InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On Rainy Days ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A.N. If anyones interested, I still need that beta~! ^_^

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and company do not belong to me. Their actions in this story do, however.

On Rainy Days

Chapter Four:


As she filtered back into the realm of consciousness all was silent. It was an eerie peaceful silence she had not heard since she had originally awakened.

How long she had been asleep she did not know.

Who she was any longer she also did not know.
With a clam mind she laid deathly still in the hospital bed, processing thought and ideas as to what was really going on, and how to solve it. The first question and top priority to her was her child. Where was Kuame and was he alright. That was all that mattered. The second question at hand was what was going on. These people knew who she was–she knew who she was, and yet she wasn't herself.

Bringing a hand to her closed lids she let her fingers dig into her eye sockets in frustration. She was going to figure this out, that was for damn sure, whether it be one way or another–she was going to win this battle.

Sitting up slowly Kagome adjusted herself with ease into an upright position. Her body felt heavy–a type of heavy that she was unused to. It seemed as if she had been sapped of all her strength and energy, left to defend herself in her weakened state. She shifted her eyes through the room, scanning the corners and silence, and surprised to find no one present.

She was alone.

For the first time since she had woken up she was finally alone. Though to most it would leave a desolate abandoned feeling burrowed deep into them, it instead left a lighter feeling to her soul. Silence was always good. Silence did not disturbed you when you tried to sleep or think without wanting to be bothered, and that seemed to be the only thing that was happening to her lately.

She just wanted a little moments peace. If not to just sit and think to herself for a moment, she just wanted to soak in what was happening. Kagome always liked to think of herself as being a reasonable person who took in key detail with a keep sense of truth. If she could do that then if she could just sit and think to herself for a moment she was sure that she would figure it out.

Then maybe she could find Kuame.

The thought of her lost child had her heart clench, its beat picking up tempo–and with it a sudden pain wracked through her body.

Doubling over Kagome clutched her hand tightly to the fabric covering her chest. Sweet began to bead at her brow, and she could hear the faint sounds of the heart monitor erratically picking up its volume and speed.

What was going on?Before she could even formulate on the thought doctors and nurses raced into the room, bottles of medication being injected into her IV as they gently eased her back into a laying position on her bed.

The world blurred, though Kagome refused to be sucked back into the realm of sleep. She had been sleeping too much now, and she wanted to figure out what was happening. White engulfed her being and her fingertips buzzed with an electric tingling sensation. The sounds of the word around her she could hear–and though she knew what they were saying it was somehow not processing through her hazy conscious. The only thing clearly heard and registering through her head was the steady pump of her heart sucking in and pouring out blood into her body.

That was when the first image came to her.

It was an image blurred with emotions and colors. It was the type of thing that was familiar, and yet so foreign at the same moment. Her images were filled with happy smiles, supple kisses, and sweeping embraces, things that all made her heart swell in her pained chest cavity.

Then came the sound of a loud screech, one that chilled the bones in her body and left her with nothing but the color of red.

With a gasp she woke with a jerk, feeling a powerful hand in her own that left her with a sense of comfort.

“Inuyasha!” She called out softly, letting the name fall from her lips almost numbly.

A tuft of silver hair came into view connected to the face of a very dumb struck man.

“Kagome?” He called out hesitantly, not knowing what in the world was going on. “Your name is Inuyasha?” Kagome asked, her voice hesitant. The hanyou nodded, his mouth slightly agape at the thought that his mate might recognize him after all that had happened in the last 48 hours.

“Do you remember me?” He asked, his tone as hushed as hers was.

To his great disappointment she shook her head no, killing some of the burst of hope that had bubbled up in his chest. “Do you even recognize me?” He asked somewhat desperately, quickly learning that you needed to expect disappointment.

The female girl stared him dead in the eyes, her blue beauty's searching for something only she knew of.

“Yes.” She murmured quietly, almost inaudibly.

A smile lit his face. It seemed as thought they might finally be breaking through to the girl who seemed to somehow have lost everything.

“What happened?” Kagome asked, her voice meek in comparison to her normal attitude.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes, the smile still playing on his face. “You big dunce. You were told to not over stress yourself and yet you still did.” The smile slipped from his face, “You need to be more careful. I don't want to lose you.”

Kagome looked away at the man's confession. She felt like she knew him, but it was still slightly strange seeing someone she didn't know have that deep of feelings for her. If one thing was for certain, it was that she wanted to get to the bottom of this whole deal, and she wanted to get to it quickly. She was sick of not knowing who the people around her were, as well as sick of not knowing who she truly was.

“Can you tell me something?” Kagome asked quietly, bringing her hand to rest against the pain that had once been on her chest.

Inuyasha raised an eyebrow, nodding his head easily. “Yeah sure, what is it?” He asked easily.

“How did I end up in the hospital?” Kagome meekly managed to squeeze out.

“Ah,” Inuyasha said, nodding and looking down at his jean clad knees. “It would only make since that you don't remember how you ended up here seeing as you don't even know who we are.” He mused seemingly to himself more than to the prone girl laying on the bed quietly, waiting for answerers to her questions.

“You had a disease.” Inuyasha started, looking at Kagome suddenly very serious. “It's not so much that the disease itself is rare, but rather it was very rare to see it in someone so young.. It was also rapidly destroying you.” Inuyasha paused.

“We were in the hospital almost every day it seemed, and the entire time all you did was smile at me and tell me how much you loved me. You made it out to be like you were just in a hotel for the week or something minor like that. You even teased me at times, saying that I was taking this more seriously than you were.” Inuyasha stopped and looked away from the morbidly fascinated woman. “But even through all your big talk, when you thought I wasn't looking I could see the look in your eyes. You yourself didn't even think that you were going to make it through, and you were trying so hard to make everyone around you happy before you even took yourself into consideration.”

He stood from his chair, walking to the window and staring at the hospital entrance. “It was really infuriating at times, I wanted to choke you.” He chuckled, “Though I could never do that.”

His shoulders slumped.

“And then you died.”

Kagome's heart skipped a beat at that sentence, reminding her that that was impossible.

“I died?” She asked quietly.

“Yeah, on the table you died. The doctors didn't think that you would pull through. And you little shit, you did.” A deep quiet engulfed the room.

“Inuyasha?” Kagome asked again. “What did I die from?”

Inuyasha laughed, a disbelieving tint to his voice.

“Heart failure.”

“Heart failure?” Kagome echoed, burrowing her fingers into her gown and feeling for the first time a prick from what could be stitches under the cloth.

“I died from heart failure? But how am I alive?” She asked.

“Well I think that it would be a fair bet to say that they brought you back.” Inuyasha said, almost as if he were talking to a small child.

“Then why don't I remember anything?” Kagome asked, a demanding hint underling her voice.

Inuyasha shrugged, pivoting on his heal to face her again. “That's what I keep asking and no one seems to know. So now its up to you.” He told her while walking back over to his chair and plopping down into it.

Kagome grew silent. “Was there a wreck?” She asked absent mindfully.

“What?” Inuyasha asked in genuine confusion.

“The wreck that sent me into the coma...?” Kagome furrowed her eyebrows.

“Kagome...there was never any wreck...”


This is a short little thing, but I'm trying to start circulating it again, so you better be expecting more soon! :D