InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Off Again, On Again ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimers: I do not own InuYasha or any of the manga/anime characters. They belong to the wonderful genius Rumiko Takahashi. I just enjoy making them do things to each other.

Author’s Note: Yes, I know it’s been forever – a good two and a half years. I’m sure most thought I’d never finish it, including myself, but I really don’t like to leave stories with no ending. I know it’s not my best work but I’m WAY out of practice and it hasn’t been beta’d.  I can’t guarantee when the next chapter will be, only that I am going to try and eventually finish this story because even PWP needs some kind of conclusion.

Warnings: Lemon

Off Again, On Again - Chapter 9

Hiten and Manten were at the airport when a familiar face appeared. “Hey, is that who I think it is?” Manten asked.

“I do believe it is, my brother. Yura! Hey, Yura!” Hiten called as Manten waved.

The beautiful assassin adjusted her shoulder bag as she made her way over to the pair. “What are you guys up to?”

“We heard there’s a deal we can make a killin’ on.” Manten grinned. “We have to go to Bangkok. What about you?”

“I just wanted to get away for a few days,” she responded, “so I just packed a bag and here I am. I’m not even sure where I want to go, though – anywhere but here.”

Hiten scratched his chin. “You know, I was just telling my brother a little while ago we might need another partner. Your assets would be perfect if you’d be interested in investing.”

Yura beamed. “If you’re certain there’s enough to go around of course I’m interested. Besides, someone needs to make sure that you two don’t lose your heads. Bangkok can be a dangerous place, you know.”

Hiten took her hand and pressed his lips to the back of it. “Which is why a beautiful girl like you shouldn’t be traveling alone.”

“Actually, Abi was thinking of coming along. You wouldn’t have room for another, would you?” Yura asked.

Manten lit up like the lights in Tokyo at night. “You mean a girl for each of us?”

“Don’t get too carried away,” Hiten warned. “We’re going there on business.”

Manten’s face fell.

Yura reached up to stroke his nearly bald head. “You know, Abi has a thing for bald guys. I’ll bet you two would get along great.”

Hiten shrugged. “It’s okay by me. If you recommend her she must be good.”

“Abi’s made a killing as a bartender, but she wants to branch out. We were discussing going into business together. I recently sub-contracted her and she came through splendidly,” Yura responded.

“Why don’t you call her and see if she’s available?” Hiten suggested. “We can decide what to do once we know who is going.”

Yura nodded and pulled her cell phone out of her bag. Within a few minutes she told them, “Abi’s already packed for a weekend trip so she’s on her way. If she doesn’t get caught in traffic, we can make the next flight out. She was really excited to be given this opportunity.”

The four of them were sipping Champaign as they soaked in the hot tub at their Penthouse Suite.

Abi was laughing. “I can’t believe out of all of the fabulous hotels in Bangkok, he chose the Best Western!”

“He has absolutely no imagination at all,” Yura added. “It was so easy it almost seems unfair to take your client’s money.”

“Now, now, don’t be hasty. We do have to pay for this luxurious suite in this first class hotel that Souten booked for us,” Manten commented. “How long do we need to stay again?”

Hiten pulled Yura onto his lap and started to rub her breasts. “You aren’t in a hurry to leave, are you little brother?”

Manten just shook his head and sucked in his breath as Abi reached down to stroke his length and asked, “Don’t you want to spend some time here with us?”

“I… I…” was all he could utter as the beautiful woman straddled his lap and slipped him inside her as her fingers danced across his scalp and guided his mouth to her breast.

“He didn’t stand a chance with you two, did he?” Hiten stated as he moved one hand down between Yura’s legs while the other continued to stroke her nipples.

Yura leaned back against Hiten’s bare chest and spread her legs to let him continue to tease her as she explained, “You know, it’s a shame because he was pretty good looking. He may not have thought it that unusual that one pretty lady came and sat by him at the bar, but I don’t think he ever expected to be tag-teamed. We told him that we liked to do everything together, and we meant everything. He couldn’t wait to get us up to his room and his nice king-sized bed. He looked so eager as Abi and I took our clothes off and he stripped out of his.”

“And just like that,” Abi snapped her fingers, “he passed out.”

“You drugged him?” Hiten asked since Manten still had a mouth full of breast.”

“We’ve got a concoction that knocks them out but metabolizes out of the system really quickly so it won’t show up in a tox screen,” Yura informed them.

Abi added, “If they even check. We put a plastic bag over his head and a scarf around his neck so it would look like erotic asphyxiation. Hopefully they will believe it was just another attempt to have sex gone wrong. It seems to happen pretty often in Thailand and especially Bangkok since that seems to be all the rage these days.” She stroked Manten’s head and started to ride him. “Don’t worry, nothing’s going wrong here.”

Panting, the bald brother asked, “So how long are we staying?”

“You’re not tired of us already, are you?” Yura questioned as she reached to find Hiten’s cock bobbing in the water just under her.

“Not yet, honey,” Hiten commented as he continued to dip his fingers into her as he rubbed her clit with his thumb. “but to answer your question, if they suspect any foul play they’ll be looking for the ladies to be leaving the city, if not the country right away since they were the last ones seen with him. We’re going to stay long enough that by the time we do leave we were just tourists here on vacation.”

Yura climbed off of Hiten’s lap and onto the wooden deck that surrounded the hot tub. “And I’m ready to be fucked now – you coming?”

Hiten rose from the water and strode to where she had lain back on the double-wide chaise lounge and opened herself to him. “Old fashioned, are we?”

“Fuck me, suck me, do what you want,” she replied and arched her back as he slid in and started pounding against her.

“My turn,”Abi said as Manten shuddered and slid out of her. “Was that good?” she asked him as she pulled herself up onto the edge of the tub.

Manten just nodded in reply, though he couldn’t help but watch his brother fucking Yura hard and fast.

Abi placed her hands on his cheeks and gently guided his attention back to her. “We can do that once you’ve recovered, but it’s your turn to take care of me.”

Manten found his voice, though it was more of a squeak. ”What do you want me to do?”

“Eat me,” she ordered as she spread her legs and guided his mouth to her opening. “Lick me, suck me, get me off. When you’ve done that we can fuck some more.”

Tentatively, Manten ran his tongue up her clit and then started to lick before sticking his tongue up in her as far as it would reach. Emboldened by her reaction as she rose off the surface, he eagerly started to lick and suck. He discovered that the more she reacted and thrashed underneath him, the harder he got. He couldn’t help himself and didn’t even remember moving over her, but suddenly he found himself inside her again and fucking her hard like he had observed his brother with Yura. Much to his delight, he lasted a lot longer than the previous effort. He fell over her, panting hard, when he came.

When Manten finally looked up, he saw three grinning faces looking back. He couldn’t help but to grin back. He looked down at his partner, “Was that okay?”

“We can do this all week long if you want to,” Abi answered.

Manten looked stunned. He could hardly ever get a girl to look twice at him, much less have sex. “Really? You mean… with me?”

Yura laughed. “I told you she had a thing for bald guys.”

“But it’s even better when they have good dicks and know how to fuck,” Abi added.

“So you’d rather be with Hiten, too,” Manten mumbled.

“Oh, hell no,” Abi stated definitively. “You just fucked me good and got me off. We can trade if you want some variety, but only if you want to. We’ve got plenty of time to experiment. But why don’t we move this indoors. I’d rather continue on a softer, dryer surface.”

“Works for me,” Hiten said as he helped Yura to her feet. “Anyone hungry? We can order room service.”

“Have them bring some strawberries and whipped cream,” Yura suggested and waggled her eyebrows.

Miroku raised an eyebrow as Dr. Suikotsu entered his office and rose to greet him. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” A frown crossed his face. “Is something wrong? Is there a problem with one of the staff?”
“I’ve performed the exams you requested on Sesshomaru, InuYasha and Kagome,” he responded as he sat in the chair that Miroku indicated. “I thought it would be best to tell you the results in person.”

“Please continue,” Miroku said before falling silent and listening attentively to everything he’d found.

When the good doctor had finished, Miroku leaned back in his chair. “I think we’d better tell them together. They’re almost inseparable anyway. Would you like to call them here, or arrange to go to their home?”

Suikotsu scratched his chin. “Which do you think would be the less stressful?”

“It would probably be better for us to go to them. Would you like to try for this evening?” Miroku inquired.

“I think it would be for the best,” he answered. “Let me know what time and I’ll meet you there.”

“I’ll call you as soon as I’ve made the arrangements.”

Sesshomaru was in a good mood. His first day back in the office had gone surprisingly well. Myouga had immediately rehired his old assistant and they had spent the day going through the books. Her daughter Shiori was working with them. Myouga was truly impressed with her knowledge and attention to detail. He had originally thought about calling in Jaken, but Shiori had a real knack for finding discrepancies and then determining where the funds had been diverted to. He promoted her and gave her a raise on the spot to the delight of both her and her mother. He knew that between the three of them they would be able to determine what had been going on in the company and where the funds that should have been in the emergency reserve accounts along with the regular operating funds had disappeared to.

Satoru was bursting with new ideas for marketing and restoring the company’s image to its former glory.  Sesshomaru wanted to try him out with InuYasha to see how they would get along as well as to find out if InuYasha might actually be able to utilize his Graphic Arts degree. InuYasha was hesitant to leave Kagome at home alone which Sesshomaru understood, so he arranged for the two to meet by teleconference. When Sesshomaru talked to InuYasha later in the day the younger brother scoffed at the over eagerness and inexperience of Satoru. However, when Sesshomaru arrived home that evening he found InuYasha in his office working on designs on the oversized flat screen monitor. When Sesshomaru commented that he thought InuYasha had blown off the young associate, the younger brother just shrugged his shoulders and admitted he had some good ideas – he would just have to get used to his enthusiasm.  And while he didn’t want to admit it, InuYasha didn’t have any more practical experience than Satoru did.

“Hey,” Abi said, causing the others to look up from their bowls they were greedily slurping down, “You don’t think we left some brat without a father, do you?”

Hiten stared at her. “What are you talking about?”

Yura furrowed her brow. “Yeah, I was wondering about that, too.”

“Okay, spit it out. What the fuck are you two going on about?” Hiten demanded.

“Our late friend kept mumbling to himself when we were trying to get him to notice us at the bar,” Abi answered. “He kept saying over and over, ‘That little slut couldn’t be pregnant – it’s impossible.’ Any idea who he was talking about?”

Manten smoothed the few hairs he had on his head. “Did he ever mention a name? He didn’t have a steady girlfriend that we know of – he mostly used hookers. If he did it might be another loose end to tie up.”

Abi looked at Yura. “Do you remember? It was an unusual name.”

“What was the name of that game we played as kids…” Yura responded.

“Kagome. The girl he kept cursing was named Kagome,” Abi answered.

“Kagome, huh?” I’ll ask the client if he’s ever heard of her.

“You reckon we’ll have to take care of her, too?” Manten asked.

Hiten shrugged his shoulders. “It depends. He really doesn’t like to leave too many bodies lying around so he’ll probably just pay her off if he can.  His beef was with the thief. He’d rather not have any collateral damage if he can help it. You know, that name rings a bell but I can’t put a finger on it."

Kagome was pacing nervously in the kitchen. “What do you think he wants to meet with us about?” She wrapped her arms around her belly. “You don’t think anything is wrong with the baby, do you?”

InuYasha took her hand and coaxed her into the chair next to him. “He said everything was okay, but there were some things he wanted to discuss with us together. In fact he sounded more concerned about Sesshomaru than anyone.”

Sesshomaru raised and elegant brow. “And what could possibly be wrong with me, may I ask?”

The younger brother snorted. “Well, you weren’t exactly picky when you found out Rin was cheating on you with Kohaku. Maybe you picked up some STD.”

“What!” Kagome exclaimed. “If he-”

Sesshomaru cut her off, “I do not have any Sexually Transmitted Disease, I assure you. It must be something else.”  

The three of them fell silent until they heard the front door chimes.

“I’ll let them in,” Sesshomaru stated. “Where do we want to meet with them?”

Kagome responded with a whisper, “In here, I think.”

Sesshomaru nodded and went to greet their guests.

Doctors Miroku and Suikotsu were ushered into the kitchen by Sesshomaru. Kagome immediately jumped up. “What’s wrong? What’s wrong with my baby?”

“Nothing is wrong with your baby, Mrs. Takagi. We just wanted to talk to the three of you together. Now, regarding your pregnancy,” Dr. Suikotsu continued, “If you remember I said it was okay for you to resume normal sexual activity. However, your activities at the clinic don’t exactly fall under the realm of ‘normal’. I must recommend that you not continue in your duties there until after your baby is born.”

“But we really need the extra money,” Kagome whispered. “It was a huge help.”

Miroku responded, “While you can’t participate physically, there’s no reason both of you can’t help me with research and taking notes. When we’re busy Sango and I are stretched much too thin. I can’t exactly go to Temps-R-Us and hire a secretary. It would be a huge help for you to stay on in that capacity, if you don’t mind. I’ll even pay you the same rate as long as you want to work. The notes InuYasha took when working with you were very detailed and clear. I need for each of you to do what he was.”

“Thank you,” Kagome answered softly. “We would be grateful.”

“Now, Mr. Takagi,” Dr. Suikotsu said. When both men looked at him expectantly he clarified, “Takagi InuYasha – your blood tests were all normal. You are a perfectly healthy virile young man.”

That brought a sigh of relief from both Kagome and InuYasha.

“Which brings us to Sesshomaru,” Miroku added.

“Mr. Takagi – Sesshomaru – when did you have a Vasectomy?” Dr. Suikotsu asked.

“What!!?” Kagome, InuYasha and Sesshomaru answered in unison.

“I most certainly have not,” Sesshomaru said defiantly.

“You most certainly have,” Dr. Suikotsu responded. “When we tested your sample it was completely blank. Only sterilization could produce such a clear sample. When I was checking you over the scars were there. They were very faint, like they were from many years ago, but they’re there.”

“What does that mean?” Kagome asked.

Miroku answered, “That the only one that could possibly be the father of your baby is InuYasha. There’s no way it could have been Sesshomaru.”

“But when?” InuYasha asked. “How would that be possible?”

“Were you ever hospitalized for anything?” Dr. Suikotsu asked.

“Just once,” Sesshomaru replied. “InuYasha and I were in a car accident. We were both in the hospital for several days.”

“I wonder if they mixed you up with someone else and did not want to admit they’d made a mistake,” Miroku commented.  “How long ago was it?”

“It was right after Dad died,” InuYasha answered. “It was only a few days after the funeral.”

Sesshomaru’s phone buzzed and he pulled it out of his pocket. He furrowed his brow as he read the text. “Please excuse me for a few minutes. There is an emergency call I must make.”

“What’s wrong?” Kagome asked.

“To be honest, I’m not certain. I apologize for the inconvenience, but it cannot wait,” Sesshomaru replied. “I’ll be back as quickly as possible.”

The elder brother went to his office, closed the door and pulled a pre-paid cell phone out of the bottom drawer of his desk. When the call was answered he said, “This had better be important.”

Hiten responded, “Sorry to disturb you, but we had news we thought you should know.”

“What is it?” Sesshomaru demanded.

“There may be another person involved. The name was familiar but I don’t remember where I’ve heard it,” Hiten replied. “He was in the bar drinking himself under the table and mumbling about how some girl couldn’t be pregnant. He kept saying over and over again that it was impossible.”

Sesshomaru was impatiently drumming his fingers on the desk. “Name – what was the name? It wasn’t Kikyou, was it?”

“Not Kikyou  - it was Kagome. He kept saying that it was impossible for some girl named Kagome to be pregnant. Wait! Isn’t that the name of your Sister-in-Law? That’s where I’ve heard that name!” Hiten exclaimed.

“Indeed. So has your trip gone well? Have you accomplished everything you intended to?” Sesshomaru asked.

“Everything has been taken care of. Right now we’re just enjoying a little R & R before we come home. We’ll be back in a few days,” Hiten informed him.

“Have your sister check your accounts tomorrow,” Sesshomaru suggested. “And I might have more work for you on your return. I’ll contact you.” He closed the phone, ending the call, and pondered what he’d just learned.

Hiten turned off his phone. He almost felt guilty taking Sesshomaru’s money since the girls had basically done the job without them. But then again, they wouldn’t have had the job without him so he’d give them a fair cut. Besides, they might come in handy again when a feminine touch was needed.

“Is everything okay?” InuYasha questioned when Sesshomaru rejoined them.

“I had a contractor out of the country with news regarding a job,” Sesshomaru responded. “Fortunately, everything is proceeding according to plan. Now, returning to our previous discussion, you’re saying I’ve had a vasectomy and am completely sterile.”

“I am sorry, but yes, that is the case,” Dr. Suikotsu answered. “Do you remember anything about your stay in the hospital?”

“They had us in the same room, much to his displeasure,” InuYasha said. “I guess it could just as easily have been me.”

“I wonder if it was supposed to be you,” Sesshomaru pondered. “Remember who showed up unexpectedly to check on you? We never really did figure out what they came for.”

“Kikyou and Musou!” InuYasha exclaimed. “They came at the same time even though they swore it was just coincidence. But what does that have to do with anything?”

“We were both scheduled for surgery the next day,” Sesshomaru commented, “You for your hand and me for my foot. I recall wondering the next day why my pubic area had been shaved and I was swollen. The nurse said I had been swollen from the way I was thrown into the steering wheel, but I hadn’t noticed because of all the pain killers they had me on.”

“Why do you think it was supposed to be me?” InuYasha asked.

“Remember that part in the Trust that said you had to marry and have a child?” Sesshomaru questioned.

InuYasha nodded in response.

“I think that Musou might have been trying to ensure that even if you married, you would never have any children-”

“Which would leave him in charge of my trust!” InuYasha exclaimed.  “But how do you know that?”

“I’ll explain later,” Sesshomaru said. “But for now I’d say they somehow got their wires crossed and got me instead.”

“I’m sorry, Sesshomaru,” InuYasha said softly. “You can never have kids and it’s all my fault.”

“With your permission, I can access your medical records. There should be some kind of record of your stay in the hospital,” Dr. Suikotsu offered.

“That would be appreciated,” Sesshomaru said as he thought, ‘So I can appropriately punish those responsible – at least the ones still living.’

“You know, this could open up some more opportunities for you if you’re interested,” Miroku piped up. “We have clients who are more than willing to pay extra for a more ‘natural’ experience – but we can discuss that later. Do either of you have any more questions for us?”

“I don’t think so,” Sesshomaru answered. “We have some things we need to discuss and then we’ll get back with you regarding the generous offers that you made.”

“I’ll look forward to your call,” Miroku said. “And we can see ourselves out. Let us know if you need anything at all.”

“We will. Thank you, Doctors,” Kagome responded softly.

Sesshomaru added, “You gave us a great deal to think about.”