InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once a Month ❯ Bad Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2 (YAY! I'm updating!)


Inuyasha was in a really bad mood. But not just for one reason, there were three.


One of them was that tonight was the new moon, the night that he turned into a weak human. His silver hair turned black, amber eyes to violet, and he loses his claws, fangs, and very sensitive senses. Maybe one good thing came out of becoming human. He was never alone. During the night of the new moon, he either stayed at Kagome's house, or Kagome was with him at his house.


Another thing was that his Language Arts teacher assigned the class an essay about their childhood. Lets just say, the first six years of his childhood weren't very good. But after that, and he got away from Sess, it got better. (I've got nothing against Sess, I love him){Oh and you will find out about Inuyasha's childhood later, I changed it, a lot}


The last thing was Kikyo. She wasn't a slut or anything, but she had this weird obsession with Inuyasha, just like Naraku has an obsession with Kikyo. She was also like a rival to Kagome. Then almost look identical, but Kikyo cares more about how she looks. Also they are both archers. They had a competition and both hit dead center 19 out of 20 shots. They tied.


Well Kikyo came up to him, practically draping herself over him while he was talking to Miroku. Inuyasha pushed her off of him and glared. He went back to talking to Miroku, and she did it again. Before he could get her off again, Sango and Kagome walked into the room.


He turned to them and gave them a look that said help, but they didn't, they sat in their seats and watched. What great friends right? He once again shoved her off, but pushed harder. She stood up and Inuyasha slapped her. She started to cry and he looked away, he hated when girls cry, even if it is Kikyo.


Lucky for him, she left, that wasn't her homeroom anyway. Kagome walked over to him and sneered, "Did you enjoy that? Why do you bother putting up an act for me?" Kagome left to the second floor bathroom, no one ever goes in there, so Inuyasha followed her in there.


Kagome walked into the stall and locked it, but it didn't keep him out, he just jumped over the door. He grabbed her shoulders and she refused to look at him.


"You know I don't like Kikyo, why did you say that?"


She turned and glared at him, only it was hard because her eyes were filling with tears. Inuyasha pulled her closer and she cried into his chest. She mumbled, "I know you don't like her, but I can't stand her touching you."


He rocked her back and forth as well as he could in a bathroom stall.


So yea, Inuyasha was having a really bad day. But thank god that it was Friday. (I know that some schools go on Saturday too, but not in this story, that's just cruel.)


The four of them walked over to Kagome's house, so Inuyasha figured that he was staying there for the night. They dropped their backpacks by the front door and walked into her living room. They decided that they were going to watch a movie because yea, they were bored.


They decided to watch The Ring. They have seen it before but it was the only thing to watch. Miroku was sitting in the recliner chair with Sango sitting his lap. Her legs were hanging off the armrest and she was leaning on Miroku's chest. Apparently they were on good terms again.


Sango looked at Inuyasha and Kagome, he was sitting against the armrest holding Kagome close to him. She thought that for two people who weren't a couple they were always touching each other (not in a bad way) somehow. She thought back to when she first met them.


Flash Back


A young Sango, age 11, had just moved to Tokyo, and was starting a new school. First she walked her little brother, Kohaku, to school and then headed for the middle school. (im using the grade level thing in my town. Elementary school 1-4, middle school 5-8, and high school 9-12)


She walked into her homeroom and looked around she saw a girl sitting on a desk twirling around a fan (Kagura), another girl sitting next to her looking in a mirror, she looked awfully white (Kanna), a boy (Koga) showing off to a group of girls with one hanging on to his arm. (Ayame) She looked around the room again, and realized that her homeroom was full of demons.


She was a bit afraid; she did have demon slayer blood, but she wont start training until she's 13. She walked over to the window and gazed down. She saw a boy with long silver hair and dog-ears carrying a girl on his back, she seemed to be enjoying it. Kind of childish, but it made Sango smile.


The girl jumped off and tweaked one of his ears before she put a hat over them. She saw them smile at each other. Then she saw the boy's smile change to a smirk, he grabbed he and pick her up bridal style. A few second later she got out.


The girl yelled something. And somehow the boy plummeted to the ground. Sango heard a bell, which she later found out was a warning bell. When she looked back out the window the two people were gone.


A teacher pulled Sango aside and told her that he was the homeroom teacher, Mr. Myoga. He showed her where she would sit and gave her a schedule. He told her that another student would show her around and that they would be introduced later.


The girl from outside walked in, but Sango realized that the boy wasn't with her. `Duh,' she thought, `He's in a different homeroom.' A few more people walked in and right before the bell two people ran in.


Sango realized that it was the two from outside and wondered whom the other girl was. They sat in the row next to her, directly across. The girl turned to her and said, "Hi are you new here?"


Sango nodded and said, "Hi, I'm Sango."


The girl smiled, "I'm Kagome, nice to meet you. And this," she said pointing to Inuyasha, "Is Inuyasha." Sango pointed to Kikyo and asked who that was. She was told that she was Kikyo, and no they weren't related, even thought they looked similar.


Sango always remembered that day.


"Sango, Sango!" Kagome yelled trying to get her friends attention. She snapped out of her daze and asked what was wrong.


"What were you thinking about?"


"Was it me?" Miroku asked with a smile.


"No, it wasn't you, I was thinking about the day that I first met Kagome and Inuyasha."


Kagome smiled at the memory but asked, "Before we introduced ourselves you were looking at us funny, I never remembered to ask why."


Sango told her about what she saw outside.


"You know," Inuyasha said, "That was the first time Kag ever sat me. She had only gotten the damn beads to days earlier from Kaede."


"The principle?" Miroku asked. Kagome told him that she was a family friend.


They started to watch the movie, and about half way through, Inuyasha got bored. So he started nuzzlings Kagome's neck, he always enjoyed her touch, even as children. A few minutes before the movie ended everyone heard Inuyasha mutter damn.


When the looked they saw a very human Inuyasha. When the movie ended, Sango and Miroku went home.


"Guess you're stayin' here tonight huh." Inuyasha just nodded. Kagome's mom walked downstairs and asked if everyone was gone, but the answer she got was a blank look from Inuyasha and Kagome.


"Ma, Inu is going to stay here tonight kay?"


Her mother smiled, "Sure dear." This wasn't the first time Inuyasha has stayed over the house because of his human night. When they were younger they slept in the same room, in the same bed, they didn't really think that was bad or anything, she even had pictures.


But even as they got older, during the new moon they would sleep in the same bed, and she didn't really mind. She like Inuyasha, and knew that he wouldn't hurt Kagome.


"Mom, where's Souta?" Kagome asked


Her mother answered, "Oh he's spending the night with Kohaku."


"Poor Sango." Inuyasha added.


Inuyasha and Kagome watched two more movies. (I don't care which ones; pretend that they are watching your 2 favorite movies.) When they realized how late it was the decided to go to sleep.


Kagome lay down on her bed and Inuyasha lay next to her. She leaned over and pecked him on the lips. Inuyasha thanked the gods that he didn't have his sense of smell, or else it would have been time, for their once a month romance.


`Just hope I can control myself when I wake up…' He thought before drifting off to sleep.