InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On The Other Side ❯ Incredible Rage ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author: CCD


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Date last revised: July 9, 2003

Date Story Published: January 28, 2003

On The Other Side

Chapter 5: Incredible Rage

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Inu-Yasha looked over his quiz. Although he had studied, he had received a 45 on it. He had thought that he had known most of the stuff on it, but he guessed that he was wrong. He glanced over at Kagome who was beaming.

Well at least she passed.

He looked over his answers over and over again. The test had been more difficult than he had thought it would be. The bell rang and everyone began to gather his or her things.

"Alright class, remember that tomorrow we will have another quiz on what you learned this past week so study," the teacher said.

Kagome walked up to Inu-Yasha.

"How did you do?"

"You don't want to know."

"It can't be that bad. Let me see."

Inu-Yasha reluctantly handed the quiz over to Kagome. She stared at it and her eyes widened. Inu-Yasha turned and began to walk away from her.

"Inu-Yasha wait!"

He turned to see Kagome running towards him. He turned away from her.

"I can't do anything right. I can't even pass one of your stupid tests."

"Oh Inu-Yasha, quizzes and tests aren't suppose to be easy."

He turned to face her.

"I'll help you if you want me too," Kagome said.

Inu-Yasha nodded.

"Inu-Yasha," the teacher from their last class said.

"Hai, sensei."

"I wanted to talk to you about something. The day you took the quizzes I left my classroom for about five minutes in between classes. I let the quizzes on my desk, because I thought that the students wouldn't touch them. When I came back in, I saw Hojo behind my desk. He said that he needed some help on something and had come to ask me a question. After he left I looked at the quizzes. Your quiz was on top. I found this as odd because I always put the quizzes in alphabetical order."

"Are you telling me that someone touched the tests," Inu-Yasha said.

"Yes, I believed they tampered with your quiz."

Inu-Yasha's hand clenched into a fist and crushed his quiz.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to retake the quiz and hopefully get a better grade."

Inu-Yasha didn't hear the teacher. He dropped his bag, turned, and ran down the hall to where Hojo stood with one of his friends. Before anyone could blink, Hojo was slammed against a wall.

"You son of a bitch. I can't believe you would stoop so low as to mess with my test so that I would fail it," Inu-Yasha yelled.

Everything and everyone stilled to see what would happen. Even Kagome and the teacher stared in shock at what Inu-Yasha was doing.

"So, what if I did mess with the quiz. You failed it and it can't be changed. You have no proof I did it other than the fact that I've admitted it right here and now."

Inu-Yasha brought his hand up to punch him.

"You bastard."

"Inu-Yasha, don't!"

Inu-Yasha's fist stopped in mid-air. He looked over to where Kagome stood with tears in her eyes. As an automatic response, he dropped Hojo and walked over to Kagome. He wrapped he in his arms and let her cry. The teacher walked over to Hojo and grabbed his ear.

"You're coming with me young man. Inu-Yasha, I want you and Kagome to come as well."

Inu-Yasha nodded. He and Kagome followed Hojo and the teacher down to the principal's office. She knocked on the door and then entered with the three of them.

"Mr. Genki, we have a problem, sir."

"What is it?"

"Hojo has dishonored this school by tampering with a quiz I gave."

"How did he do that?"

"He changed the answers on another student's quiz. Inu-Yasha is a very bright boy and doesn't deserve the 45 that I gave him."

"Do you have proof of this accusation?"

"He admitted it in the hallway when Inu-Yasha confronted him about it. I also saw him behind my desk with the quizzes. They had been tampered with. Inu-Yasha's quiz was on top and I always place them in alphabetical order."

"And why have you brought the other two here?"

"This is Inu-Yasha sir. I brought Kagome because she became upset over the confrontation. She thought that violence would break out."

"Very well, I will give Hojo a suitable punishment. Inu-Yasha I would like you and Kagome to go home. I can see that both of you are angry and upset over this"

"Arigato, sir," Kagome said.

She grabbed Inu-Yasha's arm and led him to the door of the school. They walked for a while in silence.

"Kagome, I'm sorry. I let my anger get the better of me."

"It's not your fault Inu-Yasha."

They remained silent for the rest of their walk home. When they arrived, Kagome ran up to her room while Inu-Yasha explained what happened to Kagome's mother. After that he went to his own room and changed out of his uniform. He then went to Kagome's room to check on her. She had fallen asleep. He sat down next to her on the bed and whipped away the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. Inu-Yasha kissed her forehead, pulled a blanked over her, and got up to leave. He turned to look at her one more time when he got to the door.

"I promise that I'm going to set things right Kagome, even if it kills me I'll set things right."

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