InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On My Corner ❯ Losing Resistance ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I still don't own Inuyasha
Chapter 2: Losing Resistance
But my current self, the result of my suffering, burns the dream and puts a sexy smile on my face and more weight on my right hip. I say the words I had prayed to never say to this man.
“Hey sexy. Looking for a good time?” a large part of me wishes he would say yes. So I can have my first encounter with a man I would willingly be with under different circumstances. The whore that has been drilled in my head praises the idea of the cash I can get from this man. The mother within me wants enough to feed my son. Shippo. With renewed vigor I lower my lids and fill my eyes with a much-practiced lust.
“Keh. Why are you always here? Not like I care, but when no one else is around you look like you want to run.” All the while keeping his words clipped and filled with arrogance. Though I can see in those gorgeous swimming depths that he is trying to hide his concern. I try not to let the shock show on my face, and answer with his same tone.
“It's not your concern. But not all of us were born with a silver spoon in our mouth.” I know he has inherited his father's wealth and company. Though he has exceeded his father by far.
“Stupid wench, you think running a corporation on my own as long as I can remember is easy?!” Fire ignites in his eyes and I find myself shivering with a want that I have not ever felt before. Though the part of my personality that has remained through all I have endured remains in control. The temper, it allows me strength of will that has kept me going all these painful years.
“At least you have a job and a home! And let me assume you also are not a single parent. Do you think if I had any other option that I would still be here?! This street corner and my body are all I have been given and I'm doing everything in my power to make that enough to raise my son!” I turn around and pace to the end of `my territory' trying to steady the wide range of emotions fighting to tear me apart first. Tears leak the corner of my eyes, which are filled with my strongest feelings, rage and sorrow. I feel a hand upon my upper arm as he tries to turn my attention back to the man who will no doubt bring the collapse of my last strength.
“Hey, don't take what I say seriously. I know I'm a jerk.” A quick half laugh half snort escapes me as I begin to regain control. Turning my gaze back to his, after my tears have been brought back into hiding, I quickly notice the guilt and regret on his face. These feelings, they are for me. It hasn't been since my early childhood that someone felt more for me than lust or hatred and disgust. Swallowing the small pride that formed as a result of my outburst of my own real feelings I ask him the one question that will either result in my survival or destruction.
“Why are you speaking with me?” at the surprised and hurt look on his face I quickly add “I have seen you here for years and this is the first night you have acknowledged me.” Hurt is replaced with guilt once again in his eyes, and I briefly wish I could spend my life searching those eyes.
“It's not like you talk to me either.” He quickly spits out trying to hide the display of emotions I still watch in his features. Arrogance is dominant again and he suddenly becomes bolder.
“You just too afraid to take on a Inu Hanyou, Miko?” His smirk allows the street light to flash over his fangs and I get the sudden urge to see how sharp they are, which I quickly suppress.
“I've pleasured many demons and the occasional half demon, although I would love to test your stamina.” The statement came out from years of suggestive conversations. I feel myself swim in satisfaction at watching the blush spread through his cheeks and he releases a soft breathy “Keh”
I boldly run a whisper of my fingertips from his wrists to his shoulders and pull myself flush against him. The harness I feel pressed against my stomach and his rigid stance tells me his is using all his will power not to respond. I lean my head beside his own and breathily, to my shock to find is because of my growing wet nether lips and not because of my years of practice, huskily whisper in his ear.
“Would you like to feel how much I'm not afraid of you Inu Hanyou?” I slide my left hand down to his right and guide his hand under my black leather mini skirt, allowing him to palm my weeping flower. We both gasp on contact. Frozen, me in shock of how undeniable my need for more of his touch really is, and him, that I could be that dripping through worn panties after only a few minutes of mostly arguments. He is equally as affected; I can feel it pulse while pressed hard between us. His fingers slowly spread across my burning core as if discovering a hidden treasure. I arch my back and grip his shoulder and wrist a little more in order to kept some sanity.
This is my job. No matter how much I would give for this I must remember that this is for him and if we go further we must speak of my price range.
“How much are you willing to give for this?” Allowing myself the chance of getting over paid or turned down completely. Though if he were to leave I know I would follow. Perhaps this can be my first outside of work sexual encounter.
Confusion is laced in his features before realization and slight anger take over. Though neither of us attempts to lose our desperately needed contact.
I know I'm horrible for stopping now, but it's 7 am and I haven't slept yet. I'll update tomorrow, promise