InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Snowstorms and annoying old women. ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Note: Thanks to everyone for their reviews and support, and thank you to those who point out my mistakes. They are fixed as I am able. My fault for not having a beta I guess and doing all the editing myself.
I found many of the reviews to be amusing in the fact that some of the things suggested (not all and I won't say which) were already written up in my outline to happen a long time ago. You'll just have to find out which ones by reading.
Also, this is going to end up being slightly longer than I had anticipated. This is supposed to be an exercise in writing for me so that I may write my original fiction better.
Oh well I guess. On with the show!
Disclaimer: Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi.
Inuyasha glared across the field at Kagura. He had come to the well to clear his mind and think about Kagome, but Kagura had been waiting for him. “What the hell do you want Wind Bitch?” Inuyasha spat at the Naraku spawn as he reached for his sword.
Kagura smiled in what could have been considered sweet had it been on anyone elses' lips, but on the wind witch it was nothing less than sinister, “Why Inuyasha I was merely passing through and thought I'd check to see how you and your little friends were, there's nothing wrong is there?” She asked, putting a bit more emphasis on the word `wrong' than Inuyasha wished to hear.
The hanyou was in no mood for Naraku's games today, and of course by this point he was almost positive that Naraku was behind Kagome's disappearance. “Where's Kagome wench? I know you're behind her being gone!” He yelled.
The wind witch didn't respond. Instead she lunged towards the hanyou, almost catching him off guard. Transforming his sword quickly he met her attack. They stood off, weapon against weapon, aura against aura. Kagura leaned in slightly, “Please put on a good show, I was sent here to exploit your weakness without the girl. But I do not wish to destroy my only chance at freedom.” She whispered before allowing Inuyasha to push her back and into a tree.
“Damnit you bitch, where's Kagome!” Inuyasha yelled as he leaped towards the recovering woman, and grabbed her by her throat before she was able to fully stand. “Where is she?”
Kagura brought her hands frantically up to the fingers that were wrapped around her neck in a futile attempt to pull them away, “I don't know,” she choked out, “I had been sent to kidnap her but she escaped.”
“Feh,” Inuyasha spat as he spun around and flung the wind witch across the field and into another tree, the snow in its branches knocking loose and falling over the woman's body.
He was relieved to hear that Kagome escaped, but was even more worried about where she was now. Had she escaped she surely would have found her way to Edo by now. He glared over at the still body across the field. He really should try to kill her, but he knew from previous encounters that without the heart that Naraku held that she would not completely die. It would be a waste of energy. With that he turned and walked back to Kaede's. The others would want to know what was going on.
Kagome was studying a scroll, or trying to. Her mind was having a hard time concentrating on the task at hand as it kept wandering towards a certain demon lord. It had been nearly a month and a half since they had found themselves trapped in this snow covered valley, and Sesshoumaru still showed no signs of regaining his memory.
Of course this was both a good and bad thing for Kagome. It was good in the fact that for the past four weeks she had slept every night in his lap, and she had even taken to studying while seated in his lap during the day. It was bad because she had grown to genuinely enjoy his close proximity, and something akin to anxiety gripped her heart whenever he was away. She knew that she was losing the battle with herself in the whole ordeal, and was frightened by what it would bring later on down the road. After all, winter was almost halfway over and in another six weeks she would come face to face with the consequences of her actions. These were the thoughts plaguing the young woman's mind as Talia came in the room with another armload of scrolls.
“Here you are dear, I found another box in one of the cabinets in my room. I swear I didn't realize I had this many,” the old woman said as she put the scrolls down on the floor next to the girl. Looking over Kagome's shoulder she noticed that the young girl was still reading the same scroll she had been for the past three hours, “Are you alright young one? You have been studying that scroll for quite some time.”
Startled by the old woman's close proximity Kagome dropped the scroll in question in her lap, “Oh no Talia, this is just a very good spell and I would like to commit it to memory before Sesshoumaru and I have to leave,” she replied, “And I'm hoping to convince him to let me try it on him later.”
Talia chuckled, “Dear, do not worry about memorizing anything. I am old, and I did not even know I had half of these until you came. Take the ones you like with you. I have no use for them.”
Turning to the old woman Kagome pulled her into an embrace, “Thank you Talia! There are a few of these that will be very useful to us in our mission!”
Patting Kagome on the back lightly the old woman chuckled once again, “Of course dear, now I should go back and start on the broth for the stew before your youkai comes back with our dinner,” she said before standing up and making her way out of the room.
Letting out a sigh the girl from the future looked back down at the scroll she had been reading, or trying to for several hours. Or more specifically, the exact amount of time that Sesshoumaru had been gone. She had a hard time concentrating when he wasn't around, and it was annoying. Sighing again Kagome placed the scroll down to the side and apart from the others, she would be sure to ask Sesshoumaru to let her try it when he returned.
Grabbing another scroll she opened it and began to read. It only took her a few moments to realize what it was she was reading, and her eyes went wide at the information. This was exactly what she needed! Quickly Kagome stood and placed the scroll along with two others she had found to be useful in her futon. Sinking on her knees to the floor Kagome placed her forehead on the cold wood, and allowed the tears that she had been holding back to finally fall. That scroll would be her savior, and she no longer had to fight the Demon Lord or her growing feelings for him; as much anyway.
It was in this position that Sesshoumaru found her when he entered the room. Having just given the meat he had hunted to the old woman for the stew he had detected the scent of salt coming from their room and immediately went to find out what was troubling his female. He did not expect to find her on her knees with her head on the floor as she was, and immediately moved to pick her up from the floor and seat them both against their spot against the wall.
“What troubles you Kagome?” He asked quietly, bringing his hand under her chin so that she would look at him. What he saw in her eyes was completely unexpected. Happiness, relief, and perhaps love? He could not tell, but it certainly was not the sadness he expected.
“I found a way to fix things Sess,” she said before turning to the side to find the first scroll she had been studying. She knew she was lying about why she was crying, but it was true that this first scroll contained a method of fixing one of their problems. It just wasn't the one she was crying over. “See, let me try it on you please,” she pleaded.
Raising a delicate eyebrow at the scroll Sesshoumaru looked it over, “You wish to try this on this Sesshoumaru?” Seeing her nod in the positive he thought for a moment and then nodded himself, “Very well you may try, I trust that you will not purify my person.”
Squealing happily Kagome threw her arms around his neck before placing a small kiss on his cheek, “I'll be right back. I need to get some supplies from Talia. For now just take off your shirt,” she said as she jumped up and ran out of the room to get the necessary herbs from Talia's collection.
She returned a few minutes later with a bowl full of ground herbs. Sitting down beside the demon lord her faced scrunched in thought.
“Something is wrong?” Sesshoumaru asked. The girl was clearly lost as to what to do next.
Kagome sighed, “Well, I need some of your blood. But I don't know how to get it,” she said, “I don't want to hurt you.”
Without a thought the youkai in front of her brought one of his claws to his chest and sunk it deep in his flesh before pulling down in a straight line. The blood did not waste any time coming to the surface and spilling over his stomach.

”Sesshoumaru!” Kagome cried as she moved to both collect the blood she needed and bandage the self inflicted wound.
“You have your blood.”
Shaking her head the girl from the future glared at him, “Yea, and you scared me half to death too,” she said as she mixed the herb and blood together into a paste. She then took the paste into her hand and spread it over Sesshoumaru's shoulder where the arm was missing until there was no part of the stump that wasn't covered, “There,” she said as she put the bowl down. She picked back up the scroll and began changing the incantation while focusing her miko energy on the missing limb.
Slowly Sesshoumaru began to feel a tingle in the missing appendage, and his eyes went wide at the sight before him. Gradually a new arm was growing out of the paste and under his female's hands. A few more minutes passed before Kagome slumped to the floor in exhaustion. Sesshoumaru quickly gathered the girl up in his arms and held her to his chest. Two arms, he now had two arms. Sesshoumaru was in shock. He flexed the new arm in amazement. It felt exactly like his other one. Hugging Kagome again he kissed her on the top of her head, “Thank you,” he said.
Inuyasha and the group sat solemnly around the fire in Kaede's hut. The hanyou had explained his encounter with the wind witch to the group, and everyone was now lost in their own thoughts.
“Maybe Kagome took shelter in a village for the winter,” Shippou suggested hopefully.
Sango nodded, “That certainly is a possibility,” she said before turning to Inuyasha with a thoughtful expression on her face, “Inuyasha, have you seen Kikyo at all lately?” she asked.
“No, I haven't seen her since a few weeks before Kagome went missing,” he said while shaking his head slowly. He knew why Sango was asking. She wanted to know if Kikyo had her complete soul back. If she did then they would know that Kagome was dead, “If I had, and she had her whole soul back I would have told you guys! I'm not that heartless you know,” he yelled before storming out the door of the hut.
Inuyasha may not have been able to give his entire heart to Kagome, but he loved her none the less. He would never have kept such information to himself if he came across it, and if it had he probably would have gone into some kind of depression. “Feh,” he huffed after situating himself on his favorite branch of the sacred tree, “Kagome's alive. I know it.”
When Kagome awoke she found herself in Sesshoumaru's arms; both arms. The spell had worked, and she was happy that she had been able to fix at least one of the things that she had messed up. Sighing contently she rested her head on his shoulder.
“You are awake.”
“Yeah,” Kagome said, “I'm happy the spell worked.”

”This Sesshoumaru is thankful that it worked as well,” he replied as he moved her in his lap so that she straddled his hips. Resting his forehead against hers he looked into her eyes, “Thank you,” he said.
Kagome blushed, she had never been in this sort of position with a male and was increasingly becoming embarrassed, “You're welcome,” was all she could say. She didn't trust her voice to try to say anything else.
Sesshoumaru's eyes roamed over her face for a moment before he brought a hand up to tuck some of her hair behind her ear. Leaning in further the demon lord brushed the tip of his nose against hers, “This Sesshoumaru cannot wait any longer,” he said before gently pressing his lips to hers. The kiss was soft and innocent. He took it no further than simple touching as he did not wish to push his luck any further than he already was. The feel of her soft lips on his was worth what little risk he took.
Kagome was in shock. She had never been kissed by someone before. Yes she had kissed Inuyasha, but it had been to save his life. Never had a male initiated such intimacy with her, and her head was swimming at the feelings that were going through her body. His lips were soft, which she hadn't expected from the stoic battle worn youkai. She was losing herself in his touch, but he pulled away before she lost her mind completely. When she opened her eyes all she could do was look at him.
His eyes held everything she had ever wanted: admiration, trust, and love. Lost in the emotions that overtook her body from seeing those eyes Kagome closed her own eyes and leaned forward to meet his lips a second time. She didn't know what else to do once they touched, but she was simply content with the feeling of his lips on her own.
It was Sesshoumaru's turn to be in shock. The little female that had been fighting him so hard for the past six weeks was now kissing him of her own will. Slowly he brought a hand to rest behind her head, and placing the other one the small of her back he held her closer to his body as he snaked his tongue out to tentatively trace her lips. Kagome gasped at the new sensation, and the demon lord took the opportunity to enter her mouth. He could sense her nervousness, and patiently guided their tongues in the age old dance of dominance. When they parted for the second time it was Sesshoumaru who spoke first.
“This Sesshoumaru has waited a long time for this,” he said, running his fingers through her hair.
“I am sorry for making you wait,” Kagome replied as she brought her own hand up to trace the magenta stripes on his cheeks, “Will you forgive me?”
Nodding slightly, “I would have waited an eternity,” he said. Gathering Kagome's hands within his own Sesshoumaru looked intently into Kagome's eyes, “This Sesshoumaru would be forever in your debt if you would agree to become my mate.”
Staring into his eyes for several minutes Kagome's mind was reeling. She knew the consequences of her actions should she say yes, but they suddenly didn't matter as much as long as she had the knowledge of that scroll she had hidden in her futon earlier. No matter what happened she would always have the memory of his love, of someone who cherished her. “Yes Sesshoumaru, I will be your mate,” she said with tears in her eyes. She suddenly found herself pulled into a firm embrace, and had she been able to see his face she would have seen tears in his eyes as well.
“Sleep now mate,” he said, “We will discuss everything once you are rested.”
With that the demon lord ran his fingers through his female's hair and with the help of a soothing rumbling in his chest, lulled Kagome to sleep. All was well now. He had won back his female, and would return home in the spring with a mate. Where ever home was.
There you go for chapter 6. Read, Rate and Review please.