InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On My Mind ❯ How it All Began ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

[On My Mind]

[1: How It All Began]

He let his fingers slide across the guitar as the sounds filled his ears. He stopped playing and continued to write down the words that came to his mind. He brushed some stray hairs out of his face and tucked them back behind his hair. Having long hair was a disadvantage, but it looked good anyway. His blue eyes twinkled in the moonlight as he sat on his roof just outside his bedroom window. He looked up at the stars, wondering if they had any specific meaning to them. He sighed and tossed his pencil back inside his open window. He couldn't write in this condition-it was impossible. Instead of his clear mind always focussing on his music and letting the words just fall into place it was cluttered with the stunning image of the one whom was constantly plaguing his mind.

He started to drum against the wooden surface of his acoustic guitar as he thought about her. He had never seen her until a few weeks ago-the first time that he had caught a glimpse of her. She had been there for quite a while, almost the whole year-yet he failed to have seen her. He was guessing that she had just moved here but he heard people saying that she was kicked out of her school for trying to burn it down. He laughed at the comment and knew that such an innocent girl couldn't be capable of such a thing. Ever since that one time, he had constantly been watching her-thinking of her. He didn't think it was possible to think of anyone else as much as he did this one girl.

She was the most beautiful girl he'd ever laid his eyes on. Chestnut hair that flowed down her back like silk. Sparkling azure eyes that could make anyone get lost in them. A smile that could melt his heart with one flash of her prefect teeth. Perfect skin that looked as if it were softer than a baby's bottom to the touch. A body that looked like it belonged to a goddess. She was like his angel that was just out of his reach. And her name, Ayame. It was the name that made his heart jump painfully in his chest whenever he heard it or spoke it. His friends say that he's out of his league going after someone like that-but she was worth it.

Over the past few weeks he had spoke to her briefly in the classes that they happened to have with each other-and it made his life so much more better. He hadn't had enough guts to talk to her during any of their breaks and he hated himself for that. He had tried so many times, but he froze up everytime. She probably thought he was a loser or something along the lines of it. He sighed loudly as he continued to think of her, watching the stars above him twinkle. They reminded him so much of her beautiful eyes and he felt like a lost little boy. She had stolen his heart and he couldn't get it back with anything that he tried. This girl had him running in circles and he didn't even notice it yet.

He closed his eyes and let his fingers find their rightful place along the chords before he started to play a melody that he had not yet found the right words to. It was one that he had thought up when thinking about her-Ayame. He thought back to the other day when he had seen some dumb jock walk up to her. At first he had thought it was just to exchange a few words or something, but he noticed that he was a little closer for a friendly chat. Right away he knew that he was asking her out and he felt his blood start to boil. His friends were giving him weird looks and they told him later that they swore that they had heard him growl and asked him about it. He hadn't replied, but fell silent at the acts of jealousy that he was partaking in. From then on he found himself get more determined to approach her outside of class.

He reopened his eyes as a light flashed through his eyelids. He glanced down at street to see a car going pretty fast towards the house across from his. He watched as the car lurched forward as the driver slammed on their brakes. His sensitive ears picked up an angry female's voice as she was yelling at the driver. Two figures got out of the car and right away he noticed the criminal that had taken his heart. She was yelling over the roof of the brand new car at the driver-the star of the senior basketball team. He had long blonde hair and he was fairly tall. Most kids called him `Yao' or `Yao Ming' because of his unnatural height-even teachers called him that. The only reason why they chose that name was because of the NBA player that everyone had suddenly started to swoon over, even when he couldn't speak proper English. He could hear the argument perfectly since both of their voices were raised loud enough for anyone to notice. They failed to notice him though as he watched them with aware eyes.

"You idiot! You could've killed us both! You're a sick bastard!" She practically screamed at him. He laughed at her frantic cries and waved a hand in the air at her.

"Bitch, you're fucking crazy. Plan to wake up the whole god damn neighbor hood with your banshee cry?" He laughed at her.

"You shouldn't be the one to talk you drunken bastard! I hope that you get into an accident and then you can't play for your stupid team ever again! I hate you!" She said hitting her hands against the roof of the car. He was surprised at the rage that this petit girl held.

"If you hate me so much then why did you even agree to go out with me in the first place?" He asked leaning closer to her over the car.

"Because I didn't know what kind of sick imbecile I was dealing with! I imagine you were someone else!" She hollered hitting the spot right in front of his face. He pulled back and stomped forcefully on the ground.

"Who the fuck did you think I was? That nerd who wants to be like me? The Goth kid that applies more makeup than you do? That stupid hippie who cares more about his music and fucking guitar than his own life?" She looked at him with narrowed eyes and if Kouga could see them, then he would see the fire burning behind them.

"I would rather go out with one of them than you ever again-at least they don't have an ego the size of Russia!" She said deadly before turning around and stomping up to her house. Yao got back into his car without another word before he sped off down the street, leaving Kouga all alone to watch the love of his life walk up to her porch. But instead of entering she planted herself on the steps and placed her head in her hands. All he wanted to was jump down off of his roof and run over to her giving her some comfort, but he stayed put. His eyes lingered on her petit body as she sat there.

He was temporarily immobilized as he watched her in the dark. The only light came from the full moon that made her stand out like snow during the night. She lifted her head back up and got up to finish her way into her house. He felt his heart almost shoot through his body as he heard the faint sound of her front door closing. He looked back down at his guitar and then started to play one of his favorite songs that he had wrote last year before she had ever entered his life. He tried to remember how it started and then started to play slowly. His voice wasn't that great, but it wasn't like nails scratching on the chalkboard.

See all those people on the ground

Wasting time

Try to hold it all inside

(Just for tonight)

Top of the world

Sitting here wishing the things I've become

Something is missing

Maybe I…(fuck)

What do I know?

His voice grew stronger and a little louder as he continued on with the song.

And now it seems that I have found

Nothing at all

Want to hear your voice out loud

Slow it down, slow it down

Without it all

I'm choking on nothing

It's clear in my head

I'm screaming for something

Knowing nothing is better than knowing at all

On my own

On my own

On my own

On my own

He was too into the song to notice the light in Ayame's bedroom turn on and her window open to hear what was going on outside. He continued to watch his fingers glided along the chords, making such beautiful sounds that he'd ever thought possible.

Without it all

I'm choking on nothing

It's clear in my head

I'm screaming for something

Knowing nothing is better than knowing at all

On my own

On my own

On my own

He continued to play through the song again-just listening to the music as it flowed from the instrument. He strummed the last note to the song and let the vibrations die out by themselves. He glanced back towards Ayame's house only to notice her standing right by her window with it open. Her eyes were focused on him and he felt like she had him frozen to the spot. He held his breath and his heart felt like it was break his rib cage. She didn't move, just stood there in her loose white shirt that said `Princess' on it in black letter with fake pink jewels on them. Her hair was let down and it was hanging over her right shoulder. For what seemed like eternity the two stared at each other-too surprised to do anything.

She was the first one to come back and smiled to him before turning away from her window. His heart was beating unnaturally fast and he could feel his face a little red. His pick slipped out of his fingers and onto his lap as he continued to stare at her blank window. He closed his eyes and took in a few deep breaths to make up for the ones he'd forgotten to take. When he reopened them he glanced up at the twinkling sky above him to take the view in once more before he headed inside to get the longing sleep that was threatening to take over him. He picked up the paper that he had tried to write his lyrics on and tossed it inside where the pen was awaiting it. Then carefully he took his guitar back into his dark room and placed it back on its stand.


He felt like something good was going to happen today, a gut feeling. Some girls looked over at him and then started to giggle when he walked by. He thought it was stupid the way they acted, like he was simply the guy that they had to have. They were all way out of his league and they made him sick. He couldn't remember all the countless times that he had been asked out by juniors and freshmen-no sophomores dared approach him luckily. He hoisted his bag up on his shoulder higher as he felt it slipping down. He hadn't seen any of his friends as of yet so he had a little more time to himself and his thoughts.

He tugged at his green Van Halen tee shirt as he walked along towards the entrance to the school. It was tight fitting and totally vintage. Most people called his look hippie, but it was vintage. He also wore a pair of grey Dickies shorts with a studded belt and then some red converse sneakers. He also had no colour-coordination but no body had complained about it. He liked his look; it reminded him of the 80's. He had a black leather band on his left wrist that had words sewn into it. It read `Rather waste my time on you'-a quote from one of his other songs. He had just recently made it and it was meant about one person-her. He kept tracing his thoughts back to last night when the two had locked eyes. His heart leapt in his chest at the thought of it and a smile crossed his face.

He was pulled out of his memory when he felt two hands slap him on the back. His time was up and it had to be at that moment too-when he was smiling like a fool. He pulled out his earphones and looked to his left and right where his buddies were walking beside him.

"You realize that you look like a fool Kouga." The one of his left joked. He had bleach blonde hair that was long, but only went to a little above the shoulders. He had more of the punk look going on and wore dark coloured clothing and skate shoes. To his right his other friend wore tighter clothing, more of a rocker look. He had short black hair that was full of gel-spiked up.

"Shut up Tommy." He snapped as he looked away from him to watch the hallway stretching on before him.

"Geeze man don't have to be so harsh. Get any sleep last night or were you up all night trying to write that stupid song." Tommy said still at his side. Kouga didn't reply as he continued to walk on headed for his locker.

"Are you on fucking crack dude? Talk, don't pull this bullshit on me." Tommy said getting a little irritated. "Is it that chick that you've been after for like ever that's doing this to you?" That must have struck a nerve because Kouga turned to the side and pressed Tommy up against the locker with his shirt bundled into his fists.

"Listen here asshole. If I wanted this shit then I would've fucked with the jocks. You leave her out of this." He said in a low a deathly tone before letting go of him wit one last shove and stalking off.

"What's gotten into you Kouga, you're a fucking dike now." He yelled after him. Kouga ignored him and continued on, not wanting to deal with him now. He arrived at his locker and opened it with stares from the people who had just witnessed the scene before them. His black-haired friend still followed him and leaned against the neighboring locker.

"Don't blow up at me but he has a point man. You've changed ever since she showed up. You're not the same." He spoke quietly to his friend.

"Don't get into it Tai, just don't." Kouga spoke quietly, not realizing that he was changing so much that his friends noticed. Tai held up his hands in defeat and left to go to his own locker located further down. When he was gone Kouga closed his eyes and rested his forehead on the divider between the two lockers. He didn't need to deal with any of it right now and they were throwing it in his face. He sighed and then opened his eyes only to see her standing right beside him looking at him through her glistening eyes.

"Hey there, what exactly are you doing?" She asked with her silky voice. He almost lost his own as he looked at her, but the confidence that he was building came into play.

"Nothing." He said quickly before looking into his locker and searching for the necessary books. He thought she would've left but she stayed there-just watching him. His nerves were coming into play and he was about to start sweating like a pig, or worse-saying something stupid. She opened her mouth to say something, but one of her friends pulled her away before another word could come out. He looked back only to see her back and mentally cursed himself for being such a wimp. The bell ran and he quickly shut his locker before racing off to his class.


School flashed by quicker than he had imagined, but for him it wasn't fully over yet. During fifth block he had gotten a note from the principal asking him to meet with the counselor in student services. At the moment he was sitting on the waiting chairs and bouncing his knee up and down quickly. His music blaring in his ears and his mouth moving silently as he mouthed the words. He knew that he wasn't in trouble and he knew that there weren't any problems with his home life. He was busy wondering about what was happening at the moment to notice her walk by him. He was zoned out and too caught up to see her start talking to him. His earphones were too loud for him to hear her and she seemed to pick up the soft sound of the music.

She waved a hand in front of his vision but he didn't snap out of it. She smiled at his innocence and then tugged at the wire that led to his earphones. One of them fell out of his ear and he seemed to come to. He looked over at her and almost had a heart attack. His eyes widened slightly and his mouth stopped moving with the words to the song. His leg was stopped in mid bounce and his music could only be heard.

"I thought you were deaf for a second there." She said as she let out one of her beautiful laughs. He gave a half smile, letting the left side of his mouth curl upwards while the other stayed put. His mind was only focussing on the goddess before him and he couldn't bring himself to ask her what she wanted. "Do you have the time?"

He shook his head since he was unable to find his voice. He probably looked as clueless as the movie and couldn't help himself from staying that way.

"Oh okay." She said in her silky smooth voice. "See you around then." She said before heading out the front entrance. His eyes followed her until she was completely out of sight. He put the earphone back in his ear but kept his eyes on the very spot where she had left his vision. He wanted to know what she wanted today to him earlier-since it was cut short. He closed his eyes when he felt his eyes stinging from not blinking.

That's when he felt a sharp poke in the shoulder. His eyes snapped open and he saw the counselor looking at him with amused eyes. He pulled his earphones out and then turned his music off.

"Sorry." He said quietly as he tucked the tiny speakers into his backpack that was sitting beside him. She laughed cheerfully.

"No need to be sorry Kouga, just needed your attention that's all. Mr. Shaw couldn't make it so I have to do this whole thing alone." She said with her bright and cheerful personality seeping through every word. If anyone was thought to be taking happy pills, anyone would've thought that she was taking way more than the doctor prescribed. "Now Prom isn't that far away, and I expect you to be going?"

"I guess." He said shrugging when he knew that he was going to go and who he wanted to ask.

"We've heard from many students that you are a very good musician. The guitar I believe id what you play?" He nodded again. "We would be simply honored if you would play a few songs or something for the students." He stared at her like she had just asked him to give up his guitar for ballet lessons. He had never played for anyone except for his music teacher when he was only little.

"Uh-I don't know, I'm not too keen on playing for people. And plus not a lot of kids like me and so I don't think they'll want me to play for their prom." He said thinking of excuses and the real picture.

"That can easily be resolved. We'll have a vote for you and another musician. The students will vote to see whom they want. There might have to be a little showdown or something but we can work with it. What do you say?" She asked with hopeful eyes. He had a weakness for women who gave him those eyes and his urge to fight the no that was about to roll off his tongue was unbearable.

"Alright, fine." He said sighing as he let the words out. She jumped forward-being the small woman that she was-and hugged him. He had to bend down a bit so he could return it in a friendly gesture. She pulled away with a huge smile across her face and then almost jumped down the hall.

"Thanks again Kouga!" She said before she turned into the staff room. He grumbled and then made his way towards the entrance to the school. If he was supposed to do this stuff he might as well get start some new stuff to write. He pulled out his music and then started it up again.

"You owe me, you all owe me." He said under his breath before he hell silent except for the silent breaths that he took when mouthing the words.
