InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Not Titled ❯ Chapter 7

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: There is the big fight with Hector and Sesshomaru in this one and if you have seen the movie ‘TROY’ you know it kicks ass, literally! So I am no where near going to write it that good, it’s hard putting stuff like that on paper especially if it’s not in front of you, I only rented the movie I don’t own it, but I plan to in the future, I love it! Anyway, so here you go, and I hope you guys have enjoyed this story so far and will enjoy it to the end, because we are at least over half way done! Here you go and please review!

Chapter seven:

~~~~That night.
Hector was leading his wife down a large hallway in the castle, where his family lived. She quietly followed, as he lead the way only lighted by a torch. After many twist turns and doors they made it to a small passage way she had never seen before, living her whole life in the city and castle. He took a few steps into it, and turned to face her. “You remember how to get here?” He asked her being completely serious.
“Yes.” She whispered out, taking in this was very important by the look on his face.
“Next time you come here, follow the tunnel, there are no turns so you can’t get lost, when it ends you’ll be at the river. Follow the river until you get to Mountaiga.”
“What... why are you telling me this.” She said jumping into his arms and hugging him as he rested his head on her’s.
“Ezmerelda, if I die tomorrow...”
“No...” She cried out, tears now falling from her eyes as she hugged him closer.
“If I die tomorrow, I don’t know how ling the city will stand, if the Japanese get into the city, they will kill all the men, throw all the babies over the city walls and make all the women slaves, which is worse than death for you. If they get into the walls you get our boy and as many as you can, but you get here and you run.” He said backing away fro her and peering into her eyes and holding her straight by her upper arms.
Sesshomaru spent the day preparing his brother’s body for the ceremony tonight, to guide him to the afterlife. He bathed his body, dressed him in ceremonial robes, said the prayers, and now he was standing over him on a high platform where his brother was laid before him, on top of straw ready to be burned, placing two coins over his eyes for the boatman to take him to the after life. He slowly reached to the boy’s neck where the neckless his father gave him and he gave Inuyasha rested, and slowly unclasped it and wrapped it around his hand before picking up the torch.
Everyone stood around in a giant circle around the platform watching as Sesshomaru lite the fire to it and started to climb down on the latter. It was a sign of respect and to give honor to watch until nothing was left but ash.
“That boy just saved the war for us.” Naraku said to his advisor and Claudius, who just glared at him with disgust, before turning their eyes back to the ceremony.
Helen awoke with fright hearing arrows close by she hurried out of bed, seeing Souta not there with her and ran to the window to see him shooting arrows at a straw dummy, hitting him either in the heart or very close every time. She sighed with relief knowing her beloved was safe and they weren’t being attacked.
The next morning came to quickly to Hector, he knew he would die today, Sesshomaru was the best warrior the world had ever seen, he fought his little brother, him never being in a battle and had a hard time. He walked over to where his armor hung and regretfully put it on, his wife and son were still asleep, and he was scared this would be the last time he sees them on this earth. He finished with his armor and walked out of the room to find his father.
Sesshomaru didn’t come back to his hut until morning, Midoris was leaning there asleep by the doorway. “Midoris.”
He instantly woke up and stood before his lord. “Yes my lord?”
“I need my armor.” He said grudgingly walking into the hut, Kagome was sprawled out over the bed, asleep, he didn’t want to wake her. Midoris quietly brought his armor on it’s rack into his hut and left. Sesshomaru roughly grabbed it from the rack tying it and fastening it tightly. He wasn’t scared of dying, he wasn’t going to today anyway. He would avenge his brother, by killing the swine who killed the inexperienced boy. He saw Kikyo the night before she looked like she was crying, but not much, he never really thought she loved him, she only wanted more power, she actually wanted to marry him, not Inuyasha, but Sesshomaru absolutely refused, so she went to Inuyasha and that fool fell in love with her.
He curtly left the hut, and walked to the center of where the huts were close by to Naraku’s tent as his chariot was coming around. He could hear Kagome’s running steps behind him, but he ignored it, as he climbed onto his chariot as did Midoris, like a loyal second, Sesshomaru turned to him and said. “No.” sternly, and Midoris reluctantly got off.
“No wait! Don’t go!” Kagome yelled grabbing hold of the chariot as he looked down at her as she peered up into his angered eyes with her teary ones. “Please don’t go! Hector is my brother, he’s a good man! Please don’t fight him!” Sesshomaru nodded once to Midoris and he nodded back to his lord, pulling away Kagome, as she kicked and screamed for him not to go, but he snapped the reins and yelled to the horses and they trotted off towards the city.
Hector watched as did everyone else in his family, and all the priests and priestess, and the second general as Sesshomaru rode up on his chariot. He stopped about hundred feet from the front gate and climbed don from his chariot, with his shield, sword and spear. He stood in front of the gates took a deep breath looking at the ground, as anger and hatred and revenge filled his mind. “HHEECCTTOORR!!” He yelled for the prince. He panted taking another deep breath. “HHHEEECCCTTTOOORRR!!!” Hector heard the archers ready, and waved them down.
Hector turned to his father bowed before his feet. “Father please excuse any offenses I had.” His father slowly leaned forward and kissed him on the top of his head.
Hector stood walking to the second general who gave him a slap on the back.
“Been a honor my prince.”
“As was mine.”
He stepped in front of Souta who hugged him, and Hector lightly kissed him on the forehead.
“You’re the best man I know.” Souta said. Just then the King jumped off his throne to intercept his son.
“No father ever had a better son.”
Hector nodded and then started to walk down the stairs heading for his doom.
“HHHEEECCCTTTOOORRR!!!” His wife was there with his baby son on the stairs. He stopped kissed his son’s forehead whispered ‘I love you, grow strong.’ And then hugged and kissed his wife whispering the same thing, then walked passed them down the rest of the way to the other side of the front gates.
“HHHEEECCCTTTOOORRR!!!” Sesshomaru was still yelling.
There four men on either side of a huge board of wood that locked the giant door were lowering it to the ground. A guard handed him a shield his helmet, a spear, and a sword. But there out of the corner of Hector’s eye stood Helen, he turned to look at her, as she stared back.
She bowed her head and he turned around as the doors opened walking out of them to stand about fifteen feet away from the seething Sesshomaru, who stopped yelling when he saw Hector at the gates.
“I’ve seen this in a dream.” Hector said clearly as the gates to Tokyo closed and locked behind him. “Lets make a packed, the gods as the witnesses. That the winner allow the loser the proper burial rituals.”
“There are no packs between men and lions.” Sesshomaru hissed. Then lifted his helmet and pointed it at Hector. “So you know who you are fighting. Sesshomaru threw his away.
“I thought it was you who I killed yesterday, and I wish it had been.” Hector said taking off his and throwing it away. “But I gave the dead boy the honor he deserved.”
“You gave him the honor of your sword.” Sesshomaru said. “Tonight you will have no eyes, ears, or tongue. And when you walk through the next world, blind, deaf, and dumb, everyone will know. This is Hector, the fool who that thought he killed Sesshomaru.” Sesshomaru bit out as they started circling each other. Then Sesshomaru charged running and jumping high bringing down his spear, but hector blocked it and Sesshomaru landed jogged a few feet away and swerving back around. He charged again jumping agin and bringing it down hard, making Hector stumble, but he thrust his spear as Sesshomaru caught it with his spinning, when Hector swung again to hit his shield. Sesshomaru swung the spear behind his back, and leveling it with his shield and thrust towards Hector was backed away and then swung it back around hitting his shield. Hector swung low, Sesshomaru stepping on it and braking it in half with his other foot, and kicked Hector away. Hector stumbled to one knee, but quickly recovered when Sesshomaru thrust his spear at him, but Hector caught it in his hand, but Sesshomaru swung him around knocking him to one knee again and breaking his pear with it. Hector charged with his sword, Sesshomaru quick drawing his countering the attack, but Hector charged his sword again, ans Sesshomaru caught it between his shield and his body, as he brought the shield up, making Hector arch his back and bend his arm the wrong way, as Sesshomaru pushed him away. Hector tripped over a stone, falling to his knees panting and crawling away from Sesshomaru reaching for the shark end of a broken spear.
“Get up prince of Tokyo. Don’t let the stone take my glory.” Sesshomaru said with no emotion, not even winded as Hector panted and slowly staggered up into a sloppy fighting stance. Hector charged him, slicing Sesshomaru’s armor across the front. Sesshomaru glanced down at it and back at his opponent, as Hector and him both charged. Sesshomaru spun grabbing the spear head that almost stabbed him, taking it with him to spin fully an stab it through Hector’s shoulder, making him fall to his knees, dropping his sword panting even more now that blood was seeping into his lungs.
Ezmerelda couldn’t watch anymore as she sat down on the stone ground of the overlook panting and crying, knowing her husband was dying, she couldn’t watch him die. Helen tried to comfort her and peer over her should as Sesshomaru stepped closer to the prince.
Sesshomaru looked down, not seeing a man, or a prince, or an enemy’s general, just the man who killed his brother. And took his sword and ran it through his gut killing him, and ripping it back out as the prince, dead slouched back to the ground.
Ezmerelda cried silently, still not totally facing reality, as Helen hugged her comforting her, as the watch Sesshomaru tie a leather rope to his chariot and the other end to the prince’s feet, then climbed onto the chariot urging the horses to trot as he glared up at the overlook, before turning back to head back to camp the prince’s body dragging behind him, lifeless with the spear still imbedded in his shoulder.

A/N: Wow that’s the best fight scene I ever wrote, actually I just tried remembering everything they did from the movie and put it in words. Well that’s it for right now, review and tell me what you think! Ja ne!
