InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once a Month ❯ Kiss and Avoid ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3


Inuyasha awoke to a great smell, no it wasn't breakfast, it was Kagome. She once asks what she smells like and he told her, wild flowers. He noticed that their position changed, he went from next to her, to on top of her.


So he got off, but as soon as he did, Kagome made a sound as if she complaining. {I would complain to .} He didn't want to make her upset, so he rested his head on her stomach. In an instant, the asleep Kagome put her hands to his head and started to rub his ears.


Inuyasha let out a growl of contentment and they remained that way for a while. The thing was, it was driving Inuyasha crazy, her scent and her touch. He was always around her, and her scent calmed him down, and they were always touching each other, it was like a habit. But he hadn't really TOUCH touched her in a while, and he needed it.


Kagome woke up to a pressure on her stomach and a soft growling sound. He was to preoccupied with her touch to realize that she was awake. She noticed that Inuyasha had his head on her stomach and she was rubbing his ear. She always loved doing that, but mostly she loved the response she got.


He would calm down immensely, make a sound that almost sounded like he was purring, and he would be come more affectionate. The thing was, the more she pet, the more he wanted her touch, and she had no problem with that.


"G'mornin Inuyasha." Kagome said now fully awake.


Inuyasha looked up at her, and got off of her, only to lay down close. "Hey." Kagome was going to say something else, but Inuyasha lost it, his lips were on hers in a second.


At first it was a soft sweet kiss, but he needed more, they needed more. Kagome tilted her head back, enjoying being able to kiss him again. He put all the passion in that one kiss as he could, and he deepened it.


They broke away for air but only for a second. This time it was Kagome capturing his lips, pouring all the passion in that one kiss as if it would be their last. He nibbled on her bottom lip begging for entrance.


Access granted.


Kagome parted her lips slightly to welcome the warmth, which was Inuyasha's tongue. He ran his tongue over hers and over her teeth. He cursed the need to breath and they parted.


He still craved her touch, but she was already panting, trying to catch her breath. He went to her neck; he knew her two weak spots. One was the spot where her neck and her shoulder met; the other was the back of ear lobe.




His touch drove her crazy, even when they just met he was holding her hand or something like that when an adult sees it they hafta go `aww'. When they got older, like teenagers, they were still touching each other.


Kagome remembers seeing a picture her mom took, Kagome was sitting on the couch and Inuyasha had his head in her lap, they were both asleep. Kagome's mom loved that picture. Well back to reality.


Inuyasha had her lips in a breathtaking kiss, something she had been waiting for, and expecting for the past week. It was a monthly thing. She was panting she loved it when he kissed her it felt so right.


Kagome lie on the bed, looking up at him, he smirked, she knew what that meant. In mere seconds Inuyasha's lips were on her neck. She tilted her head as she was welcoming his touch. He was kissing, licking, nibbling, and biting the one spot on her neck. Kagome couldn't help but groan out loud in pleasure.


Unfortunately for them, the phone chose that moment to ring, and the only phone in the house was in her room.


"M-moshi moshi." Kagome stammered


"Hey it's me." Sango said on the other line, "Are you ok?"


"Yea, I'm fine." But she wasn't, Inuyasha was still busy with her neck, and was now sucking on her earlobe. She didn't want to moan while on the phone with Sango. "W-what's up?"


"Nothing but why do you keep stammering, and you sound out of breath."


"Well, I um had one of those nightmares where your running and you wake up sweating and out of breath."


Sango didn't sound satisfied but she went with it, and decided to mess with her, "What Inuyasha didn't help you?"


Kagome saw Inuyasha's ear twitch at the mention of his name, she knew he could hear what she was saying, "He's um in the shower, and he said he felt dirty."


Sango laughed, "What did you do to hi to make him feel that way?"

Kagome's mouth hung open, "Sango, I'm sorry, but I promised Inuyasha that I would cook something and it would be done by the time that he got out."


Sango said ok, and the two friends said their goodbyes.


Inuyasha chose this moment to get off of her.


She gave him a look, "You had to do that while I'm on the phone don't you?" He nodded, "I'm gonna take a shower, I'll be back in like twenty minutes."


She walked out of the door and Inuyasha just shrugged, thinking `What the hell did I do?'


He walked downstairs and stretched out on the couch, it was noon, and Saturday, that meant that Souta was at a soccer game and Kagome's mom and grandpa were watching. He turned on the television and watched whatever was on that channel.

`Cartoons. Souta has been here.' he thought.


He looked to see exactly what cartoon, Ranma1/2 not bad. He turned up the volume a bit and started to watch. He didn't know much about the show but he knew the basics.


When Kagome was done and walking downstairs she saw didn't see Inuyasha, but saw the TV on and figured he was lying down. She went over to the couch, she was right. She tapped his head as if saying get up, I wanna sit. He lifted his head and she sat down in the space.


He put his head in her lap and she started to rub his ears. In a few minutes she heard the growling sound, and about ten minutes later, he was asleep, but she kept rubbing his ears.


About half an hour later Souta came running in the door saying that his team won. He earned a glare from his sister telling him to shut up, and then he noticed Inuyasha there. When Kagome's mom walked in mumbling something about `bad drives and that she was so on the road' Inuyasha woke up.


He looked at the clock and jumped up, "Damn, I had to meet Fluffy five minutes ago! Sorry Kagome, Souta, ma, I'll see ya all later." With that he ran out the door.


With him calling Kagome's mother ma, she insisted that he was around there enough that she was like his mother and told him to call her mom, so yea, there's the story behind that.


When Souta went upstairs, still bouncing because of his victory, Kagome went and hugged her mom. She broke down in her mother's arms. Her mother calmed her down after about fifteen minutes.


"Shh dear, tell me what's wrong." He mother told her


She wiped her eyes, "Mama, I c-can't do it a-an-anymore, Mama I cant!"


Her mother didn't understand, "What can't you do anymore baby?" her mother tried to sooth.


She wiped her eyes again and she rubbed her nose, "I love him mama." She whispered in the quietest voice.


Her mom smiled, "Is that all? Sheesh I knew that already."


Kagome's jaw dropped and her eyes widened, "What do u mean, you knew that?"


By now her mother was laughing, "If I had to say, you've loved him since you were ten."


"But that's seven years ago, how come I didn't." she couldn't complete the sentence. Her brain hurt.

She walked up to her room in a zombie like state. He cant be my boyfriend, we decided against that, so he defiantly couldn't be her lover.


`I hafta fall out of love with him. How can I do that?" After five minutes she came up with a solution, `I hafta avoid him, and most of all his touch. I can do that, easy.'


(I could leave it here but I'm in this weird mood, I wanna type go figure.)


School Monday morning.


English class (Would it be Japanese class?)


"Okay class hand in your reports on you childhood, I am going to read them out loud, but they will be kept anonymous. Raise your hand if you didn't do the report." Two hands went up, Kagome's and another girl they didn't know.


"Very well then, get it to me by tomorrow or it's a zero." When he had the papers he but them into a pile and took a random one. He began speaking. (The reports are going to be in italics)




I had a lot of bad things happen to my family and me before I even turned five. When I was three my father was killed on a job. He was a policeman, my mother always joked that one day he would get killed, and he did. Three months later my mother died of depression.


That left me with my half-brother and his mother, who just happened to both hate me. When I turned four I went to preschool. I met someone there who is my best friend now. When I returned home after my first month of school I saw my brother outside of our house.


He glared at me, not new, but he wouldn't let me inside. He started saying it was all my fault, I didn't even know what was going on. Then he told me. His mother had died of heart failure, and he was blaming me!


He told me that there was no way he would let me stay with him, and that he was going to go to some boarding school, I was in shock, so I ran.


I ran to the only place I knew that would help me, my best friends house. I actually lived with them until I turned twelve, then my brother came back. He went to our old house and I had to go with him. It was in the same neighbor hood so I didn't mind much.


He was nineteen, I don't know why he decided to watch me, I still live with him today, and I get through life thanks to that same best friend.


The teacher looked up from the story, "Wow, how depressing, time for the next one!" changing his mood quickly.




I was eleven when I moved to this town. I remember walking to school and going to my first class. I remember being scared because I could sense all the demons around me. Don't worry, you don't scare me anymore. But the one thing I remember the most meeting two people, two people who, if I had to guess, have been friends there whole life.


I was their friend soon too. By eleven a lot of things had happened to my family. My mother was shot in a grocery store; she was getting items to make me a birthday cake. I blamed myself.


Someone broke into our house and I remember seeing my dad lay there lifeless. But he was ok, and still alive. After I knew my dad was ok I went to see if my brother was unharmed.


I couldn't find him, he was kidnapped. Six months and a slap in the face later, he was back, and I thank kami for bringing him back to me. After we got my brother back we moved here, to get away from it all.


To get away from the house that my brother was kidnapped in, and the store my mother was shot in. We just had to leave. I really don't know what else to say about my childhood that wont reveal my identity.


Except for maybe one more thing. Ever since I was six my family has been training me, to be what I cant tell you, but trust me, I'm strong, don't get in my way.


"Well that was an interesting way to end your report." He looked at the clock, "I have time to read one more."




When I was six my parents' left on business and left me with my trainer. They said that they would be back in two weeks, Two weeks later, only my mom returned. "Mommy, where's daddy?" I remember asking.


She told me that on there business trip, to get were they needed to go, they went on an airplane, and then on a helicopter. My father's helicopter went down, and he died. After that my mom was constantly working.


Whenever I saw her she said two things to me, I love you, and never ride in a helicopter. Eventually my mom moved to America, but didn't take me with her; apparently I looked to much like my father.


So I lived with my trainer. I have always been in this town; I was just home schooled until I was thirteen. I met up with a group of people and eventually became there friend, only one of then is a little abusive. If the teacher looked up he would have saw Sango glare at Miroku.


From that day on they were my friends, and that brings to where I am today. Oh and my trainer, he's still training me, when he's not drunk. That basically is my childhood.


The bell rang and Kagome sped out of class. Miroku, Sango, and Inuyasha stood together, "Isn't it odd that he read all three of our childhoods?" Miroku asked.


But no one answered him, "Hey were did Kagome go?" Sango asked.


"I'll get her." Inuyasha said before running off in the direction Kagome went. They had lunch next, so they couldn't be late for anything.


When Inuyasha saw Kagome she was talking to Koga. One thing he heard was,"Of course I'll be your girlfriend." Kagome turned to see Inuyasha, and walked away with Koga.


Kagome internally smiled, `Ok plan keep away, in action.'




A/N You seriously don't know how much a hated writing that, but it is part of the plot. Yes I can write a story with a plot. Damn English teacher said I cant. Well anyway, I hope you enjoyed the long awaited Chapter 3 of Once a Month.


You know what? Duh you don't know, I haven't told you yet, but it took me like two minutes to think up all of Inuyasha's, Sango's, and Miroku's childhood, I liked writing them though.