InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On a Wing & a Prayer ❯ Near Death ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

On a Wing & a Prayer

Part XX: Near Death

A little while later, Gina awoke, feeling the weight of another on top of her. She felt so groggy, like she could barely move. Finally finding the strength to open her eyes, and saw Kurai on top of her, groping her most inappropriately with a wicked grin on his face. "L-lord……Kurai…" she stammered. She looked up at him in fright. She couldn't move…and she could barely speak. What had he done to her?

"Sush, my little beauty…soon you will be mine and you will have no reason to remember that scoundrel Sesshomaru," he said, placing a finger on her lips. How does he know about Sesshomaru?! This…this has to be a dream! This just has to be! Gina shook terribly as Kurai ripped off the top of her yukata. "Please…stop," she begged. This was much too real to be a dream. This was truly happening. "Milord…please! We…cannot…do this…it's not right!" she protested.

Kurai chuckled a little. "Why?" he asked, leaning down near her face as he grasped one of her breasts. Gina shook at his touch. "We're only finishing what we started earlier," he continued. Gina looked at him strangely. "What…are…you…talking about?" she asked, still shaking. Kurai gave a slight laugh, and then, his ears came to a point, his teeth grew to fangs, and his eyes turned red.

"Have I showed you enough?" he asked, his voice much deeper. Gina yelped in terror. The demon that Sesshomaru had kept from raping her was back on her, and this time, she doubted that she would have good enough luck to have a second righteous man come along and rescue her. "No…please!" she shrieked weakly. She didn't even have the strength to even try to fight him off. What was wrong? Why couldn't she move?

"What…did…you…do to…me?" she demanded. Kurai chuckled, then planting a rough kiss on her lips. After a moment, he pulled away. "When you weren't looking, I put a few drops of a paralyzing poison into your tea. You won't be able to move for another few hours…plenty of time to have my way with you," he chuckled. Gina winced and looked away, but then felt a force pulse through her. It was almost like the time that she had saved Sesshomaru and herself.

Out of nowhere, she got the strength to lift her arm. As she did so, she felt energy pulse through it, and a light blast out from her hand, burning Kurai's shoulder. He let out a large growl as he grasped the wound, pulling off of her. Kurai stood, chuckling a little. "So…you are a tennyo," he said briskly. Gina's eyes widened. "What…do you mean?" she asked shakily. Kurai laughed at her again. "Exactly what I said, my little tennyo. Now, I don't think it's right for you to misbehave like that. It's time to tame my little tennyo!"

As he said this, his claws grew, and he swiped them across Gina's body, leaving four large gashes. As blood seeped down her body, Gina continued to shiver. Kurai licked the blood off of his claws, and prepared to attack her again, when he heard one of his soldiers yell demon. When he heard this, a sinister smirk crossed his face. "Well, well. It seems lover boy has come to rescue his princess. Will you enjoy seeing him die, my little tennyo?"

Gina didn't answer. She simply shook in pain and fear. I'm not a tennyo…I'm not an angel…I'm just a princess who's in love with and wants to be with Sesshomaru!!!

Looking down at Gina as tears rolled down her cheek, blood seeped from her wounds and she writhed in fear made Kurai smile and chuckle with satisfaction. "That she teach you to disobey me, little tennyo. But for now, I'm going to take care of Sesshomaru," he scoffed. With that, the demon turned, and left the tent.

When he got outside, he transformed into his human likeness again. He looked up, and saw Sesshomaru, a large scowl on his face. There were already a few bloodied bodies at his feet, and there were even more soldiers that, even if they hoped to vanquish the demon, were simply lining up to be next. Sesshomaru sniffed the air, and then his amber eyes fell on Kurai. If looks could kill, every soldier there would have died.

"Where is Gina?! I can smell her blood! What have you done to her?!" he demanded angrily. One of the soldiers raised his battle-axe at this. "You monster! You won't lay a hand on the princess!" he shouted, charging at Sesshomaru. However, he didn't get close. Sesshomaru hacked off the soldier's head with his whip of light, spattering blood on the dirt. His glare then turned back to Kurai. "Now, answer me you damn demon!"

Kurai chuckled, and that soon developed into a humiliating laugh as he cracked his knuckles. His soldiers were looking at him like he had gone insane, and looking at Sesshomaru as well, questioning why he had called their lord a demon.

"That explosive little slut? I've plucked that little flower," he sneered. Sesshomaru's jaw nearly dropped. She would've never let that happen… he thought. He dug his claws into his palm, and then bolted past him, charging toward the tent that Gina's scent was emanating from. When he saw the condition she was in, he gaped. Snapping out of it, he quickly knelt down next to her, pulling Gina's limp form onto his lap.

"Gina…are you alright? Please answer me," he pleaded. Gina simply gave a whimper, not even opening her eyes. Am I…too late? Did she loose too much blood? Is my Gina-chan…dieing? He quickly shook the thought from his head, giving a loving nuzzle. "Gina-chan…please wake up…I love you so much…" At this, Gina's eyes opened half way. "Sesshomaru…you came…" she said, a weak smile on her face.

"Of course I did," he replied, "But you have to tell me. What did that monster do to you?" Gina let out another whimper. "He…put something…that…paralyzed me…in my tea…and then…tried to rape me again…" she sputtered. Sesshomaru gave a fierce, low growl, his eyes glowing blood red. "Don't worry," he said, lying her back down, "I will slaughter him!" As the demon lord stood, hell bent on killing Kurai, the demon tore the thin tent away from them.

"GET AWAY FROM MY TENNYO!!!" Kurai shrieked angrily, baring his fangs and claws. Sesshomaru eyed Kurai oddly. Tennyo…? He wouldn't even dare look back at Gina. Not until he slaughtered Kurai. "You…" Sesshomaru hissed, unsheathing Tokijin. Kurai gave yet another one of his sickening laughs, his claws growing even longer. "Even with your sword, Sesshomaru…you don't stand a chance against the great Kurai!"

Sesshomaru would've attacked right then and there, but he didn't want to put Gina at risk. "You want me…then come and get me!" Sesshomaru yelled, leaping over him out into the middle of the group of awe-struck soldiers. When he landed, the demon lord spun around, ready to strike with the Tokijin. Kurai followed, swiping at him with his claws. They continued on like this for a few turns, each attacking, parrying. Kurai needed to find a way to kill Sesshomaru. And then it came to him.

Kurai let Sesshomaru strike him once with the Tokijin, and then faltered. He fell to his knees, whimpering in pain. Sesshomaru gave a victorious chuckle. "Well, well," he said, raising his demon blade, preparing to chop off his head, "It's seems that you'll soon you'll just be rust on my blade, blood on the ground, and I'll take my Gina-chan back with me!" Kurai gave him a simple, cynical laugh. "Oh, but you're sadly mistaken."

Nearly at the speed of light, Kurai spun around, and sent an open through Sesshomaru's torso. The white-haired demon went pale as the happened, wincing in pain. Kurai let out yet another laugh as he felt his opponent's blood seep down his hand. "Ha ha ha…now you'll be the one to die, Sesshomaru!!" he laughed, wrenching his hand around. At this, Sesshomaru let out another cry of pain, his eyes closing. There was so much pain…and his sight was starting to go black.

Gina fought the poison with all her strength to sit up, and when she did, she saw Sesshomaru, a pain-stricken look on his face, and Kurai's fist through his chest. She struggled, and fueled by only willpower, she stood, shakily supporting herself. Sesshomaru…I won't let you die!!! Gina felt another throb in her chest, and she was blinded by a white light that seemed to be growing inside her.

Kurai pushed Sesshomaru from his hand, throwing him to the ground. "Don't worry. Soon you'll be in hell and this pain will be nothing compared to that," he said sinisterly. Sesshomaru let out a large growl, trying to stand. Kurai then picked up Tokijin, smirking. "For shame. Killed with your own blade while you were trying to save a human that you were in love with. What a pathetic end for such a prud, ferocious demon."

With this thought completed, Kurai raised Tokijin up into the air as his soldiers looked on, each of them with a look of terrified disgust on their faces. "You'll die for thinking you could take away my tennyo!" Kurai laughed again. With that, he began to draw the blade down.

Sesshomaru cringed as his own blade reached his neck. His life was about to end. And there were so many things that he had yet to accomplish, yet to say to his dear Gina…Oh my Gina-chan…I love you so much…I simply wish that you would not have to suffer the fate of being bound to this monster for the rest of your life!! But before the blade struck, there was a flash of light.