InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ New Dawn ❯ Jewel of the Past ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Sesshomaru or anyone from the hit anime/manga series “Inuyasha”. Rumiko Takahashi does. I do own all OC’s in this story.

Chapter Thirteen: Jewel of the Past

Sasami dug underneath her seat for her pack as the transport she rode rumbled along. The army had only just abandoned the discovered base. With the human squadron all dead, the demons had taken more time to pack everything and make sure none of the vehicles had trackers planted on them. Once everything was ready, the officers had planted explosives throughout the complex and then transports had headed out. A few remained behind to set off the devices once everyone else was safely away then they would catch up.

The little hanyou didn’t know where they were going and was both nervous and excited. But right then, she was furious. Her pack was missing. Some of the other kids thought it was great fun to take her stuff and then watch as she ran around trying to find it.

“Darek!” she yelled. He was usually the one behind these games.

“What?” asked the panther demon, sounding annoyed.

“Give me back my stuff!” she said while stomping around the row of chairs to face him. She glared up at the boy who stood over a foot taller than her.

“What makes you think I got it?” he asked, but smiled when he finished. His smugness infuriated her more.

“Cuz you always take my stuff,” she replied, balling her fists at her side. “Now give it back!”

“Say, ‘Pretty please’,” he said, grinning.

Sasami straightened up, held out her hands, batted her eye lashes at him and said, “Pretty please, give me back my stuff, Darek.”

“No,” he said and started laughing when her face turned red with fury. She tried to attack, but a hand on her forehead held her at bay. Other kids starting laughing, causing her anger to rise even further. She screamed and yelled and tried to knock his hand out of the way, but he blocked her attempts with the other one. Tears of frustration began to fall down her face and Darek made snide comments about that.

“Awe, has Sasami had enough? Is the little baby needing her big brother to come help her?” he asked in a cooing tone.

Sasami doubled her efforts to get at him when a deep voice asked, “Is this what you were looking for?”

The little dog demon turned around and looked up. The cabin was suddenly silent as everyone stared at the tall dog demon before them. He wore army boots, blue jeans, a white shirt and a fur lined jacket. Two weapons of a type Sasami had never seen before rested on his belt at his left hip. Two pink stripes adorned each wrist and graced each cheek. Golden eyes stared in hers and snowy locks cascaded over his back and past his waist. A purple crescent opening to the left sat in the middle of his forehead and peeked past his bangs.

Sasami thought she recognized him, but couldn’t remember his name. Then something more important caught her eye. In his right hand he held her pack. Squealing with glee she reached for it and said, “Thank you for finding my pack!”

Without saying a word, the demon gave the bag to her. Eager to check to see if everything was still there, she set it down on the seat and opened it. She pulled out her clothes, her journal, her pen, her doll, and a flat, tin box. Since it was the box Darek and his cohorts like to raid, she opened it to make sure all her “treasures” were safe. She pulled out several pretty stones, a dried flower, a wallet that had belonged to her father, and a necklace her mother once owned.

Sighing with relief that everything was there, she didn’t notice when the demon reached over and picked up the necklace until she saw it rise past her face. She squeaked then meekly asked, “Can I have that back, please, sir. That was my mother’s necklace.” The pink beads grew in increasing length as they neared the main jewel, which was a perfect pink sphere that seemed to glow.

He stared at the necklace, seeming to be only mildly curious except that he held onto it a long time. Then he whispered, “How strange for it to be pure after so many millennia.” He turned back to Sasami and took hold of her hand as he knelt in front of her. “Don’t lose this. It is more important than you can imagine, young one.” He then placed it in her hand and closed his around both of them.

Sasami stared at him, baffled for a moment, then he stood and glared at the kids who had been teasing her earlier. The expression was filled with icy malice and the kids sank into their seats as if attempting to shrink from sight. Then the demon turned and walked away.

There were a few moments more of stunned silence then the people in the cabin began to whisper.

“Who was that?”

“I think he’s the demon Kira brought with her.”

“Wasn’t he the one who killed all the humans with only his claws?”

“Yeah! And he had this weird magic sword that brought the dead back to life!”

“Isn’t he crazy, though?”

“I heard he collapsed in the main garage after making a huge fuss at nothing.”

“I heard he is some sort of ancient demon!”

“Yeah! From a time when humans were slaves of demons!”

“Yeah right! That never happened!”

“Did too!

Sasami felt stunned as the kids continued to argue and talk around her, their voices slowly growing louder as their confidence returned. She looked down at the jewel in her hand and thought, ‘Has he seen this jewel before? What is this jewel? Why is it so important?’

She remembered her mother putting the jewel in her hand just like the golden eyed dog demon had. Her mother had been barely alive and fading fast from injuries sustained during a purging.

“Sasami! Take this and never lose it! You must protect it with all your heart and soul! Please don’t cry darling, Mommy loves you! It’s okay, Mommy doesn’t hurt anymore. Please darling, never hate and listen to your brother and sister! It’ll be okay! Mommy loves you!

“Mommy,” whispered Sasami. She sniffed and rubbed away new tears. ‘It is important because Mommy told me to protect it, but why is it important? She never told me why!’


“So where are we headed, Brother?” asked Kira as she stared at the viewer.

“Where else can we go but Hong Kong?” said Asamu without opening his eyes.

“So we are going to hide in a run down, half flooded, city of criminals. Feh! I guess beggars really can’t be choosers.” Kira gazed out at the empty waste before them. They heard the faint sound of thunder then everything was silent again save for the rumble of the transports. “There went the base,” she said in a dull tone.

“Still can’t believe you were dead?” asked Asamu.

“More like I can’t believe I’m alive,” replied Kira with a sigh.

“Did you find anything out about those swords of his?” Asamu asked this time looking over at her.

“I only know that they were his father’s swords and that one of them originally belonged to his brother. A brother who was killed during the Great War five thousand years ago,” replied Kira as she put her hands behind her head. “And that it is possible Katagai is directly responsible for his brother’s death.”

“You told me this Higurashi shrine is against the human government and that Katagai is not human.”

“Yeah, Katagai was the one responsible for starting the war and he was responsible for sealing Sesshomaru away all those millennia ago. There’s no way he could be human.”

“He must have spun some clever tale to get the other humans to accept him. But this is also problematic for us. If someone as powerful as Sesshomaru, who wiped out so many in that squadron as easily as swatting flies, was beaten by Katagai then that means we are in serious trouble.”

“We may have to rethink our plans when we go after Katagai, but there is no avoiding the conflict. Especially not for Sesshomaru.”

Asamu sat back and silence reigned for a minute. “There is some good out of going to Hong Kong. We refresh our supplies, our numbers, and our training.”

“Training again,” said Kira and laughed. “You are going to get a lot of unhappy people.”

“I don’t care; we need to tighten up more, and besides, our new recruit needs to learn how to fight with more than just his claws and swords,” said Asamu then smiled mischievously at his sister.

“Just don’t get yourself killed, Brother.”


Finally, a new chapter to New Dawn, but it’s more of a “catch breath” chapter than action. I’m probably going to be picking on Sesshomaru in the next one, but I’m not exactly sure if that’s what’s going to happen. Remember I’m trying to bring him into this group and have him change without it happening overnight.

Recognition time!

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