InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Nice Day in the Sengoku Jidai ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its associated characters.

Nice Day in the Sengoku Jidai

It was raining frogs in the Sengoku Jidai.

"What the fuck is this?" snarled Inuyasha, dragging yet another bewildered amphibian out of his hair. He held it by one slightly sticky hind foot, dangling precariously in front of his nose, a deeply disdainful expression settled firmly over his features. As he habitually slept in trees, it was, perhaps, understandable that he was somewhat more perturbed by the event than his companions.

Kagome sighed. "I told you, when there's a storm, the frogs get sucked up into the clouds. When it rains, they come down again."

Inuyasha turned his attention away from his disgruntled inspection of the frog for a moment in order to give her the single most deadpan expression she had ever seen.

"You're trying to tell me that at any given moment, there are dozens of frogs floating up into the air all over Musashi's domain."

Kagome rolled her eyes. "In essence, yes."

His gaze turned incredulous. "You go to school to learn this?"

"Hey! It's a scientific fact that…"


The argument was resolved for them when the frog Inuyasha had been holding, suddenly sensible to the fact that Inuyasha meant it no good, squirmed vigorously. With an oath, Inuyasha's hand twisted and clutched, trying to regain its hold, but succeeded only in catapulting the frog into the air like a bullet out of a gun's muzzle. End over end it tumbled for a good two yards before landing at the side of the road with a wet plop, where it sat, looking as dizzy and indignant as a frog can.

A moment of silence held as Inuyasha wiped the tainted hand on his hakama. Finally, a snort.

"Yeah, Kagome. Floated like thistledown, he did."

AN: Well, that's the last time I ever put anything up without an explicatory Author's Note. To clarify: This story has no point. It was written as a quick, fun exercise to blow off steam while working on the long, multi-chaptered story I have currently running. (If you want a point, go there.) If you really want this particular story to have a point, think of it as character study, dialogue practice, or just poking a little fun at the ubiquitous "It was a sunny day in the Sengoku Jidai" opening line.