InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the Other Side ❯ Evil is Now Good ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Redbutterfly back with the next chapter! XD I wanted to take time to thank all the readers of my story, even the silent visitors! You guys motivate me to continue.

DISCLAIMER: Inuyasha and all characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I am borrowing her characters from my own original story. I make no profit in publishing this and this is written for pure enjoyment and entertainment purposes only. The only thing I own is the storyline.

Chapter 4: Evil is Now Good
There is never a dull day in my life. I lost consciousness again after supposedly having some major epiphany. Luckily Eve was there but it was odd for her to leave me hanging like that. I wonder if she actually knows more than she is letting on. There’s always the thought that she does. Nothing is exactly adding up at the moment. All those visions were connected in some form or fashion. I just have to think a little harder to get my answers.
Of course I eventually had to return home to Sesshomaru. But he surprised and hurt me by doing one of the most unforgivable acts. He destroyed my heart and foolishly enough, I still love the bastard. I can’t figure out what happened to him… maybe blame the new change he went through. But it seems that whatever bad I am going through there is some good. I met someone and though I have just met him I feel strangely connected to him.
For the most part I have to do more digging into my past in order to learn more about my mission. I have a lot of work to do.

His eyes snapped open and he sat up in his bed panting. Sweat dripped from his brow and he immediately wiped it away with the back of his hand. It was that dream again; it was a dream that had been plaguing him for weeks now of a girl. He was certain they had never met, yet he could feel such a strong connection with her as if he knew her down to her very soul. It definitely felt that way after seeing what she was going through. She was in constant turmoil and when she finally thought she caught a break, she was yanked back into more pain only for the cycle to be repeated. He wanted to meet that girl and give her some kind of hope.
He got out of bed and stood on the balcony; the mid March air was refreshing. He found himself thinking about how nice the new town was: it was nothing like his old hometown where he was constantly getting into trouble. He had to get away from that environment and start a new life for himself. He kept wondering why he was so drawn to this town: it was as if it were calling to him, beckoning him to live in peace. He really had no intention of ever moving to a place like this, but there he was, in a charming little apartment overlooking the sleeping town. Regardless to what reason he was there, he was glad he had come. It was a different place for him and maybe meeting the girl from his dreams would add some excitement to his life. For once, he had something to look forward to.
“It’s a nice night, isn’t it?” He jumped and spun around to meet a pair of cold pale red eyes. Her jet black hair was up in a bun and held up with traditional chopsticks. Her skin was ashen and her lips were painted deep red. She wore a lengthy black dress that was missing its midriff, showing off her bellybutton; it also had long splits on each side that reached her thighs, revealing knee high leather stiletto boots. Her perfectly manicured nails were also black and sharp like hawk’s talons. Her teeth were white and flawless and he noticed her canines were slightly sharper than normal. She wore a diamond skull around her neck with matching earrings. She smiled widely as she approached him. “How do you like your new accommodations?”
His eyes narrowed. “I appreciate your help when you brought me here, but do you have to keep sneaking in on me like that?”
Her smile never faltered as she flicked her wrist, causing him to float through the air before being slammed into his bed, bound by invisible ropes. He futilely struggled as she slowly advanced toward him. When she was within arm’s length, she traced the shape of his face with a sharp nail. “Is this the thanks I get for helping you find your place in the world? How rude!” she replied in fake indignation. “No matter though. You will appreciate me more once you hear the news I have for you. It seems the girl of your dreams is here.”
He stopped moving. “She’s… here?” his mind was reeling with the information. He felt that there was a reason he was here and it’s because she was on the same island. He could not stop the goofy grin that spread on his face. If he could he would be jumping for joy. He couldn’t wait to meet her.
The woman smirked. “Yes. And it’s time for you to finally meet,” she inched closer to him. “All I ask is that you trust me completely. I have no wish to harm you; I only have your best interests in mind,” he looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding and she grinned. “Don’t worry, Sweetheart. I will take good care of you,” she kissed his lips. His eyes flashed red briefly then faded. As his mind grew hazy and his world steadily darker, he could hear the woman laughing menacingly; his last thoughts were the girl in his dreams and then nothing.
A magnificent and familiar aroma filled her nostrils. Her eyes suddenly opened wide and she shot out of her warm bed and bolted downstairs. When she entered the kitchen, she saw her beautiful mother humming merrily as she prepared breakfast for her family. She beamed when she saw her daughter in the doorway. “Good morning, Sleepy-head. Are you feeling better today?”
“Are you real?” Kagome asked, her voice quivering. “Please don’t let this be another dream… I saw you die…”Her mother looked concerned and touched Kagome’s forehead lightly. “You’re still running a fever. Your nightmares have been worse since you got sick. Eat something then right back to bed.”
“Hey did I hear my little Smurf in here?” her father emerged from the garage, wiping his brow. “Are you feeling better, Baby?” Kagome stared at her father, tears pricking her eyes. “Well are ya gonna stand there gawkin’ or are ya gonna give your old man some love?”
Kagome launched herself into her father’s arms, sobbing her heart out. Minoru looked to Aika questioningly, but Aika’s own moist eyes were focused on her daughter. She approached them and wrapped an arm around Kagome’s quivering shoulders. “I thought you were gone,” Kagome cried. “That I would never see you again. And Daddy you wouldn’t wake up.”
“Hush now, Baby,” her mother cooed. “It’s okay. We’re here. It was just a bad dream. Come on now. Eat so you can go back to bed and rest.”
They all ate a light breakfast together, Minoru doing his usual joking around and Kagome giggling at her father’s antics. Ell took their dirty dishes and had begun to rinse them off; Minoru approached her from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist lovingly. Kagome watched her parents adoringly before standing to head back to her room to rest. When she was about to leave, her mother fell to the floor in a bloody heap and her father turned a wicked eye to his daughter, his hands stained with her mother’s blood. “Now tell me where you’ve hidden it!” he snarled before lunging at the girl.
Kagome gasped harshly and sat erect; she wiped her tear stained face with the back of her hand and sighed. “I knew it was too good to be true,” she whispered to herself. She looked around the room and shuddered. “How did I get here?” she was in a single room with one door; she opened it to find that it led down one corridor that seemed to stretch on for miles. The air was frigid and dry: she could see each breath escape her mouth as she panted. Her brisk walk quickly transformed into an abrupt sprint as she flew down the corridor, searching for an exit. She collided with a thick wooden door; she pushed it open and entered a large room. From the door, a large crimson carpet led to a large chair surrounded by torches. Portraits of unspeakable torture adorned the walls, each amid a lantern; Kagome fought the urge to vomit at the sight of the portraits; her attention was divided when she heard the door open and a woman dressed in black entered. Kagome was about to panic, but the woman walked straight through her and froze, shivering slightly. A hooded figure entered shortly after and asked if anything was wrong.
“Nothing. I felt a sudden chill,” she proceeded to the throne. “As you know the girl has been discovered once again but the object still is elusive. We must get the girl to reveal its location. As we speak, I have agents ready to lure her. You will fulfill your duty very soon.”
The hooded figure bowed. “Yes, Milady.”
“You are dismissed,” the hooded figure vanished without a trace. The woman pulled open a red curtain to reveal a portrait of a young man with an ashen complexion and jet-black hair; his red eyes seemed to hold a smug little secret as she glared at the viewer. “Soon you will have everything you wanted,” the woman spoke to the portrait. “Then my love we will be together for all eternity.”
Kagome felt a dizzy spell hit her then her birthmark burned again. She dropped to her knees as the room faded, then fell through the void.
She slowly opened her eyes and moaned softly as she felt something cool be laid on her forehead. “You’re finally awake. You’ve been out for a few hours.”
Kagome tilted her head slightly. “Eve, what happened?”
Eve shrugged. “I was hoping you could tell me. Those visions must have been very intense to make you lose consciousness like that.”
Kagome groaned as she sat up and massaged her temples. “What was that exactly?”
“Memories left behind. Someone hoped that you would come back to this place so they left some clues for you.”
“I see,” Kagome sighed and got off the dusty couch she was lying on. “I should be heading back now. Takeo and Izayoi will be worrying about me.”
“Yes you’re right. I must be leaving as well. I will see you soon Kagome. Take care,” without further delay, she was gone.
Kagome took one last look at her old home, willing away the wave of sorrow she felt then left. She walked out of the house and closed her eyes as a cool wind swept past her. It calmed her considerably but her mind was still filled with riddles. She walked home thinking about everything that had transpired in the few hours she had been away; she was thinking so hard she didn’t notice the person in front of her until she ran straight into his chest. He quickly grabbed her arm to keep her from hitting the ground. “I’m sorry! Are you okay?” he asked.
Kagome looked at the guy, taking him all in: he had long silver hair, pulled into a ponytail at the nape of his neck. His bangs covered most of his eyes but she could see his sparkling amber eyes. His left ear was pierced with a black stud. He stood about six feet tall with an impressive physique; she could see his chiseled torso and arms through the black polo shirt he wore. Kagome frowned. “What do you want Sesshomaru?”
He blinked a couple of times, confused then chuckled. “I think you have me confused for someone else.”
She looked him over again: this guy could pass for Sesshomaru’s twin. “I’m sorry,” she replied sheepishly. “It’s been a long night.”
He laughed softly. “I can tell. I was wondering what such a cute girl like you is doing out at a time like this. I’m Inuyasha by the way.”
“Kagome,” she went to extend her hand but realized she was leaning on him and his arms were still wrapped protectively around her. They both blushed lightly and moved away from each other. They stood in awkward silence for a moment before Kagome asked “So what are you doing out so late?”
Inuyasha shrugged. “I couldn’t sleep. I’ve been having strange dreams lately about a girl,” he took an appreciative look at her. “And you seem to fit the description.”
Kagome blushed a little deeper. “You don’t say,” she muttered, she muttered not really knowing what else to say.
He smiled, secretly pleased that she was flustered because of him. “Hey I know it’s late and everything but do you wanna go grab a bite to eat?”Despite the fact she needed to get home, Kagome found that she couldn’t turn him down and nodded her head slowly. He smiled widely and offered his arm in a gentlemanly fashion. “Shall we go then, Milady?” he asked in a cheesy British accent. She giggled and linked her arm through his. They walked in amiable silence for a moment until Inuyasha asked, “So are you from around here?”
Kagome nodded. “This is my home, but I had been on the mainland for four years.”
Inuyasha looked genuinely interested. “Why?”
“My mother died,” she said simply. “And my father is in an indefinite coma,” she could already tell without looking that he had a sympathetic look as he apologized. She shrugged. “No big deal really. Now your turn. I remember almost everyone on this island and I’ve never seen you before. Are you a tourist?”
“I just moved here, kinda by accident. I wanted to move away from my old home and start fresh I guess, and I ended up here and I liked the place. Got an apartment and here I am.”
“That simple huh?” she smiled.
He laughed. “You would think so but there’s more to the story. Remember earlier when I said I had been dreaming of a girl?” she nodded. “Well I think she’s connected to my memories.”
Kagome looked at him, a slight frown on her face. “You lost your memories?”
He shook his head. “I remember the basics: name, birthday, and all that, but there is a major gap. That girl has something to do with it and I wanted to find her to confirm it. I thought for a second it was you… I still do.”
Kagome blushed lightly again. “You look almost identical to a friend of mine but I am certain we have never met before.”
“I thought that as well… but I can’t help it, Kikyo.”
Kagome froze and looked at him. “What did you just call me?”
He blinked a couple of times in confusion. “Kagome?” he said cautiously.
She puckered her brow again. “I could have sworn--” she paused. “Never mind. No big deal. Anyways, let’s get somewhere. I’m starving,” she said with a smile. She made a mental note to get some information on Kikyo.
Sesshomaru muttered a string of curses as he treated his wounds. Kagome had really done a number on him and he practically screamed when he put the burning antiseptic on one particularly deep gash. Not only was he angry at her for the physical damage, but she had refused him as well! No one refused him! Kagome belonged solely to him.
Rin popped her head into the bathroom, concern in her eyes. “Are you okay?” she asked. “It looks like you have been through hell.”
“I’m fine!” he hissed as he tried to dress his wounds. She caught his hand and tended to the wound properly. He just glared at her like a defeated child. “What are you doing?”
“Cleaning you up,” she answered plainly, never taking her eyes off her work. “You can’t properly take care of these wounds, especially considering you’re extremely pissed off at the moment. So, where’s Kagome? I figured this would be her department.”
“I don’t know! The bitch ran away from me,” he grumbled.
Rin looked slightly taken aback, but continued tending to his cuts. “I’ve never heard you call her out of her name before. She must have really made you mad.”
Just as quickly as his tantrum began, he was deeply remorseful. “I don’t know. I did impose on her first. She must hate me.”
Rin’s eyes narrowed slightly. “What’s going on?”
Sesshomaru noticed she was done cleaning him up and he stood up tersely. “Nothing you need to concern yourself with. Now if you will excuse me, I have things to do.”
He left Rin sitting in the bathroom. She bit her lip. “I took too much. He’s very unstable,” she muttered.
“On the contrary, it was just enough for our purposes,” a woman appeared behind her.
Rin turned to face the newcomer, bowing her head slightly. “Kagura-sama. What an unexpected surprise.”
“You are doing an excellent job here, Rin. No one suspects your involvement in any of this.”
Rin smirked. “Of course not. I am going to do whatever it takes to make sure she pays for what she has done to my parents.”
Kagura grinned. “You shall have your revenge. I also require a merge with you. You will keep your soul and personality; I will just reside inside of you until the time is right. That way I can still aid you and the plan continues.”
Rin bowed again. “It would be an honor Kagura-sama. Please use my body as you see fit so that our mission will be carried out successfully.”
Kagura extended her hand and Rin took it; a dark cloud encircled both of them, engulfing them in a shimmering blanket before dissipating into nothing. Rin emerged from the cloud and smirked. Her appearance had altered somewhat: her soft black hair was a shade darker and stopped at her waist; her skin had become more pallid. Her body was more curvaceous and she had grown a few more inches. The biggest change were here eyes: her bright chocolate eyes now burned deep indigo and a section of hair fell over her left eye. She gave herself an admiring glance in the mirror. A ghostly appearance of Kagura appeared beside her. “Like the new improvement?”
“Very much,” Rin concurred. “This will make my next plan work even better. In order for everything to fall into place, I need to further weaken her tie with Sesshomaru. And I know just how to do that.”
Kagura laughed quietly. “By all means, do as you see fit. Of course I will be here to support you if need be.”
Rin nodded again and Kagura vanished. She knocked on Sesshomaru’s door and he opened it; she was glad to see that he was still missing his shirt. “What is it Rin?” he didn’t seem to notice that her appearance had changed slightly.
She shrugged. “Nothing really. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Can we talk?”
Sesshomaru hesitated but pushed the door open wider so she could enter. He shut it quietly behind her then faced her, waiting for her to say something. She plopped on his bed, crossing her legs seductively. She smirked inwardly when she noticed his attention was on her upper thigh where her skirt was riding up. She tentatively ran a nail all over the flesh of her thigh, all the while making it look completely innocent. She looked at Sesshomaru carefully. “Are you going to tell me what happened?”
His eyes narrowed. “Nothing to tell,” he muttered.
She turned her attention back to the finger that was still tracing her thigh. “I won’t press it then. But there is something I wanted to ask you,” a light blush crept on her cheeks. “You know what? Never mind,” she stood up and tried to walk out but Sesshomaru blocked her exit. She used the opportunity to bury her face in his chest feigning mortification. “I can’t believe this!” she mumbled against his skin.
Sesshomaru lightly placed his hands on her shoulders, pulling her to look at him. “What is it?” he asked tenderly.
Tears stung her eyes. “Sesshomaru… I… I’ve loved you for a very long time,” she whispered, her blush deepening. “But you were always so caught up with Kagome. I knew I could never get you to look at me. I know you love Kagome and that’s fine. But give me a chance to change your mind. Let me be the one in your life.”
Sesshomaru’s eyes widened in shock, but did not move away from her. He looked deep into her eyes. “Rin, do you realize what you are saying? What about Kagome?”
Rin grimaced. “Judging by your attitude when you came home, she doesn’t feel the same way about you. She’s toying with you.”
His grip tightened on her shoulders then he gently pushed her away. “I can’t do that,” he said as he sat on his bed.
Rin knelt beside him and held his face in her hands. “I’m not asking you to forget her. I’m not even telling you to stop loving her. All I want is a chance. Be with me. If anything we can make Kagome jealous enough to see what she’s missing out on. I don’t care if you use me. I just want the chance to be with you.”
“Why now?” he asked, his voice tinted with anguish. “Why did you wait until now?”
Rin looked down. “I don’t know. Something about Kagome being here that made me realize how much I wanted you. I don’t want to live my life with regrets and I know I would regret it deeply if you never knew my true feelings.”
Sesshomaru pondered for a second then bobbed his head. “Okay. We can give this a try.”
Rin smiled brightly and kissed him lightly on the lips; she smirked when she felt him lean into the kiss and she knew she had him. She pulled away looking sheepish. “Sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”
He looked at her with darkened eyes and pounced on her, effectively pinning her to the bed. “Kagome,” he growled and she smirked again. “Yes, Baby. I’m here,” he kissed her hungrily and she chuckled inwardly, knowing that her plan had succeeded.
Kagome laughed and took another bite of her cheeseburger. She and Inuyasha had ended up at a 24-hour diner eating cheeseburgers and fries. Despite the events from earlier in the evening, Kagome was really enjoying herself with Inuyasha. He joked and made her smile a lot. She learned that he was twenty one and was going to start college on the mainland in the fall; he didn’t remember his parents because they died when he was a baby. He lived alone in an apartment he found and promised he would take her there later. Kagome could not help but notice that Inuyasha had a lot of characteristics that closely resembled or were exactly like Sesshomaru’s. She felt a stab of pain when she thought about him but Inuyasha quickly caught her attention, making her giggle for the umpteenth time that night.
They talked for what seemed like hours about random things and what their lives had been like. They didn’t even realize when the waitress had come and cleared their dishes and had now placed a large ice cream sundae between them. “Courtesy of the owner,” she said with a smile. The couple was speechless but gratefully ate the sundae.
“So tell me what you have been up to before you came here,” Kagome said and took a bite of the sundae.
Inuyasha shrugged. “Nothing to tell. I was a troublemaker, and ran with the wrong crowd. I was horribly depressed when I lost my fiancée… she was my world. She was… murdered in cold blood. After that, I didn’t give a damn about anything so I did all kinds of terrible thins to make myself forget,” he shrugged again. “Didn’t help because every time I did something I would think ‘she wouldn’t like to see me like this’ or ‘she would be very disappointed’. Though I had those thoughts, I still continued doing all of it because it offered me some form of relief. Eventually, I got fed up with it all and left. That’s when I came here.”
Kagome looked a little dismal from what he had just told her. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, stirring some of the melted ice cream.
Inuyasha reached out and took her hand, rubbing his thumb gently over her knuckles. “It’s nothing,” he said quietly. “That was the past and I’m trying to make my future better,” she nodded and smiled a little. He smiled too, so lost in her eyes and small smiles, he forgot that he was still holding her hand. He felt really content being around her: she looked exactly like the girl in his dreams and was happy to have found her. He had easily fallen for her in a few short hours. Who could blame him? She was beautiful and smart. Though she was insecure she had a wonderful personality. He hoped that she would allow him into her life. She looked like she needed someone in her life to cheer her up. She noticed that their hands were still connected and a light pink blush tinted her cheeks. He found that he really liked that blush and smiled more; this girl could not get any cuter. He asked her the same question she asked him and she explained the last four years of her life. As she told her tale, his smile faded and his face filled with awe. When she was finished he remained silent for a moment, processing everything she had just told him. His grip on her hand tightened and he kissed her knuckles tenderly. He still said nothing yet his eyes held sympathy but no pity. “You are amazing,” he stated simply.
Kagome blushed more and looked down, she finally managed to get her hand free of his grip. “So,” she said awkwardly, trying to change the subject. “Do you have a girlfriend?” she mentally slapped herself. Idiot! He just said he used to have a fiancée. Dumb ass question, not to mention cold!
She was surprised when he started laughing. “Isn’t it obvious? I have too many to keep up with! You know, with me being so hot and all,” he winked.
“Oh really?” Kagome replied coolly, gathering a rather large amount of ice cream on her spoon. “I know something that will cool off a ‘hot guy’ like you.”
His eyes twinkled with mirth and he leaned forward. “And what would that be?” she slapped he spoonful of ice cream right on his nose, giggling merrily as he wiped it off with his hands; she laughed even harder when he smeared it over her cheeks. “Now we’re even,” he chortled. She was still laughing as she snatched a napkin to clean her face. He realized that he loved her laugh and her smile; he loved the way her eyes would close slightly depending on how hard she laughed. He liked being the one to make her laugh and blush. He watched her as she began to calm down, mesmerized by everything about her. He gazed at her adoringly and he noticed the small blush appear on her cheeks at his scrutiny; he smiled again. She asked why he was staring at her to which he replied, “You’re beautiful,” he could tell that she was not prepared for that answer and she began to fidget. He grinned again and put some money on the table. “C’mon. We better get you home.”
They left the diner shortly after, taking a detour to the park to get back to her house. They were quiet for most of the trip until a thought came to Inuyasha. “Hey if you don’t mind, I could show you my apartment. You don’t have to come inside, but I could show you the building. It’s near here.”
Kagome smiled. “Sure. Let’s go.”
He offered his arm with a cheesy grin. “Let us go Milady.”
Kagome giggled and did a tiny curtsey. “Why thank you kind sir,” she linked arms with him. Even though they had just met, Kagome felt safe and comfortable with him. She really enjoyed their time together and found herself saying yes to his invitation just to spend a little more time with him. She knew the Inutaishos would be pissed with her for being out so late, but at the moment she didn’t care. She remembered doing things like this with Sesshomaru; she stopped her train of thought. That was the second time she thought of Sesshomaru while she was with Inuyasha. They had their similarities, but she could not shake the feeling that there was some kind of connection between the two. As much as she wanted to forget Sesshomaru at the moment, Inuyasha always did something that made her think of him. She shook her head lightly. They were two different people although they looked and acted alike. Right now, however, Kagome liked Inuyasha more because he definitely reminded her of the Sesshomaru she fell in love with; she couldn’t help but feel a little guilty at the thought. Inuyasha was a great person and did not think it was fair for her to want to be with him just because he reminded her of her first love.
Little did she know he was having the same thoughts.
They arrived at his building and Kagome was pleasantly surprised to see that it was a small building. They went inside and climbed a flight of stair to reach his apartment. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly with an apologetic smile. “I uh… haven’t had a chance to get too settled,” he said with a chuckle before opening the door for her. The apartment itself was a generous size for one person, though it totally lacked personality. The only furniture in the apartment was a single queen sized bed and a dresser in the bedroom which was immediately to the left of the entrance; Kagome could even see that his closet housed a very petite wardrobe. There was a small beige couch in the living room area facing a small television and a kitchenette across from it. Kagome guessed the bathroom was in the bedroom. All the walls were an ugly dull brown color and there were no portraits, posters, or anything that would make it seem like someone lived there. The thing that caught her eye was the bedroom window: it was very large and overlooked the tiny island. The sliding glass door led out to the balcony and she could feel a cool breeze flow in from the slightly ajar door.
She arched a brow. “Not too settled huh?”
He laughed, slightly embarrassed. “Well I was hoping you could help me out. Girls are better at this sort of thing than men are.”
“You’d be surprised,” she snickered. “Okay. I’ll help you. Just give me your number and I’ll help you out.”
His eyes lit up and he quickly jotted it down for her. They left right after to get Kagome home. They once again walked silently for a few blocks until they arrived at the Inutaisho home. She was surprised that he did not live that far away but was happy nonetheless. She whispered her thanks and started for the front door but he caught her wrist; he pulled her body close to his and wrapped an arm around her waist. She was startled for a second, but quickly relaxed. She immediately felt the blood rush to her face and she tried to not look him in the eye. He smiled at her shyness and inched closer to her, placing a subtle kiss on her cheek. She stood there stunned at what he just done and he chuckled. “Good night, Miss Kagome,” he pulled away and nonchalantly walked back to his apartment.
Kagome remained frozen on the spot a moment longer before tiptoeing through the front door. She snuck upstairs and was about to go into her room but a sudden noise from Sesshomaru’s room caught her attention. She debated with herself on whether she should check on him or not, but her traitorous heart forced her to go. She walked quietly down the hall to his room, her heart thudding loudly in her ears. She got closer to the door and she could hear harsh breathing and low groans. Her fingers trembled slightly as she reached out and touched the door, pushing it open just enough to peek. Her gulped and looked in.
Her eyes instantly filled with tears and she felt the worst pain throb in her chest. Sesshomaru was in his bed, naked; below him was an equally naked Rin. She had her arms wrapped tightly around his neck as he pumped into her hard and fast. Her eyes were squeezed shut and she moaned steadily louder as she reached her climax. Sesshomaru grunted and thrust deep inside of her one more time before collapsing on top of her. They were panting heavily and coming down from their highs. Kagome stood in the doorway, horrified and she could not stop the sobs that escaped her throat. Both quickly turned in her direction.
Sesshomaru’s expression was a mix of shock and confusion; he looked between the two girls and instantly jumped off Rin. Rin just lied in bed with a smug look on her face. Sesshomaru looked as if he wanted to say something, but Kagome shook her head and bolted down the stairs before anyone could even notice.
He found that he could not stop thinking about her; even as he lied in bed trying to sleep, her face filled his mind and refused to give him rest. She was the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life and he wanted to be near her; he wanted to learn everything there was about her and be part of her life… if she allowed him. He got out of bed and stood on the balcony, staring at the beautiful lights of the small town. He whispered her name, liking how it rolled off his tongue with such ease. A light rap at his door broke through his thoughts and he went to answer it. He was shocked and beyond pissed to see an extremely distressed Kagome standing in his doorway; her eyes were red and her cheeks were flushed: he could still see the tear stains on her face. “I know we just met,” she sobbed brokenly. “But can I please stay here?”
Inuyasha looked as if he were in pain as he looked at the girl. He opened the door wider to let her in; when he shut it behind him she sobbed loudly into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, not caring that her tears dampened his chest. He swallowed thickly in a mix of pain and rage, vowing to destroy the one who made her cry so brokenly.

A/N: My heart was pounding as I was writing the ending to this. I hate that I throw myself in here sometimes, because I can feel the pain >.< Anyways, here’s the chapter. I’m very pleased with the number of hits this story is receiving but I’m not getting any feedback from y’all! I am going to finish this story but I would like to know what you’re thinking about it or if I need to take the story in a different direction. I’m satisfied with how it’s coming along especially considering that I have rewritten it several times and I have had to adapt it from my original story to fit the Inuyasha storyline. Anyways, hope to get the next chapter up soon. Until next time!

Ja Ne