InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the Mountain ❯ Like a Fire I'm Drawn to Her Lust ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 1
Like A Fire I'm Drawn to Her Lust
The road bent down to the right, and Miroku concentrated on keeping his attention on the field below him. The mountain sloped up to his left, pulsing with a call to his blood which he was using all his strength to deny. In the fields beside the road, he saw the bent backs and round, ripe rumps of women working. The tension and despair radiating off them was palpable. He stopped, both hands on his staff, and watched them a moment.
A young woman lifted her head enough to see Mirokus sandals, and mouth open in surprise looked into his face with round eyes. Miroku smiled and gasping she nearly fell over. Others noticed what was happening, and came to gather in front of him with solemn expressions on their faces. Before any one could say anything, an older woman broke through their ranks. They all moved respectfully out of her way as she confronted Miroku.
“Houshi-sama, what brings you to our town?” The woman said. “You must know the danger that exists here for young men at this time.”
“Yes, it is for that very reason I have come,” Miroku replied. “I am an exorcist, and I believe you have need of my services.”
The women behind the leader shifted about and whispered amongst themselves as the older woman leaned on her hoe and raised an eyebrow. Mirokus gaze was steady and confident as he waited for her reply.
“Others have tried,” the woman said. “What makes you think you will succeed where they have failed? If you value your sanity, I advise you to leave.”
“Ayuka-sama,” the first young woman said, bowing her head deferentially, “if I may be so bold, this houshi is showing no effects of Aiyokukami's call. Maybe he can help us.”
Miroku smiled as he saw the looks of hope on the others faces. But Ayuka's expression was stoic. He could tell she would be a hard nut to crack. But he was confident in his ability to win her over. It was time to take another tack.
“Where are your men folk?” Miroku asked.
“They are in hiding, we are protecting them the best we can,” Ayuka replied.
“Take me to them,” Miroku said. “Let me see what I can do.”
The murmuring of the women grew louder, and there was no denying the tinge of desperation of their tone. Closing her eyes a moment, Ayuka bowed her head. She nodded, heaving a sigh that belied her heavy burden.
“Come, if you must,” Ayuka said. “I will lead you to them.”
The headwoman turned to lead Miroku away, and he winked at the assembled group of younger women as he passed. He was gratified by the blushes and shining eyes he got in return. Still tendrils of lust licked at him if he let his guard down, and he twitched drawing on his inner strength to combat it. He knew her pull would only get stronger, and he was determined to use his will to face her in his own time.
The center of town looked empty, and tension and sadness seemed to echo down the once bustling streets. Miroku looked at the shuttered shops and businesses for any signs of life as he followed Ayuka. All he got was a glimpse of an elderly face looking out of a window. The town seemed like it had been prosperous, and Miroku hoped they were still well off. Even so, the houshi was confident they would be wealthy once more after he got rid of the kami.
Soon they were through the business part of town, and walking past homes. Although he could hear the sounds of children, they were not to be seen as one would have expected. The sounds were subdued, and came from inside. Occasionally the static air was broken by the sound of a baby's wailing - but it was fleeting.
Still, Ayuka led on into some low lying hills looking like the stooped over backs of women working in the fields. Another older woman suddenly saw them, and quirked an eyebrow at Miroku as they approached.
“Ayuka-sama, you find another man trying to escape the wrath of Aiyokukami?” She said. “Someone should have told him to stay away.”
“No Saika-sama,” Ayuka replied, her mouth in a grim line. “This houshi…”
Realizing she did not know his name, Ayuka turned to regard Miroku who smiled depreciatively and bowed.
“I am Miroku, fine ladies,” the houshi replied, his cloth and bead covered hand to his middle. “I am a well known exorcist, with much experience.”
“Huh,” Saika huffed derisively, hands on hips. “You look too young to have such a reputation.”
“I assure you, my life experience is great for one as youthful as myself,” Miroku replied smoothly. “I left the shrine where I was raised when no more than a mere boy.”
While Ayuka and Saika exchanged looks and then conferred, Miroku regarded his surroundings. He sensed a weak use of spiritual energy about, probably to keep out the kami. But with what he was feeling form this kami, he knew it would not be enough. The men would not be able to resist her pull, and it would only get stronger.
“May I see what kind of wards you have in place?” Miroku interjected politely.
Nodding, Saika beckoned him forward and led Miroku and Ayuka around the side of the hill. As he had suspected, there were wards in place around a narrow entrance to a cave. The women stood back as he inspected them, one hand behind his back and the other on his staff. It seemed some houshi of not much strength or knowledge had erected them some time ago.
The face of a young man peeked out of the cave as Miroku got closer and regarded him with a mixture of hope and trepidation. The houshi looked up and smiled at him, and he smiled back timidly.
“These wards are no match for your angry Kami,” Miroku said. “I will erect stronger ones, for you.”
“And how will you protect yourself, houshi-sama?” The young man replied. “Will you be joining us?”
Grinning, Miroku shook his head. Others peeked out to watch as the houshi began setting things up. Saika and Ayuka kept their distance and let him work silently. He realized that he must work quickly.
`Come to me…' a sultry, alto voice slithered in to his mind. `You are mine…you can't resist me I am all the female you will ever need.'
A groan escaped Miroku's mouth unbidden, and the men in the cave disappeared back in, in a flash. The houshi closed his eyes and his hands fisted tightly at his sides. It felt like hands were traveling up his body, under his clothes. They were warm and throbbing with erotic charge as they caressed him and he was painfully hard in moments. Damn, but he let her catch him off guard!