InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the Pitcher's Mound ❯ Just a Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

On the Pitcher's Mound
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Chapter One: Just a prologue type thing…
From the diary of Kagome Higurashi: June 6th, 2005
Okay. So it's a couple days until school's out and I'm DYING to find out if I passed my exams or not! If I didn't then you can say that I'm doomed. Doomed to wander the rest of my miserable life knowing that I didn't pass some of the easiest tests I'd ever taken in my entire life! Doomed to work at fast-food restaurants, flipping burgers… sigh. Stupid parents. If it weren't for them I never would've been twisted into this mess. I never would've been betrothed to THE most arrogant, stuck-up asshole in the entire world!!! Damn it all…and to make matters even worse, the freaking parent's of ours decided to buy a nice town home in one of the richest parts of Tokyo…SO WE CAN'T FRICKING 'LIVE' TOGETHER AND "GET TO KNOW ONE ANOTHER BETTER"! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I honestly think that sake should be banned from Japan seeing as how our idiot families were under the influence when they'd made this damn decision…at least I think they were…
"Miss Higurashi!" Came a sudden bark from the front of the room. Kagome, startled out of her wits, jumped up and quickly shoved her leather bound journal within her side bag.
"H-hai, Takeda-sensei?!" She said somewhat out of breath from her startling. There were a few scattered snorts and giggles from around the room, making her realize how silly she must look.
"Higurashi…could you please write the equation from the problem in the book and then solve it, on the board?" The middle-aged teacher asked, lifting his eyebrows in a snooty know-it-all-teacher way.
Kagome gulped. 'Shit…me and my stupid daydreaming.' "Uh…hai. What problem was is again sensei?" She asked, flushing when an all too familiar snort of laughter resounded to her ears from the back of the room.
The teacher shook his head disapprovingly. "Question 34 j." H e answered.
Kagome nodded and picked up her book and slowly went up to the front of the room. With a shaking hand, she gently took the offered piece of chalk from the teachers young looking fingers and proceeded to slowly copy down the equation directly from the book. 'I hate this…I can everyone's eyes staring at me…I can feel 'his' laughing at me that stupid ass!'
When she was finished, she made an equals sign and paused. And paused. And paused some more until a loud 'unmistakable' yawn was heard. "Takeda-sensei…could we 'please' move on? I would really like to correct the rest of my answers to the homework rather than stare at Higurashi's sagging bottom all day!"
Kagome closed her eyes and gripped the white chalk as the class erupted into laughter. 'Oh how I would love to turn and chuck this chalk right into your unblemished face, Kagiyama.' She swallowed hard and was startled when the teacher's spoke to her once again.
"Higurashi. If you have any intention of ever passing this class then I suggest you start doing your homework." He said, with an all too serious jagged edge to his tone.
Kagome nodded before setting the chalk down and slowly turning back to the class and back into her seat. Before she sat down however, an utterly obnoxious flash of a pearly white smirk caught her attention. 'Just you wait Kagiyama…I know where you stash your ramen…'
It was finally the end of school and Kagome was just closing her locker when an announcement over the P.A. systems shrilled to life.
"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! This is Headmaster Iwamoto. Today, baseball practice has been changed to take place immediately after school-"
Shit. 'There goes my hope of going 'home' and relaxing.' Kagome groaned quietly, and plopped down onto the stone bench in the schools courtyard. 'Now I have to wait for that stupid idiot to be done for practice so I catch a ride home.' She sighed and took out a book. 'Might as well get some reading in…'
It was so nice…relaxing in the hot sun…laying on the nice warm beach. Everything was SO nice. So…where was she? Opening her eyes she looked around. Nice. She was the only person on the beach, save a few younger looking boys playing out in the surf. Sitting up, she looked down at herself and squeaked.
'The hell am I wearing a bikini for!? Gah!' Quickly finding a shirt in the beach bag next to her she slipped it on over her nearly exposed body and shivered despite the hot weather. Standing up, she looked up the beach behind her and noticed a variety of palm branch covered huts lining far and close along the beach line. In the far distance she could just make out the hazy skyscrapers of a large city. 'Where the heck am I?'
A sudden tug on the bottom of her long shirt startled her. Whipping her head around she found three pair of eyes looking at her. They were the three boys that were playing in the surf only moments before.
'Mommy!? The heck!?'
"Daddy's here." The boy on the farthest right smiled.
'These boys…are freaking triplets!'
"Oh? And where is he?" She heard herself say teasingly. 'No! Stop answering them you idiot! What hell's wrong with you!?' Kagome screamed in her mind.
"Right behind you." The one in the middle and the one on the left said at the same time, with a giggle only a child would possess.
"Oi!" 'No…frickin' way…please no…' Kagome cringed, slowly turning around.
"Oi! Wake up stupid!" The baseball uniformed Inuyasha yelled, coming up and shaking her.
Kagome suddenly snapped her eyes open and found herself staring up into vexed amber eyes.
"Get the hell up! You're gonna make us late for the dinner at dad's!" Inuyasha growled, letting go of her shoulders and bending down to shoulder his two baseball duffel bags.
"Did I fall asleep?" She asked aloud, mostly to herself.
"Noooo… you think?" The annoyed idiot in front of her said sarcastically.
Kagome frowned and grumbled, before standing up and shouldering her side bag. 'I can't believe I fell asleep…in the school courtyard no less! I must look like such a moron.'
When they left the school Inuyasha told her to go to the back of the school so he can get her there without anybody seeing. She clenched her fists but began walking to the back of the building.
'People are going to find out about this engagement sooner or later you moron.' She sighed, stopping at the curb. Not even 10 seconds later a white corvette came screeching around the corner, slamming its brakes directly in front of her.
The smell of burnt rubber and gravel wafted to her nose, making her grimace.
"Hurry it up wench! I ain't got all day!" Inuyasha grumbled, revving the engine impatiently. Kagome rolled her eyes and moved around the car to the passenger's side; climbing in.
Before she even had her door closed, Inuyasha slammed on the accelerator and violently screeched to a start.
"Are you trying to get me killed you idiot!?" Kagome yelled angrily, quickly slamming her door and buckling up.
"Keh. You should know by now that I ain't a patient guy and I sure as hell ain't gonna let anyone find out about our…situation." He snorted, dangerously merging in between two semi's. Kagome gasped and gripped her door handled with one hand and the other, her seat.
"Will you quick driving so recklessly you moron!? I don't feel like dying today or any time soon thank you very much!" She hissed through gritted teeth.
Inuyasha snorted. Kagome finally began to relax when they pulled off the highway and onto the exit heading towards 'home'. It was quiet for a while and Kagome was wondering if she should say something.
'Pbbft! What'll I say?! Knowing him he'll take it and twist it into innuendo and then I'll have to kill him, which will be bad because he's driving, which means-'
"WHAT?!" Kagome yelled, startled violently out of her thoughts.
"Sheesh… What're you so jumpy for wench? I ain't gonna bite you…hard." He chuckled at his own joke. Kagome rolled her eyes and turned to glare out of the window. "Anyway, dad said that this stupid dinner thing is a formal party with some associates at work so you gotta dress nice…which'll be hard for you seeing as how your family's dirt poor and aren't able to by expensive things."
"Shutup! God! I can't freakin' stand you! Just leave my family out of this!" Kagome yelled, angrily crossing her arms and slouching into her seat. Inuyasha shrugged and mumbled something that sounded somewhat like "…I only speak the truth…"
When they pulled into the town house's driveway, Kagome launched herself from the corvette and was heading towards the door when Inuyasha called her name.
"What now?" She asked, turning to glare at his baseball uniform clad figure jog towards her. Stopping in front of her, he looked down at her with softened eyes and a concerned expression.
"Kagome…I'm sorry for being such a jerk…can you forgive me?" He said quietly, his warm sweet breath fanning across her face.
Kagome swallowed nervously, her face flushing at his face's proximity. "I…suppose…" She answered almost inaudibly. His face came closer and she found herself moving closer as well. She was suddenly pulled into his arms and his mouth right next to her ear.
"Good…now. How 'bout cleaning the dried drool off of your face?" He said. Kagome had her eyes closed, but snapped them open when, what he said, registered, and when she felt his tongue dip into her ear.
"GOD! YOU BASTARD!" She yelled, furiously wiping the saliva from her ear. 'That…that stupid face, arrogant, no-good, dumb, idiotic, moronic, EVIL POOPFACE! H-HOW DARE HE TEASE ME LIKE THAT! AND HOW DARE HE HAVE THE NERVE TO STICK HIS TONGUE INTO MY EAR AND GIVE ME A WET WILLY! GAAAAAAAHHHH!'
"Now, now don't be so harsh. Oh and you missed some drool on your chin." He smirked, one hand resting on the door's knob while the other gestured to her chin.
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