InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On The Other Side ❯ Inu-Yasha's Hardest Task ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author: CCD


Date last revised: August 10, 2003

Date Story Published: January 28, 2003

On The Other Side

Chapter 6: Inu-Yasha's Hardest Task

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Inu-Yasha looked across the room at Kagome. She was a little upset at the fact that Hojo didn't get a very severe punishment. Hojo had to apologize to the class for his deception, serve two weeks of after-school detention, and suffer the 45 added into his grade since the teacher switched the scores. Hojo tried to be sincere as possible when he gave his apology, which made Inu-Yasha want to gag. He couldn't since he had decided that he would try to get along with Hojo.

Why did I promise that I would set things right even if it killed me?

Inu-Yasha decided to pay attention to his history lesson, knowing that in order to pass the next quiz, he would have to know the material. While taking notes, Inu-Yasha felt something hit the back of his head. He looked to see a paper ball behind his desk and looked over at Hojo who was snickering under his breath.

Fine, if that's the way he wants to play than I'll just play along.

Inu-Yasha watched Hojo through the corner of his eye. Hojo dug into his backpack and pulled out a baseball. He whispered something to one of his friends, paused to see if the teacher was looking and chucked the baseball strait at Inu-Yasha's head.

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Kagome had watched what Hojo had done and began to panic. Much to her and the class's surprise, Inu-Yasha simply brought one hand up and caught the baseball. The teacher had turned around just as the ball had been thrown.

"Hojo, this is the second time I have seen you do a horrible act against Inu-Yasha. Apologize at once and then go to the principal's office."

"But, Mrs.…"


"Gomen, Inu-Yasha," Hojo said in a less than pleasing voice.

Kagome watched as Hojo stomped out of the room and slam the classroom door shut.

"Such a rude young man…" The teacher said as she turned around and finished the lesson.

Kagome just stared at the man she loved.

Why did he just do that? It's not like him to just pass things off like that. He normally likes to take action.

Inu-Yasha turned towards her & smiled. Kagome began to feel her heart pound.

He did that for me? I can't believe that he did that for me.

Kagome turned towards the teacher. She couldn't wait until the lecture ended.

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The bell rang, releasing the students for the day. Inu-Yasha had not talked to Kagome once since before school. He hoped that he would get a chance to talk to her. Unfortunately, his math teacher wanted to talk to him about the last quiz that he took right after class ended. Math was not one of Inu-Yasha's strong points. He listened to only half of what his teacher was saying because his mind was on other things. He practically ran out of the classroom & began to look up & down the hallway for Kagome. Inu-Yasha felt a warm set of arms wrap around his waist. He turned to see Kagome. She smiled warmly at him.

"I can't believe what you did this morning."

"I'm trying not to fight with him. He started the fight this morning by throwing the baseball. I ended it by not throwing it back. We would have both been at fault then."

"Are you doing this for me?"

Inu-Yasha nodded.

"I don't want to see you cry anymore over what that jerk & I do," he said as he cupped her cheek.

"I'll try not to."

"Come on Kagome. Let's go home."

Inu-Yasha grabbed her hand & they began the trek home.

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Hojo watched as Inu-Yasha & Kagome passed him. He had been in the office all day waiting for the principal to come back from a city meeting. He was disgusted at the sight of them holding hands.

Kagome is supposed to be my girlfriend. He has no right to lay a hand on her. She will be mine & mine alone. I'll make sure of it.

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