InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On My Corner ❯ Golden Eyes ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I will never own Inuyasha or the characters
Chapter 1: Golden Eyes
I stand on my regular corner. My job, my life, my hatred, and my regret all on this spot.
Another man passes by and I pretend that he is everything and I am the only one who can give him what he needs. He leers at me and walks on.
The sound of a car driving over the still rain soaked road is in the distance. The clack of my heels the only other sound. The way this night is going it will be another day of going without food for my son, Shippo and me.
I see him, tonight like every other night, and gaze at him longingly. He was, is still, my everything. He has never known. Silver hair frizzes in the chilly night air and the thud of his docks echoes across the street.
Another night he passes me, just out of reach. I know what he thinks of me. I know what I am. A filthy whore that has no chance of a decent life or even worthy of saving.
I never asked him since he would never want me. He is a god among men. I am barely worthy of a glance, but it is what keeps me going. It makes this hell bearable. Golden eyes shine in the night as they glance across the road in my direction. Wishful thinking. He is looking for cars. As he crosses and heads toward the parking garage, three buildings to the left of me. His eyes catch mine and I am entranced. Nothing could have made me pull away. His gaze lowers to my chest and I wait for the sneer of contempt. It is not there, but his eyes heat and he moves in a trance. This is my job, I know what he wants.
I also know he is married and has remained faithful even in the hardest of times. I have over heard conversations and seen his wife's beauty. Although, she looks a lot like me. Or rather how I would, had I been kept clean, classy, and elegant. As it is I am malnourished, signs of weariness shown by my calloused hands and hope crushed eyes. As such I assure myself I am imagining the look on his face. He must notice my resemblance to his wife, fantasizing of her trying something new.
I snap out of my thoughts when his form blocks the dim street light behind him. I search his eyes for the reason behind his actions. I find none. I hate myself more now then I have in years. For him, this perfect half- demon to see me as I have been forced to become. I wish he could have known who I was. The loving, carefree, and beautiful girl that would have done anything for someone else's happiness. The direct cause for the condition I am in. The real me, hidden behind years of torment and betrayal dares to dream he may be my savior. The one who will rescue me from this hellish life. But my current self, the result of my suffering, burns the dream and puts a sexy smile on my face and more weight on my right hip. I say the words I had prayed to never say to this man.
Please review and let me know what you think,
this is my 2nd fanfic and so far it is much better than the 1st
I am updating again tomorrow. Enjoy!