InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the Other Side ❯ Summer 1605 ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
all! Animeluvbaby here. It’s been a while and I’m finally writing again, and this time I am writing something other than a one-shot! Woohoo! I’ll try to keep the chapters updated regularly but no guarantees with my hellish schedule. We’ll just see how it goes. Now I present the official prologue to my latest story, On the Other Side. Please enjoy.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters. The plot is the only thing that is mine. I am only using Rumiko Takahashi’s characters to do my sick little bidding. This is strictly fan based and is for no profit, just entertainment.

On the Other Side Prologue: Summer 1605
Terror gripped the hearts of the citizens as word of witchcraft and demons spread throughout the region.
“You have to save him!”
The citizens remained vigilant of potential witch attacks, keen to report any suspicious activities.
“I can’t lose him… not like this…”
The Town Council conducted daily witch “tests” in order to weed out the witches.
“I’m sorry. There’s nothing more we can do for him. He doesn’t have much longer to live. We don’t even know what the disease is.”
A young woman sat with her ill lover, tears in her eyes, praying for a miracle.
“Don’t grieve for me when… I’m gone…”
She stood, determination evident in her eyes. She traveled in a place where she could not be seen. Using her holy power, she summoned the purest elements of Heaven and Earth, fusing them in a single teardrop and creating a small crystal. Feeling triumphant in her endeavors, the woman returned to her lover and used the crystal, hoping it would heal him; unfortunately it only yielded catastrophic results that ultimately worsened her lover’s condition. Determined to save her lover from death, the woman continued to search for the missing element that would heal her lover. Sadly, none of the new methods worked and each left her lover in a more critical state than the last. Her lover died while she was still searching for the missing element. When she discovered her lifeless lover, she fled from her home, finally collapsing in the filed that had become her sanctuary for the last several weeks.
“Please help me…”
She summoned the Moon Spirit and bound its powers to that of the crystal, transforming it into a brilliant diamond. With that, she was able to resurrect her lover. The young woman realized the potential of the diamond and decided to share its blessing with the world… in secret of course being that most people still spoke of witchcraft. She christened the jewel the “Shikon Jewel” and traveled across the region along with her lover, helping those in need. Over time, the people began to adore the lovers and called them “good luck.” The woman was beloved for her beauty and great kindness whereas her lover was adored fore his intellect and wisdom. It helped that he was handsome as well.
One year after his resurrection, the couple married and a year after that, the woman gave birth to a beautiful baby girl; around that time a mysterious man appeared in the region in search of the woman. He asked all over the region where he could find her, but before he could reach her, she had already passed through and was headed for the next town. Three months passed before he finally confronted her.
“I want to end the ongoing war between Heaven and Hell. I want to create a world with no pain and no suffering, the perfect utopia. But I need your help. I need you to use your gift and tear down the barrier between Heaven and Earth. With it gone, we can destroy Heaven’s foundations and overthrow the King. Then you can recreate the world and we can rule the New World as King and Queen.”
She refused and advised the man to end his foolish ambition. That was when the man attacked her.
No one refuses the Master of the Underworld! I am Naraku!”
The battle began and lasted through the night, ending with the woman’s victory. She succeeded in stripping Lucifer of his demonic attributes and sealing them within the deepest crevices of the Shikon Jewel. Finally, she secured his body behind three powerful seals in the furthest corners of Hell. She believed the battle was over for good until she had a vision of a resurrected Lucifer obtaining the power of the Shikon Jewel and hurling the world into utter chaos. The woman returned to reality just as the Town Council and all the citizens ran to the scene of the great battle and found the dead human body Lucifer had possessed. When they inspected the body and found no physical wound that could have caused his death, they immediately accused the woman of witchcraft and sentenced her to death. Her execution would take place that very afternoon.
When the woman’s husband learned of the incident and his wife’s fate, he rushed to the prison along with his daughter. He found her in a cell bound by ropes and completely cut off from the rest of the world.
“This is my fate. But I cannot allow the world to fall into that man’s hands. Please… bring our daughter to me.”
The woman chanted over the child before a black butterfly appeared from nothing and attached itself to her daughter’s lower back, creating a small tattoo. She gave her husband final instructions: “I do not have much time left. I am going to bind my own soul to this jewel… that way I can offer protection and resistance the evil inside. Please… upon our daughter’s sixteenth year, you will give her this jewel. Only our blood can tame what is inside,” the woman used the remainder of her spiritual energy to remove her own soul from her body and seal it within the jewel. Reluctantly, her husband left the prison and his wife’s body. Later that day, he watched in agony as the town burned her body at the stake. Her empty eyes sought him out through the inferno and remained fixed on her face as the flames consumed her.
“They stole her from me! What do you expect me to do, sit and let her killers get away with it? She never deserved that fate!”
Her husband vowed revenge against her executioners: he would achieve his vengeance with the help of the Shikon Jewel. However, a strong barrier appeared, preventing him from drawing on the jewel’s power. Dejected, the lover left the jewel with his daughter at a relative’s home and vanished.
The years passed and the lovers’ daughter grew, as did the spiritual powers she inherited from her mother. As promised, she received the Shikon Jewel on her sixteenth birthday along with her mother’s legacy. She too had the same premonition as her mother, ending with Lucifer holding the Shikon Jewel and a young girl by his side, an evil smirk on her face. She claimed the Shikon Jewel from him and proceeded to use it to transform the world. The daughter realized that this unfortunate event would occur in future generations so she placed the jewel in an enchanted golden cross to suppress future generations’ powers. Time passed and the lovers’ daughter had a daughter of her own, who received the Shikon Jewel on her sixteenth birthday. She led a normal life, unaware of her own spiritual powers and the infinite power contained within the diamond she wore around her neck. The tradition continued into the many generations of young women descended from the creator. Many generations have passed and the prophecy remained unfulfilled; the Shikon Jewel remained safe. However, the dark cloud that hung over the jewel had not completely dissipated: an ominous presence still lurked over its protectors.
“Now it begins…”