InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Fur and Musk ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any of the wonderful characters. I make no profit from this, only a sense of enjoyment.
A/N: Thank you for those that took the time to review. I have tried to break up my paragraphs to make things a little easier to read. I hope ya'll like it. I always seem to connect my writings to music, and when Kouga is dancing "Second Bite" by Marco V is what's playing when I envision the scene. If you'd like to hear the song check it out, nd_bite/
HentaiJane: Thank you for your support and I'm glad you enjoy the story, even if I'm horribly slow at producing chapters. Merry Meet!! ^_^
KooKooKitty: For the sake of this fic, no Kouga didn't know that Kagome was a time traveler and if he'd sensed her earlier than this, of course he would have gone after her. <b>*egrin*</b> I do know he was always vocal, but Kagome never gave any thought to him since she was in love with InuYasha, but since InuYasha is supposedly gone... well that just opens up new possabilities.
Chapter Three
Half lidded eyes slowly turned to the youkai, her facial features softened with that blissfully drunken expression of longing and undisguised need. Languidly her eyes fluttered shut, long dark lashes coming to rest delicately on pale slightly flushed cheeks before she drew them up, her mouth slightly parted. Her delicate mouth glistened ruby as she ran her tongue across her lips, trying to dissuade the sudden lump in her throat making it so hard to breath past, a feeble attempt made all the worse as he moved his cheek against her own, rolled his lips across her flustered flesh and found the waiting portal of her mouth. Without so much as a thought she'd submissively parted her lip to allow him entrance.
His teeth played lightly over her rosy flesh, nibbling and suckling at her lips, teasing at the edge of her mouth with his tongue. He could hear the stirring of her lungs, the intake of her breath with the beginning of a moan and choose to dip his tongue into that honeyed crevice. His kiss demanding as he lapped at the roof of her mouth, skittered over her teeth and her own tongue hungrily devouring anything and everything she willingly offered to his ambitious probing.
His fingers trailed across her cheek, searing heat left in their wake as he retreated from her. The music had changed somewhere in the mystification of the moment, the enchanting female voices giving way to a male voice, the beats picking up in tempo but no less bewitching in it's appeals. A soft moan of disappointment left her lips with his departure, her eyes becoming less cloudy as she formed the question burning on the tip of her tongue.
“W..what are you doing?” Another round of low masculine chuckling echoed softly in her sensitive ears, his face once more alight in that almost arrogant mien, the playful spark returning to the deep blue midnight of his eyes as he began to move to the music.
“I'm going to give you your birthday gift now,” his voice was nothing more than a low growl, his mouth quirking into a mischievous smirk. “Well, your friend's gift,” he added in as his nimble movements carried him back enough so he could make sure she could see all of him clearly.
“What… what gift?” her sense of reasoning was quickly coming back in upon her, the doe color of her eyes sparking with realization. How'd he know about her birthday? What the hell? Did he just say it was a gift from her friends? She raised her head to protest, her lips parting with the forming of her objections when his movements caused her to pause in stupefied silence.
He'd done nothing more than sway his body in a slow rhythm, a well toned arm flowing up and drawing a slender finger across that cocky mouth of his to invoke her stillness. She'd always thought sensual had only been a term to describe the way a woman danced, but she'd been so very wrong as she watched the way his body flowed with the high tempo measurements. Her eyes seemed hypnotized by the gyrations of his slender hips in the dark blue slacks, couldn't help but see the outline of his erection through the material. He was turning, throwing his hip into a swing that brought him around, his tail keeping perfect pace with each of his lascivious steps.
Another faint moan crawled from deep within her throat as she visualized running her hands over that taut backside, her nimble tongue finding just where his spine ended and his tail began. Would it be coarse she could only vaguely wonder, or soft beneath her explorations, would it tickle her nose if she were to bury her face in it and scent him like he'd done to her own hair? She'd always wondered if that tail had been real or if it'd only been part of the fur wrap that he'd sported back in the Feudal Era.
It invoked an irresistible urge to feel it, just as she'd done with InuYasha's ears when she'd first met him. Another swipe across suddenly dry lips and her eyes were drawn up as he brought his body round full swing, his tail swaying playfully along with each graceful tread to the flowing harmony. Clawed hands rested lightly upon narrowed hips as they rocked, keeping her eyes centered at his groin. His lips twisted in a satisfied grin, a flash of fang at the innocence and open awe of her expressions.
She could neither hide her pronounced excitement nor the soft wonder colored in shades of ardor drawing her nipples tight and straining against the flimsy fabric of her night shirt. Those brilliantly midnight eyes darted down her form, peeked between her splayed thighs catching sight of the darker stain against the crispiness of her white panties, sent a rumbling through his chest as he slowly drew his hand up his body, purposefully drawing her attention to them.
One by one with a delicate snip of razor sharp claws the buttons of his officer's uniform were sent flying to places unknown. But her eyes never wavered, her mouth slack, her mind dumbfounded at his actions, at the art of the gift he offered to her in the name of her friends. His pace was almost torturous in her own mind, that lazy path upward, his fingers lingering at the last button. Teeth firmly biting into lower lip, she urged him to more with her thoughts and her eyes, pleading for the hint of more. He just couldn't stop now, not like that, she had to see more, had to see what came next.
The smile gracing his lips was almost feral in intensity, his teeth flashing white in his amusements and pride at the way his little miko reacted. He'd lingered at the last button purposefully slow, had toyed and teased till he could see the begging in her face. With a soft pop the last button came free under the precise cutting of his talons. A small wisp of air announced the release of a breath she hadn't been aware she was holding. She'd half expected him to throw open his shirt and reveal fully that muscular expanse of tanned flesh to her vantage, but to her disappointment the leisurely seduction of his striptease continued.
He gripped either side of the blue shirt loosely his body swaying, his shoulders rolling as he lowered himself, those toned legs parting and the knees bending to support his weight as he swaggered suggestively. A heartfelt groan passed her lips, conveying to him her impatience, but it only pushed him to heighten the game. Inch by terrible inch the material parted with his ministrations to finally expose the smooth and toned expanse of a perfectly tanned chest, his nipples only a few shades darker than his flesh.
Perfectly balanced upon the balls of his feet, she idly wondered when he'd lost his shoes and his socks, even the arching of his feet as he tittered and rocked seems to heat her core to scalding. The way he thrust his body was almost obscene, so powerfully built, she could just imagine the feel of him between her legs, buried hilt deep into the aching pulse low in her stomach driving her to such indecent thoughts.
“You're an evil fucking bastard, you know that?” she voiced, her tone a pitch higher, though it was as if she'd been speaking from far off, the words almost distant as they fell away from her lips. She had to admit to herself he was damned good at what he did.
The very air vibrated with the roll of laughter, so assured and commanding of attention as he slid the shirt down either side of his firm shoulders alternating pulling the fabric from the band at his waist. “I know you love it,” his husky voice carried to her ears, so cocksure and egotistical. She rewarded him with another maidenly blush, no faint flush of color but a shockingly crimson coloring to her cheeks and across the bridge of her nose.
It only seemed as though every time she gathered enough wits to herself to ask her questions he did something new to muddle her mind and make her forgot what was burning on the tip of her tongue. She forced the question out without a second thought, determined to put it out there before her mind was completely gone, before the pullings of his body completely dominated her senses of reason and self preservation.
“Why… why haven't I sensed you till now or anyone else?”, her eyes glittered in a mix of emotion, her lust only adding more depth to the liquid fire of those drowningly deep brown orbs.
Her tongue felt heavy, like lead in her mouth as the music carried him into the next moment, his shoulders gracefully rolling as he worked his way back up to his feet, the baby blue shirt caught in the crooks of his arms, the rest fluttering around him loose and free. Somewhere in her pondering his nimble hands had undone the clasp of his belt and with a flick of the wrist she found the thick leather pulled from his pants in one smooth gesture. She could smell it strongly, let it fill her senses, that musky scent that expensive leather held. Forcing her eyes up, she let them rest on his soft seeming lips and waited for his answer, tried not to lower her wandering gaze till he did.
Cocking his head to the side, a spill of dark hair whispered across his face, cascaded down over that muscular chest even as he drew the leather upward, tracing the contours of his stomach and his sculpted pecs. Narrowed down to slits the blue of his eyes darkened as a low and dangerous growl crawled from deep within his throat, rumbled through his chest with a hint of laughter, “I'll answer all your questions, my Kagome,” a simple quirk of the lips and he'd thrown a look at her so intense she couldn't help but squirm, it was that purely male look that told spoke of those lurid things to come “But not until I've finished with you.”
She swallowed past the lump in her throat, bit down on her lip to keep the whimper from leaving her throat at the unspoken animalistic vows. Struggling once more she tried to pull her legs together, but found it impossible. The fervor of her body was centered there, slowly consuming her from the core up like flames licking up over her flesh and devouring her with need. She didn't entirely think she could blush any brighter and for so long as she adverted her eyes from his face, his teasing leading her back into the play of his hands over his form and what remained of his attire.
“I repeat… your such an evil fucking bastard,” but her voice was a little too shaky for her own liking, a little too fast as it left her lungs and trembled through her slightly bruised lips due to her own restrainments.
A/N: I know another evil ending, but it's out quicker than I usually do. Hopefully the next continuation will as just as quickly.