InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Again With Love ❯ Remembing the past ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha, all writings are for entertainment purposes only.

Revised chapter: I have revised this chapter and made some changes. You may want to reread it. This is my first story so please be patience with me. Please enjoy.

Chapter 1, Part 1

Down the rabbit hole... again

A gasping scream echoed through the room. As she cried out Kagome was startled awake, ~ that dream again, there's always so much blood ~, how long was it going to haunt her? Four years had pasted since that day, and still the memories refused to release their hold on her.

Signing, she pulled the blanket up to her chin and rolled over onto her back. She had taken the worse the feudal era could throw at her and she had survived, she had accepted losing Inuyasha because she had no choice…when Naraku had struck that last blow and mortally wounding Inuyasha.

Kagome's tears had soaked Inuyasha blood stained face as he had died in her arms.

At least she had the satisfaction of him finally admitting his love, for her when it was too late. Kagome still missed him so much. She stilled missed all her friends Miroku, Sango, Kaede, and Shippo.

Kagome looked at her bedside clock 3:25, she sighed, ~ two hours until I have to be up ~.

Kagome closed her eyes attempting to go back to sleep, but after a moment gave up, she shivered as a cold chill ran down her back, something was watching her. She looked around the room, nothing, then she looked up at the Tetsusaiga which was hanging on her bed room wall.

Inuyasha had given it to her as he lay dying in her arms. She had brought it back with her in a spiteful, vengeful mood, Sesshoumaru was alive when Inuyasha was not, and she had lied to her self and told herself that she was keeping it for two reasons, something to remember Inuyasha by and to keep Sesshoumaru from having it because Inuyasha wouldn't want him to.

But lately she had started to feel guilty about it, she should have let it for Sesshoumaru, and not been a vengeful, spiteful bitch as she could now admit to herself, after all it was his father's fang his family inheritances.

But after all these years, she had come to realize that what she really missed was the friendships that she had made…she missed Sango, Miroku, Kaede, and little Shippo.

~ I miss him…I always will. But... ~ Although, Inuyasha would always be her first love, she had finally reached the realization that her mother was right, the pain and heartbreak would fad with time. ~ But time heals…even a broken heart. ~

What pained Kagome the most was that she hadn't realized how attached she had become to Shippo how he had become her own child… not until it was to late and he was gone. She finally realized she wanted to be his mother, needed to be his mother only to lose him to time. Shippo… sweet, little Shippo he was the pain that wouldn't heal.

When she had come back, she hadn't realized that she could never go back that the well would be closed to her, forever, if she had she would have stayed. Nothing would have forced her back.

She had thought that she could see them all whenever she wanted, when the jewel hadn't whisked her away as soon as she received it, no she had thought that since she had the jewel or become the jewel (she wasn't really sure which), and she could always go back.

Becoming depressed, Kagome sighed and choked back the tears, ~ But it didn't worked out like that, did it? After I came back that last time the well had stopped working, leaving me stuck here. I broke my promise to Shippo, I promised, I'd be back. ~

To take her mind off her problems, she had worked hard and ace her last year of high school and been offered scholarships to two different colleges, not bad for a girl who grandfather use to have to make up excuses about why she was not in school.

Kagome had recently entered her second year at college and doing very well, so well that she was on the honor rolls and had been offered an internship, with an American Company.

~ to bad I couldn't take it. ~ Kagome turned onto her side and looked out her bedroom window.

~ Daylight already? No. ~ Kagome held her breath for a moment not quite believing what she was seeing, shocked, horrified, and hopeful all at the same time as she shrieked, "What…What… What's that!!? Oh, loving Kami, it's the well."

Scrabbling, Kagome throw back her covers as she stumbled out of the bed and rushed to the window. Yes, yes…the white glow was coming from the well house, no not from the well house but through the well house, as if coming from the well.

She stopped only long enough to grabbed her jeans and a T- shirt, and a pair of shoes. As she ran down the hall to get to the well house she could fill her heart slamming against her rib cage in fright.

~ Oh, Kami, what if something's coming through. ~ Kagome stopped at the well house doors with that thought, fear filling her. She took a deep breath before quickly jerking open the door to the well house, and ran inside, her miko powers ready.

~ Nada, zilch, nothing here. ~ She thought as she stood on the top step of the well house and looked down at the gray wood that formed the Bone Eater's Well. Yes, the glow was diffidently coming from the well. ~ At least it wasn't a youkai. ~

~ Is it working again, could it take me back? ~ Panic, she could feel it clawing it way up inside of her.

Kagome couldn't bring herself to believe that the well was coming alive once more, all Kagome could hear ricocheting though her mind again and again was the thought how was this possible.

For four years the well had be quiet, and travel though it impossible ever since she and the others had defeated Naraku.

He had been impossible to kill because he had absorbed part of the power of the Shikon no Tama, once the jewel claimed someone it never released them fully, not even to death. When Kagome had finally got the jewel from Naraku, she had purified it and it had absorbed into her body again.

The scar on her hip was gone along with any other scars she had, they seemed to melt away as the jewel had became part of her once more. She could still remember the rage that had filled Naraku's face as she had destroyed all his work in corrupting the jewel.

The end had come were it had all started at Onigumo cave, now Naraku's tomb. She had then used her powers and the powers that the jewel had given her to create a prison of crystal for Naraku. Trapping him in it forever or so she had thought.

Kagome had then collapsed the entrance to the cave so that no one could enter. There he should have remained unknowing to others until the end of the time.

The spirit within the jewel had shown her how to create the crystal prison. The spirit that was once Midoriko had taught her many different things within her dreams.

Kagome sighed, that was another worry that Kagome had because she wasn't sure what had the jewel done to her. She could feel herself changing more every day. She was become, but what she was become, she wasn't sure of.

She was faster now, had better senses, senses that a youkai would be proud of, was much stronger than she had been before and any wound seem to heal very fast. She also had developed many different powers that only a youkai lord should have. She could levitate on the air, and produce energy arrows that she shot from her bow.

Kagome had also began producing shields that nothing could get though or at least nothing from this age. Her grandfather had tried fire, ice, and even bullets trying to get though them.

She could also see that her body was changing as well.

Her body… her fingers nails were developing into claws, her ears were more pointy, her teeth were becoming sharp almost fangs and the scary part to her was the faint marking that were developing on her face and arms. They look so much like Sesshoumaru, except that she didn't have the crescent moon.

She knew what was happening, the spirit of the jewel had told her it might, the jewel was turning her youkai in order to save her life. Too much power had run throughout her body, causing it to began to change or fail.

~ Hmm, ~ Kagome thought, ~ Maybe that was why the gate had opened I really didn't belong here any more. Youkai belonged in the past. No, my changes started almost four years ago, why would the gate open up now because of them. ~

No, it had to be Naraku. I thought that Naraku would never get out. No one could have been foolish enough to release him, could they? ~ Kagome thoughts raced back and forth from one idea to another.

~ What could have happened? ~

She could feel the well calling to her, pulling at her. Demanding her attention. Fearfully, she walked to the well and looked into it, ~ What had happened. ~

Something or someone was calling her back to the past. She had thought that she had put all of that behind her. She had grieved for them. Kagome gasped and fought to stand still, as another wave of ran over her, she needed to go.

She could barely stand here the desire to go was so strong, Kagome forced herself to walk to the door, she went to wake her mother.

*************************************************************** ******

A lords desires

Sesshoumaru allowed an anger rumble to leave his mouth, although his anger wasn't allowed to touch his coldly arrogant face, something had called him here, had demanded that he come. It had nagged at him and let him have no rest.

He, Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western Lands, one of the most power youkai lord since his father passing, had been moved to come here, he had developed a overwhelming need to come to this place, in reality he had been forced to come here.

Sesshoumaru angrily hissed in his mind. He ached with the desire to rip the cause of that desire to pieces.

Completely annoyed, he glided through the cool night air and moved around the well, not caring that his rage was building into almost uncontrollable flames, but in spite of his anger, he could also feel another emotional fire building and drowning out the anger, curiosity.

~ Why was I compelled to come here, to this place were Inuyasha, the fool, had spent fifty years stuck to a tree? ~

Sesshoumaru gracefully walked over to the tree where Inuyasha had spent the fifty years pinned to, and smirk. He remembered… so much… so many memories, both good and bad.

Since Inuyasha passing he seemed to be remembering so much of the past, Inuyasha youth, he had been a cute pup. One that had followed his older brother around until Sesshoumaru had been forced to send them away after his fathers death.

Still, he had never like that bitch. Sesshoumaru knew that she had had to influence the giving of the swords. He was his fathers' heir, he deserved…He allowed the memories to slip away. There was no reason to remember the past now it was gone and buried.

Relaxing he sit down and tried to get conformable while he waited for whatever or who ever had called him here. He surveyed the forest and well, while sitting under the canopy of the very tree were Inuyasha had spent 50 years.

He had left Rin and Jaken at his castle, not knowing what he would find waiting for him here. Then to get here and find that no one was waiting, he would call it frustrating if he allowed him self to get frustrated.

Sesshoumaru, growled in annoyance once more, and allowed his mind to drift to other things. He had always wandered what had happened to Inuyasha's bitch, the living one that he had left behind.

What had been the girl's name…Kagome, yes that was it, Kagome. Not that he really cared, but she had been an interesting one, her magic that had flowed from her very skin in waves. He had been so interested in her that he had actually bothered to learn a human female's name.

He allowed his thought to wander back to that time, he had believed that she had came from the village at the edge of the forest that surround the well, but she had just seemed to disappear after Inuyasha death.

Sesshoumaru had searched for her briefly because as Inuyasha mate it had been his place to care for he when Inuyasha had died. His honor had demanded it, that he take care of her until he could find her a new mate.

But the old miko of the village had been told him that she had went away, that no one in the village knew where. He hadn't really believed the old woman but hadn't really tried to find the girl and if she choose to leave, then so be it. He didn't need the aggravation she would cause.

He could just imagine, HIM, the great Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western Lands, having to play matchmaker to a human girl. The trouble he would have had trying to find that one a mate, as out spoken as she was.

~ Though she had been very beautiful for a human. She had also had a very delicate scent, jasmine with a hint of rain. ~

Of course, he probable could have left her to with one of the peasants in that village out side of his domain, giving them a yearly income to keep her, until she mated again.

Calmly, with a relief that he would not allow to show he felt the high level of magic in the air, he watched as a brilliant white light appeared from the well shining up into the night sky.

~ Something important was coming. ~

*************************************************************** *****

Kagome finished packing her bag, and with a look at her mother pulled her backpack on to her shoulders and looked around one last time.

She felt so strange, dressed in a rose colored kimono, but it was special, her mother had bought her this one and four others for her birthday. It was like she had known that the well would open. They would allow her to blend in with her surrounding better.

No one was going to point and snicker at her this time. Although, what she wore beneath the kimono was different from what most women of that era, she had designed the dark blue leather outfit after the costume that Sango had wore to hunt demons in.

Her mother picked up her bow off the bed and handed her. Signing, She looked around to see if she had forgotten any thing. Seeing the Tetsusaiga, Kagome reached up on the wall and pulled it down, she could fix that mistake now if she saw Sesshoumaru.

~ It's time, and I think that Inuyasha would understand, I'll give him his sword. ~

Kagome could hear Sota and Grandfather talking in the living room, but she had already said her good bye to them. They both knew that she loved them very much.

~ I... I think I always knew this day would come, but I hoped it wouldn't. ~ Yuuke Higurashi was desperately against Kagome going back to the Sengoku-Jidal era, after all she was her mother, but she also understood that Kagome felt she had to go.

She was so young to have all this responsibilities that the kami seem to have stacked on to her thin shoulders.

~ I knew that awful jewel would call her back some day. I could just feel it. I knew that we would lose her. ~

Yuuke stood quietly and calmly watched as her daughter, looked around the room one last time to see if she had forgot anything. Kagome would be twenty-two is less than a month, but still she seemed so young to her and she had really just only gotten over Inuyasha. She didn't need this…this insanity again, to open up her old half healed wounds.

"Honey, are you sure that you want to do this? You don't have to." Signing, Yuuke asked Kagome in a worried tone of voice.

She should have let her father destroy that well as he wanted to. They should of poured concrete down it. What if this time that cursed well didn't return Kagome? She could never see her baby again. "Baby, I…what if this time you can't be come back."

Kagome could see the gray storm clouds of worry gathering in her mother eyes, but didn't know what to say to her. She just knew that she had to go, ever since she had seen that glow coming from the well she knew something….no someone was waiting for her, something very important was going to happen.

It was a need that she couldn't seem to fight, and the truth be know really she didn't want to fight it. She felt like she was going home after a long exile.

"Mom, don't worry, everything will be OK. I stood up to Naraku once and can do it again." Kagome uneasily lied to her mother she knew that she wasn't coming back. How she knew she didn't know, but she did know.

They walked out to the well house, their way guided by that strange white glow that seemed to grow in intensity with each step they took. As they came to the well house door and went though they walked on to the landing of the well, her mother gave her another troubled smile.

"Kagome, honey, I want you to do something for me, if the well does stop working… I want you to promise me that you'll find someone to love you back there. Don't pine for Inuyasha, anymore. Promise me that you will marry and have children, that you will let someone love you and let yourself love them back." Yuuke rushed out, looking away from Kagome for a minute, she didn't need tears now.

Yuuke cleared her voice, "One other thing, in the Gods tree is that hollow area in the trunk, where we use to leave notes for one another. Leave me a letter there, telling me about your life if you can't come back. Oh, honey, momma will always love you."

Kagome left her mother standing at the top of the stairs and walked down to the well, it seemed to call her, creating that unstoppable urge to go. She turned back to look at her mom one last time before looking down and said "I love you mom, tell Sota and Grandfather that I love them to. I'll miss you all."

And with that Kagome took one last look at her mother and jumped.

"Goodbye, Kagome," Yuuke voice cracked as her tears fell at last.

*************************************************************** ******

Part Two

……………… sleeping beauty

Kagome felt the magic of the well take hold of her, pushing her into the final change. The white light flowed around and slammed though her body seeming to melt it.

Sobbing, as the painful sensation, that feeling that she was melting went though her body again and again, and was being reforming it into something….. No someone else.

She could feel the extending of her fingers into claws, her teeth into fangs, and points on her ears. The hardening of her bones went throughout her as they changed to take the punishment that only another youkai could inflict. The tightening of her muscles as they conformed to her knew bone structure.

Kagome thoughts faltered as pain and more pain washed through her, the last change was made as even her mind transformed as new instinct took over.

~ Oh, Kami, I'm being torn in two. ~ Was her last coherent thought as the magic released her on the other side of the well and she screamed as she passed out.

Sesshoumaru hear the agonizing scream of a woman coming from the well, and for a moment he felt the world stop. The voice cut through him, creating a need to go to her a need to save her.

In just seconds, he was up and had quickly leapt to the side of the well and was looking down into the well and saw…how strange. A young woman laying in it. He went over the side and was kneeling beside her almost before he realized it.

He sniffed the air and breathed in her scent deep into his lungs, her scent was strangely familiar, jasmine and rain, but she was a youkai, an Inu youkai and he had never known a youkai with this scent.

Heat. Her scent was playing havoc with him creating a need to dominate and to protect, a need to… he reeled from the other unfamiliar emotions that were whipping through his body.

He felt the effects of those emotions surging through his mind and clouding his reasoning. The emotions created a maelstrom of desires, need, and hope, but mostly he felt the need to protect.

~ Mine. She would be his, and only his. ~

He was stocked as the thought raced through his mind. She was lovely, yes….

~ But still ~ he thought ~ I don't react to women like this, with such an intensity of need. One bitch has always been the same as another. ~

As he turned her over and brushed her rippling black hair away from her face and was surprised, her markings were very close to his. He seemed to know her and again he felt the familiar feelings of familiarity that he knew this girl, no not a girl but a woman.

Reaching down he picked her up and gather her in his arms, the rage of earlier a distance memory. Protect and need dominated his thoughts now. He had to protect her, others would desire to take her from him. Gathering his youkai, he floated out of the well into the night air, dawn would come soon.

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