InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the Mountain ❯ Prologue: The Road to Nikuyoku ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: InuYasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and her publishers and I can't and don't make any money off the porn I write using her characters.
Mountain belongs to Tonic and I make no money from it either.
On the Mountain
She came down
From the mountain
And I
I stood my ground
On the mountain
Prologue: The Road to Nikuyoku
A bird glided into the afternoon sunlight, over the dusty road. A lone traveler, staff in hand watched it and a light smile crossed his face. Sure enough, signs of spring were here. But the road he was on showed dwindling usage. At every branch, fewer people had joined him. Finally he had questioned a wine merchant in a cart as to why.
“Why, have you not heard of the cursed town of Nikuyoku?” The merchant said in surprise, his bushy eyebrows rising into his hairline as he looked down at the young houshi.
“In fact I haven't,” Miroku responded. “But I am intrigued sir…Can you tell me more about the curse on this oddly named town?”
The merchant snorted and sat back in his cart, then shook his head sadly. Looking grim he turned back to Miroku.
“The town gets its name from the mountain,” the merchant said. “And the mountain gets the name from the kami who lives there…Aiyokukami. She used to be appeased by the yearly festival thrown in her honor…but about five years ago, something went wrong. The town failed to appease her.”
Miroku pursed his lips thoughtfully and tapped his chin with his finger. While the merchant paused in his story to confer with another traveling companion, the houshi began to put together what was probably going on in the cursed town. A female Kami of Lust is angered, what would she exact as a price on the townsfolk? He could only imagine - and he had a vivid imagination! What might these townsfolk be willing to pay to rid them selves of this kami? When the merchant went to resume his story, he was surprised to see the young houshi smiling, his violet eyes twinkling with excitement.
“You are not thinking of going to Nikuyoku now, are you?” The merchant said. “It's about the time that Aiyokukami wakes up…and seeks her price from the inhabitants of Nikuyoku.”
“I am an exorcist my dear sir,” Miroku replied. “I think that it is my duty to go there, they need my help.”
“The Aiyokukami will eat you for lunch!” The merchant snapped. “A fine young man such as yourself - you face her and she will chew you up and throw you away! I've seen what she has done to the men of that town…”
Miroku and the merchant had parted ways at the last crossroads. No matter how he had argued, he had been unable to convince Miroku that going to Nikuyoku was a bad idea. The houshi paid no mind when the merchant called him a baka houshi who would end badly as he left. Miroku knew he was destined for a bad end, if he did not find and kill the one who had placed a truly grim curse on his family, which he was now the recipient of. Now this towns curse did not seem like a curse at all to the young houshi! Thinking about it had him grinning, and he swung his staff exuberantly making it chime. He almost felt bad about how much he would make the town pay for the exorcism…but the merchant had assured him the town was well off, if lacking in males with any virility left in them.
`I bet the young women of this town are starving for male attention,' Miroku thought. `Those poor souls, with their young men used up by the vengeful kami, how happy they will be to see me!”
Before Miroku could see the Mt. Nikuyoku, he could feel it. The aura of power reached out and wrapped itself slowly around his body with a fiery heat. Breaking out in a sweat, Miroku licked the drops off his upper lip. A shudder of sexual need went through him, and he closed his eyes a moment to center himself. Breathing deeply, he managed to free himself enough to continue….
`Aiyokukami, I am coming,' Miroku thought. `Just you wait for me…I will appease you.'
Like a fire I'm drawn to her lust
I cant run from her but lord I must
Like a demon I'm drawn to her flame
I'm gonna burn calling her name
I'm gonna burn calling her name