InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oh No! ❯ Chapter one ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Oh No!
A/N- This is my third Inuyasha story. Please enjoy it.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Only this plot line, new characters.
Summary: Naraku screws with the well, what happens when Kagome is send back further into the past, where she meets Sesshomaru as a pup! But get this, she has his full grown scent on her. While as he thinks that she is his “Bitch”.
Chapter One:
A girl with long black hair raced out the college doors, her feet slapping against the concert going down the steps and straight for the road. She was about to cross the road when she heard someone calling her name.
The girl called Kagome turned around to see her friends running up to her with smiles on their faces. She waited for them to catch up before she started to speak.
"Hey guys." Kagome said as she looks at them.
"So, do you want to go back to your place to study?" one of them asked.
Kagome put on her best disappointed look.
"Sorry guys, I can't. I'm helping Souta with his project for a class tonight." Kagome stated as her mind thought, 'Back to the feudal era for me.'
She watched her friends' faces fall at her reply. They were really hoping to hang out with Kagome today, even if it was to study.
"Oh okay, see you tomorrow, Kagome." they said before walking away.
Trying not to feel guilty Kagome just nodded her head. As she runs across the street to another side, she looks back to her friends. Kagome knew that her life would never be normal, she knew that since she fell down the well on her fifteen birthday; the same day she first saw Inuyasha pinned to the god tree. That was six years ago, when she was in the feudal era trying to get the Shikon No Tama back into its whole piece.
Continuing to walk down the streets, she felted a pull toward her home. Racing towards it, a voice came out to her.
"Miko of the jewel, I am sorry to give you the duty to protect it."
Kagome stopped dead in her tracks at hearing the voice in her head.
"Who are you?" Kagome asked within her mind to the voice talking to her.
"My name is Midoriko."
Kagome place her hand over her mouth in shock, not caring if anyone was around her at all, as she thought, 'She couldn't be who she says she is? But why would she say sorry?'
"My dear, I'm Midoriko, and you ask why I am saying sorry to you. That you had to be with the jewel in the first place." Midoriko replied as she was keeping something from Kagome.
Kagome could feel Midoriko was keeping a secret from her but what it was,"Midoriko, why have you appeared now?"
"Kagome, Naraku's evil is leaking into the well as we speak." Midoriko uttered to her.
... Back in the past...
"Naraku, why are we here?" Hakudoshi urged.
"Hakudoshi, think, if we trap the young Miko named Kagome in her time, then we get all the shards here," Naraku commented to his detachment, while he placed a curse over the well with his poison mist.
Hakudoshi nods his head at Naraku.
...Back to Kagome...
"What?" Kagome hissed at the information.
"Kagome go now." Midoriko commanded her to go. "Listen the well might..." as Midoriko voice disappeared.
Kagome got out of her stance, as she runs back down the streets until she reached the shrine steps. Cursing at how many steps she had to do, Kagome takes two at a time still running as fast as she could. By the time Kagome reached the top she was panting and out of breath; she didn't care. All she could think about was the well, so she kept running.
Racing into the well house, Kagome smiled at her quick thinking. She had packed her items last night and placed them in the well house, waiting for her to return to the past. Now, it was just placing them on.
Kagome walked over to the well, placing her hands on it, trying to feel its power. She could tell that it was different; she hoped that Naraku did not screw with it too much. When she placed her bag on her back, with her two daggers, bow and arrow and her small katana on her shoulder and waist, she knew she was ready for anything Naraku could dish out.
Breathing in, she prayed as she jumped into the well. Then, something strange happened, she looked around the well expecting to see its normal color but it was replaced with a purple light with black swirls in the mix of lights.
"Damn you, Naraku." Kagome hissed out, as it stops.
Looking around the area first, Kagome then looked up to see the dark sky and knew it was night as it had stars glowing brightly in the sky with a bit of pink on its east side. Kagome saw on the right side that it had some vines. Signing at it was, she knew that she would have to climb up with the vines again.
Grabbing onto the green healthy vine, Kagome pulls her body up as she continued to climb up on the wells hall with each vine she took. Coming up to the well's top, Kagome looked around to see the feudal era or she thought and hoped it was.
"Naraku," She hissed out his name as she pulled herself out of the well.
Sitting down, she took out her daggers that were made of youki fangs; it was from Sesshomaru, as well as the katana she had. She thought about it over a year ago, he had came and joined the group, under a truce. Sesshomaru and the group, without Inuyasha's approval, had joined together. Within the first month it had been very crazy with Inuyasha always fighting with him. That was until Naraku came and attack them. Setting aside their disdain for each other, both brothers took the lead and attack Naraku head on.
Kagome remember that battle well, it was when Sesshomaru took noticed that she never had training with a weapon, only a bow. It was under his training that Kagome learned how to fight with and without a sword or daggers. Sesshomaru was impressed, as it only took Kagome only eight months to get the fighting skills down, all the while showing her lots of different techniques to battle with.
When she asked him why he was training her, he replied that all the group or at less one can actually hold a sword correctly and knowledgeable within a fight. Next one he said, was that she was the guardian of the Shikon No Tama and that needed to be protected. With her skills, it would be impossible to protect. Kagome heard what he meant and took on all his training without much complained.
Kagome continued reminiscing her past on how she got to the feudal era, meeting all her friends including her adopted son; Shippo. Remembering enemies and new allies within all six years, Kagome even thought about what would happen after the jewel is completed. Would she stay in the past or will the jewel send her back to the future and trap her there? A few tears came down her face at the thought of never seeing her son and her friends ever again if that happens.
Kagome slowly stood up from the ground, she thought about it once before, she could not know what the future holds. All she knew was that she would make the best of it all. Once she stopped thinking about never returning, she started to walk to the village, until she heard a frightening screams from the right.
It sounded more the one person.
Running to the area, Kagome slowed down to see what was going on; to see what can be helped with. It was then she saw three small pups in the middle of the battle with hordes of demons around them. Each demon with stupid, frightening grins on their faces. Kagome felt rage enter her body as one of the pups looked like Shippo.
She knew it was not her son but it didn't matter to her.
Turning to the far side of the group she could see the three demonesses attacking the demons, each demoness had a symbol that adored on their foreheads. Kagome knew that they were of Lord's mates, but of what land? Looking more closely, she saw a long silver haired demoness with the sigma of the moon on her forehead. Kagome looked over to the other two demonesses. The demoness, on the right side of the one that has the sigma of the moon, was a red haired with the sigma of the sun, indicating that she was from the southern lands. How did she know this? Sesshomaru thought that she should be more educated in the era she was in.
Kagome did not question him on it at all, but she knew something was wrong with him when he was telling her this. Shaking her head, Kagome looked over to the other demoness that had dark green long hair in a high top that had the sigma that look like crystals actually were on her forehead, which was from the Northern Lands.
Kagome wondered why they were there, but did not place much thought into it. When she heard a pup's screamed in fear again, Kagome look up to the one that scream, to see he was in a demons grasp. Kagome just could not stay without helping after all. Kagome knew the pup would die before its mother could get to him.
Thinking fast, Kagome took her bow off her shoulder and two arrows of her arrow holder, she slowly notched both arrows into place, aiming at the arms between the shoulder and the elbow. Kagome released the arrow. As she just watched it fly towards the demon, she infused it with a bit of her reiki making it more deadly.
The arrow hit the demon thus letting the small pup go. As he falls, he looked over to see who had saved him. Kagome saw his eyes widen at her. She just nodded her head, as she notched another arrow as the demon neared a different pup trying to get to her. Kagome released it, as she saw the dark green demoness stared at her with surprised and grateful look that came her face as she cuts down a demon in front of her.
The demons turned to see a human miko helping the demoness, growling at her with rage, some took off towards her direction. Kagome smirked at them taking out her daggers that had the names Sora Ki and Kinsaiga. Kagome raced towards the demons that came her way. Dodging two demons, she cuts through them with her reiki infused daggers.
Kagome turned to meet claws from one of them.
The demon pushed her back; when another demon attack the right with two claws slashing into two different places apart from each other. One was long and deep on her shoulder to the middle of her chest while the other one was below the chest across the upper ribs. One arm was screaming in pain, and she had to grind her teeth together to prevent a scream that was edging off the tip of her tongue.
Kagome infuse more power into her daggers, burning the demon in front of her. She turned to her side; she slashed one long cut into the one that had hurt her. Both demons are turned into dust from their wounds. She looked over to the three demonesses that were walking over to her with a different expression on their faces.
Looking over them, Kagome was glad that no one was hurt by the demons, now that she thought about it, "Why were the demons after the pups?"
However, she stop thinking about it when she looked over at each demoness face, the one on the right the demoness with red short hair had an expression of happiness and a bit of confusion. While the one on the left had an expression of gratefulness and a bit of scared on her face, and the middle one with long silver hair had a look of hesitation and distrusted on her face.
Then, the red haired demoness moved over to her fast stating to her, "You hurt miko?"
Kagome nodded her head at her, but her wounds were taking affect on her.
"I'm hurt but I will heal." Kagome said as she bowed to them all, and started to walk away from them.
"Wait!" The red haired demoness called out.
Kagome stopped and look over to her. "Yes?" Kagome asked.
"Why what?" Kagome asked aback at her.
The silver one had wanted the answer to this questioning as she slit her eyes and stated, "Why help demons that you can destroy with one finger miko?" She replied.
Kagome looked over to her, as she heard what she said, and wonder if she was some part of Sesshomaru's family, she talk like him a lot, as she took her time to answer her.
"I helped because I do not care that you are demons. Your pups were in trouble and I knew you could not get to them at the time. Or would you hate to know that a miko could save your pups and didn't even try?" Kagome said as well as she asked them.
"You are a strange Miko. Most would have let the pups be killed or tried to kill them herself." The one with dark green long hair said.
"Well, I'm not like the rest I only kill of needed too." Kagome whispered as blood loss was draining her.
"Miko, sit down." The silver hair order to her to do.
While Kagome did as she said, a low growls came from behind the demonesses, as they look over to the trees. They tense up to fight again, but when they sniff the air, they all release tense from them. Kagome watched on as the silver haired demoness sat down close to her.
"Demoness?" Kagome asked.
"I'm going to heal you," she stated her.
"No, no you don't have to heal me." Kagome said standing up, but stop when her eyes closed from the blood loss. Luckily for her the sliver demoness caught her before she could hit ground and then, gently eased her down, putting her on the earth floor.
A tall demon with green hair raced into the cleaning to see his mate and heir unharmed.
"Ryo," Mika said as she walks over to him with the young pup walking beside her.
"You okay?" Ryo asked, as he looked over her.
"Yes but guess who came and helped us?" Mika asked.
"This is not the time for me to be guessing." Ryo stated when he looks behind him to see his two old friends racing in behind him.
As the silver haired demoness looks over to her mate, she nodded him over to look; he walked over to see a human.
"Who is she?" He asked.
"Toga, I don't know but if she didn't help us the pups would be die." she said.
Toga nodded his head at his mate as she stood up with Kagome in her arms.
"Well, Mika please tell me." Ryo said.
"Fine, it was a miko that came and help us." Mika replied,
"What?" Sin yelled as his eyes went wide. As he felt a hand on his hakama, he looked down to his pup.
"Dad, what mom says is true, she saved me from a demon with her arrows." He stated.
"Me too," one said after the first pup.
Toga nodded his head at his friends, as he looks over to the one that saved them all. He sniffs the air and his eyes widen. "Mate, smell her," Toga ordered.
She nodded her head at him, as she took a sniff from the miko, her eyes widened too.
"Toga, what does this mean?" She asked.
As the rest sniffed her too, when they looked at small pup to his parents with widened eyes. The pups took a sniff too. Soon one growled lowly as his parents look over to him.
A/N- I hope you enjoyed the first chapter to Oh No! The next one will be up soon too. Bye
Kagome daggers names and meaning
SORA KI (sky blade) it sounds goodKINSAIGA (balance fang) like miko and demon (just an idea)