InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Treasure and Firends ❯ Attack of the Black Flying Thing, Foam and Insomnia ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 3

WARNING: The next few chapters may contain a talking (and flying) animal. Not the purple-dinisour-that-must-not-be-named kind, though. The anime kind.



Inuyasha tried to sleep, but he just couldn't. He usually didn't have insomnia...Well, when Kagome wasn't in his era, anyway...

As he had guessed, Miroku and Sango were furious with him. After Sango had hit him on the head with her boomerang a few times and Miroku had threatened to suck him up with his Kazaana, he had gone outside. Now, Inuyasha just sat in the old tree by the well, listening to the nearby strom and pondering what had happened.


Inuyasha walked into Kaede's hut, slouching. Kaede was out tending someone in the village. Mirku sat unconscious in a corner, many bumps on his head. He had undoughtibly been hentai to Sango again. The girl in question sat by the fire, petting the 2 tailed cat in her lap. Inuyasha went and sat down opisit her, expecting the question. (no, not that question. another one.)

"Did ya get it back from Shippo?" asked Sango, hopefully. She watched him closely. He looked very nervous. 'Why would Inuyasha be nervous? Unless...!'

"I...uh...tried...but...uh..."he trailed off, studying the floor.

"You didn't get it back, did you?" Sango looked angrily at him.

"Kagome stopped me before I could. She sat me a lot, too."

"Did you explain to her WHY we nedded Shippo? What happened anyway?"

So Inuyasha explained what had happened. Near the middle of the tail, Miroku interupted him. He had touched Sango's hemhem donkey. So, Inuyasha had to started over. By the time he had finished, Miroku had 20 more bumps on his head and Sango was on the othe rside of the room.

"Why didn't ya explain why we needed Shippo?" Sango seemed a little calmer, but as Miroku crept closer, she held tightly to her boomerang.

"She would have said we were being silly."

"But we're NOT being silly! I WANT MY SHARE!" Sango hit Inuyasha on the head with her boomerang a few times. Miroku cremp over and, seeing the look in Sangos eyes, stopped a yard away.

"This is an important matter! Now go back and get it! If you don't succeed THIS time, I might as well suck you up in my Kazaana." He pointed to his right hand as he said the last part.

Inuyasha sprang up to aviod another bump on the head and leaped out the door and into the cold night air.


As the night grew darker and the storm raged closer, he jumped from the old gray tree and into the dark recesses of the well and into Kagome's time.

***********************Meanwhile, In Kagome's Time***********************

Kagome lay awaking, snuggled by the little kitsune cub next to her. She had insomnia, just like Inuyasha, although she didn't know it. 'I wonder what Inuyasha's doing right now? I know that he didn't mean to lead me on like that and he was only red with embarassment...but...Oh, he's so clueless sometimes! Maybe he'll come back and tap on my window and I'll let him in...And then he'll apologize...'

As if Kagome's thoughts were heard and the gods agreed, came a taping of something sharp (persumibly Inuyasha's claws) on glass (Kagome's window). Her heart skipped a beat. 'Could it be....?'


Her heart went 5 times its normal rate. She crept out of bed, making sure Shippo was still asleep (which he was), and walked silently towards the window. She unlocked the hitch and opened the window 1/5 of the way. Before she can open the window the rest of the way, a flying, raven black animal bolts throught the window and attackes Kagome's hair.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAA!" she screams, while trying to get the thing out of her hair. A pajama clad Souta runs into the room, holding the fire exstinguisher, and sprayings everything with white foam. Her mom comes in, wearing a purple night gown and curlers, looking very worried. After them all comes Grandpa in his sleeping wear, holding up a demon-be-gone paper.

While all this is going on, Shippo's still curled up in Kagome's bed, sleeping.

******************************In the Well House***************************

As Inuyasha jumped out of the well, he heard Kagome scream. The hanyou pulled out his rusty sword and let it transform. He then slamed the well house door open and headed towards Kagome's house, the stanch of non-youkai crow getting stronger as he went.


A/N Longer than the last chapter, right? Well, in most of my stories, the longer I get into the story, the longer the chapter is. And if ya didn't figure out by reading my story, than you should know that I like unexpeced twists!

Nihongo/English dictionary

nihongo : come on people! anybody know what japanese is in nihongo? JAPANESE

youkai : any manga or anime fan should know this. DEMON

Kazaana : anybody wanna bear his child? MIROKU'S AIR RIP

KYAAAA! : anybody do this at home? A SCREAM, NIHONGO STYLE