InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Now And Forever ❯ My Love Lives ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


A/Q: Does anybody else think that Adult Swim could have done a better job with Rin's voice? And isn't she supposed to talk in the third person?

A/N: I don't own Inuyasha, it's the other way around!


"Roshi where is Kagura?"

"Master Naraku, Kagura has discovered that the hanyou, Inuyasha is still alive it seems he somehow escaped the dead miko. She sent me to tell you while she try's to find the Kagome girl before he does."

"Roshi I want you to kill Inuyasha, do not fail me as Kagura has, now go!"

"Yes master Naraku."


With Inuyasha's impatiens and stubbornness they manage to reach Keada's village just before night fall, and everyone was grateful that they would get to rest sense Inuyasha was the only one able to go through the well.

They walked in the hut and found Keada sitting in front of the fire for light sowing something. When she looked up a number of emotions played on her face; shock, surprise, happiness, and even a little disbelief.

"Can it be?"

"Feh! Don't tell me you heard we were dead too!?"

"Yes, Kagome and her friend Roshi told me that you had perished in a fight with my sister."

"Well if someone hadn't fed Kagome half the story you wouldn't have heard that."

"You have a hard time letting things go don't you Inuyasha?" Kagura knew he was talking about her even though she had apologized.

"Not now you two, Keada what are you doing?"

"Well Miroku, when Kagome told me her story and how she thought you were all dead she said that she was retuning home but I promised her we would honor your names in this village forever. These are pieces of cloth that I have weaved with your names on then we were going to hang them on the God Tree.

"I have to go see Kagome and tell her the truth, I wouldn't just die and leave her."

"Now that's a resent development since that is exactly what you intended on doing when Kikyou first tried to take you to hell."

"Kagura mind your own business! Things are different now!"

"If you say so."

"Grrr, I'm leaving now!"

He stomped out of the hut and made his way to the Bone Eaters Well, he really couldn't wait to see the look on Kagome face when he showed up not dead. But part of him was still thinking that she didn't have those feelings for him any more and Kagura's word didn't help any. What she had already started to move on with her life, she always made a big deal out of that `school' thing and stupid human `Hojo'. He didn't even notice when he started to growl.

`I love Kagome and she is mine! I'll never let another man touch her.'

He jumped in the well fully intending on telling Kagome what was on his mind when he saw her.


Roshi made his way back to the village. What were Inuyasha and Kagura going to think when he told them of Naraku's orders?


Inuyasha jumped out of the well and stepped outside of the wellhouse. It was night so she was sure to be asleep, but he didn't care this was worth waking her up for. He moved quickly making his way up the tree next to her window and opened it, when he jumped inside the smell of tears was strong in the air, she had been crying a lot. The salty smell was mixed with Kagome's own sweet smell that he loved so much, she smelled like cinnamon and vanilla and the smell was coming strongest from her bed right now. He walked over to her and knelled down to come face to face with the girl that had somehow healed his heart, he use to think that she made him weak but now he knew that wasn't true, he always fought harder when she was around to protect her and she always seem to have all the trust and confidence in the world in him.

But he had failed her, he let Naraku take her and trick them both. And the sick fuck had tried to rape her.

Kagome woke up to sound of growling, at first she thought it was her mind playing tricks on her because she had lost Inuyasha, but when the growling didn't stop she opened her eyes to stair into amber ones.



Yes it's short but no I am not evil this time, I have my reasons for stopping it right here. I have let you know that the next chapter has some nice yummy lemonade, and if you are not of age to read it or just don't like it then stay away from the next chapter or skip half of it until it gets back to rest of the story.

And for all you people who don't know why I call it lemonade I will give you definition.

Lemonade: I, InusDemoness, came up with the word lemonade for lemons that are not just sex but have love and romance between the two people in the story that makes it sweet like well lemonade, and lets face it Inuyasha and Kagome do love each other so there's no other way to put it.