InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Aggravated Women and Clueless Half Demons ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Of Aggravated Women and Clueless Half Demons

Disclaimer: I have no claims whatsoever to anything regarding the Inuyasha Universe.

Chapter Four

Inuyasha awakens to the sound of birds singing happily and light streaming through the tree leaves into his eyes. He sits up and stretches. `I wonder how late in the day it is?' he thinks to himself. He looks up at the sun. From its position he discerns it's an hour or two until midday.

"I can't believe I slept so long. Fighting with Kagome really takes a lot out of you." he whispers to himself, and then gasps suddenly. "Ah, damn it, Kagome! I'll bet she's still furious with me for forgetting her birthday."

He sighs heavily. "I should go apologize to her for being such a jerk yesterday.... and maybe find something to give her as a peace offering." he says to himself quietly. Nodding his head decisively, he bounds off toward the bone-eaters well.

Everywhere she looked was darkness, nothingness. She couldn't even see her hand in front of her face. Where was she? Was she still at home? Had she gone back to the feudal era, or was she somewhere else? She couldn't tell.

`Wait what is that? It looks like a shaft of light.' She starts walking towards it. Nearing the point of origin, she noticed the nothingness start to fade into dark shapes. Stepping into the light she realized she is now in a forest clearing; and she is not alone....

Looking around quickly she becomes aware of two figures standing at the opposite end of the clearing. From the looks of it they seem to be in a rather heated argument. The voices sound familiar but she couldn't place them. She wasn't sure who they could be. All she could see was two hazy forms. She decides she needs a closer look.

As she creeps nearer the two forms became clearer to her; although, she still couldn't make out their faces. Finally, when she is not but five yards away, one of the figures starts to glow and the ground begins to shake. `What is that? What in the world is going on?' she thinks to herself. She looks closer at the two figures and notices that the ground beneath them is sinking.

She knew she should leave- and quickly- but she just couldn't. Something about what was happening felt important to her, but she couldn't figure out why. That is until she crept even closer to the two figures sinking in the ground.

"Inuyasha! No!" Kagome screams in terror. "Kikyo, stop! Don't do this, please! Inuyasha, Inuyasha wake up! Make her stop, get away from her!"

"He can not hear you Little Copy. He is unconscious. Inuyasha is going to hell with me and there is nothing you can do about it." Kikyo states coldly.

Kagome shakes her head in disbelief and denial. "No. No. No, this-- this can't be happening. Please, Inuyasha, WAKE UP!" She shouts as loud as she can, but Inuyasha remains unaware. Tears are streaming down Kagome's face as she drops to her knees in defeat.
"No, please, Inuyasha...."

"Inuyasha, please....don't go. Don't leave me."



Inuyasha had just jumped out of the bone-eaters well when he thought he heard Kagome say his name. He looked around but didn't see her anywhere. So he just continued on to the side the house. `Good, her window's open. Now I don't have to face that crazy old man.'

He jumped up to her window sill and noticed Kagome asleep on her bed. She looked as if she was having a nightmare from the way she was thrashing around in bed.

"I wonder what kind of nightmare could disturb her so much as to make her lash around like that." Inuyasha whispers to himself.

"Inuyasha!!!" Kagome suddenly screams sitting up straight in bed. Hearing Kagome scream his name so suddenly startles Inuyasha so much that he falls off the window sill face first onto her bedroom floor.

"Ahh!" Inuyasha exclaims as he falls. As he gets up, rubbing his nose, he notices Kagome is now awake. "What are you screaming about wench?!" he asks sharply.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome asks in confusion. Her eyes widen and she scrambles out of bed, flinging herself at Inuyasha and throwing her arms around his torso. She embraces him as tightly as she can.

"Wha....?" Inuyasha is so startled he automatically wraps his arms around her shoulders to keep them from falling over. Recovering from his shock he looks down at Kagome and realizes to his horror that she's crying. "Hey wench! What the hell are you crying about?!"

"Oh-gods-Inuyasha-it-was-so-terrible-you-and-Kikyo-were-arguing-but-I- didn't-know-it-was-you-until-it-was-to-late-and-then-she-stated-to-glow-and - the-ground-began-to-shake-and-then-I-realize-it-was-you-and-that-Kikyo-was- going-to-take-you-to-hell-with-her-and-I-couldn't-get-you-to-snap-out-of-it - and-then-she-stated-taunting-me-and-I-was-so-powerless-and-oh-gods-it-was- so-terrible-please-don't-ever-leave-Inuyasha-I-don't-want-you-to-ever- leave." Kagome said though her tears so fast that Inuyasha barely understood.

`She had a nightmare about that?!?! I can't believe what I'm hearing!! Why would something like that upset her so much?!' Inuyasha thinks to himself stunned. "Wench, what's your problem?! It was just a stupid dream!" Inuyasha says in frustration. "I'm here, I'm fine and I'm not planning on going away anytime soon. So just stop crying!"

"But you will go with Kikyo to hell ultimately and I'll never see you again. I don't want that to happen. You're too much of an important parson in my life for you to just leave forever. I don't want to live without you Inuyasha. Can't you understand that?! I don't want you to leave me! Ever!!" Kagome states in unabashed sincerity.

Inuyasha's ears drooped a bit and his face takes on guilty expression. "But I'll have to go with her eventually Kagome. It's my fault she died in the first place. It's her hatred for me that keeps her alive. That makes it my reasonability to make sure she leaves this world for the next life peacefully. I- I promised I'd go to hell with her Kagome. I gave my word; I can't go back on my word." He explains gently.

Still upset from her nightmare and not thinking of what she's saying she states, "I understand all that but you need to understand that she's not really alive. Why can't you see that? All that witch brought to pseudo- life is a pile of clay and bones." Kagome rationalizes in irritation. "How can you keep a promise to something that isn't even alive?!?!" She asks desperately.

Inuyasha just looks at her in shock and guilt. She really hit home with that speech, and he actually agreed with her. He had been thinking the same thing for a while now; he just didn't know what to do about it. But Kagome was right; how could he be keeping a promise to a walking corpse? He honestly didn't want to do this anymore; he wanted to live. If he was to be completely honest with himself; he wanted to be with Kagome.

Somehow, someway, he had to figure out how to send Kikyo to the next life peacefully and keep his life at the same time. He wasn't going to tell Kagome this though; he didn't want to get her hopes up. He wasn't entirely sure if he could succeed. Instead he looked down at her and said, "Kagome, what does `sudo' mean?"

Kagome sighed disappointedly and dropped her head onto Inuyasha's chest. She had been hope for more than that, a lot more than that. "Its pseudo Inuyasha not `sudo' and it means false or fake, not real."

"Oh." Was all he could say; "Um, Kagome...?"

"Yes Inuyasha?" She asks tiredly.

"I'm sorry." He says dejectedly.

That got her attention. She raises her head quickly and looks into his eyes. "Sorry," She asks in confusion. "...for what?"

"For always cause you pain and sadness. I don't do it intentionally. I just...don't think about thinks the way you do. I'm also sorry for forgetting you birthday. I uh, got you something. I know it may be to late, but still....hear" She pulls back form their embrace as he reaches into his over shirt.

`He got me something? I can't believe it. He can be so sweet sometimes; especial when he wants to apologize.' Kagome thinks to herself.

"Um, it's not much; it's just something I found that reminded me of you, that's all. Please don't s-word me if you don't like it." He asks apprehensively.

That made her chuckle, "I promise I won't s-word you if I don't like it Inuyasha."

"Okay." He say's as he pulls out a very beautiful stone on a braided leather cord.

As he places it in her hand she realizes that the stone was very smooth to the touch. And it was strangely soft, not hard like normal rocks. It had a pearlescent luster to it and was purplish-blue in color. It was oval in shape and had a perfectly round hole at one end where the cord was threaded through.

`He had to have braided this cord and made the hole in the stone himself.' Kagome smiled at him as her eyes began to water a little, "Thank you Inuyasha, is perfect."

Inuyasha felt his heart skip a beat when Kagome smiled at him and felt a small smile form on his own lips. "You're welcome Kagome, but...?" His ears fell when he noticed the tears falling down her cheeks, "...why are you crying?" he asked as her reached up to cup her cheeks and wipe the tears away with the pad of his thumb.

"It's ok Inuyasha; I'm just...happy, that's all." She said as she leaned forward of kiss his cheek then lay her head on his chest with her arms rapped around his waist again.

Inuyasha's eye widened and his heart started pounding when she kissed him. Then he let his arms fall to her shoulders as pulled her closer to him and nuzzled the top of her head.

~~~~~ That's the end of chapter four. Sorry it took so long for me to get this up. I was having a lot of trouble with it. Thanks for your patience and for reading, please review. Until next chapter, keep reading and take care