InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Off Again, On Again ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers: I do not own InuYasha or any of the manga/anime characters. They belong to the wonderful genius Rumiko Takahashi. I just enjoy making them do things to each other.
AN: I feel I must dispel the notion that some readers have that this is going to be some great romance. While 99% of my fics are based on romance in one way or another, this one is strictly PWP (Porn Without Plot, though if a plot invades it become Porn With Plot). In any case, what we have here is a story about three very dysfunctional characters. Poor InuYasha, due to his issues, has a ways to go before he can actually “make love” in the full sense of the phrase to his wife (though he is making progress). And then we have Sesshomaru and Kagome who are both basically addicted to sex, thanks to their experiences during their teenage years. They have sex for the physical pleasure of it - for them there is no real feelings involved past the high it gives them when they orgasm. None of them really equate sex with love - at least not yet.
With that said, enjoy! I fear a plot is attempting to invade the story! But I have decided to let it take me where it leads which is highly unusual for me since I usually know the ending when I start.
Warnings: (Do I really need to say it? Lemons including Rape)
Off Again, On Again - Chapter 6
They hadn't meant to, but InuYasha and Kagome were both so spent from their afternoon they fell asleep in the bed they'd retired to after the shower. At Kagome's suggestion, he'd lain down on his back and then she'd come at him from above. At first she'd remained still, allowing his hands to roam freely over her body. He'd molded his fingers around her breasts and run his thumbs gently across her nipples, making them peak. She'd leaned over to kiss him while he wrapped his arms around her and held her against him as their tongues tangled together. When she came up for air Kagome grinned at her husband, planted her hands on his firm stomach, and then rode him for all he was worth.
Even though InuYasha had to put little effort into it, he was still gasping for air when he exploded to fill her. “Did you cum?” he asked softly as he caressed her.
“This was all about you,” she whispered as she leaned forward to lay prone on his body again. “I do love you, you know.”
“I love you too, Kagome. I'm can't believe what you're willing to go through for me… I mean… well… I know it was my fault for bringing Sesshomaru in without telling you…” he whispered.
Kagome slid to his side and threw an arm over his chest. “Believe me when I tell you this, I don't mind. I'm happy to do whatever it takes to getting you functioning like a normal human male and to undo everything that cruel nanny of yours did to you. And as far as I'm concerned, Sesshomaru can stay as long as he wants, as long as you don't mind. He'd done nothing but help the two of us, and I think we're helping him too.”
InuYasha sighed in relief. “I'm so glad you said that. I didn't know how I could kick him out, and the three of us seem to get along so well. I know you need sex more often than I can give, at least for now, and he helps you. He needs it a lot, too, and you're helping him. I know one of the problems he had with Rin was that she wouldn't let him be with her a lot of the time, so he ended up cheating on her to get what he needed. Then he found out she wouldn't sleep with him like she used to because she was seeing Kohaku behind his back. At least with us, everything is up front.”
She toyed with a nipple and her hand slid down to rub his abdomen. “We do all seem to compliment each other, don't we?”
InuYasha kissed her forehead. “I don't know how I got so lucky to marry a girl like you.”
They'd lapsed into contented silence and then fallen asleep.
“Here they are!” Miroku shouted out, waking the cuddling couple up.
Kagome shot up. “Oh, shit! I'm sorry, Doctor, we didn't mean to fall asleep on the job! We'll understand if you want to dock our pay.”
Miroku was going over the clipboard, reading InuYasha's notes. “Let's see - you worked with Ginta and Hakkaku, both missionary and doggie style. I know they tie so that took some time, you did all five of the beagles at once, it looks like you worked with both the paint and the palomino twice, and the little sorrel once. I'd say from your notes that the new golden would lick you but not mount you, and I know that you helped Sesshomaru and Bankotsu prepare for their amazingly successful rape fantasy.
“You did more this afternoon that most have done in a whole day. It's no wonder you were tuckered out. So, I'm certainly not going to dock your pay though I am going to suggest you stay home tomorrow. Kagome, even if your pussy isn't sore after all of that, some of your other muscles will be from the positions you've been in and holding up the weight of the horses when they mounted you from behind.
“Sesshomaru, we only have men coming in tomorrow, but I do have some weekend work if you're interested,” the doctor said. “I have several women who requested appointments for Saturday. At least one of those is another mother bringing her daughter here after school. After her there is one whose husband has convinced her she's unable to orgasm, if you're up for a challenge.”
“So I should come around noon to prepare?” the elder brother asked.
Miroku nodded. “That would be excellent. And Kagome, InuYasha, if you would like to come then as well you are more than welcome to work when we're open if you feel up to it. Just so you know, we're usually closed on Sundays. As many as you're managing to work with when you're here, a day off in-between might not be a bad idea, at least for now. So, if you two would like to get dressed, I'll have your check for today's work waiting in the office. In fact, if you come in a little earlier on Saturday, I'll give you the paperwork to set up direct deposit to your bank accounts if you'd like.”
“All right, doctor. We'll meet you there in a few minutes,” Kagome said as InuYasha nodded in agreement.
Sesshomaru had remained behind when Dr. Miroku left to return to his office. “So, did you two enjoy yourselves after we left you?”
“Just the one time, but it was good,” InuYasha said. “Wasn't it, Kagome?” Now he sounded unsure.
She kissed him on the cheek. “It was great. It was nice to do something kind of normal to end the day with. Even falling asleep here with you was nice.”
InuYasha blushed. “Well, should we get dressed and get out of here? I'm getting hungry.”
“You want to stop and get some Ramen on the way home? I'm too bushed to cook,” Kagome admitted.
“I thought you'd never ask.” Her husband couldn't help but to grin.
Sesshomaru shook his head. “Some things will never change.”
They had stopped at the Noodle Palace on their way home. While InuYasha was happy to get his Ramen with Yakibuta & Negi, Kagome ordered Miso Nikomi Udon and Sesshomaru selected the Bukkake Udon. They had eaten their dinner and watched a little television before they climbed into their king-sized bed together - naked, of course.
“So, are you ever going to tell us what happened during your rape fantasy?” Kagome asked as the brothers snuggled up to her, one on either side.
InuYasha cupped a breast and toyed with the nipple. “Yeah, you've been holding out on us. You said you knew her?”
“So start at the beginning, or none for you,” the Kagome told the elder brother.
“I didn't want her to know it was me, so I had Bankotsu blindfold her as soon as she walked through the door. We started off by tying her hands and feet to the bedposts and spread-eagled her and took turns just playing with her - fucking her with our fingers and rubbing our hands all over her and sucking her breasts. We got her really excited and wet, and since she couldn't see us, she didn't know what we would do next.
“While she was tied down I had Bankotsu fuck her while I fucked her mouth, but we both stopped before we got off and traded places. When we'd had enough of that, we untied her and moved her to the edge of the foot of the bed. We knew she wanted double-penetration, so we slammed her down on Bank's cock and he held her in place by her breasts while I fucked her standing up until I'd cum. I knew Bank hadn't cum yet so he held her there at the end of the bed, spreading her legs nice and wide while he fingered her so that the juices were just pouring out of her.
“I took a bottle of that lubricant and squirted a lot up into her, which Bank went to work on spreading up her belly and breasts. While he was doing that, I went and let Butch free. You should have heard her squeal when that dog started licking all over her and then stuck his tongue up in her as far as he could reach.
“We didn't have any trouble at all getting our `victim' further off the bed so that her hips were a little lower and Butch mounted her right away. I wish you could have seen Bank while she was being fucked by the dog - he'd never felt anything like it. And then do you know that Butch managed to tie her? I guess I should have known it would be possible - we must have had everything just right and he fucked her good and hard,” Sesshomaru said.
Kagome reached down to stroke his growing erection and spread her own legs further apart. “So did she like it?”
InuYasha took the hint and ran his hand down to between her legs and started to rub her slit that was getting rather hot and wet. “Yeah, what did she think about being tied to the dog?”
Sesshomaru laughed. “She loved it! The whole time Butch was humping her and still licking everything he could reach. I reached down between them and started to work on getting her off and Bank's hands were everywhere he could reach. I think she was disappointed when Butch was finally able to pull away from her, but I moved in and fucked her again. Bank was apparently enjoying what he was doing and was happy to stay where he was, fucking her in the ass. Well, if he thought the feeling was amazing to be double-fucking with a dog, he hadn't seen anything yet.”
Kagome had spread her legs and managed to throw one over the thigh of each brother and now had a cock in each hand. Even InuYasha was starting to respond to her ministrations while Sesshomaru told his story. “So, did you turn the horse loose next?”
The elder brother on reflex thrust his hips upwards. “I think they both thought they'd died and gone to heaven. That little stallion moved in hard and fast. She was at a funny angle for him so I helped him get it in, but once he did he really rammed it to her. He had her screaming in ecstasy as he thrust into her over and over again. Honestly, I had no idea those guys had that kind of stamina. I figured he might go a couple of times and then ejaculate, but he fucked her for a good ten minutes - maybe more. In the meantime Bankotsu is cumming so hard he wants to scream with her, but we'd agreed going in that neither of us would make any more sounds than necessary. We thought it would increase the excitement of the scenario since it was supposed to be a rape.”
Kagome's hands were still moving up and down and the two brothers were getting pretty worked up. She gasped when InuYasha leaned over to pull a breast between his teeth as he slipped his fingers up into her. “So… did… it work?”
“I'm not done yet. When the horse finally pulled out, Butch moved back in for another round. He ate her out good and then mounted her again and damn if he didn't tie her again. Bank hadn't even had the chance to get out before he was stuck there with the dog. So while they had her locked in place, I moved up where I could fuck her mouth again. Once she got me off one more time, it was pretty clear that everyone was pooped. Bank was exhausted, the horse was tuckered out, and even Butch was ready for a nap. We left her blindfolded on the bed, gathered the animals and got out of there without ever saying a word to her…” Sesshomaru moved over Kagome and waited for InuYasha to remove his fingers to drive into her.
“Hold on, Sesshomaru,” Kagome said. “Pull out for a minute, will you?”
He did as asked and she turned over, going to her hands and knees. “Okay, you can put it back in again.”
Sesshomaru slid in and started with slow, languid strokes while Kagome pulled InuYasha's hardening cock into her mouth. She ran her tongue up and down the sides before pulling the head into her mouth and rolling her tongue in lazy circles around it, stopping to tease the tip with her tongue.
InuYasha couldn't help but arch his back upwards in response to his wife's attentions. “So, are you going to tell us who the mystery woman was, and did she find out who you were?”
“Just guess, InuYasha - guess who we know that would fuck anything?”
Kagome stopped what she was doing long enough to say, “You mean besides the present company?”
“Someone I knew long before InuYasha met you, my fantastic sister-in-law,” Sesshomaru commented as he picked up speed.
“Gods, Kagome…” InuYasha moaned. “How do you do that… I don't know, Sesshomaru… who was it?”
“It was Kagura! Can you believe that Kagura paid to be fucked?” he answered. “Oh… fuck… Kagome, hold on and don't bite my brother.” Sesshomaru started pounding into her hard and fast, slamming into her until he finally released inside of her. Panting, he said, “Do you remember that comment about some of the minis seemed to have had some practice before Dr. Miroku bought them?”
“Um-hmmm,” Kagome answered, her mouth again full of InuYasha's hardened length.
“Well, guess what Kagura did after Father finally discharged her?” Sesshomaru asked.
“No… i…dea…” InuYasha mumbled in return.
“She married a miniature horse breeder. Apparently every time she got one just about trained, her husband would turn around and sell it. She finally decided to spend some of the money they'd made and play out a fantasy at Dr. Miroku's clinic. I asked the doctor about her afterwards, and it turns out nearly all of the minis he has acquired came from her husband's farm.” Sesshomaru lovingly patted Kagome's bottom and pulled back.
“How do you want it, my husband?” Kagome asked, lovingly stroking his cock.
He whispered in return, “Where I can see your face, I think.”
“All right.” Kagome moved from over him and lay on her back. “Come to mama.”
InuYasha closed his eyes as he felt her fingers gently help him find her passage. When he reopened them, it was to see her stormy gray ones encouraging him as he moved into her. He relished the feelings of her body under his, their skin sliding across one another and that amazing feeling that was burning in his groin as he approached his release. He snapped his hips harder as he felt his brother's hand just above where they were joined. He couldn't help but to cry out when he felt her body start to milk his hard flesh and he spilled into her before collapsing over her.
Kagome ran her hands soothingly up and down her husband's body until he was finally ready to roll off of her. She was gently stroking his hair when Sesshomaru pulled the covers up over the three of them. She rolled to her side and InuYasha and Sesshomaru did the same so that the three of them were spooned together with her husband in front of her and her brother-in-law behind her. Kagome wrapped her arms around InuYasha and smiled when she felt Sesshomaru slide into her for one last fuck before they fell asleep.
As had become their routine, she woke to the feeling of hands and tongues caressing her body. Fingers played with her until she was wet enough for one of the two to enter her. She'd explained to them before that she had a hard time getting off in the morning when she was half asleep, but as long as they got her wet first, she didn't mind them using her to take care of their morning erection. In fact she found it a good sign that InuYasha woke up with one as well. To her that was an indication of his improving erectile health.
Sesshomaru still had her first, though they were working towards the morning when InuYasha could go before he watched his brother do it with her. He still was nervous about losing his erection, so he watched Sesshomaru slide into her and fuck her hard. When he finished he pulled out and motioned for InuYasha to move in. The younger brother was so sensitive in the morning that he still managed only a few thrusts before he would cum.
“I'm sorry, Kagome - I still can't last very long in the morning,” InuYasha apologized as he fell over her.
Kagome stroked his cheek. “I'm just glad you're able to do it at all - you're doing better all the time. And like I told you before, I'm not really awake and up to any long sessions this early, anyway.” She climbed off of the bed. “However, I'm hungry. You two can go back to sleep for awhile, and I'll take a shower and start breakfast. How does that sound?”
“Okay, Kagome,” a sleepy InuYasha responded as he pulled her pillow against his body to cuddle with.
Sesshomaru was already snoring.
Kagome enjoyed the feeling of the hot water pouring over her body and the soap on her skin. She really only wanted to wash herself and not soak since it was morning, so she soaped and rinsed and then decided to wash her hair as well because frankly, she was sticky all over. Smelling faintly of cherry blossoms after she'd towel dried herself and her hair, she pulled on her robe, loosely tied the belt, and went to the kitchen. Looking at the clock she commented to herself, “Breakfast… hell, it's nearly time for lunch!”
The three of them had slept the night before, but not for long. She didn't remember when a horny Sesshomaru had slipped into her from behind and started fucking her again, which she reacted to by reaching down to grasp her husband's length which quickly swelled in response to her gentle touch. She enjoyed the feeling of a hard cock at both ends, so they took turns - one would fuck her while she'd suck the other. InuYasha was responding exceedingly well to her talented tongue while watching his brother fuck her and was ready for his turn once Sesshomaru had cum. Sesshomaru had challenged his brother to who could fuck Kagome the most, and InuYasha wasn't about to be outdone by his elder brother if he could help it. In the end, Sesshomaru had fucked her the most, but InuYasha had gotten in his fair share. In fact, it was by far the most he'd been able to keep going and she was thrilled with his progress. Between working at the clinic and the two brothers, she might finally be able to sate her enormous sexual appetite. For the first time in a long time, she felt content.
She was about to check the rice cooker when she heard the buzzer at the door, but no one answered the intercom when she called. Deducing that someone must be leaving something for her husband or his brother, she made her way to the Genkan and unlocked the door to the outside to slide it open. She looked around and didn't see anyone nor anything on the step leading to the doorway. She was returning the door to its closed position when a hand grabbed it.
“Aren't you going to invite me in?”
“Naraku.” Kagome was seething. “I don't recall you phoning to inform us you were going to visit.”
“I'm family. Why would I do such a thing?” He grinned and tried to step into the house, but Kagome had not moved and was blocking the door.
She took a deep breath. “I'm sorry, but we are not prepared for guests. Perhaps if you called ahead—”
Naraku roughly pushed her, causing her to loose her balance and fall back into the shoes and house slippers that were neatly lined up. “You haven't called or come to see me,” he snarled.
Kagome was scrambling backwards. “I'm married now and I have been spending time with my husband.”
He reached down and grabbed her arm, yanking her to her feet before pressing her back against the wall. “You were mine first,” he hissed. “You belong to me.”
Her eyes opened wide in fear and understanding. “You said it was the last time - that morning… you said—”
“I lied,” he sneered as he shoved his hand through the overlap of her robe and reached down to cup her mound. “I just said that because your fucking brother-in-law walked in on us.”
“No…” she whispered as he harshly inserted his fingers up into her.
“You're already wet for me,” he declared, pulling his hand out and waving his glistening fingers in front of her face.
Kagome was mortified but she couldn't help the natural reaction of her body. She didn't know when it had happened, but she knew she didn't want to be fucked by her step-father or any of his friends any more. She said in defiance, “That's not for you, that's from fucking my husband this morning.” She started to shout, “Inu—” but he slapped one hand over her mouth and pressed the other to her throat and started to squeeze.
“Make a sound, and I'll strangle you where you stand,” he threatened before removing the hand from her mouth to start fumbling with his pants.
His hand was still at her throat when he freed his erection and ripped open her robe. “You're mine to do with as I please, and you're coming back to work with me. I haven't had nearly as many bonuses since you left me.”
“Any prostitute can do what you want,” she choked, tears pouring down her cheeks.
“They want you,” Naraku said as he slammed into her. “But not until I've fucked you enough to make up for since the wedding.”
“Nooooooooo!” she cried out in spite of his hand still pressed to her throat. And then she found the courage she didn't know she had. Her arms that had seemed paralyzed suddenly came to life, and she started trying to beat on him and push him away. Her face was turning blue as he grinned maliciously at her and squeezed.
Kagome's vision was becoming blurry and faded when suddenly she fell but was able to gasp for air. She felt hands trying to pick her up and she started flailing. “Get off of me! Get off of me!” she screamed, trying to scramble away.
“Kagome, it's me. I won't hurt you, it's me,” the soft voice reassured her.
“Inu… InuYasha?” she whispered hesitantly, her voice little more than a croak.
“Yes, Kagome, it's me, InuYasha,” he reaffirmed.
“InuYasha! I tried to fight him off! He… he… he raped me!” she screamed in despair.
“It's not rape when you want it,” Naraku said coolly, in spite of being restrained by Sesshomaru.
Kagome struggled to her feet and pulled her robe tight around her. Her hand automatically traveled to her throat and felt where it was starting to bruise. “I think if I'd been agreeable you wouldn't have had to try and strangle me.”
InuYasha was beyond furious. “You are her step-father! You're supposed to protect her like she's your own! How could you?”
Naraku licked his lips. “You've been in that tight pussy of hers. How could I not? And besides, how do you know she doesn't like autoerotic asphyxiation?”
“You're just sick,” InuYasha declared. “Your own step-daughter…”
“Did you ever love my mother? Or did you just marry her to get to me?” Kagome asked quietly.
“Do you really want to know? Do you want me to go home and tell your mother what we've been doing for ten years? What would your new husband think to find out you've been fucking me all that time?” Naraku chided.
InuYasha wrapped his arms around his wife. “I would still love her. She couldn't have been more than a child. You were the adult and you were the one who violated her trust. It wasn't her fault.”
Naraku had finally noticed that Sesshomaru was nude. “So, are you fucking both of them? What other reason would this one be naked? I'll bet he's been in that fantastic pussy of yours after watching me fuck you. He should be thanking me. After all, I taught you everything you know.”
Before Kagome could respond Sesshomaru replied dryly, “It is not unusual to strip out of one's bed clothes in order to get dressed for the day. I was responding to my sister-in-law's cry and did not take time to dress as I felt her need was urgent.”
“She certainly doesn't seem surprised to see you like that,” Naraku rebuked.
Kagome squeezed her husband's arm for strength. “You really expect me to act shocked at the sight of a naked man? Seriously, after everything you've put me through and done to me? And let's be clear - the man responsible for teaching me everything I know was your boss, not you. You did little other than using me to satisfy your own needs. I know that now, now that I have a husband who loves me and takes care of me. All you did was fuck me and pass me around to your friends.”
Naraku used his head to indicate Sesshomaru since the elder brother had used Kagome's discarded belt to tie his hands behind his back. “So what's he doing here? I know one man couldn't be enough to satisfy you.”
“He's living here at my invitation,” InuYasha answered coldly. “His house is being completely remodeled, and Sesshomaru is welcome for as long as he wishes to stay. End of story.”
“Shall we call the authorities,” Sesshomaru asked. “We should not let him get away with what he has done. Not only did he rape his own step-daughter, he could have hurt the baby.”
“Was everything recorded?” Kagome asked softly, lifting her eyes towards the camera tucked up into a corner at the ceiling.
Naraku paled. He hadn't considered any kind of security measures beyond the buzzer at the door.
InuYasha nodded. “Whatever happened should be on disc.”
“It will only hurt my mother if I press charges against him. Keep the disc and make copies. I'm sure you'll figure out whom to give them to. If anything happens to any of us, or if he ever comes here again, we'll call one of your friends on the police force and let them deal with him,” she responded.
Kagome looked Naraku defiantly in the eye. “I will not forget nor forgive what you have done here today. I know your boss was promoted and is now the CEO of the company. He told me that if I ever needed anything not to hesitate to come to him. The only reason I am not calling him today to have him fire your ass is because I love my mother. Go home and at least pretend to be a good husband. Hire a prostitute to entertain your clients if you think that's the only way you can close a deal. I never want to see you again unless you are in the company of my mother and you are behaving like a gentleman. If you do anything to hurt her or if you come near me again I will show him what you did today. Somehow I don't think he would consider firing you as enough punishment - I suspect he could make you completely disappear if he chose to do so.
“Sesshomaru, will you please show him the door? But first, I would like my belt back.” Kagome nervously twisted her hands in front of her and InuYasha squeezed her in reassurance.
The elder brother roughly pushed Naraku towards the door. He gripped the man's arm mercilessly with one hand while he pulled the belt free with the other. He tossed the fabric tie to Kagome and then slid the shoji open and shoved Naraku through. Before he released him he pressed his mouth against his ear. “If I ever see you near my sister-in-law again you will disappear and they will never find your body. Understand?” Sesshomaru turned him loose as he pushed him. Naraku fell to his knees, having lost his balance.
The angry frustrated step-father jumped up, turned towards the door and shouted in defiance of all warnings, “This isn't over yet! You belong to me!”
Kagome broke down and sobbed, turning into her husband's firm body and trying to melt into it. InuYasha scooped her up in front of him. “I'm going to take her back to the bedroom until she's calmed down some.”
Sesshomaru nodded in understanding. “Just hold her - that's what she needs right now. I'll join you in a few minutes, but first, I have a message to send.”
InuYasha whispered, “Try to make it an accident, okay?”
“Understood.” While they could make Naraku disappear, if he perished in an accident then the family would get whatever death benefits they were due. Still nude, Sesshomaru strolled towards the home office to the computer. He would make use of an anonymous proxy server to get the ball rolling. In the not too distant future, Naraku would threaten Kagome no more.
InuYasha carried Kagome back towards their bedroom but heard her whisper, “Take me to the shower first, please?”
He turned and set her down in the dressing area outside of the bath. He gently tugged at her robe, which she again had clutched tightly against her body. “You don't want to wear this in the shower, do you?”
She gave him a frail smile and loosened her grip, allowing the fabric to slide down her shoulders.
“I'll put this one in the laundry and get you a fresh one, okay?” he said softly, pulling it away from her.
She nodded and then broke down sobbing again, clinging tightly to him. “How can you love me?” she choked through her tears.
“The only thing that matters is that I do,” he said reassuringly. “No matter what, I'll stand by you.” He tossed the robe towards the hamper. “You'll feel better when we clean you up.”
She allowed him to steer her into the bath and stood listlessly as he picked up the shower and adjusted the water to a heat he knew she would like. He rinsed her and then lathered her up with her favorite duck puff before he rinsed her again. Since her other robe was in the bedroom, he wrapped a large towel around her after drying them both off, and then scooped her up in front of him.
He ended up sitting down in the large chair in the bedroom with her across his lap, rocking her as he rubbed her back. He thought she was about to fall asleep when suddenly she cried out, “I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how!” and started sobbing again.
Sesshomaru walked through the doorway in time to hear her outburst. He started to say something but realized by InuYasha's perplexed expression, he hadn't done anything to provoke it.
“It's all right, Kagome. Gods, look how fucked up I am,” he whispered in response. He looked up at Sesshomaru. “Did you have any idea?”
The elder brother sat down in the huge chair next to his brother so that Kagome's back was to him. “I'm sure you caught it when he said I watched them.”
InuYasha only nodded in response.
“That wasn't exactly true. I caught them before the wedding. He swore it was the last time and Kagome was horrified. However, I had no idea as to the extent of it. He must have started when she was only fourteen or fifteen, right after he met her mother. She never had a chance,” Sesshomaru said, adding his hand to help rubbing Kagome's back.
“She's just like me,” the younger brother whispered, “damaged.”
Sesshomaru didn't voice his thoughts, `Like us.' Instead he said softly, “It looks like she's asleep. Why don't you put her to bed?”
“Will you get the covers?” InuYasha asked as he stood with her in his arms, careful not to wake her. He laid her down and pulled the sheet and comforter up over her. “One of us should probably stay with her, just in case. I wouldn't want her to wake alone and think we abandoned her.”
“I'll go to my room and dress,” Sesshomaru said. “I called Dr. Miroku and told him what happened. I wasn't sure about taking Kagome to the clinic, but he said he will come here late this afternoon after the clients have left. He wasn't sure how she would react when she wakes up. She might not want us to touch her, or she might demand we fuck her to prove that we aren't disgusted by her, or even to help remove lingering feelings of what he did to her. He said whatever we do, don't let her think we are repulsed by her because of what happened. It wasn't her fault.”
InuYasha ran his hand through his hair. “I know it wasn't. I saw how upset and terrified she was. No matter what he claimed, she didn't want that - she didn't want him to do that to her.” He lowered his voice, “What about the other matter?”
“It's done. Naraku really had no idea who he was trying to fuck with. We didn't let our father's murderer go unpunished when he was not brought to justice, and Naraku will not escape unscathed. He has sealed his own fate by attacking what is ours to protect.
“Stay with your wife. I have matters I must attend to. It's time for a change.”
InuYasha nodded as he recognized the gleam in Sesshomaru's eyes, one that he had not seen in a very long time.
Sesshomaru didn't know what had happened, but seeing his sister-in-law violated in such a manner and break down like she had caused something inside of him to snap.
Naraku's head wasn't the only one about to roll.
Sesshomaru was back.
Yakibuta - grilled pork
Negi - Leek
Miso nikomi udon - a hot udon noodle dish simmered in miso-based soup
Bukkake Udon - the sauce is poured over the udon noodles rather than dipping the noodles in the sauce