InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On The Other Side ❯ Return To The Past ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author: CCD


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Date last revised: July 9, 2003

Date Story Published: January 28, 2003

On The Other Side

Chapter 3: Return To The Past

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Kagome ran to where she saw a group of boys in a circle. She pushed her way past them to reveal a perfectly fine Inu-Yasha standing with his fists clenched and a bloody Hojo lying on the ground.

"The next time you challenge someone you should learn more about them," Inu-Yasha said as he walked over to Kagome.

He grabbed her wrist and walked away from the group of boys to the middle of the park where no one was. Inu-Yasha sat down on a bench and put his head in his hands.

"Inu-Yasha, are you Ok," Kagome asked.

"Physically yes, mentally no."

"What do you mean?"

"I could have killed him, Kagome. I would have if I hadn't felt you show up. I don`t like him. I never liked him, but still..." Inu-Yasha said as he began to trail off

Kagome sat down next to Inu-Yasha and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I know you've been jealous of Hojo in the past, but I promise you I will never leave you. I love you too much. You have been trying so hard to act human and to try to make me proud of you since you came to my time and I think you might need to go home."

Inu-Yasha turned to Kagome.


"You heard what I said. Besides I miss Shippou, Kaede, and Sango. I guess I can say I've even missed Miroku."

Inu-Yasha smiled in remembrance of their friends. He stood up.

"Let's go."

He and Kagome walked hand and hand towards Kagome's home. When they got there, they changed into regular clothing and started towards the well. Both of them took some items with them not knowing how long they were staying there. Kagome managed to grab some food, water, her bow, arrows, and a first aid kit. Inu-Yasha brought the Tetsusaiga and the purified Shikon Jewel so they could pass through the well. Both of them jumped in to be greeted by blue sky above them. They climbed out and headed for Kaede's village. When they got there they saw that the village was as busy as ever. They went strait to Kaede's hut. As they reached the hut Kaede came out and smiled.

"What a pleasant surprise. It has been a while. What are the ye doing here," the old miko asked.

"Inu-Yasha and I wanted to come back for a visit," Kagome replied.

"It is good to see the both of ye. Sango and Miroku are on the other side of the village and Shippou should..." Kaede said as she was cut off by an extremely happy kitsune.

"Kagome, you're back," Shippou said as he pounced into her arms as he always did.

"Only for a few days. Inu-Yasha and I have to go back. I don't understand why they started school on a Friday."

Kaede and Shippou looked at Kagome confused. Inu-Yasha laughed.

"Never mind. Shippou where are Sango and Miroku," Kagome said.

Shippou started to answer when shout came out from behind Kagome.

"Hentai," Sango said.

Kagome and Inu-Yasha turned to see Sango hit the infamous lecher on the head. Inu-Yasha laughed again. Kagome smiled.

He needed to come back for a little while. He missed them even if he won't admit it.

"Kagome," Sango said as she smiled.

The two women hugged. Kagome then looked behind Sango to see Kohaku. She saw him smile and give a slight wave. After the battle with Naraku, Kohaku had regained his memories and had followed Sango and Kilala. He never blamed himself for what happened to their family. Instead he blamed Naraku. Kagome also looked to see Sesshoumaru and Rin. Kagome had purified Sesshoumaru's soul so that he could learn to treat humans with some respect. He took care of Rin and lost most of the hatred for Inu-Yasha. The two half-brothers actually acted civilized together. Jakken had been killed in the battle against Naraku. All of them walked into Kaede's hut to share an evening of peace together.

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