InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On The Other Side ❯ What a Day? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author: CCD


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Date last revised: June 11, 2003

Date Story Published: January 28, 2003

On The Other Side

Chapter 4: What A Day!

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Inu-Yasha wasn't too happy. He noticed that a lot of the kids at school were staring at him and seemed to be scared of him. He had figured out why. Hojo had been spreading rumors about Inu-Yasha brutally attacking him. This made Inu-Yasha want to rip Hojo's throat out. Instead he walked into the class he knew Hojo was going to be in.

"Hey Hojo," Inu-Yasha yelled at the boy who was in the middle of a crowd.

He was definitely telling the story the attack and was enjoying it. Hojo looked over at Inu-Yasha and immediately turned pale.

"Are you telling them about how you lost the fight against me?"

Hojo nodded yes.

"Good, now you have to set the rumor strait or we can have a fight that involves all these people here. I don't think you want that."

Hojo nodded again and look around him. Half of the people were giving him dirty looks for being a liar. The crowd quickly dispersed as the students went to go tell their friends and the administration what really happened. Inu-Yasha smirked and headed off towards his first block class.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

Kagome ran to class. She had heard the rumors about Inu-Yasha and had tried to set them strait, but failed.

If Inu-Yasha finds out he'll kill Hojo for sure.

She walked into the classroom only to find Inu-Yasha sitting calmly at his desk. He was studying for the quiz that they had today. Kagome walked up to Inu-Yasha.

"Inu-Yasha, Hojo's been…"

"I know. I already took care of it."

Kagome turned pale and bean to worry.

"You didn't hurt him did you?"

"If you consider embarrassing him in front of fifteen people hurting him then yeah I did."

Kagome breathed a sigh of relief.

"You didn't doubt me did you?"

"I did a little. I know you probably wanted to hurt him."

"Yeah. I did. I decided that I could be a lot more mature than him though."

Kagome smiled.

Being here has really changed him. He's gotten better.


"What is it?"

"You weren't kidding when you said studding for your tests was hard. There's too much stuff to remember."

Kagome laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"It's nothing."

"Then why are you laughing?"

"I just wouldn't expect something like that to come out of your mouth."

Inu-Yasha smiled.

"You've changed me Kagome."

Inu-Yasha looked into Kagome's eyes. He could see her love for him in her eyes. He also saw that her eyes began to water as if she was going to cry.

"Kagome, don't cry."

He reached up and cupped her face. His thumb wiped the tear away from her eye. Kagome smiled. The bell cut their time together. Kagome kissed him gently on the lips and then walked to the other side of the room where her seat was. Inu-Yasha turned to the door to see a very jealous Hojo standing there. Inu-Yasha gave him a cocky grin and then went back to reading his textbook.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

Hojo walked to his seat in the middle of the room. He could see Inu-Yasha and Kagome clearly from his seat. He was mad. Kagome was supposed to be his girlfriend. Every time he had asked her out she had either been sick or busy. Now this new guy comes to the school and Kagome falls for him.

He's not special. I could have beaten him. I will beat him and then Kagome will be mine.

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