InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Fur and Musk ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any of the wonderful characters. I make no profit from this, only a sense of enjoyment.

A/N: Ya’ll demanded it, so here it is, the latest debaucherous chapter in my little story. There will be one more chapter after this and that’s it, my pretties. I’m not quite satisfied with the end of the chapter but I do hope ya’ll will enjoy it anyways. I love comments so leave some, mmkay? WARNING SEXUAL CONTENT

Chapter Four

He was still poised upon the balls of his feet despite having risen as he’d drawn the leather sensually tracing a path up his own body. The muscles in his legs strained and moved like water beneath a velvet exterior as a quick step and snap brought him a step closer to her.

Drawing in another shaking breath, she could again smell the scent of that stronger masculine musk, mixed and entwined with the fragrances of incense and the beads of sweat clinging to his bronzed skin. Her eyes narrowed down on one such droplet gliding naughtily down his pec and towards a small pert nipple. Involuntarily her tongue betrayed her again, ran in a slow line across the swell of her lower lip in hunger at tasting him.

Her vision blurred around the edges as she focused all her intent on that one sweet little rivulet of his exotic movements, the accumulation of his dancing, it’d drawn closer, so much closer. Her body tightened, arched off the chair, thrusting her own aching breasts further into the air and rubbing with delicious friction against the cotton night shirt as she strained forward.

What she must look like, her expression clouded over with lust, softened and playing with an all-consuming fascination and drive as her tongue spilled from her lips, arched on it’s own outward, forced to a tip as he drew nearer still and allowed the digit to brush across the hardened nipple. That bit of salt on her tongue was suddenly heaven as she pushed again drew the extension of her intentions over the tip once more, savored the headier taste of his sweat coated skin.

A low moan echoed through the room, harmonized with the music, added it’s depth to the tension so laden in the air with wanton energy. She’d thought it was only her own voice vocalized in pure unadulterated bliss at the bit of his essence washing down her tongue and being memorized by the nerve endings. How wrong she’d been.

That toned expanse closed in on her, allowed her to press her lips in a kiss so intimate over the pert little nub. A shudder wormed up her spine as strong arms fell around her head, nimble fingers brushing the hair from the sides of her face as something thick and steadier than flesh glided over the back of her glistening tresses, her neck and tense shoulders. The leather pressed firmly into her shoulders and upper back enough to make its presence well known, but her mind was gone as she secured her teeth around that pebble and pulled.

Control was quickly spiraling from his hands into hers as his breath sped with the flustered beat of his heart, all semblances of restraint were quickly fleeing with each flick of her tongue across his flesh, each and every gentle nibble of those pearly teeth the ultimate undoing of his whole game.

He didn’t care; all that matter was the feel of her against him as he pressed closer to her heat, against the unearthly sensation of her mouth. His mind raced to lower places where he’d prefer her to kiss, to fondle and envelope with a welcoming blaze of teeth and tongue but this would do for now.

“Kagome,” his whisper was an intimate fondle, purred from deep within his chest as his own back arched in revolt to self control, allowed her to sweep her tongue across the taut muscles, “my… Kagome.”

Dancing was a side thought, his sensual tease forgotten and tossed aside like a cheap piece of clothing as her lips seared a path across his pectorals and found the other nipple rigid and waiting to be lavished with her affections. His form loomed over her, the warmth of his body, his aura engulfing her as he lent over her his nimble hands caressing the stiff leather over the graceful plains of her back, slipped lower over her curvaceous backside.

Her teeth clipped sharply, incited a low and guttural growl in response as her own body shivered, an electricity vibrating seemingly through her very blood stream, tingles and goose bumps crawling along her flesh where the belt passed. She’d been right, his taste on her tongue was more than she could bare, so salty and almost foreign. For a moment it brought to mind another taste, another male’s musk, but she quickly stowed it away, concentrated all the harder on kissing lower.

Maybe all youkai and hanyou had this exotic taste, silver hair flashed across her vision for a brief moment, brought a sweetly whispered sob floating over the Wolf Prince’s flesh as she drowned the memories away with the feel of the youkai over her.

An artful caress of the tongue alighted across his ribs as she traced the contour with her mouth, but she found her movements further hampered by the bonds and the subtle shifting of Kouga just a step away from her, just so teasingly out of her reach. Half-lidded eyes rolled up to the wolf in a quizzical manner, a succulent pout making her lips into a perfect cupid’s bow. Hadn’t he been enjoying her attention, didn’t he want more, because she certainly wanted more.

“My turn,” he breathed in a rough growl that set her body on edge, made the coil low in her belly tighten still higher.

“Kouga,” she half managed, the vocalization of it a low moan of desire and questioning, before he lowered his mouth over hers, swallowed whatever words would have split out that delicious little opening.

“I love it when you say my name like that,” practically purred from deep within his throat as he caught her lower lip in his teeth, so very carefully kneading it between sharpened canines.

“St..o..p,” her voice was breathless between each fierce claiming of her mouth, his tongue invoking a small game of cat and mouse as she tried to catch it and hold it with her own tongue and hungry lips. The leather pressed harder almost bruising into her ass, cupping and cradling it as he plundered her mouth; thrust his tongue in an intimate play of what would soon come.

“Stop teasing me,” she moaned into his mouth, as her doe brown eyes glittered with a heady passion, the whole of her body begging in a way she just couldn’t bare to bring to words. Her cheeks flushed bright crimson again as she squirmed beneath his intensity as he pulled away, meet her gaze with a heated predatory stare.

Oh yes, indeed he was wondering just what she tasted like, and he intended to find out. His senses were on fire with the want of her, the perfume of her sex calling to him like a half starved animal craving sustenance.

“Oh yes, ma’am,” rolled from his lips in a low manly chuckle, his expression way too pleased as she was reminded just what guise he’d come to her in.

The baby blue shirt hung free from only a single arm, but it wasn’t to last as it was unceremoniously discarded. The top button of his pants lay open exposing a trail of darker hair low along his stomach and disappearing into his pant line. His cock strained painfully against the restraints of those slacks, bobbed as the little miko whimpered at the sight he offered.

The coy look was wiped from her features; that innocent little face painted in a new light of lust and yearning. Disheveled and wild, her dark hair fell in around her body like streams of obsidian, brushed over her shoulder, down over her aching breasts and burning into his mind such indecent carnal recollections of her.

A soft whimper escaped Kagome as he tilted her chin up pressed his lips in a sweetly gentle and affectionate kiss to the underside of her throat. She could feel the vibrations of a growl reverberate over her flesh, made her wetter in a way she didn’t quite fully comprehend. She wanted to jump out of her skin when his hot lips slid lower and his mouth covered her throat, his teeth digging into the tender flesh as her pulse jumped to meet the stroking of his tongue.

Everything in her wanted to submit to him in that moment as he held her throat so vulnerable, the threatening growl that issued next terrified and excited her. Sharpened canines lightly pierced skin, applied pressure against the fleeting beat of her thundering heart with a demanding she couldn’t deny. Baring her throat fully to his teeth, her silent submission was complete.

Mine. All his thoughts centered on the one word as he asserted his dominance over the petite beauty giving her body over to his ministrations. Possessiveness and pride welled in his chest at her reaction, at the baring of her throat, at her complete and total surrender to his will.

“Mine,” he echoed in a soft and dreamy voice filled with the rolling of distant thunder like an approaching storm.

Dabbling his tongue into the little dip in her throat he delighted in the desperate little whine that formed on her pouting lips. Clawed hands caressed up her naked calves and thighs, gently leaving trails along her pale skin, the pressure hard enough to turn the skin shades of pink but not enough to pierce or bleed. With hot breath he ghosted downward, kissed just over her collarbone, a fleeting contact before he moved lower still, his mouth hovering just over her breast bone still fully concealed beneath her meager coverings.

Turning her head up to the ceiling, Kagome’s eyes fluttered shut, her lips parted as if she suddenly couldn’t draw in enough breath to satisfy her lungs. Her chest heaved, pined to be touched by his mouth even as it remained floating a hairs breathe just over her left breast. The silk at her wrists itched and rubbed, tiny sparks of pain numbing her hands as she pulled at the restraints with a faint mewling.

He could be just as provoking as she could, just as tantalizingly teasing as his teeth fastened to the pert little nipple protruding through the cotton. The beast inside of him howled triumphantly with the lusty moan that hung heavy in the air, so very pleased indeed. As a babe his lips pulled and suckled till the peak of her breast was tight and the white shirt dampened with his kiss. Better would have been her taste without the interference of man-made material, but it invoked all the proper responses.

Moaning against her breast he flicked his tongue harshly over the tip in tormentingly slow strokes. His hands moved higher, fondled and kneaded her creamy thighs, close enough to feel the heat from her dripping core, how he longed to partake of it. Soon, he promised himself.
Just as his mouth fastened again around her breast and sucked a hand found that most sensitive of spots between her thighs, ground his palm against her groin feeling the moisture soaked panties. Her body bucked and trembled beneath his touch as he applied more pressure, rubbing in a steady rhythm and coaxing a series of eager moans from Kagome.

It was all she could do to not thrust her hips forward enthusiastically, but it felt so good the double sensations of mouth and hand stimulating her body. Biting down on her lower lip she barely contained another haggard moaning of his name from being confessed. Should she be more bold? Why shouldn’t she? Dignity be damned, her sexuality was only another part of her, something she should have openly accepted.

“I,” her voice trembled, her body shook as he found the other neglected nipple and sucked it into his mouth with bruising force. She could feel the brush of his teeth,, feel the ripping of her night shirt beneath his canines, “need…”.

“What do you need?” was nothing more than a husky growl uttered against the underside of her breast as he nudged it with his face, nuzzled down into the warm valley between her cleavage. A hand smoothed over her ribs, razor sharp talons tearing through her shirt and raising welts across her delicate flesh.

“What do you need?” he growled again, the tone dangerously laced, promising such animalistic diversions as she sucked in a breath, shuddered helplessly. That wonderfully talented hand had slipped beneath the drenched material of her undergarments and touched her naked pussy.

“I.. I need more, please,” she begged, shamelessly shifting her hips forward to receive his touch against her bareness, his fingers gliding wetly over her slit, persuading the pinkish lips to part hungrily to his advances.

He nudged up under her chin, nuzzling down into the curve of her neck as his voice came out in a low husky whisper scorching across her flesh, “You mean like this?” To accent the last spoken word he slipped a finger past her opening and into the tightness of her body.

“Oh kami, yes,” her body bucked, slammed forward to take that sinfully delightful sensation deeper, her inner muscles clinching and releasing, pulling trying to keep that finger within her painfully aroused pussy.

A smile broadened across his mouth, brightened his eyes with a level of approval and such capricious amusement. But he knew his little miko couldn’t see his expression, could only feel each touch he offered up instead. His lips found her throat again, flicked his tongue over the imprint of his teeth from before as he drew his finger out as if he had all the time in the world, adoring the way her body tensed and tightened for him.

Her efforts were to be rewarded, this little vixen, such innocence on the outside and wickedly lecherous on the inside. As he reached the crown of his stroke he brushed his hand up over her swollen clit, made another series of whines sing through the room before he shoved not one but two fingers into her fast and deep.

Her breasts heaved, quivered against him as his claws racked further up her ribs, a mix of pain and pleasure filling her body up. Each hand was a different instrument of hurting and indulgence where it teased and tormented her in varying degrees of intensity.

His own cock strained, pulsed with his own yearning as he set a quick pace to plundering her sopping pussy. How slick and hot her folds, how pleasing as her hips rose to take all of what he presented greedily.

“Mmmm,” her tiny pink tongue darted out of her lips, ran along the elongated shell of his ear as he buried his face in the nape of her neck, “I’m… I’m not going to last…” Her voice broke off into another whimper as she tucked her face in against his hair, breathed in deep the scent of fur and musk that clung so tantalizingly to his virile presence.

Sliding down her body, he lowered himself between her splayed thighs, rolled his eyes up to watch her expression soften, looked on as disappointment flashed over her mouth in a pout at his departure then contorted in delirium at the realization of just where he was in relation to her form. She couldn’t meet the intensity in those burning midnight orbs, couldn’t fathom the hunger and urgency reflected in the darkening depths.

“You don’t have to last long,” the rumbling of his voice trembled over her thigh, followed the path of his fingers plunging with wetly gratifying resonance.

An impish grin spread from corner to corner of his mouth, exposed a sharpened fang in his thrill and elation, “at least not that long.” His remark remained casual though behind the gruff tone he was laughing at her again in that highly amused way.

Holy shit… he’s going to eat me, flashed through her brain and she wasn’t certain if she was thinking on an oral level or something rather more painful. A fine trembling radiated through her structure, flavored her scent with a mix of fear and trepidation.

Her eyes drew wide; her breath sucked in and held as his claws dragged over her stomach, ripped and tore her night shirt in its path and then violently pulled the material aside to expose odd patches of her pinkened skin marked with shallow welts. A deadly growl shook her body before he shredded the thin covering of her panties in a harsh swipe of talons.

“Kouga?” she could barely get the word from her lips, slightly bruised and swollen with his earlier kisses. Something dropped into the pit of her stomach, sent shivers over her skin like tiny insects roaming over her flesh.

He tore a cry from her throat, ragged and unrelenting as he dropped his fingers lower, still continuing to push them into her unsatisfied pussy and the undeniable caress of his lips found her inflamed labia and clit. She ground her eyes shut against the sweet torment, pushed herself to the limits of her constraints, her back arched, hips angled forward in lewd sacrifice to his heathen ceremonies.

She was like nectar, sweet and cloying on his tongue, heady and invigorating as he pulled his fingers from her body with a noise of protest from Kagome. It was not long lasting as he sealed his mouth over her nether lips in a smoldering kiss, tore another ragged cry from her throat as she quivered against his mouth.

Teeth scraped across her clit, nipped and sucked as he drew his tongue to a hard point and thrust it without hesitation into her welcoming opening. He repeated the actions of his fingers, drove his tongue deep, feeling the velvet softness of her insides before drawing it out and rolling it up to stroke in a languid and lingering motion over her folds.

The whole of her body tensed around him, he knew if she’d been free her thighs would have crushed his head, shoving more of his face into her dripping mound. Who was he to deny his Kagome anything? His nose brushed the bundle of nerves, nudged and fondled with duel stimulation as he continued to fuck her body with his tongue.

He couldn’t breathe past her flesh filling his mouth, engulfing his every sense till nothing but her own aroma and need engulfed his being. As if fevered he sped the claiming of her pussy, alternated strokes to her swollen outer lips and into the clinching tightness of her femininity. His claws dug into her thighs, left crimson half moons against the delicate paleness as he let a growl crawl from deep in his chest, vibrated into her very core with such acuteness it pushed her to just this edge of pain.

One more thrust, one more draw of his lips and mouth against her and she exploded violently on his tongue. Pulling in a sharp breath he filled his lungs with much needed air before delving back to her folds to lap at every last droplet of her fluids gushing in her rapturous orgasm.

“Kouga,” all self restraint flew out the window, to hell with the neighbors, as the peak of her climax screamed through her small apartment, echoed completely and uttered through her being with a pulse of energy being fed into her groin, his jyaki entwining and harmonizing with her more pure, divine power. Bucking and rolling her hips she rode his tongue to the very last, till her body could take no more and she collapsed against the chair a quivering mess of oversensitive nerves and synapses.

Resting her head back against the chair her head lolled lazily to the side, her eyes opening only halfway as the warmth and comfort of being so very well pleased set an all encompassing rapture running with spiraling hands through her blood and the rest of her mortal casings. Her mind was clouded, heavy, her trail of thoughts evaporating quickly like steam on a hot day. Two attempts failed in her throat, so raw and sore with the prolonged excitement of what Kouga had given to her for her birthday.

“That was… intense,” she croaked, rolling her head forward to gaze down on him as he licked his lips like a cat preening, like a very large predatory cat. He caused another shudder as his tongue soothed across his nail marks in her thigh, small rivulets of blood seeping from the wounds.

“You can release me now and answer my questions,” her doe brown eyes were coming clearer, less unfocused but the spirals of animate amber still remained as her inquisitive nature kicked into full gear.

“Who said I was done with you?” the admission stole the breath from her lungs again, as did the playful look in his eyes, the fierceness made her squirm with renewed vigor against the silk binding her wrists and ankles.