InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On The Other Side ❯ Aishiteru and Goodnight ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author: CCD


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Date last revised: June 11, 2003

Date Story Published: January 28, 2003

On The Other Side

Chapter 1: Aishiteru and Goodnight

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"Why do I have to school," a very annoyed and very human Inu-Yasha asked.

"It's the only way I can explain you living here. Besides you have to go because it's the law," Kagome said.

(A/N: I don't know about it being the law to go to school in Japan, but it is in America so I'm going by that.)

Inu-Yasha had been living with Kagome for a month now and since school was starting tomorrow he would have to go. At the end of their quest for the Shikon Jewel, Inu-Yasha realized that he wanted to stay with Kagome. It was because of this that he chose to become fully human and go to Kagome's time. Of course it took some adapting since Inu-Yasha really didn't like the idea of wearing modern clothing and shoes, but he would do anything for Kagome.

"Fine! I'll go, but that doesn't mean I have to like it."

Kagome smiled. She was glad that Inu-Yasha was going to school. She had barely passed school last year and she planned to do better this year. Inu-Yasha would make school seem not so bad. They had received their uniforms from the school the day before and tomorrow they would get their schedules when they got to the school. Kagome hoped that the school listened to her family's request to put the two of them in the same classes. Inu-Yasha picked up his uniform and went upstairs.

"Kagome honey, you need to go and get some sleep so that you can get up for school tomorrow," Mrs. Higurashi said.

"OK, mom,"

Kagome said goodnight and ran up the stairs to her room. She hung her uniform up and got ready for bed. Then she went to go see Inu-Yasha. She knocked lightly and entered his room. Inu-Yasha's gaze never left the television as he flipped through the countless number of channels.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to find something to watch."

"You know you need to go to bed so that you can get up in the morning."


Kagome walked over and laid down behind Inu-Yasha. She slowly wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his long black hair. Before they had left Inu-Yasha's era, both of them had admitted that they loved each other. The still fought a lot, but what couple doesn't. Inu-Yasha rolled over in Kagome's arms and looked at her. She was smiling at him. Inu-Yasha picked her up. Although he wished himself human, Inu-Yasha had asked that he'd still have his strength and speed so that he could still protect Kagome. He walked to Kagome's room and placed her on her bed. He brushed a kiss across her forehead and then kissed her lips. Kagome cuddled up on his chest and started to fall asleep

"Aishiteru Kagome. Goodnight."

"Aishiteru Inu-Yasha."

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