InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On The Other Side ❯ School Confrontations ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author: CCD


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Date last revised: June 11, 2003

Date Story Published: January 28, 2003

On The Other Side

Chapter 2: School Confrontations

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"Come on, Inu-Yasha. We're going to be late," Kagome said as she ran out the door.

Inu-Yasha jumped down the stairs. He ran out the door and caught up to Kagome. Kagome began to study him. He now wore his uniform and by the look on his face was completely uncomfortable. His hair had been brushed and pulled back into a ponytail. He carried a bag like any normal kid.

"You look cute," Kagome said as she finished.

Inu-Yasha turned away to hide his blush. Even after becoming more comfortable with Kagome, she still said things that made him blush. The reached the school and went strait to the office to get their schedules. Kagome was pleased when she saw that Inu-Yasha had the same classes as her. They still had a few minutes so they went out into the front courtyard.

"Kagome, over here," one of her friends called.

Kagome waved and walked over to them to compare schedules. Inu-Yasha kept his distance knowing that Kagome needed some time alone with her friends. He watched the various students walk by. One boy caught his attention. He was in the middle of a group of boys who were laughing, looking his way, and pointing. Inu-Yasha scowled. They were making fun of him and he couldn't here what they were saying. He decided, for Kagome's sake, that he would ignore them. Everything went well until they decided to come bother him.

"Well, guys look at what we have here. It's a new kid," one boy said.

"Go away, baka," Inu-Yasha said.

"No, I won't. I suggest you watch out new boy or you'll be asking for it in the end."

"Feh, you don't scare me."

"Oh yeah, well I don't like you. In fact I'm going to teach you not to mess with me."

Kagome's voice interrupted the conversation.

"What's going on here?"

"Uh, Kagome, I was just trying to have a conversation with the new kid."

"Hojo, you can be so mean sometimes. Come on Inu-Yasha," Kagome said as she dragged him off.

"Who was that?"

"That's Hojo. He used to be a really nice person, but since he joined the fencing and archery teams, he started acting like he owns the school."

The two of them walked into their first class and sat down. Just before the bell rang, Hojo walked in with two of his friends. Hojo sat next to Inu-Yasha. He smiled at Kagome and then passed a note to Inu-Yasha. Inu-Yasha quickly opened it and read what it said.

Hey Baka,

Prove you're a real man. Meet me in Tokyo Park today after school and face me.

Inu-Yasha smirked and looked at Hojo. He nodded slightly to confirm his answer and then turned as the teacher started class.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~< /b>

Kagome ran as soon as the bell rang. She'd found the message that Hojo had given Inu-Yasha and she was planning to stop them. She ran all the way to the park and began to search for Inu-Yasha. When she couldn't find him, she sat down in despair until she heard some noises. She took off towards them.

Please let Inu-Yasha be there and please let him be all right.

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