InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once Again With Love ❯ Friends Lost and Then Returned ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha, all writings are for entertainment purpose only and not for profit.

Revised Chapter: I will try to up date once a week, but I work and go to school full time so I may take a little longer. I also want to thank my reviewers for their comments.

By the way, I also change the format of the story so that it would be easier to read.

~ Thought ~

"Spoken Word"

Chapter Two

…..Friends lost and then returned.

Within a grotto far away from the Bone Eater's well….

….. The Lady stood in exhausted pain and watched as visions filled the steaming waters of her magical spring. The well and surrounding area appeared before her. She had used so much strength in her bid to bring the girl and Taiyokai together and had little stamina left for what was left undone, ~ they would need each other for what was coming. ~

She silently stood guard as Sesshoumaru arrived, driven there by her enchantment, and she signed in relief and gently released her hold on him. He would not leave now. She had planted the need to be there deep within him. He would stay for his pride would force him to see who could dare to call him forth.

She beheld the appearance of the miko from the future. She stood her vigil as the poor girl's screams of pain cut though the air as the magic wrapped around her. Changing her forever.

The Lady watched as Sesshoumaru took her away. Moaning in relief at finally being able to release her spells, she slowly collapsed to the floor as she allowed the time tunnel though the well to close forever.

Peering in to the spring one last time, the Lady watched as a young kitsune came running up to the well yelling for his Kagome, she allowed a smile to form on her lips as she spoke for the first time. "Don't worry, little one, you'll see your beloved Kagome again." .….

Yet another sneeze filled the inside of the hut. Miroku, Sango, Kaede, and Shippo were seated around the fire in Kaede hut, each of them enjoying the company and the occasional annoyance of the others, as they were worked on the task at hand. Miroku was cutting up vegetables for the soup that Kaede was preparing for dinner.

Sneeze. With a devilish smile, he watched out and of the corner of his eye as his wife's lovely form shifted forward as she leaned into a hands and knees position, she presented a very erotic picture at the moment with her bottom held to the sky.

~ Beautiful, just beautiful. ~ He thought, unable to help himself Miroku reached out his scarred hand… Rub, Rub.

"Hentai," Sango yelled angrily, as she felt something or should she say someone's hand rubbing her bottom, she quickly clubbed him over the head with her fist. Grinning in pleasure for a moment, she watched him fall over on to the ground. ~ Served the pervert right. Just because we're married doesn't give him the right to touch me like that in public. ~

"Ow, Sango that hurt, you don't have to hit me anymore. We're married." Miroku moaned, as he rubbed the large lump on his head.

~ Idiot. ~ She thought.

Miroku could almost see the steam coming out of Sango's ears as she glared at him. "You don't touch other people in public like that, you pervert, and you especially don't do them in front of children."

Shippo was laughing and rolling his eyes at the customary interaction between the couple, ~ They had been though this a hundred times before. ~ He was still surprised that Miroku had talked Sango into marrying him, although it had taken him three years.

"Sango, can I go outside until dinner is ready." Shippo asked more to get Sango's attention away from Miroku before she decided to give him even worse than any real desire to go outside. He deliberately sneezed again from the smoke of the fire as he placed a freshly filled kettle of water on the fire.

"Sure, Shippo. Oh, but be back in an hour, the soup should be ready by then. "

Sango looked over at him "Shippo-chan, grab the bucket and get some fresh water from the river while your out." Sango dropped the meat into the water to begin cooking. She watched as Shippo grabbed the bucket and then almost ran out the door, he seems to need to be outside a lot lately.

He was so small still, he could have passed for a five or six-year-old, and unfortunately sometimes he acts even younger. Recently he had pulled a prank on Miroku and Kaede. He had told the pervert that Sango was bathing at the hot spring, knowing that Miroku would sneak to take a peak. When he had got there he had found Kaede and not herself, Sango could remember Miroku's cries of horror as they had rung though the forest.

When he had got back he had pretended that nothing had happened, although every time he looked at Kaede he blushed. Sango hadn't thought the houshi had a blush in him.

She had know that youkai aged differently than humans but had not known just how slowly. Sango signed and remembered the day that Kagome had left, ~ he never really got over her not coming back that day. ~


"Gomen, Shippo-chan, don't worry, I be back in three days." Kagome said as she gently hugs Shippo to her chest as they walked to the well. Miroku and Sango walked ahead of Kaede and Kagome who was laughed as they watched Sango tried to evade Mikoru's wandering hands yet again. " And then I won't be leaving much again after that, Shippo-chan, only once in a while to see my family."

"But Kagome, I don't want you to leave. Please stay." Shippo whined, as Kagome handed him to Sango. He had a bad feeling about this.

Kagome watched as a funny look came over Sango's face, then as Hiraikotsu came up and down onto Miroku head. "I be back in three days, Shippo be good for Sango or no candy." Kagome laughed as she walked to the well and jumped in.

After Kagome had jumped in, Kaede and Miroku gasped in horror, as the magic slowly drained from the well.

End Flashback

Sango's head shot up in fear, as she heard Shippo yells coming from the forest. He wouldn't yell unless something was wrong, he must be in trouble. She had promised Kagome-chan that she would take care of him. She grabbed Hiraikotsu and ran in the direction of the forest with Miroku fast on her heels with shakujo.

"Shippo we're coming, we're coming. Sango gashed out as she ran.

Shippo swung the bucket back and forth as he ran towards the forest. He needed to be out here sometimes, the forest called to him.

He frowned, ~ It wasn't that he didn't like the others, but sometimes he needed to be alone, to be a kitsune with nature. I missed Kagome, I was going to ask if I could call her Okka-chan (mother). ~ He bounded in the direction of the well and the Goshinboku tree he always felt better there it reminded him of Kagome and Inuyasha, ~ I wish they were here. ~

Sniffing the air, Shippo eyes widened as the scents in the air filled his lungs, that scent was familiar, very familiar. He had not smelled her scent in four very long years, but he still knew it. But it was also different. ~ Was it…~

"Oh, it is, it's Kagomeeeee…………… Kagomeeeee…….., Kagomeeee…………" Shippo yelled as his ran for the well.

A streak of red and orange lightening, Shippo ran for the well chanting Kagome's name over and over again. Looking around he noticed that the well clearing seemed to be empty except for her scent and…… Something else. Maybe she was still in the well.

Puzzled joy showed on Shippo face as he ran to the Bone Eater's well's edge and looked over. ~ She's not here. She's not in there. ~ Discouragement and tears took over as he sniffed the air, ~ I thought I had smelled her, I know that I smell her. That is her scent, but it's also changed some. There's another scent as well…..SESSHOUMARU!!!! ~

Trying to be courageous for Kagome as he looked around for the Lord of the Western Lands, Shippo growled threateningly and thrust his chest out in a way that hint at the memory of a certain inu hanyou just before he when into battle as his thoughts raced though his head.

~ But she was here, it was Kagome's scent I smell… Hmm, but with something else was mixed in, the smell of youkai. I also smell Sesshoumaru and that something else as well. Kagome was here but someone took her. I have to get the Sango and the others, they'll get her back. ~

Quickly, Shippo turned and started running back the way that he'd come, towards where he could hear Sango and Miroku running toward him. ~ They'll help me find her. And I'll have my family back again. ~

End Chapter two

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