InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Two Minds ❯ Vengence? ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Must I repeat myself?
Chapter 3
“KAGOME!” Inuyasha's own scream snapped him out of his slumber. He jumped out of his tree and raced towards the forest.
Miroku and Shippo were awakened by Inuyasha's cry.
Shippo rubbed his eyes sleepily. “You think he's having nightmares again?”
Miroku looked outside to see a blur of red speeding towards the forest. “There seems to be an emergency! Quick, Shippo! We must pursue him!”
They rushed after him.
Once again, Inuyasha had been having nightmares about Kagome. Every night he would be in the forest searching for her. He would be able to hear her crying but never be able to find her. Tonight, she had been screaming in pain…..
Inuyasha held back angry tears. Why hadn't be stayed with her? Knowing full well something was going to happen, he had left her alone.
Baka. Baka. BAKA! He thought angrily.I'll never forgive myself for this.
Inuyasha traced Kagome's scent to the Bone-Eater's Well. Next to the well lay the pack Kagome always had with her.
“Her backpack hadn't been thrown down,” he observed. “She left her pack here and left by herself?”
He took off again, following Kagome's scent deeper into the forest.
Kagome, where in the world are you? Why didn't you call me?
No sooner had Inuyasha raced off, the others arrived at the well. Like Inuyasha, they spotted Kagome's pack.
“This is an emergency,” Miroku said. “Kagome must be in danger. Let's go!”
He bent over to pick up Kagome's pack. As he swung it over his shoulder, a small object flew out of one of the compartments.
“The shikon shard!” Shippo scrambled over to pick it up. “Why doesn't she have it with her?”
“This can't be good,” Miroku sad grimly. “Kagome, we're coming!”
They raced off in Inuyasha's direction.
“Kagome, where are you?” Inuyasha called desperately. This is just like my dream. “Kagome!”
“I've got you at last, Inuyasha!”
Inuyasha turned around to see an arrow flying towards him. He jumped out of its path a split second before it whizzed through where he was just standing.
“What the…” Inuyasha was astonished to see who was attacking him. “Kagome…why?”
“SHUT UP, YOU FILTHY DEMON!” Kagome commanded in rage. She fired another arrow at him. This time her aim was true, the arrow struck Inuyasha's right shoulder.
“Argh.” The hanyou grimaced and clutched at his right shoulder. Somehow, the physical pain was nothing compared to how much his heart was hurting. “Kagome, it's me—Inuyasha.”
“I know it's you.” Kagome walked slowly towards Inuyasha. “You, who slaughtered my family. You, who took my innocence!” She reached for another arrow. “And I'm Kagome—the mortal girl who will send you to hell!” She fired the arrow. Her rage added to its power.
Inuyasha leapt out of the way before it hit the tree behind him, which exploded under the miko's power.
“Holy…” Miroku arrived in time to see a spectacular display of wood chips showering down on Inuyasha and Kagome.
“Waughh!” Shippo covered his head as bits of debris flew towards him.
At Shippo's cry, Kagome turned toward her audience's direction.
“If you don't want to get hurt, leave now.”
She turned her attention back to Inuyasha. “Why aren't you attacking, monster? Just because you're not going to fight doesn't mean I won't.” She raised her bow to fire again.
Inuyasha was faster. Before Kagome could blink, he had grasped both her wrists, forcing her to drop her weapons.
“Listen,” he snarled. “I don't know what or who fed you those lies. But if you think you can kill me that easily, think again!”
Kagome struggled to escape Inuyasha's grip. “What do you take me for, a fool?” She laughed bitterly. “I saw everything! It was me you destroyed! A demon, you, I have never seen before took away everything I had!” She was now shrieking in rage. “You killed my family, dammit! You raped me! I have nothing now. Nothing!”
Inuyasha stared at her in shock. “I-I didn't….”
“Let me GO!” Kagome released a burst of energy that sent Inuyasha flying.
What the hell is happening? Miroku thought.
Shippo was in shock. He had never seen Kagome so angry, let alone attack Inuyasha.
Inuyasha groaned and stood up shakily. Nothing was making sense.
“You're pretty stupid not to attack” Kagome had regained possession of her bow and was walking toward Inuyasha. “What are you trying to prove?”
“I won't hurt you.”
Kagome's eyes narrowed. “Of course. You're afraid you might hurt your child, aren't you?” She patted her stomach. “Don't worry. The two of you will see each other soon enough. In hell.”
Inuyasha's level of confusion was raised even higher.
“You're pregnant? How?” He gaped at her.
Miroku was also thoroughly confused.
Kagome…carrying a child? Then it's true…no. An evil presence still lingers. She must be possessed!
“Why so surprised, Inuyasha? These things happen all the time. Your fatal mistake was letting me live.” She now stood within five feet of him. “I've wasted enough time. I will kill you—even if I go down with you.” She aimed an arrow at his heart.
“NO!” Shippo ran to Kagome and threw his arms around her legs. “Don't kill him! He's innocent!”
Kagome looked at the kitsune at her feet. She sighed and put down her bow before picking hi up.
“This is not your fight.” Her heart softened at the sight of the crying furball. “I have to avenge my family. You wouldn't understand.”
“But I do!” Shippo cried. “My parents were killed by the Thunder Brothers! And you and Inuyasha helped bring back my daddy's pelt! Don't you remember? Don't kill him, Kagome! You don't kill!” He threw his arms around Kagome's neck and sobbed.
Kagome was taken back. This child is an orphan as well. That monster and I avenged his parents? Why can't I remember? How…no. No mercy.
“No. I have waited too long.” She gently lifted the still-crying kitsune from her shoulder and set him down. “If we both share the same experiences, then you should sympathize with me.” She turned to where Inuyasha still stood. He had made no move to attack or flee.
“Why didn't you run?” Kagome demanded. “Not that you would've escaped but anyone else would have run.”
“I'm not anyone else,” Inuyasha retorted. “And I have no reason to run.”
“Suit yourself.” Kagome raised her bow once more. Here's my chance!
Miroku finally decided to step in. “Miss,” he said. “Please consider your actions carefully. Inuyasha is indeed telling the tru—“
“ENOUGH!” Kagome's fury was now unstoppable. “Get the hell out of my way before I kill you too!”
“Claws of blood!” Inuyasha carefully aimed the daggers of blood so that they only broke the bow without harming Kagome.
“I don't need a weapon to kill you!” Kagome threw down the now useless bow and continued to summon her power.
“Inuyasha, RUN!” Miroku yelled. He ran up to him, grabbed the sleeve of his kimono, and half-dragged, half led the protesting hanyou away from Kagome. Shippo quickly followed.
“NO!” Kagome screamed. “I'LL RIP YOU APART!”
Her release was an amazing combination of miko power and rage. Everything within fifty feet radius exploded under its impact.
Miroku, Shippo, and Inuyasha escaped the worst part, but were still blasted several feet forward. Inuyasha quickly recovered and ran back to Kagome's side.
The smoke and dust cleared to reveal a drained but still-standing miko in its wake. Inuyasha's heart broke to see her saddened eyes when she looked up to meet his gaze. She looked totally helpless then. Her disheveled hair and torn clothes graced her delicate frame, which was about to ready to collapse.
“So you still stand. Heh.” Kagome took several unsteady steps before falling to her knees. Without warning, she vomited up blood.
Inuyasha was by her side at once.
“Kagome!” He grabbed Kagome's arm and tried to help her up.
“Don't touch me!” Kagome managed to gasp out. She made an attempt to push him away, but the simple task acquired the last of her strength, and she passed out across Inuyasha's lap.
“Kagome don't do this to me!” Inuyasha grabbed the limp body by the shoulders and shook her, desperately trying to revive her.
Miroku rushed over. “Quickly, Inuyasha! Take her to Kaede. She needs a healer.”
Inuyasha didn't waste another second. He scooped Kagome up in his arms and raced back to the village. Miroku and Shippo ran after him.
From a distance, a pair of gleaming eyes watched the foursome run off.