not kill you right now!” Naraku snarled.
Kagome bit her lip, torn between agreeing with Naraku and feeling sorry towards Inu-Yasha. Kagome placed her hand on Naraku's chest and sent a silent plea for him to put her down. He did slowly, his eyes glaring at Inu-Yasha the entire time. Kagome kissed her mate on his cheek before kneeling next to Inu-Yasha.
“I'm sorry Kagome. I…I didn't mean to attack you,” Inu-Yasha whispered, his body quivering slightly. His shoulders shook and he kept his head down, his back towards Naraku and Kagome. He felt like his spirit had been torn apart and his heart ripped to shreds. It just wasn't fair that He'd lost the one woman that had actually loved him for who he was. “It's just…how could you choose him?” his question was soft and full of the pain of rejection.
“Inu-Yasha?” Her voice was hesitant and gentle. She reached out to gently touch his shoulder.
Inu-Yasha tensed and pulled away from Kagome's hand. “Go away Kagome. I can't trust myself around you,” his voice was harsh and he sounded tired.
Kagome sucked in her breath, but did not remove her hand. “Inu-Yasha…please understand,” she started to say.
“Understand what? That you mated with the demon that has tried to kill you?” He yelled, jumping up and away from her, his eyes still averted from her. “Understand that you chose him over me?” he breathed heavily for a moment, his body shaking.
“I'm sorry about your pain Inu-Yasha. I wish I could take that pain away,” She said softly and slowly. “During my time here though…I saw a side of Naraku none of us had known existed. He cared about me and loved me.” She hesitated and touched Inu-Yasha's cheek softly. “Inu-Yasha?”
As if pulled from a trance, Inu-Yasha finally turned his head to look at the raven haired beauty. It almost looked like he was going to cry. He looked away again before wrapping his arms around Kagome. “I'm sorry I was angry at you so many times Kagome. I'm sorry I put you through so much pain. I wish I could go back and make everything right again.” His body still shook and his arms tightened around Kagome,.
Kagome looked at him sadly and stayed silent. She wasn't going to tell him that she believed she had loved Naraku even before she had met him. She wouldn't do that to her friend. “We can't change what happened…but we can be friends again.”
Inu-Yasha looked at her hopefully. He couldn't have her as a mate, but he wasn't going to give up his friendship with her. He didn't know how he would come to terms with Kagome being mated to Naraku though.
“I'm sure we can work something out,” Naraku stated with a hand on Kagome's shoulder. “Come, night is approaching and dinner will be ready soon.”
Kagome laughed softly and shook her head. Naraku's house ran efficiently even when he was in the middle of a great battle. “Kanna, speak with the head maid and have rooms prepared for our guests.” Naraku told the void demoness, who had suddenly and mysteriously appeared. “And what of our late arrival?”
“The Lord in question will arrive in the morning,” Kanna stated as she turned and walked back into the palace.
Dinner was a quiet affair. The only talking was hushed, as if to much loud noise would break the strange peace. Sango drilled her little brother, Miroku asked Naraku questions about the windtunnel, and Kagome was talking quietly to Shippo and Kanna. The only person who was completely silent was Inu-Yasha.
Needless to say time passed rather quickly in Naraku's palace after the battle. Naraku convinced Miroku to stay on as his ambassador between humans and demons, Kohaku decided to stay on as one of Naraku's guards, Sango stayed because the two men she loved had decided to stay, only Inu-Yasha turned down Naraku's invitation to stay.
It had only been 2 months until Inu-Yasha stated he needed to rediscover who he was. So much had changed for the Inu hanyo and he needed to find his place in life again.
“You will always be welcomed back Inu-Yasha,” Kagome whispered as she hugged her friend.
Inu-Yasha's arms went around Kagome and he kissed the top of her head, ignoring the warning and possessive growl from Naraku. He understood how he felt. If he hadn't been such an idiot, he might have been Kagome's mate. “I'll be sure to stop by every now and then.”
Naraku moved forward and handed a small package to Inu-Yasha. “I have contacts all over Japan and in a few other countries. If ever you need money or supplies, just show them that ring and you'll get what you need,” Naraku said as Inu-Yasha opened the package. Inside were a ring and a small hand mirror. “Every now and then I'll have Kanna contact you to keep you updated on any news.”
Inu-Yasha nodded and placed the mirror and ring in his bag. He still wasn't used to the idea that Naraku wasn't an enemy anymore. He was still rather cold and detached towards everyone, but now at least he wasn't doing anything to harm anyone. He had even given the completed jewel back to Kagome. To everyone's surprise the jewel hadn't even been tainted when he handed it over. Miroku had explained that Naraku's love for Kagome might have cleansed the jewel of the darkness.
Inu-Yasha shifted his bag and gave all his friends one last hug before facing Kagome one last time. “If you need me, call for me. I'll be here as fast as I can,” Inu-Yasha said before turning and jumping away before Kagome had time to say or do anything.
Kagome took a few steps forward, trying desperately not to cry.
Time continued to move forward. To everyone's surprise, except Kanna, Sesshomaru approached Naraku to ask to mate with Kagura. Sango and Miroku mated, and as soon as that happened the windtunnel in Miroku's hand closed. Naraku had been right about Miroku breaking the curse by mating with his true love. Sango became pregnant soon after. It became Shippo's goal to make Kanna smile and laugh, so when he wasn't training he was spending all his time with Kanna.
Kagome and Naraku continued to take private walks into his garden. It was half a year later that Naraku finally approached Kagome about their future together.
Naraku's arms wrapped around Kagome's shoulders and he gently set his chin on the top of her head. “You'll be in heat soon love,” Naraku said softly as he looked into the pond they were standing next too. The koi fish continued to swim in slow, leisurely circles. The shikon jewel had replaced the comb within the pond.
“What are you saying Naraku?” Kagome asked, her eyes also following the koi fish.
Naraku sighed and gently turned Kagome in his arms so he was looking into her eyes. “I want to start a family Kagome, I want to have heirs.”
Kagome looked up at him lovingly and sighed. She knew he had been waiting for things to calm down before asking her to have his children. The battle with the eastern clan had finally subsided thanks to the alliance with the Northern and Western lands. “I would love that,” She said with a soft smile.
Naraku looked at his mate for a moment and then shook his head. “Something is worrying you.” It was a statement, not a question.
Kagome looked away and sighed. “I'm just worried about Inu-Yasha. He is my closest friend and I do miss him,” Kagome sighed and laid her forehead against Naraku's chest. “I…I just wish he could find happiness and be able to keep it,” Her words were whispered and filled with sorrow. She had found her happiness by being mated to Naraku, but she knew Inu-Yasha had suffered all his life with no one to love and bring him happiness. He had gotten close on a few occasions, but each time his love was taken from him. Kagome closed her eyes to fight off the tears.
Kagome felt her heart beat become stronger and she felt Naraku pull her closer. She sighed and only felt uneasy when the beating became louder and more distinct then her own heart beat. She turned her head to look at Naraku questioningly and noticed he was looking at the pond. She turned in his arms to look as well.
There, under the koi fish, was the shikon jewel. It was pulsing with a light pink aura and slowly rising out of the water.
“Such a kind and unselfish wish,” a calm and feminine voice said. The jewel hovered at eye level and Kagome watched it mesmerized.
“I…I didn't mean to wish on the jewel!” Kagome whispered in surprise. She thought she had to be holding the jewel or something to do that.
The wish came from your heart. Such a pure and loving wish can not go ignored,” Before she could say or do anything else, the jewel pulsed one last time before fading from view. Kagome gasped as a pressure filled her body, forcing her to fall to her knees. She shivered and felt Naraku trying to comfort her, asking her what was wrong.
Suddenly, a blue light surrounded Kagome and she knew what the pressure was. `I had hoped this wouldn't happen!' she cried out with her mind as the pressure became stronger and she could have sworn she felt her soul and heart being pulled at.
“Nar-Naraku!” Kagome cried out in pain as her body shook. With the jewel gone, there was nothing to hold her in this time. She felt her entire body being pulled, similar to how it felt to travel through the well.
Naraku wrapped his arms tighter around his mate and growled possessively. “I won't let you go!” He said angrily. He didn't know how, or why he did it, but he poured some of his demonic energy into her. As he did, he sank his fangs into their mating mark on Kagome's left shoulder.
Kagome felt Naraku's fangs sink into her shoulder, she felt him pour his demonic energy, but she also felt the pressure from time easy a little. She mentally grabbed onto Naraku's demonic energy and accepted it with all her heart.
Slowly, the blue light faded and Kagome fell unconscious from the fight against time. Naraku kept his arms around his mate and his fangs buried in her shoulder. He rocked her gently and sniffed her gently. He frowned and slowly released his hold on her shoulder, pulling his fangs free. He sniffed again and his frown deepened. Now, instead of just her human scent…she had a demonic scent. It was almost like she was a hanyo now except she still looked like a human. He looked at her unconscious form in confusion. It was possible when he used his energy to hold her to him, it fused with her own.
They stayed like that for some time before Naraku stood up, lifting Kagome into his arms. He carefully carried her all the way back to their rooms.
Time seemed to slip past them and by the time Kagome finally woke up, it was completely dark out. She moaned softly and sat up on the futon she had been lying on. As she did, an arm fell from her chest. She blushed, seeing that her chest was bare and that only a blanket covered the rest of her. She looked to where the arm was connected and smiled lovingly at her sleeping mate.
She continued to watch him and when his body finally stirred and his eyes opened slowly, Kagome felt heat spread throughout her body.
Naraku's arm came up and pulled Kagome back onto the futon, his eyes watching his mate the whole time. He felt Kagome shiver at his touch and his eyes met hers. A blush spread across her cheeks and he growled possessively.
“You know not what you do to me Kagome,” He whispered as he sat up with his demonic speed and straddled her hips.
Kagome blushed as she realized he was as naked as she was. “And what is it I do to you?” she asked as the heat intensified and she squirmed under his gaze.
Naraku pressed his hard length against her and moaned as she arched against him. “I think you know.” He leaned down and licked her neck gently and then took a long breath. He breathed in her scent deeply, his eyes rolling slightly at how deliciously wonderful it was. He sniffed again and realized why her scent was even more enticing and stronger then usual. “You're in heat my mate, a very strong heat.” He said softly as he moved his body so that he sat between her legs rather then straddling her hips.
Kagome looked at him strangely and paused for a moment. “Heat? So soon?”
Naraku chuckled softly and placed the tip of his hardened cock against her wet entrance. “It doesn't matter when you're in heat Kagome, as long as we can start our family,” With that he pushed quickly into her, pushing into her all the way to his hilt.
Kagome gasped and arched up against him in surprise. Her mind barely registered what he had said as her legs wrapped around her mate and her nails dug into his chest.
Naraku growled in pleasure and pounded into her, the need to mate stronger then he'd ever felt it, even stronger then the times Kagome had been going through a normal heat cycle. Something was different. He didn't try to figure out, not in his current state of mind. His eyes rolled slightly and he moaned as Kagome ran her nails across his skin hard. He captured her lips in a searing kiss as he used one hand to gently push down on her stomach.
Kagome gasped and moaned louder, moving and arching against her mate, meeting his thrusts with her own. Her body shivered and she tossed her head back in pleasure, exposing her soft skin and mating mark.
Naraku grinned and leaned down to lick and suck on the mark.
Kagome shivered and arched against Naraku. It wasn't long until Kagome cried out in pleasure and leaned up to bite Naraku's shoulder where her own mating mark was.
Naraku gasped and thrust into her faster and harder as he felt her teeth break skin and cause him to bleed. The feel of blood dripping from his shoulder, Kagome clinging to him, and her muscles tightening around him pushed him over the edge. He cried out and growled softly, leaning down to sink his own fangs into Kagome's mating mark on her shoulder.
Kagome panted and pulled back away from Naraku's shoulder, watching as the wound healed over. She moaned as she felt his length pulse in her, filling her completely. She panted and clung to her mate until he slowly pulled out of her and lay down next to her. He used his hands to gently turn her onto her side. He then wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him.
“You do realize you'll be pregnant after this right?” Naraku asked softly, his lips touching hers lightly.
Kagome nodded and kissed him gently. “I do. Naraku,” Her voice was soft. “I love you.”
“And I love you Kagome,” With that Naraku and Kagome fell asleep in each others arms, dreaming of what the future would hold for them.
Alright. This story is now done. I will now begin on the sequel. I also drew a picture for this chapter. It's a roughs sketch. Go to to view it.
Preview for the sequel:
Kagome cursed whatever gods were watching over her as she gripped the bed sheets with her nails. Kagura had created a cool, gentle breeze to try and cool her down. “Why is this so hard?” Kagome cried out as she felt another convulsion rack her body. Sango ran a damp clothe over Kagome's head. Her maids and the birthing woman were busy and she could hear hushed whispers. Kagome saw the worried glance a couple gave her and she had a strange feeling of wanting to strangle them.
“What? What's wrong?” Kagome demanded as she cried out again. The pain was becoming to much for her and she desperately wanted the baby out!
“My Lady, the birthing is taking to long…we…we might have to go hands on,” The healer said. Kagome nodded her head quickly. She knew what would happen if the baby wasn't born soon, it would die and it was possible she would die with it. If this was her original time, she could have had it surgically removed by now, but it wasn't.
She felt hands on her stomach and she closed her eyes as another convulsion surged through her body. She wished Naraku could be with her physically, but men were not allowed in the room when a mother was giving birth. Kagome felt tears run down her cheeks and the mental caress from her mate. She could feel that he was getting increasingly worried.
“I can see the head!” the healer proclaimed and the birthing woman reached in to help the child be born.
Kagome panted and whimpered softly. Her whole body was on fire and she was exhausted. The healer moved up to touch her forehead and help her sip at an herbal tea. She heard a very angry scream suddenly and Kagome sat up, nearly knocking the cup out of the healers hands. The door was shoved open and Naraku hurried into the room.
“Congratulations my Lord and Lady. It's a beautiful girl,” The birthing woman, who happened to be a demon, looked very confused and handed the now bundled baby to Kagome.
Naraku noticed the strange expression the birthing woman was giving his newly born daughter. “What? What is wrong with my child?