InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Oh No! ❯ Chapter Two: Questions and Answers Part One ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Oh No!

Sorry I forgot to say thank you to my beta reader that fix up this chapter and the first chapter. She a great person. Thank you to my beta reader named WitchyGirl99.
I like to say thank you to my first reviewer to this story. star99 –Thank you for reviewing me, I hope you will continued to do so and read the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. But the plot line is mine; I only got my idea from Belonging to Sesshomaru- by shadowglove. I have tried to contact her over ten times in the last past year or so to let her own that I have an idea similar to hers, but she hasn't emailed me back at all. So I went with my idea. Sorry of theses how think I shouldn't wait for a reply but I had this idea for over a year now.

NEW NOTE===I got a hold of her and she said just go on with my idea as she already read the first chapter and the second chapter too. If you don’t believe me then go to face book and ask her yourself.

On with chapter two

Chapter Two: Questions and Answers Part One

Kagome slowly opened her eyes to see a white room with a few beds. She pushed herself up until she got a good look around the place. She wondered in her head where she was, until her memory jogged something in her mind. She passed out from the blood loss and pain of her wounds. Kagome looked down to see that her two cuts had been properly dressed, cleaned and wrapped with white cloth.

She thought back to demoness that she was talking too, remembering the growls coming from behind them but after that, it was a blank. Nodding her head, she pushed the blanket to the side as she noticed that she was in a different set of clothing.
Grabbing her weapons, Kagome slowly walked over to the doors, trying to push one open. Finally when a door slid, she quickly looked around to see if anyone was near. Safe for now, Kagome walked out and down the hall, until she heard some voices in a room next to her. Placing some reiki into her ear, she tried to hear what the people were talking about.

In the Room...

"Silva, is the miko okay?" a deep male voice asked.
"She is okay from her wounds and all. The miko should be up soon," a light voice replied, barely heard through the room.

"Good, I still need to thank her for saving my pup," a different voice said, giggling at the end.

"Mika, this isn't the time to laugh," a male voiced out.

"Shin you took out the fun," Mika taunted him.

"I wonder why the demons attacked the pups?" a gentle and quiet voice asked.

"Selma that is a good question, maybe it was because they knew that the pups were the heirs to the lands," Mika answered her friend.

"Okay we understand that now, but what are we going to do with the miko that saved them?" an arrogant voice huffed out into the room.

"Ryo! She saved your pup, your flesh and blood," Mika stated to her mate with a frown on her face.

"I know, I still need to thank her too mate, but why would she help us? Why wouldn't she have just let our pup be destroyed?" Ryo asked as he looked at the demoness.

Silva stood up and walked to the window, taking a breath. "I asked the same thing, would you like to know what that young lady miko said?"

"Hai," they responded.

Silva turned to the males and looked at her ladies. "This is what she said. 'I helped because I do not care that you are demons. Your pups were in trouble and I knew you could not get to them at the time. Wouldn't you hate to know that a miko could have saved your pups but didn't even try?' At first I was shocked, but then Mika said she was a strange miko. Most would have let the pups be killed or tried to kill them herself, but the young lady said she only kills when needed to and that she isn't like the rest," Silva explained.

"Hai! That is what she said to us, and I for one am very grateful that she came and helped us," Selma smoothly stated as she smiled at her mate.
"Silva, Selma and Mika, you ladies need thanks too," the males said as they pulled their mates closer to them and nuzzled their mates' necks with licks and rubs of their noses.

After the males let go of their mates, they all looked outside and wondered when the miko would wake up. When Silva stood up and sniffed the air, she shook her head and walked over to the door. Opening it up, she saw a shocked miko whose balance was cut from the door being moved.

Silva gently grabbed the falling miko and placed her back on her feet. "It's rude to eavesdrop."

Kagome looked at the one that was going to heal her before. "Milady," Kagome said to her. Then she looked at the rest and gave a tiny smile to Mika and Selma. Both ladies returned her smile. Kagome looked at the males.

The one to the right was by the long, green-haired female; Kagome assumed it was her mate. He had a hardened look on his face but she saw softness working its way into his eyes. He was wearing a light green shirt and dark green hakamas with a long pike, or spear, resting behind his chair.

Turning to the left side for the room, she saw a short red-haired female with an even shorter red-haired male beside her. Kagome once again assumed that it was her mate. He had a joyous look on his face, and she could tell that he was the joker of his family. Kagome could see he was wearing white and red shirt, with red hakamas and two daggers at his side. A bow and arrows lay on the ground beside him.

Kagome went to the middle male and she almost gasped as her eyes widened. He very much looked like Inuyasha and Sesshomaru and then she thought about it. 'Could he be their father?' she thought. 'Damn you Naraku, I might be further into the past now.' The male had silver hair like the demoness that now stood beside him. With hardened lines but a gentle face, Kagome was reminded of her friend Inuyasha and her trainer Sesshomaru. Both had hard looks but only the younger one had gentleness on his face. He was wearing a white shirt but she couldn't tell what hakamas he had on.

"Good day?" Kagome asked, unsure of what time it was.

Selma giggled at that."Miko, it's morning."

"Thank you," Kagome replied, as she smiled at Selma.
"Okay, miko, we thank you for saving our pups," the males all said.

"You're welcome," Kagome replied.

"Tell us what you name is?" the one right beside the demoness with the silver hair asked.

"My name is Kagome," she recalled for them. "What are your names?"

"Well, Miko Kagome, I'm Lord Toga of the Western Lands. This is my mate, Lady Silva, lady of the Western Lands," the one with silver hair stated to her.

Kagome stiffened at his name, then quickly relaxed before anyone could see it – all but one, and that was Lord Toga himself. Mentally cursing, she looked at the other four and waited.

"I'm Lord Shin of the Northern Lands and this is my mate Lady Selma, the lady of the Northern Lands," the one with short green hair told her.

"I'm Lord Ryo of the Southern Lands and this is my mate Lady Mika, the lady of the Southern Lands. We are in your debt by saving our pup," the short redhead said to Kagome.

Kagome just bowed at them and was wondering what was going on here and what time she was in. Since she stepped into the room, Kagome thought she was further into the past since the demon with silver hair had told her his name. She had been right, and then she heard Lord Toga talking to her.

"Miko Kagome, you okay?" Lord Toga asked as he grinned at her, wondering what she was thinking.

"Lord Toga, I'm fine, but it seems to me that I should really get home," Kagome disclosed to him, and then she checked her powers, just in case she had to fight or just melt into the shadows.

Lord Toga nodded his head and smelled her lie but he didn't call it to attention as he quickly looked at his mate. He nodded at her to ask the question that was burning in their minds since the miko helped them.
"Miko Kagome, this question has been burning a hole in our heads for awhile now, even since we met you. Now tell us, why do you have my pup Sesshomaru's full grown scent on you?" Lady Silva asked.

Kagome stood still and watched. A grim look crossed her face and she knew she wouldn't be able to lie to them since their noses could smell it. "I can't tell you," Kagome whispered, then backed away from them inch by inch.

"Miko Kagome, this isn't your choice to not tell anything at all. You will tell me," Lady Silva hissed at her, and then she felt her mate's hands calming her down.

"Well, maybe you can tell us this: why are you here?" Lord Shin asked, his face showing curiosity.

"Or who made you these nice daggers and katana?" Lord Toga asked. "Miko Kagome, I really suggest that you tell us, before we get forceful with you."

Kagome knew that in his way he was threatening her to tell them. She knew she had to get away from them but how? "Lords, I can't tell you because you will use the information I have wickedly, so no I can't tell you even if you threatened me," Kagome imparted out at them, then she summoned her powers and engulfed herself, quickly racing to her weapons. Catching them, she broke the window and left the ladies in shock at what she did, and the lords quickly summoned their own youki to follow her.

Kagome flew from the palace with the three lights orbs following after her. She had to get back to her time. Coming towards the well, she dropped to the ground and raced into the woods towards it, praying it would work.

"Miko Kagome please stop," Mika called to her.

Kagome continued on. She looked up to see the three orbs landing just a ways away from her. She jumped to the well's side and placed one hand on it, calling forward her powers to see what was wrong with it. Sensing Naraku's power in it, she growled at that, and then kept her eyes on the group in front of her.

"Miko Kagome, just tell us why?" Lord Ryo asked.

"I can't tell you anything about me, you would use me to tell you about all the knowledge I have. Next on the list is that I don't know why Sesshomaru's full grown scent is on me because I didn't know about it," Kagome noted at them as she tried to fix the well. She looked to her right and saw her yellow bag, quickly making a grab for it.

"Look I'm sorry to leave so rudely, but I need to get home now," Kagome stated.

"Wait," Selma quickly yelled.

Kagome looked at her and nodded her head to continue.

"That well…is broken but it can be fixed." Selma's voice held a passive tone as her eyes closed.

"What? How?" Kagome asked as she gasped at her.

"Selma is a seer kind of demoness, Miko Kagome," Lord Shin testified as he held on to his mate.

Kagome looked at Lord Shin and knew he was right. She felt wind coming from the left side of her. Making her look at Lord Toga's golden eyes, she moved back, or tried to move back. Lord Toga was holding onto her by her waist gently.

"Selma, what is this well?" Lord Toga asked coldly at her while his unwavering eyes were on Kagome's trembling body. He sighed as he drew her close to his chest and lightly growled, trying to calm her down.

Selma explained. "The well is time and space. Miko Kagome is from the future, she is stuck here." The demoness then fainted in the arms of her mate.

Kagome looked at the ground and wondered why. "Was that the reason why you couldn't tell us? You thought that we lords would use you to gain knowledge?" Lord Toga gently asked, trying not to frighten the small human within his arms.

Kagome could only nod at him and then looked back at the rest.

"Miko Kagome, we will not ask you about your knowledge on the future, but just answer me one question. How far are you in the future?" Lord Toga questioned.

Kagome nodded her head at him."I'm originally from five hundred years ago but since the well was tampered with by a half-demon named Naraku, I don't know what era or time I'm in," Kagome answered truthfully.

"Please answer more questions?" Lady Silva asked this time.

Kagome looked at her and then the rest, not knowing what to say to that question. Then Selma woke up, and stated with a passively, "They will not use the information against you, so you will be okay to tell them, until the well is fixed." Then she fainted again.

Kagome nodded her head and then looked back at Lady Silva.

A/N- End of part one. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter next one will be up soon, until then see ya.