InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Not my Fiancé ❯ Not my Daydream ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Brand New Chapter 12 Completed
Rin opened the door to her apartment around 5 o'clock the next morning sporting the clothes of the previous day and a lazy grin that clearly stated `I got laid…' Well, at least it would have to someone who had went to sleep at a normal time but Kagome, who often took residence in Rin's apartment to avoid doing work around the shrine for her grandfather, did not catch the statement behind the grin. In fact, she was ready to turn back over and fall back into dream land if she hadn't heard the words falling out of Rin's mouth under her breath.
“Touch me, tease me, feel me and caress me. Hold on tight and don't let go baby I'm about to explode. Because you're so damn flexible…” Rin sang softly as she closed her apartment door and locked it.
“Rin… that's not how the song goes…” Kagome muttered groggily.
“Oh what a wondrous morning this is Kagome. But you look so tired. You should smile more dear or you'll get dreadful wrinkles…” Rin said cheerfully patting her on the head and then making her way toward the kitchen.
“Rin… I want you to answer this truthfully…” Kagome started. “Are you on drugs? I mean you've been kind of stressed lately and…”
“Of course I'm not on drugs, I wouldn't want to end up with a nose or a face like that American, Michael Jackson, completely dreadful. Why would you think that anyway?” Rin asked as she twirled around to face Kagome.
Kagome rubbed her eyes and took a long look at Rin. “Because you just put oatmeal in your coffee cup and doused it with orange juice. You have coffee in your Kix which happens to be on the stove… bubbling over! Oh Kami-sama Rin! It's on fire!” Kagome said jumping up from her position and racing into the kitchen.
“Whoopsee!” Rin said with a grin as she grabbed her conveniently placed fire extinguisher.
Once the fire was out Kagome stared at Rin silently. Rin then burst into a fit of giggles. “What is so damn funny! ?” Kagome practically screamed.
Rin attempted to calm herself down and looked Kagome straight in the eyes. “It's like this time on Rocky and Bullwinkle… Wait, you don't watch it but it's this hilarious cartoon with a moose and a squirrel. And the moose is like a complete moron… Whatcha doing?” Rin asked as Kagome put her hand on Rin's forehead.
“No, temperature is fine. How many fingers am I holding up?” Kagome muttered.
“Three, but Kagome…” Rin started.
“What month is it?”
“It's May…”
“What century?”
“The twenty first of course…”
“Who has the best abs in the world?”
“It's between Usher and that guy from V6…”
“Open your mouth.” Kagome said firmly.
“Open.” Kagome commanded.
“Alright then, ah…”
Kagome sighed dejectedly. “What's wrong with you?”
“Nothing, I'm fine. Better than normal but I guess that's to be expected.”
“Wait…” Kagome said as something finally clicked in her head. “Why are you just getting home at 5 o'clock… in the same clothes you were in yesterday though more wrinkled?”
Rin smiled at her and tapped her chin playfully. Then she put her finger over her lips and grinned ear to ear like a schoolgirl with a huge secret. Kagome's eyes widen as her brain began to work at its normal pace. She opened her mouth to ask more questions but Rin burst out into song. “Here's a llama, there's a llama and another little llama. Fuzzy llama, funny llama, llama, llama, duck.” Then she cracked up laughing again, this time so hard that she crouched over to hold her stomach. And her jacket fell off her shoulders and to the floor.
“Holy shit you have a hickey on your neck, and whoa how'd you get that one on there?” Kagome said tilting her head.
“Shhh…” Rin muttered putting her fingers over her lips and then breaking out into song again. “Llama, llama, cheesecake llama, tablet, brick, potato llama, llama, llama, mushroom llama, llama, llama, duck… I was once a tree house, I lived in a cake!” Rin sang joyously.
“Snap out of it Rin! By the Gods, you're acting like Ayame after Kouga came back from Brazil and she had just got laid after two months!”
“No, no, no… much longer than that…” Rin said as she began to count on her fingers. “A year is twelve months right?” Rin said popping off her shoe and using her toes.
“Wait what…” Kagome said as her eyes practically pooped out of her skull.
“I asked you if twelve months is a year and of course it is…”
“Wait Rin, you had sex.”
“Sex is such a hard and uncouth word. I prefer the term burned a hole in the floor or in this case the couch which was a lot more comfortable than the third time which was on the floor, but that was more comfortable than the seventh time in the car, which you wouldn't think would be so uncomfortable but it's so small…”
“Whoa, you did someone with a small ding-a-ling! ?” Kagome screamed as she collected her chin from the floor.
“Oh heavens no the car was small and that lady gave us a ticket, she was just jealous if you ask me… Kagome… Kagome hon, are you alright? Kagome… Oh goodness… she fainted.” Rin shook her head and tapped the other girl with her foot. “Guess she was really tired after all… Oh well…” Rin moved Kagome back on the couch and made her way into her room.
She knew she should be feeling a little guilty but she couldn't help thinking that the bitch had it coming. `Now that isn't very nice…' Her conscience chided. She was just about to reply when. `Why insult bitches like that? We've been through this already, Kagura is a hoe…' Rin smiled at this thought and let her clothes drop to the floor lifelessly.
Phantom touches ran through her mind and her core began to heat. She sighed softly and directed her attention away from her bed and toward her bathroom. Maybe this airy feeling as if she was stuck in a lovely daydream would last for a while. She pushed open her bathroom door and turned the handle all the way to the right. She smirked to herself as she stepped into the shower and asked one question. “When's the last time I needed a cold shower?”
The cool water droplets rolled lazily off of her body. Her slender fingers traced the spots that Sesshoumaru's hands had been wandering with in the previous hour. She cupped her own breast and muttered his name under her breath. Her other hand found its way downward and into her folds.
Her moans became louder, more erratic, more pleading. She reenacted every thrust, every touch, and every feeling to the utmost of her ability. Her body was tired and yet she came again this time into her own hands. And with it a high pitched scream, that roused the passed out Kagome and sent a wave of chills through Rin's body. She fell into her own pit of pleasure as she reached a climax. And when she was done it took all she had to fall out of the shower and collapse onto her bed in a sea of wet tangled locks. But even then she could not escape the pleasure of the night for she relived it in her dreams.
Release to me
Your tensions your fears
Even all of your sins
For we are damned
Again and again
Through these endless years
Do you remember how I held you
How you used to scream
And how the light would play across us
As we awoke from soft wet dreams
Release to me
Your heart your soul
Even all our your pain
Because this time I am here
To wash the bad away
Hum… okay I like the part where Rin almost burns down her apartment… Don't you? Oh yeah I got a question for you all… Did Kagome hear what Rin screamed or did she just wake up because of it? You might find out next chapter. I'm trying to ignore the last few paragraphs and the poem. What can I say, I'm a dirty minded old lady who's really not that damn old in the first place. Oh well, I'm going to take a nap and wake up around let's say 2 am to play Sims 2… Good night all and please review!