InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the Other Side ❯ Truth in a Sea of Lies ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
has certainly be awhile but the wait is over! I present chapter 5 of On the Other Side. Enjoy!

Though it has been a few weeks since the last update, I still don’t own it and never will *sigh* But I do own this wicked plot and original story. XD

Chapter 5: Truth in a Sea of Lies
They always say truth hurts. I never imagined just how true that was. Finding out things about myself and my past… it’s too much at the moment. I have a lot on my plate. Everything decides to hit me all at once. I hate my life and if it weren’t for my mother, the Inutaishos… and Inuyasha… Let’s just say the world won’t miss Kagome Higurashi.

To say Izayoi Inutaisho was pissed off was an understatement. Takeo had always been afraid of his wife’s fiery temper, which was known to manifest itself at a second’s notice, but seeing her actually try to kill her only beloved son set a whole new level to her anger. She heard the noise after Kagome walked in on Sesshomaru and Rin, and Izayoi went to see what was happening. She saw Kagome run out in tears and walked into his room; the only thing that registered in her brain was her son and adoptive daughter were nude and looking guilty.
And today they were going to die.
Lucky for them, Takeo knew that look in his wife’s eye and managed to catch her before she lunged at her son. Takeo was even more surprised when he found he couldn’t get a good hold on her. If the situation wasn’t so dire and if it wasn’t his son he would laugh at the poor son of a bitch that warranted her rage. “Sesshomaru, Rin, I suggest you both get dressed and downstairs in two seconds or I am going to let her go,” he said pulling his highly enraged wife out of the room. He hoped he sounded authoritative and not as scared as he was feeling once he was alone with her in the confines of their bedroom. He actually feared for his life when he felt her aura flare like the seven raging flames of hell. He gulped. “Now Honey,” he began.
She turned a blazing eye to him. “Don’t you dare!” she hissed. “I don’t want to hear it. I’m going down there to make sure your son never has children!”
Takeo cringed. He prayed he would still have a son by the time she was done. At the same time, he willed his arousal away: it turned him on to no end when she was angry and her voice was low and promised death. He groaned inwardly. If he wanted to keep his manhood he would have to keep it in check. That seemed to do the trick as Izayoi stormed downstairs, finding the two waiting patiently for her wrath. “Sesshomaru Inutaisho and Rin Higurashi, what the hell were you two thinking?” Neither of them answered, taking a sudden interest in the patterns on the floor. Izayoi made her aura flare again, making their hearts almost literally stop. “Answer me now!” she screeched.
“Izayoi,” Rin started. “I know it seems bad, but Sesshomaru and I are old enough and I’m in love with him. I want to be his in every sense of the word.”
Sesshomaru sat motionless looking visibly sick. His mind was reeling with what had just happened, his head was spinning and he just wanted to vomit.
Izayoi on the other hand looked even more outraged than before. “You’re in love with him?” she screamed. “Rin, don’t even spew that bullshit to me. You only did it to hurt Kagome! Well fucking congratulations, because you’re destroyed her,” now Sesshomaru wanted to die. He never wanted any of this to happen and he wasn’t even completely aware of how it happened between him and Rin. Everything felt so surreal and he just wanted to drop off the face of the earth. He still had not uttered a word and his mother turned to him. “What do you have to say Sesshomaru?”
He turned his cloudy eyes to her. “Where’s Kagome?” he choked.
Izayoi folded her arms; she was utterly livid. “Why the hell do you care?” she screamed. “You’ve done your damage. I will be surprised if she ever decides to come back home. Thanks to you being such an asshole. I thought you loved Kagome!”
“I do love her!” he snapped.
“Yeah the fuck you do!” Izayoi challenged. She closed her eyes and took a shaky breath. “You two pack some things and get out of my house.”
Takeo nearly fell face first on the floor; he had no idea why his wife was being so harsh. “Honey--”
“No! I want them out! I can’t stand to look at them right now. Get your shit and get out of my house.”
Rin stood up furiously. “You can’t do this! Have you lost your mind?”
Izayoi laughed like a madwoman. “Yeah, you can say I have,” she answered, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “After what you two did to Kagome you’re lucky I don’t strangle the life out of you myself.”
Rin’s fury grew. “Why do you even care about that bitch? She is nothing but trouble! She deserves every ounce of pain for what she did to my parents!”
Rin never even saw Izayoi move let alone when Izayoi slapped her so hard she fell back on the couch. Izayoi’s shoulders were shaking with anger. “Aika was like a sister to me. I loved her dearly. Minoru was my best friend. I love Kagome like my own daughter and that girl has been through enough without her backstabbing sister and dumb ass boyfriend screwing things up further for her. How much fucking pain do you think that child is in?” Izayoi had tears of anger flowing down her cheeks. “She has nightmares. She’s scared. For Christ’s sake she was locked away against her will and practically brainwashed. You don’t know a fucking thing about the fate that child has to endure!”
Izayoi crumpled to the floor in angry tears; Takeo caught her before she hit the floor. He held her close, whispering soothing words in her ear. He turned to Sesshomaru and Rin. “You two go to your rooms and do not come out until I say you can. We’ll discuss this more later. We need to find Kagome.”
Sesshomaru didn’t hesitate to obey his father and left; Rin glared defiantly at both of them before she stood up and stormed off to her room. Takeo looked at his wife, wanted to cry with her because she was in so much pain. He hated when she got so angry she cried. There was nothing he could do until her anger subsided. “Dear Heart, I understand that you are upset and I understand why, but Sweetheart, I need you to find Kagome. She’s probably more upset than you are right now. Please… we have to make sure she is safe.”
Izayoi nodded in agreement and closed her eyes, concentrating on finding Kagome’s aura. “Kagome, if you can hear me, please let me know that you are okay. Please Honey come home so we can talk. I promise they won’t hurt you anymore. Please come home, Kagome. I love you.”
Kagome sat in a ball on Inuyasha’s bed, staring blankly out of the balcony window. She felt completely numb. Her body was stiff and she couldn’t even feel her heartbeat anymore. The scene played repeatedly in her head until she just buried it just like her other memories. She couldn’t describe the amount of hurt she felt in that single moment of time. The two people she trusted most betrayed her in the worst way imaginable. Moreover, despite the debilitating pain she was in, Eve had not shown herself at all. Kagome wondered where she had vanished to. She wanted to get whatever she needed to do over with and die. She buried her face in her knees and hugged them closer; she wanted to cry again but her tears were all used up for the day. She sighed. Her muscles ached from sitting in the same position for more than an hour, but she refused to move. She knew she was imposing on Inuyasha, but Sesshomaru and Rin killed her happiness in a couple of days; she wondered how it became like this. She was finally free from that hellhole, gone home with her adoptive parents, spent time with the love of her life, had her heart broken by that same person, met someone that strangely made her soul light up, and had her sister and best friend/boyfriend betray her in such a way. She sniffled. “It would have been better if I stayed in that place.”
“Don’t say that,” Inuyasha replied quietly. She looked at him with a flushed face and puffy eyes. He walked over to the bed and cautiously sat down. She remained in her tiny ball and if possible, she hugged herself tighter. As Inuyasha looked at her, he felt a stab of pain in his heart. He never wanted to see her like this and it physically hurt him to see her in so much pain. “Are you thirsty?” he asked.
Kagome had not realized how scratchy her throat was or even how long she had been there like that. She nodded and he handed her a cold bottle of water; she gulped it slowly, letting the cool liquid soothe her dry throat. She held the bottle tightly, staring vacantly out of Inuyasha’s window. Inuyasha could not take it anymore. He reached over and gently pulled Kagome to him; he was surprised when she didn’t resist and rested her head on his lap, allowing him to stroke her hair absently. He never said a word, just letting his finger work her scalp until she relaxed under his touch; he sent calming waves of his aura over the girl until she drifted to sleep. Satisfied that she was finally resting, Inuyasha settled himself in a comfortable position with Kagome in his arms and joined her in peaceful slumber.
Kagome was panting heavily, her energy almost completely drained. Her body ached tremendously; her birthmark burned with a new intensity and she could barely keep consciousness from it all. She forced her body to move; she needed it to move. His life depended on it. She gathered as much strength as she could and charged at the tall dark haired man. He held an unconscious figure in his hands and he grinned menacingly as a long dagger appeared in his hand. The captive man stirred and slowly opened his hazy honey eyes. Kagome gasped and, thinking she was looking at Inuyasha, started running faster, trying to reach him, but it seemed that she was stuck in a loop. “Inuyasha!” she screamed throwing her hand out, trying to reach for him.
His golden eyes filled with sadness and he smile apologetically. “Forgive me, Rosebud,” he said quietly.
Her eyes widened and she froze on the spot; new waves of hot tears fell down her face. “Sesshomaru,” she whispered. The dark haired man raised the dagger and plunged it into Sesshomaru’s back. Kagome screamed as Sesshomaru crumpled to the floor. The dark haired man chuckled evilly as he turned his attention to Kagome. Her body was frozen as he came to her, grabbing her chin to look at her. His grin widened as he leaned forward and claim her lips; she felt instantly weak, realizing that she could not fight him off. She cried silently in hopelessness. A brilliant light spread from her body as she felt herself grow steadily weaker.
Sesshomaru lied in his bed going through everything that had happened. He cursed under his breath; he wondered how everything had gone so wrong. He was more than overjoyed when he saw Kagome standing at the end of the staircase: he felt as if he had died and she was his own personal angel guiding him to Heaven. The love he had for her was renewed with new vigor upon seeing the gorgeous blue eyes he dreamed of every night for four years. Then it seemed like everything went to hell after she collapsed at dinner. He could feel something was horribly off when he awoke on her bedroom floor after he brought her to her room. Details as to how he ended up unconscious on the floor in the first place was still blurry; all he could remember was an excruciating pain in his chest. The minute he woke up he felt incomplete. He knew immediately that a large part of him was missing. When Kagome mentioned the change in his eyes, he felt nauseas and angry. He was confused and did not understand his rage toward the girl he loved more than life itself. Of course, he wanted her like never before; he craved her body as much as he craved her heart and soul, but he wanted to wait until she was ready for him. Needless to say he was not going to deny himself some fun in the process: his time with her in her bedroom was very enjoyable.
He groaned in frustration. Nothing was making sense at the moment. He had royally screwed up by sleeping with Rin and even then, he was not fully aware of what he was doing. He mentally slapped himself: that sounded lame even to his ears. However, that did not change the facts. Rin had been acting very strange since Kagome returned home. Usually, Rin spent a lot of time out or locked in her room. She rarely spoke to him and then she suddenly declared that she was in love with him. What bothered him even more was the fact she wasn’t the least bit regretful for what she did. By the time Kagome had walked in on the scene, whatever spell he was under was broken.
He jumped up in sudden realization. His mind was hazy whenever Rin was around him. He dug deeper, trying to remember something vital. Her face came in clearly in his mind and he thought about her eyes. They were a purplish color the last time he saw her. He thought harder, but it was becoming more difficult for him to call forth his memory: it actually caused him pain to think about it. He growled as his mind would not pull up the information he was looking for. Someone had put a mental block on him; he knew because his mother was known to use it sometimes.
The hair on the back of his neck stood up as he felt another presence in the room. He looked around cautiously trying to pinpoint his location. “I know you’re here, you may as well show yourself,” he said authoritatively. He turned his gaze to a corner in his room where it remained fixed until a person came from the shadows.
The woman that appeared before him had fiery red hair that fell down to the middle of her back in loose curls and deeply tanned skin; she stood tall and regally as she looked back at Sesshomaru. She wore a black hooded cloak over a black kimono style dress with slits that stopped at the waist on each side and a pair of leather ankle boots. What captivated Sesshomaru the most were here eyes: her left eye was emerald green with flecks of gold while her right eye was golden honey with flecks of green. “Hello, Young One. We finally meet, she said in a smooth, velvety voice.
Sesshomaru furrowed his brow. “Who are you?”
“My name is of no importance, but if you must call me something, ‘Angelus’ will suffice.”
“Angelus,” he said her name as if to test it. “What are you doing here?”
Angelus raised an elegant eyebrow. “You want answers, ne? You know that something is not right but you do not have the resources you need to get the answers. You need those key points in order to help Kagome.”
This piqued Sesshomaru’s interest when she mentioned Kagome. “How do you know her?”
“That child has a great destiny to fulfill and because of your connection to her, you are an important key to her accomplishing that goal. However, I need you to trust me.”
Sesshomaru looked at her skeptically. He wasn’t certain who to trust at the moment. He knew that everything was being thrown into chaos since Kagome’s return and that certainly was no coincidence. He had known for a long time that there was something unique about her aside from the powers she inherited from her mother, but even then she had surpassed her mother in ways unimaginable. He was always drawn to her and he always felt that she was made especially for him. He wanted to understand why things were happening this way; he wanted to know why his soul felt so empty. Yet he always did things to harm Kagome. He looked at Angelus. Though he was not sure, he was willing to do anything to get what he needed to help Kagome. He nodded. “Tell me what I need to do.”
Angelus was pleased that he had accepted. Now the true battle was about to begin. “First of all you will have to leave this place for a while. I do know that you want to stay close to Kagome, but for this to work you must leave. I will be your companion for the duration of your hiatus. I want you to trust me and believe in me and the things I will teach you. You won’t be able to see Kagome for a long time. Are you prepared for the trials that await you?”
Sesshomaru was slightly taken aback by the information he had just received but refused to back down nonetheless. Angelus noticed the aqua tint trying to bleed through his dull eyes and she smiled inwardly. The spell will be broken much easier than I thought. This boy is determined to find his answers. “Shall we, Sesshomaru?” he nodded his approval. “Good. You will leave for the mainland at dawn. Leave no word or clue of your departure.”
Sesshomaru nodded his understanding. Angelus vanished within the shadows and Sesshomaru no longer felt her presence. He quickly grabbed a small bag and packed a few necessities for the journey. As he lied back down to rest, he said a silent prayer for Kagome’s safety until he could return home to her once again.
Kagome, if you can hear me, please let me know that you are okay. Please Honey come home so we can talk. I promise they won’t hurt you anymore. Please come home, Kagome. I love you.
“Izayoi-chan,” Kagome moaned as she slowly opened her eyes then immediately shut again as bright rays of sunshine attacked her unsuspecting pupils. She groaned as she heard a giggle directly above her. “Well good morning,” Eve chirped cheerfully.
Kagome threw her arm over her eyes and sighed heavily. “You’re insanely jovial now. Where have you been?”
Eve’s smile faded. “I’ve been out gathering information. It seems there is a small time limit on your little mission.”
Kagome sighed again. “That being?”
“The Night of the Blood Moon, or rather the night of the full moon in the tenth month of the year. It seems they have marked that Night as the time to carry out their plans.”
Kagome grumbled softly. “Do we even know who they are? Why am I even the one having to deal with this? Just let me die and be done with this,” she was rewarded with a swift kick to her side. “What the hell was that for?” she snapped, letting her fiery short temper get the better of her.
“For making dumb ass suggestions,” Eve replied with a neutral expression. “Now let’s stop with the bad jokes and get serious.”
Kagome grunted and rolled over to her side. “Look I’m not in the mood to deal with any of this right now so can I take a rain check?”
Eve felt her temper flare at Kagome’s disregard to the situation; then she smirked as a wicked idea formed in her head. Materializing a sword in her hand, she lifted it over head, swinging it downward quickly. Kagome barely moved out of the way in time as the tip of the blade sliced through the fabric of her dress. Kagome snarled angrily, her eyes ablaze. “What the hell is your problem?” she demanded.
Eve shrugged. “You said you wanted to die. So allow me to grant your wish,” Eve charged at Kagome; Kagome was barely able to conjure up a sword to deflect Eve’s attack in time. Eve’s sword clashed with Kagome’s and they battled briefly for dominance; Kagome managed to push Eve back, but Eve used the momentum to do a 360 slash to Kagome’s midsection, effectively slicing away another strip of fabric of Kagome’s dress. “It’s hard to believe that you defeated me before,” Eve sneered. “Maybe it was dumb luck.”
Kagome gritted her teeth ash she felt an angry flush spread on her face and neck. Her anger was getting out of control and she shut her eyes to calm herself, hearing her father’s words: “The minute you lose your head in battle is the minute you lose the fight. Take that anger and channel it to your blade. Let it be your strength and guide your hand. Focus and be in sync with your blade.”
Even stood with her hand placed haughtily on her hip and yawned loudly, pretending to work out a crick in her neck. “Are you ready to give up now?”
Kagome opened her eyes and took an offensive stance. “I bet you once and I most certainly can do it again,” she answered with a leer.
Eve’s clenched her jaw momentarily, then took a defensive stance. “Very well. Defeat me or die.”
Kagome attacked, raising her arm to appear that she was going to slash downward; Eve was prepared to block the attack but was caught off guard when Kagome changed her direction, thrusting her blade forward. She barely missed Kagome’s sword as she side stepped, and her eyes widened as Kagome used the momentum to pivot on her toes, swinging her weapon in a perfect 180 degree angle. She watched in astonishment as the blade cute a thin line into her skin before stumbling backwards, ready to defend herself again; however Kagome was too quick for her to react in time. Kagome swiftly dropped to the ground, throwing her foot out in a semi-circle motion, effectively catching Eve and causing her to lose her balance; while she was mid-air, Kagome thrust her free hand to Eve’s abdomen, channeling some of her aura behind the force. When her palm connected to her target, it threw Eve ten feet away. Though Kagome had only used a portion of her spiritual energy, she was instantly weakened and fell to her knees. She smirked slightly when she found her new theory worked out perfectly; she had never used it before and discovered quickly that she would have to learn how to control her energy more efficiently. The strain was too great on her body and she weakened rapidly.
Eve quickly regained her composure, absolutely livid that Kagome had caught her so easily. Her eyes narrowed when she saw Kagome kneeling. “Don’t tell me you are that weak!” she taunted.
She heard Kagome growl. “Like you’re one to talk. You fell easily for my attack,” Kagome felt a sharp pain in her chest. But I don’t know if I can even defend myself at the moment.
Eve knew Kagome was weak, but she would not deter from her task. Kagome had definitely angered Eve by her carelessness and she was going to make the girl understand how important her destiny was to the survival of the world she knew. She ran full speed at Kagome with killer intent. Kagome lifted her sword to defend herself, but Eve broke through the blade, shattering it and slicing Kagome down the middle. Luckily, it wasn’t life threatening, but the pain was unbearable and Kagome was in no condition to continue fighting. Eve pointed her blade at Kagome’s throat, her eyes dark and menacing. “You really wanted to die huh?” Eve spat. “Obviously life is wasted on you anyway. You want your misery to end, so be it. I shall grant your wish. But know that with your death, you have doomed everyone to hell.”
Something in that statement bothered Kagome. Of course she wanted to end her own pain, but how much pain would she be causing other people? How widely spread would it be? She felt tears begin to sting her eyes. How could I have been so selfish? She noticed the muscles in Eve’s arm tense; she was going to attack. Kagome squeezed her eyes shut: images of the Inutaishos, her sister, her parents, and Sesshomaru all flashed behind her closed lids. Then she saw an image of Inuyasha and she gasped; she wasn’t expecting that and she thought of all the possibilities she would miss with him if she were to die here and now. No! I don’t want to die! I want to protect them! I DON’T WANT TO DIE!!
A bright light erupted from Kagome, bathing the entire area in its luminance. Kagome opened here eyes and found herself gazing at another woman: her skin was white like fresh snow and her hair was a midnight black, falling in deep waves down her stunningly curvaceous body. She was tall and held a regal appearance. Her eyes were magnificently blue with no distinction between her pupil and iris. What struck Kagome even more was that she looked like an older version of herself. The woman smiled softly at Kagome. “Hello, Little One,” her voice was melodious and calming. “It’s nice to finally meet you face to face.”
Kagome continued to stare, mesmerized by her beauty. “Who are you?”
“My name is Midoriko, and I am the Goddess of the Moon. I know a lot about you, Kagome,” Kagome remained silent and Midoriko’s smiled widened. “I guess you would like some answers. Very well. I shall tell you some things. I have not revealed myself since the creator bound my powers to the Shikon Jewel. I never had much of a reason to since the creator’s daughter sealed off her powers along with every girl born of her blood. That is… until your conception. There was something different about your abilities and they even manifested themselves while you were sill in your mother’s womb. You, Kagome Higurashi, are the chosen Daughter of the Moon. Whatever decision you make in the future can greatly alter the world as you know it.”
Kagome felt the initial numbness begin to fade away and her brain began to work again. “That girl said something to me as well. That I’m different.”
Midoriko nodded. “That child is Kanna and she is the one responsible for sealing away every girl’s power before you; she is also the daughter of the creator. But again, it seems that your power is greater than hers and you have broken her spell.”
“Midoriko-sama, I am terribly confused. Everything is happening so quickly and I hardly understand what is going on. Now you suddenly appear and Eve is constantly by my side. Sesshomaru… no long loves me and my sister has betrayed me. Please, Midoriko-sama. Can you help me?”
Midoriko smiled sadly. “Unfortunately, Little One, I cannot. I am only here because you have expressed a strong will to live. As the Goddess of the Moon and because my power is bound to the Shikon Jewel which you guard, I am here to grant you my power. However, there is a condition. You must make a pact with me. Only then can you have my power.”
Kagome’s eyes widened. “A pact?”
Midoriko nodded slightly. “A pact was made between the creator of the Shikon Jewel and myself in order to maintain my power in such a fragile jewel. As a matter of fact,” she turned and faced Eve who had remained frozen since Midoriko’s appearance; Midoriko touched Eve’s forehead and Eve stumbled forward slightly, anger still burning in her eyes. She blinked a couple of times when she realized there was someone standing protectively in front of Kagome. Her eyes widened a fraction as Midoriko grinned widely. “It has been far too long, Eve,” she said with a knowing smirk.
“Midoriko-sama,” Eve nodded her head respectfully. “To what do we owe the honor?”
Midoriko pulled Kagome gently from the ground, draping an arm protectively around her shoulders before approaching Eve. “This Little One has expressed a will to live and protect and I have come to offer my services. But of course you know that it comes at a price. I was just going to make my pact with the Little One but I have my own request to make at the moment. I thought it would behoove you to hear my proposition.”
Eve eyed Kagome carefully: Kagome’s eyes were slightly glazed over and she had a far away look. Eve noticed how her eyes would flash with confusion then a determined rage before she became lost to her thoughts again. Eve was still irked with Kagome for her behavior but Midoriko’s proposition intrigued her. “Very well then. What do you wish to discuss?”
Midoriko grinned and gently squeezed Kagome’s shoulder, waking her from her mini-trance. “As you both know, this Little One has a great destiny to fulfill, however, she cannot achieve this on her own. Eve you have already paved the path for her to follow and have also offered your guidance. However, because you are a permanent part of Kagome, you can only manifest yourself in the physical world as a projection that only Kagome can see and hear. I believe that for Kagome to grow into her powers and understand her destiny, you must have a physical body so that you may remain in the physical world more permanently. It is one thing to train Kagome mentally, but as she comes into her power it will take a toll on her physical body, thus leaving her vulnerable to the enemy. With you also as a bodily mentor, she will be able to strengthen her body and you can protect her if need be. I shall continue training her mind and spirit here. Do you find this acceptable?”
Eve pondered the possibilities; Midoriko brought up some very valid points that Eve really did not know how she was going to counter. Everything Midoriko offered made sense, but there was one thing that nagged at her. She looked at Midoriko, her eyes unreadable. “I get a second chance?”
Midoriko smiled and nodded. “You have tortured yourself for far too long. Though it will only be until the Little One completes her task, you will have a chance. It’s only fair after what you did for--”
“I understand,” Eve said quickly, cutting Midoriko off. She eyed Kagome warily before turning her attention back to the Moon Goddess, bowing deeply. “There will be no way to express my gratitude for your graciousness. Arigatou gozaimasu, Midoriko-sama.”
Midoriko winked at Eve and turned back to the still dazed Kagome. “Little One. It’s time for you to begin. I, the Moon Goddess, Midoriko, ask you, Kagome Higurashi, the Chosen Daughter of the Moon to a pact between us. Do you accept the terms I have offered as well as any trials that may and certainly will come?”
Kagome turned wide, child-like eyes to Midoriko, tears beaded in their corners. “Midoriko-sama,” she said in a tiny voice. “I’m afraid,” she turned to Eve. “Eve, I understand now how serious this all is, but I’m terrified of what will happen,” she looked at her trembling palms, horror spreading on her face. “I don’t know what I’m capable of or if any of this is for real. I feel something deep within me. Nothing makes sense anymore,” she slowly shut her eyes, letting her tears flow freely. She remained silent as Eve and Midoriko watched her patiently. When Kagome opened her eyes, again, they held a raging fire that neither woman had ever seen before. “I do know that for the sake of my loved ones and for the memory of my mother, I will do whatever it takes to protect them. Midoriko-sama, I accept the terms. Tell me what I need to do to make this happen.”
Midoriko felt pride swell in her chest at the fragile young woman’s declaration. “You don’t have to lift a finger, Little One. I shall take care of everything. Just be sure to get plenty of rest in the next few days. Eve, make sure that her body is well rested before you begin her training. Now let us begin.”
Midoriko raised her hands in the air and immediately the sunny meadow melted around them and was replaced with a field filled with various moon lilies and various other moon flowers; fireflies danced on the breeze as a full moon hung idly affixed on the dark black of sky splashed with tiny sparkling lights. Wispy clouds sailed languidly across the moon’s surface. Everything held a hazy glow from the oversized moon. Midoriko’s body also maintained an ethereal shimmer and at that moment Kagome had no doubt that she was the Goddess of the Moon. Midoriko’s eyelids slid closed. “The Death Moon is almost past and the Awakening Moon is upon us. I as the Commander of the Moon call upon thee,” the moon cast a beam of light on Kagome, bathing her in its essence. Kagome could feel a gentle tug somewhere near her heart; then another beam shot out of her chest and into Eve, who slumped over immediately and fell unconscious. The light receded back to the moon and Kagome collapsed on her knees, panting slightly. She could feel her strength slowly dissipating, but in an unexpected way; she felt as if her very life-force was being drained. Midoriko merely waved her hand, causing the moon to glow a little brighter, once again bathing Kagome in its essence. Kagome felt reenergized but she was tired; Eve stirred seconds later. “Good to see you are fine,” Midoriko said. Eve nodded mutely and Midoriko looked between the two women. She approached Kagome and gently lifted her dress so she could see the butterfly mark on her back, she laid a delicate finger against it, making a crescent moon appear near the right wing. “I mark you Little One with my symbol. I grant you, Kagome Higurashi, Guardian of the Shikon Jewel, my power and wisdom. I look forward to seeing what you do with your newfound powers.”
Kagome stared at Midoriko, perplexed. “Guardian?”
Midoriko’s eyes widened a fraction. “You mean you don’t know? The Shikon Jewel is inside you.”
A lone hooded figure walked down a long hallway toward the large, thick wooden double doors. It hesitated for a second before pushing the door open and walking through the large audience chamber, filled with spectators whispering excitedly amongst each other. The figure walked down the aisle with purpose, knowing instantly that there were numerous eyes following its path. It finally approached the woman sitting on the throne, whose eyes twinkled with mirth as she stood to acknowledge the newcomer, her blood red dress making small whispering noises. “You have arrived, excellent.”
The figure bowed. “Lady Kagura,” a feminine voice spoke from under the hood. “It is an honor to be in your presence again. I came as soon as I heard the news. The lord has been revived?”
Kagura smiled. “Yes, which is why we’re here,” she turned her attention to the large audience. The figure took her place to the left of the throne, finally realizing the girl standing to the right. She held a cocky smirk on her pouty lips and her deep indigo eyes burned with malice and amusement. The figure stiffened as she realized who the girl was. She felt a wave of sadness wash over her form but did not allow it to be visible. She set her jaw and started straight ahead as Kagura continued with her speech. “It is with the greatest pleasure that I inform you all that the Master and Lord of the Underworld has finally been awakened,” there were collected gasps and muted applause throughout the chamber as Kagura smirked and raised her hand to silence the congregation. “Without further delay, I present to you, Master Naraku.”
A tall, noble man stepped from behind the curtain: his calf length ebony hair flowed freely behind him as she walked and his purplish lips held a smirk. His blood colored eyes demanded respect as did his lean, muscular build. He wore a long, black trench coat with no shirt underneath, exposing his powerful, pale chest; he also wore a pair of black jeans and boots. His smirk widened when he noticed the women of the audience, visibly drool at his very presence. I still got it, he thought smugly as he stood in front of the throne to examine his audience. As his piercing gaze raked over the population, silence fell upon each of them. “It appears that the Holy Warrior bitch underestimated our power,” his voice was smooth and velvety, making many women swoon on the spot. “She thought she could seal me away but she was gravely mistaken. I return to you at last after finally breaking her enchantment,” the audience erupted in applause and Naraku took a moment to bask in the glory before raising his hand for silence. “A new age is about to begin. On the Night of the Blood Moon, our plans will come to fruition. I shall covet the Shikon Jewel and lay waste to this pathetic world. Then we shall take our war to Heaven itself and overthrow the king bringing in a New World Order. It’s time that this world get a new King and I am looking to gain a new kingdom. I am certain you all will support and join my campaign,” the room roared with agreement and approval before abruptly falling into silence once again. Naraku then turned to Kagura and put an arm around her waist. “Also allow me to introduce your future Queen,” he could not stop the wicked grin as he noticed nearly every eye fill with scorn. He knew that the lady in his arms was the most wanted female in the Underworld and of course he, himself being the charming, handsome bastard he was, he was also wanted by every female. He knew now that he laid his claim on the woman, no one would dare touch her. “We have found the new Holy bitch and in time we will obtain her power and make her join our cause. Once she is in our hands, our plans will be executed and we will finally gain what is ours! The King of Kings shall fall by my hand!”
A loud roar of praise rang through the chamber. Rin grinned maniacally knowing she had a hand in this. The hooded woman stared neutrally at everyone and everything, calculating her next move. Naraku took Kagura’s arm and led her back behind the curtain, giving her a passionate and lust-filled kiss once they were hidden. He held her possessively around her waist when they broke apart. “Lover, are you certain you should have announced your return while you are still powerless?” Kagura questioned, still trying to catch her breath.
“It does not matter,” he answered. “No one would dare challenge my authority. In time I shall regain what was taken from me. Until then, continue your work,” he stroked her cheek tenderly. “I would hate for my bride to be a failure.”
She leaned into his touch. “I will not fail you, my lord.”
“Good,” he kissed her one final time and she left their confines to rejoin Rin. The hooded woman walked in seconds later; Naraku grinned widely as he removed her hood and stared in her eyes. “You are still as lovely as always. I was right in giving your soul back.”
The woman’s face remained stoic. “It is thanks to you, my lord, that I am able to have a second chance at life,” she responded monotonously. “As of now, I am undergoing plans to have the chosen one captured by the Night of the Blood Moon. I am certain that you will have her by then.”
He cupped her face. “I knew I could count on you. Continue with your plans. I look forward to your next report.”
She nodded her head. “Yes, my lord,” he leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers; her eyes remained opened and unfocused as a single tear escaped her lashes. As soon as he pulled away, she vanished into thin air.
“I cannot believe you never told her!” Midoriko hissed as she cradled an unconscious Kagome in her arms. “And then you tried to kill her when she so obviously has no clue what’s going on! I swear you haven’t changed one bit. You’re still every bit of selfish as you were then.”
Eve narrowed her eyes. “I felt that the information would be best revealed at a later date.”
“When? After she was dead and her soul is damned like the others? She is the Chosen! The cycle is supposed to end with her and you were going to kill her!” Eve looked as if she was going to say something more, but Midoriko cut her off. “I don’t want to hear your excuses. Let’s not forget that this mess would never have happened had it not been for someone wanting to undo Fate.”
Eve clenched her jaw and averted her gaze. Midoriko could tell she was feeling remorse but at the same time Midoriko refused to apologize. Just then, another woman appeared between them; Midoriko felt a tiny smile tug at her lips. “Well, if things just don’t continue getting interesting. I had no idea you were also involved in this fiasco.”
The woman removed her hood, revealing fiery red hair. “Wherever that child is of course I am involved,” she looked lovingly at the girl Midoriko carried. “I never had the chance to be with my own daughter before she was taken away from me. I have a need to protect this child.”
Midoriko nodded. “I understand. But is that the only reason you are here?”
The woman turned her attention to Eve and nodded. “Hello Eve,” she greeted.
“Angelus,” she responded back. “I see that you are well.”
“I have just returned from their stronghold. The first seal is broken.”
Eve stiffened. “So the Dark Lord has obtained his body. Only a certain portion of the soul of the one Kagome loves most can break that seal. This means that someone is working quickly and knows much about that battle four hundred years ago.”
“There’s more,” Angelus continued, her eyes downcast. “Her sister is involved in this chaos.”
Both Midoriko and Eve gasped. “Her sister..?” Midoriko asked incredulously. “They’re using someone that close to her?” she asked angrily this time
“It was strange that her beloved began acting differently after a point. But even if that part of his soul was obtained, it should not have altered his character. They must have taken much more of his soul, particularly the part that was only for Kagome; but the question is, why did they need that much and what are they using it for?”
“I’m not certain at the moment. What is the next seal?” Angelus asked.
“For the next seal to be broken, the blood of her beloved must be spilled on the crest that was placed on Naraku’s body, but there is a catch. It must be spilled by the Chosen herself for it to work.”
“There’s no way that seal will be broken,” Midoriko affirmed. “The Little One could not kill her beloved willingly.”
Willingly,” Eve accentuated. “It does not mean that she can’t be controlled.”
“Then we shall teach her mental blocks. I believe the one called Izayoi Inutaisho specializes in this,” Midoriko pondered.
“Yes,” Angelus confirmed. “She will be more than willing to help Kagome. She is very protective of her,” she then glanced at Eve. “So when are you going to tell her your true identity, Eve?”
“When the time is right. She doesn’t need to know just yet,” she gave Midoriko a meaningful glare before turning back to Angelus. “You have secrets of your own. Why won’t you reveal your identity.”
Angelus turned away. “Because… my soul is not my own. He has claimed me and there is nothing I can do.”
“Lies,” Eve spat. “He may have part of your soul, but he cannot obtain your will. I have offered my protection because of the unbreakable bond we share, and one day you will take your rightful place with the others.”
Angelus looked between both women. “Please take care of her. She has been through enough as it is and her pain is only going to grow.”
“We shall do everything in our power to protect her,” it was Midoriko’s turn to give Eve a fierce look.
Angelus began to walk away from the group of women but stopped. “By the way, I have decided to take Sesshomaru,” she said, her back still to them. “He has a few things to learn if Kagome is to face the Master of the Underworld.”
Eve stared wide eyed and Midoriko just smirked. “Your soul is your own,” she said.
Angelus looked over her shoulder and gave her a curt nod. “I shall keep in touch on their activity as I train him. Until we meet again, Midoriko-sama. Eve,” without another word Angelus disappeared into nothing.
Midoriko looked at Kagome still resting comfortably in her arms. “It’s time for this Little One to get some well deserved rest,” she kissed Kagome’s forehead before Kagome also faded away. Midoriko turned to Eve. “You should be prepared to enter your new body. Stay close to the Little One. But remember that she is fragile and this is a very strong task that she is undergoing. Be patient with her and do not try to kill her again when she feels she wants to give up. She is just a young girl who wants to live a normal life, but that was made impossible because a certain woman wanted to be with her beloved. I’m sure you can understand her pain,” she smirked. Eve felt a slight blush creep on her cheeks as she nodded, avoiding Midoriko’s eyes. Midoriko chuckled and touched Eve’s forehead with her index finger, making a small crescent moon appear under her bangs. “Go now. And though everything seems urgent at the moment, try to enjoy your second chance. You and Kagome can learn a lot from each other,” she winked.
Eve smiled weakly before disappearing. Midoriko turned to face the moon, a gentle breeze caressing her body and ruffling her hair slightly. “In six moons, the final battle will decide their fates. I pray that this will be the end of a long battle,” she nodded her head in silent prayer. She felt a small hand on her arm and she turned around to meet the group of women she had come to know in her four hundred years of confinement. “Kanna,” she greeted.
Kanna smiled weakly. “I have known you for quite some time Midoriko-sama, and each woman after me has grown to know you as well. I trust your decision to grant Kagome your power. We shall also do what we can to aid you.”
Midoriko nodded in gratitude. “Let us work hard… not only for the sake of the world, but so Kikyo and Kagome can be free as well.”
“Yes,” Kanna agreed. “For the sake of my mother let us do what we can.”

A/N: @.@ Holy Hell that took me forever to get out. I just could not find the perfect way to end this chapter so sorry if it’s lacking its usual cliffhanger element :P. I think this is the longest chapter I’ve written yet, I just could not stop the twists that kept coming. XD
Now I gotta say this: I have had 537 hits on this story and I only have TWO review? I have never been one to bitch about reviews but I’m feeling a bit unloved here. Obviously people are reading the story, but no one’s commenting, not even to tell me that the story sucks (which I will pay no attention to because I love my story like I would my own child [if I had one :S]) but come on people! Give me something to work off of and I may update a bit faster! It’s like what if Rumiko didn’t get any feedback on her manga/anime and she decided to quit making them (I’m not going to quit but you get the idea!)
Well until next chapter! Ja ne! ^_^